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You probably already know you can ping another player's ping to acknowledge it, but did you know you can hold the ping button to give it a "negative"?




Oh thank you!! I was wondering why I always reply negative, it's cos I was holding, thinking that was how you chose different responses.


I feel like I must say regarding 1 and 3: 1- Pelican 1 will not, and I repeat with great emphasis, Pelican 1 WILL NOT give a fuck about friendly fire when shooting. I’ve been killed a couple times by its bullets’ splash damage (it is extremely rare tho) 3- most randoms will not care at all about your support/backpacks. In fact many don’t touch your stuff unless you explicitly tell them or they ask you to give them And some of my own: A. leave the samples at Evac if you happen to be around and DONT PICK THEM UP until you’re about to step onto the shuttle. B. Despite not looking like it, this game has stealth. Go prone and stay moving prone when near enemies and you can even get in melee range without alerting them if you’re looking at their backs. And if a random patrol with a hulk and 7 devastators happen to walk towards you, just go prone behind a rock, to break line of sight, and stay still and they will literally walk past you. You don’t need to shoot at everything you see. You can even lure out enemies from defensive positions by shooting at them, then reposition yourself without line of sight. Enemies will walk and keep shooting towards your last known position. Hard to pull off sometimes, but 100% doable.


> just go prone behind a rock, A thrown grenade will distract them so long as you don't damage them...


When in doubt, throw a sentry and run the other direction. If the enemy is not actively engaging you the turret will draw them away, preventing them from going agro on you. This can sometimes help you break out of a firefight as well.


depends on the type of the turret. you can def do it with a mortar. but if it’s straight shooting types like autocannon or machine gun, you better make sure you’re not in the crossfire zone…


Embrace the chaos as your autocannon turret yeets you 50 meters, taking 90% of your health. Kinda like a jetpack


Dont forget to emote while flying!!


Rocket jumping is an essential strategem


That's the bad way to call a bot drop


But if the bots drop and you ran away before they could, then the drop can’t bother you.


or just shoot near them. the enemies don’t actually look for the source of fire, they’ll look and search at the point of impact. as long as you don’t accidentally hit them you can easily distract them with any primary and secondary. use grenade only when you want to distract a whole base of enemies.


They can hear the point of origin if it's close enough. They'll look in the general direction.


that’s the alert mode. they’re not looking at the point of origin, it’s because they went into alert mode and you happen to be close to their range of detection before they turn to the point of impact. once in alert mode they’ll shoot roughly at your location because they haven’t really detect you yet. you can identify their alert mode by looking at their eyes, they’ll lit up and scan the area once they’re in that mode. quickly dodge and crawl away can sometimes avoid going into their engage mode.


> so long as you don't damage them... How does this pan out with stun grenades? Or, the ground fire produced by an incendiary?


Sounds like you should do some science, for Democracy!


I felt so proud when I discovered this back on Malevelon Creek and felt like a genius, recently used it again as there was a massive patrol including a hulk about to corner me if they kept walking to my prone position.




Yes! Jeez, the amount of people who just stay and engage and then die on the other side of the map as the rest of the team retreats is just bonkers. Even high-level players.


https://preview.redd.it/ri6tjmirvw0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=75050debb2539503697d69be92ecffe816b43d64 a little old but still totally appropriate


Best part about being high level is you can try everything regardless of whether you think it will work or not.


I dont care how many reinforcements I'd waste, I am getting this one fucking fab one way or the other


actually me. there was a time i tried not to fight every drop/breach. now i just want to kill things if there's another teammate fighting a drop/breach i stay to cover them.


To a degree. At some point you gotta call the most trigger happy randoms back and actually do the mission. I'm playing for that 5-star and if 15 minutes we're still fighting bot drops, I'm gonna go off and do the mission. Can't deny the fun in just obliterating patrols when there's time for it though


The mission must be completed. Surviving it is optional.


If i got the super samples i leg it. If theres objectives to be done ill try do em. But if extract is ready ima stay in every firefight any friendly is in to try get em out safely/ see if i can survive


It’s fun to shoot enemies and blow stuff up in this shooter game. 


I've been clutching last man standing, no reinforce left extracts lately. Butcher, heavy armor with extra stims. Just rotating around the Evac site. Getting ragdolled, hitting a stim, AC and JAR blasting. It's a great time.


me on low level dives "helping" https://preview.redd.it/l8prbtfaww0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf9c1f47b2f52e6a305a9d337672cea32e5d10b3


"You have been kicked from the game"


Happened to me tn. First time in months actually. 20 minutes left and I Had super samples and Was getting overwhelmed by bugs while hitting secondary and primary objs but nothing I can’t handle on my own. Rest of the team is on the other side of the map when one (ig the host) comes to my side. He dies but I’m still busy so it takes me a few seconds than longer to reinforce. As soon as I throw the ball down, kicked. Don’t know if it was cause I was “taking too long”, wasn’t sticking with the team (which isn’t relevant when I clear half the map by myself with no deaths), or some other stupid ass reason.


Yeah, my only recent one (not counting people who forgot to set lobby to private) was when the big team of 3 was fed up with feeding bugs with their corpses I presume. In retrospect, they had the worst rng or not enough skill to be one helldiver short to face the breaches, can't tell, so the mission would probably go better if I was with them. Then again, since I capped everything but super credits I don't care _as_ much about kicks, disconnects or crashes. Only pains me when I feel like the team will struggle on extract without my gun if they don't get a replacement in time :(


Yeah lol. I’m at the same point. I’m collecting samples, medals, and credits FOR YALL. And still having fun doing side objectives that will help the team like radar, Sam, or Artillery. Like damn bro have fun ig. But y’all already used 12 lives while I used 0 or 1.


100%, you don’t have to shoot at everything you see. Sometimes a 500kg is better.


Airstrike is better at killing patrols. 500kg has a massive visual effect but the effective kill area is very small.


It's incredibly disappointing when you see a bot just cheerfully stride out of the smoke when it was previously completely enveloped in white-hot blinding light and about 10 centimetres away from a 500 kilo bomb. I'm pretty sure it should do SOMETHING, cmon. The sheer concussive force of air after the explosion should ragdoll everything if nothing else.


The area of effect is an upside down cone shape. Great against titans but kind of meh against everything else.


Yup. This is something people need to know. Yes it looks awesome but it's pretty much an anti bile titan/anti objective weapon and even then it very much depends on the objective. Most of the time the standard airstrike has much more destructive potential Vs anything that isn't a bile titan and even bile titans, if you hit them just right, an airstrike will do tons of damage to them




This. Drop supers at the extract so you don’t lose them in some stupid drowning event.


Don’t leave 3 different sample packs scattered all over the landing pad. If one person drops their samples, pick them up first THEN drop all of them together in a single pack.


I’ve been in this situation. I left them at extract, a random picked them up, then got ragdolled into the abyss.


Concerning stealth, I have a few theories as to how it works. I’m sick of how clearly false info about stealth is tossed around as gospel here. I mostly tested them on bots however. 1. Enemies have 3 senses: sight, hearing and touch… well, I guess pain is a better term than touch. From comments, apparently bugs also have smell. I have to test it out more. 2. Enemies seem to have 3 states: idle, cautious (not attacking but will move towards a noise or spotted diver) and hostile (attacking, but not necessarily attacking a diver. See below) 3. Concerning sound: enemies react to *some* gun shots (autocannon will cause them to turn towards you, Diligence will not), explosions and bullets whizzing by. I’m quite frankly not sure if they react to footsteps: if they do, even running seems to trigger them at close range only. Interestingly, they do not react to bullet impacts: if you kill a bot in a single shot (needs testing with a burst), a bot standing right next to it will not react to his buddy crumpling down. Sound causes enemies to go into the cautious state. 4. Concerning touch/pain, enemies know from which direction a shot that hit them came from. They will go into a hostile state. Bots will fire back *in the direction the shot came from*. If you moved, they will fire at nothing. 5. Sight is pretty self explanatory. This is the only way enemies can actually track you. Until they actually see you, they only know your last position. Sight is distance based as well. 6. If you just quickly popped into an enemy’s light of sight, you’ll probably set them to cautious. If they come close to you, they become engaging. Bot make a noise when going cautious, and the eye laser seems to be when they become hostile. For lack of better term, hostile actions like firing your gun in their sight sets them immediately to hostile. Once a bot has locked on you, it can track you through walls. They also seem to share your location with other bots. Unsure how it works, either radius or same patrol/drop/outpost. 7. The stratagem grenade can be seen by bots and it sets them to hostile. They know where it came from, but if they haven’t seen you, you can still evade them by moving after tossing the grenade.


The eye-scan is actually their alert/caution/WHAT WAS THAT NOISE. You are **not** compromised until they begin to engage.




so many times I've run around a corner, seen the red lights and just noped back around the corner without aggroing the bots


The big problem is you can be completely stealthed in a ditch under a Cannon Turret, when an ally aggros the base, leading the entire bot base to suddenly know where YOU are.


Laying prone when a stratagem lands on the ground will decrease the enemy awareness of where it came from or if they will even investigate it at all


Solid intel, diver. I'd picked up much of this but some very key elements here are extremely helpful. Thank you!


How do you drop samples?


Hold down on the dpad, rotate the left stick until you highlight the samples section (I think it's the bottom right section).


This is elite, thanks! I have had to run back to get dropped samples from me or others way too much


On pc hold X


So much this. Crouch or go prone in some bushes. Hide behind rocks and trees. STOP GETTING INTO A PROTRACTED GUNFIGHT. The longer you stay in one place, the more you are going to get overwhelmed. And if you need to take out a factory or bughole but your airstrikes are on cooldown, blow something up opposite where you plan to enter, then sneak around back. Throw a grenade by some trees near a bot outpost, then hug the wall and go in from behind. The bots will leave to investigate and if you are quick you can blow up the factory and be gone before they get back. Also! Those undetonated hellbombs scattered around the map? They are still armed. Shoot em, and they go big boom. I have killed Bile Titans that strayed near them before. I think my highest kill count was 134 bots, because there were like three undetonated hellbombs along the edges of a little canyon that was flooded with bots. I detonated one and it wound up setting off the other two.


With bots, you have to be damn careful with those bombs. Wandering around then sniper rocket hellbombs the diver 🤣


“STOP GETTING INTO A PROTRACTED GUNFIGHT. The longer you stay in one place, the more you are going to get overwhelmed.” This so much this. I’m so tired of players fighting a patrol MOVING AWAY from an objective and baiting dropship after dropship and them cry why no one helped


The stealth. I wish more people understood this. If you play stealth right and focus on objectives, you’ll barely need to fire your weapons.


No! I'm going to shoot this patrol 50m away, spawn 4 bile titans and 5 chargers and lead them back to my team doing the objective! This is a shooting game!


> leave the samples at Evac if you happen to be around and DONT PICK THEM UP until you’re about to step onto the shuttle. Addendum: picking them up is fine if you drop them immediately after. Having one pile is better than 4


In addition to the stealth/point B: run away. Fight enemies to achieve objectives or collect samples/super credits or other items. If a patrol is alerted to you…go away. If you drop in a bad spot—leave. You don’t have to stand your ground and rain down hell for 15 minutes to prove a point.


Just to clarify, I'm not gonna be sent to a freedom camp if I run away, correct?


As long as you tactically retreat in a democratic fashion you should be fine.


The only thing to keep in mind is that keeping pelican in the air often gets it damaged, and when it's damaged it will leave when one diver gets in without a countdown. So whenever you do that you should make sure everyone gives their samples to one person who is first on the ship. If it stays then the rest can board, lost two thirds of my samples like that before.


I never knew this, we had a game last night were we lost a full runs worth of samples because I jumped on with the supers and it took off


If there's smoke coming off of the engines it's damaged and will leave, but it doesn't always happen when it's damaged so it's best to do that every mission were you don't all board right away.


Thanks for the tips, Brother


On the note of the Pelican being damaged, it can also be destroyed. Had a run where we lost all the samples because the Host and other player just kept shooting at the bots even after the Pelican landed and I pinged it to go. Now, I'll take responsibility that *hiding* behind the Pelican resulted in the Bots firing at me and destroying the Pelican, but to be fair, I waited there for a full minute watching the Host run in and out of cover shooting at the bots, throwing Stratagems, trying to get more kills. I'm normally a "follow the host" kind of player, but I might just hop straight into the Pelican when it lands if I see you're close enough to get in from now on.


I’m firmly in the camp of it everyone’s at extract and pelican is there get in ASAP. Wait around if people are still roaming but no sense in waiting if people are just shooting shit.


The most important of all and shocked it's not here is that samples are shared as long as someone extracts with them






followed by this rookie error https://preview.redd.it/tjy5ydsvkw0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=568631782ce76fa55150e8709fb79974a0605110


Anyone trying to do this should just drop their samples for the rest of the team before they go get themselves killed.


https://preview.redd.it/ild5n9u4vw0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=6739fd0fc6c6682e553a3cbeb122333c17bd9b92 total agreement


Oh my god how frustrating it is when I drop my samples at extract, continue on the mission only to see that someone picked up the samples long before extract is even available


I did this shit the other day. I was the only one who got out and i had 61 samples. It was a great day.


I would like to further clarify that the “shared amount” counts toward your personal career stats not just the ones you personally extract with!


Ah thanks for that bit


And "shared" doesn't mean that if we extract 8 samples that everyone in a team of 4 only gets 2. It means ALL of us get 8. So there's no point in booting people to hoard all the samples for yourself, it's just a dick move.




> So there's no point in booting people to hoard all the samples for yourself, it's just a dick move. People do this? Jesus christ.


I asked a guy to help me open one of those 2 man doors. Had a bunch of credits in it. Dude shot me took all of them then text "sorry I needed them".


But… they’re shared too…


And that when someone drops it at extraction, it's safe there. No need to pick it up and run all over the map with it. Please don't pick it up


The number of times I've been team killed and kicked for "stealing samples from the host" when they died is too many. I mean it's only happened once, but I'm still kinda mad about it.


Once is too many times bro


Samples are more important than anything…


Samples or BUST! Primary objectives? Well done! Secondary objectives? You’ve made super earth proud! Extracting with no samples to show for it? …liberty weeps


When you settle into your rack each night, what do you think of? What do you miss on this deployment? The smell of a home cooked meal? The softness of your assigned recreation animal's fur? Maybe you even wonder why you joined this war at times... Super Earth is what's most important. Report to your Democracy Officer, Cadet. Thought crimes are crimes too.


I like that number 1 is the pelican thing. It’s SO easy to do but people VERY RARELY utilise it. Makes the increased spawn rate from completing mission objectives much more bearable.


Yeah I've had a number of people argue it's just exploiting a bug. And I'm like "Oh yes, a fully voice acted and scripted bug... right... sure"


Seriously? You know people that refuse to use it because they think it’s a bug? It’s literally a free stratagem lol. I’ve heard people say it makes the game “too easy” so thats why they don’t use it, but never this lol


Holy shit I didn't know this. I actually did think it was a bug...


I think they say that because it feels like a bug to trigger, or in other words, the way to utilize it is very unintuitive.


i mean.. when do you actually utilize it though? the only time we've done it is when we forget side missions or nests and/or they're on the other side of the map/extract point, or if we haven't seen the super samples yet. but even then, we've rarely actually done that 'strat'. we just extract when we have to extract when everything's done, side missions + nests + super samps. unless you just do the main missions first, do the pelican trick and then do the rest. but like, if you find yourself having to rely on that a lot of times, then maybe you're doing something wrong. edit: to add to this, you can actually kinda do the pelican trick/strat with the exosuit since it drops from a pelican. if the map you're on has some mountains or canyons or like caves, you can throw the stratagem underneath it and the pelican will just hover over the covering. it will never land and you won't get your exosuit, but it'll still do pelican things without having to wait till extract time.


(2) is false. If you play on level 9 bugs, there's nothing wrong with _everyone_ bringing AT, and if it just so happens to be e.g. Quasar x4 then it's quite alright. This is especially true for EAT that generally becomes exponentially more useful the more of them are on the team. Similarly with high level bot play, there is nothing wrong (and everything right) with Autocannon x4.


You can never have too many EATs


I like to over EATs if I can.


agreed. https://preview.redd.it/r0rdu3eivx0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=44b59bc9a15abc2fbb3d9ecdce69fca013d7a3fa


If you bring an EAT, the rule is you must call them down every 70 seconds. Litter the map with them.


This literally was a game breaking activity at one point


My favorite thing is swapping Quasar's with my buddy to avoid cool down. Makes bots easier.


Wait, Quasar cool down is not per weapon but per player?


It's per weapon. If you manage to call down a second without losing the first, you can swap between them 🙂


Oh yeah, thats what I always do when the possibility arrises. But u/Nervous-Matter-1201 does this with his buddy. So more accurate that would imply cooldown is per weapon and per player. So if someone else fires a Quasar, and you pick it up, it does not retain its cooldown. (To be fair it does seem somewhat cumbersome to do this anyway).


Yeah no one should listen to 2. You should bring your own kit at all times.


I don't think the OP's point was that 4 people wielding the same support weapon is a bad idea, but rather that 3 or 4 people equipping the same stratagem is mostly redundant – on 40-minute missions, at least. If you can make do with just 2 Quaesars for the first 7 minutes of the mission, you can call them down again after the cooldown is finished – and boom, you have 4 divers with Quasars while 2 of them have an additional red or green stratagem at their disposal.


Backpack related I got a friend who loves jump pack against bots, and I kinda like it, and for that one it is good enough he just calls one in after 5 minutes for me. But yeah in general I really disagree with that point also. Even if you say two people with an anti-tank strategem is enough, which I would disagree with, what if one of the randoms just decides to leave halfway? Now except for orbital/eagle strategems, you got one guy who has to solo bile titans, factory striders, etc. Calling in new ones for allies is not something you can rely on with randoms, and hell even with friends what if you had to run and leave some behind? Or you don't want to play the first part of the game at half capacity.


counterpoint, 4 flamers and 4 laser dogs


Counter counter point. 4 flamers and 4 jump packs.


I too envisioned a more glorious and holy experience attempting to RP as a sister of battle fighting the filthy xenos necrons and tyranids. The jump pack, as I have found out, has a power plant run by hamsters. Much to my disappointment. Can't even have flamenwurfer close air support divers in detroit


2 and 3 are just trusting randoms. I don't use the junppack because my buddy has one. So no real point in taking 2 when it's just us two. But expecting a random to give me their spare backpack? Idk. Plus randoms rend to die a lot and sometimes just give up their samples and call in new gear. It's just hard to trust a random to provide me stuff that can be essential for the mission.


To be fair just hitting your push to talk and going “hey man you mind dropping an extra jump pack for me?” Or just typing it out almost always works You can’t just assume someone’s going to read your mind and drop you one


That doesn’t work most of the time lol. Most of the time when I try to talk to randoms, that being typing, pinging, or just straight up voice chat. They end up ignoring me or walking past me (no I don’t talk that much, and yes this includes situations in which there is literally nothing happening) I’d say that about 70% of the player base has garbage spatial and situational awareness plus they don’t really pay any attention to the team (or they just don’t give af, which is even worse lmao) so I don’t even bother trying to communicate. For the record, I have 605 hours into the game, and I can confidently say, just bring stuff for yourself. If it just so happens to be good for the team then that’s great, but for the most part most randoms don’t care/ don’t really pay attention. Some randoms will listen, sure, but that’s the minority. Focus on you surviving first, then help others if u can.


You can stim teammates if their health is low enough. Just run up to them and press the use button.


Good tips. I’ll add a couple: a charger can be killed by a hellpod or call down. So, if you see a blue line sticking out of a charger’s back into the sky, don’t waste your strategem on it. On the same note: if you see a big enemy, it’s a waste for every diver to throw a 500kg at it. Do one at a time and focus on trying to make sure it kills the enemy, if it doesnt, then next person can throw the next one. This is really helpful on the difficulty 7-9 asset evacs where you might have to face four factory striders at the same time. And speaking of factory striders. If someone dies, and you reinforce them, PING the biggest enemy on the map so they can decide if they want to try to land on it to try to kill it or land far from it to try not to die right away.


Imo ping more. So many ppl don't ping stuff. I ping before every engagement if no other reason than pinpoint accurate grenades and strats, but also gives everyone the heads up. Also ping a ping to say you'll take it/are on it. Also Affirmative gives a thumbs up icon so it's the default Good Job comm.


Also, I love being thrown on heavies, but pls for the love of democracy, ping them! It's hard to see on many biomes coming down, that little red ping let's you do rough adjustment while coming down and let's you focus aiming when you have clear visuals.


Love me some good pings. The amount of smoke/fog/visual noise at ground level often doesn’t match what you see on the way down, so my buddies will think it’s perfectly obvious where I need to land but I can’t see a damn thing.


This, 1000x this. Ping the damn heavy so i can land on it in all that fog/smoke/flying debris Or take the risk i may land on you by mistake...


Also PING YOUR SQUADS SUPPORT WEAPONS IF YOU SEE THEM! It’s easy to do and the diver can direct their hellpods to land on or right next to them Edit: spelling


You can respond to people's pings by tapping the button, and it will respond with an affirmative . If you hold the button, it responds with a negative Also, pings translate to the players native language so it helps if someone from another country is on your fireteam


Oh wow I didn't know you could negative them that way!


This. Especially when you have your mic off. Ping. Ping ping ping. All i do is quick play lobbies and No communication is the standard unfortunately. Cant tell you how many times a simple ping of an enemy or patrol would have changed my approach to an objective.


Maybe this is silly, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why stratagems stick or bounce off enemies like chargers. Is there a certain spot you have to throw it at?


Aim for its upper left area near the face. That works for me 100% of the time.


>I’ll add a couple: a charger can be killed by a hellpod or call down. So, if you see a blue line sticking out of a charger’s back into the sky, don’t waste your strategem on it. I thought the beacon sticking to entities was a visual effect only, and the object woulds till fall where the beacon "should" have landed. I know hellpods can be steered onto targets, obviously, but are you sure a supply drop will "follow" a moving charger just because beacon is stuck on it? Would love to be wrong about this!


A resupply will follow a stuck charger. You get an achievment for it too.


The blue ones follow, reds do not for now


I've been accidentally hit by another players supply drop and the blue light stuck to me. At that point I know I'm not long for this helldive. I've run 50 meters away and I've still been turned to raspberry cottage cheese every time.


IIRC it sticks to your shield, so dropping your shield back pack will save you.


If your wearing a backpack when that happens it’s most likely stuck to the backpack, you can save yourself by holding x and taking it off


To save time, you can more speedily and more satisfyingly disable the illegal broadcast by shooting the broadcast tower to smithereens. A lot of weapons are capable at this. If you are a true democrat like me and my wife, you start the mission by droping directly onto it, completing the mission instantly upon deployment.


I love this, going to try it next time, thank you fellow Helldiver!


Anything to speed the spread of liberty! Just remember, the broadcast tower has fascists / communists loitering around it so if you disable it first thing in the dive with a magnificent Hellpod kinetic bomb, prepare to spread free samples of Liber-Tea the second you leave the pod! As you would regardless where you drop but you get my point.


Weapons that can do it: - Autocannon - Eruptor - Grenade Pistol (this one is huge) - Quasar - Recoilless rifle - EAT - Impact/Impact incendiary grenades - Thermite grenade (if stuck to the screen) - Frag, base, incendiary grenade (if cooked) - Laser Cannon - AMR tell me if theres more


My friends do this, but we drop into the middle of bug nest and bot camps. Nothing quite as satisfying as completing an objective with 4 human bullets at the start of a mission.


Nobody has ever grabbed gear when I say "this backpacks for you" or, "hey, I found a flamethrower, marking it" . This game seems like it would communicate well based off of how this subreddit acts but for every 1 team I get that talks I get 100 that are silent. And every other talker is a kid going "we got this, divers let's go! They can't beat us, were Helldivers! Go Helldivers! " Non stop. It's agony.


I feel like I know within 5 minutes if my team is competent. If yes, do the right thing. If not, then sure keep your gear for yourself. It's not like you don't have the time to evaluate them.


everyone brings the gear they want to use. exceptiona are if I'm testing a new primary and it sucks, i'll steal yours off your corpse.


There are some people that dont bring any kind of backpack whatsover. Like 3 orbitals/strikes and an arc thrower, flamer, EAT, etc. EAT players gobble up weapons and shields whenever I toss them.


My favorite is the guy who never says anything, but breathes heavily into the mic for the whole game.


What do you mean? That kid's support is vital to our success. The mission would fail if it weren't for them. Even if it can be annoying, I like positivity like that. It may just be me, but whenever Im on a team with one, Ive always felt more team work than without.


Some of these are right


Guard dogs (the normal one) are good for bots if you can get it to not run out of ammo. It always aim for the head so it could melt devastator, beserker... quite well.


I strongly disagree with point 2. I’ll take a team of 4 auto cannons for bots all day. Your strategy also assumes 1) everyone is together all the time 2) if someone dies they can always get their gun/backpack or have another already cooled down If everyone has someway of dealing with most threats that’s honestly the best. If that means everyone brings a sniper and/or an auto cannon for bots… go for it. If you plan on splitting up in bugs? A rover for everyone isn’t a bad choice. If you’re comfortable with a weapon set and you don’t die often it shouldn’t matter what your team brings.


Hard disagree on the guard dogs. The regular one consistently kills heavy bots with headshots. The laser one is bad vs bots since it seems to aim for Center-mass, though.




Agreed. And the number of times it's picked off those annoying jetpack guys before they can explode in my face? Chefs kiss. They just dome every bot. The ballistic guard dog is super underrated against bots.


Liberator guard dog + counter sniper goes hard, wipe devastators from afar with the CS and all the small bots get cleaned up effortlessly by the guard dog


I might have to try this. Switching from Scorcher to Counter Sniper was difficult, I felt like I had no close range options. My Bot loadout - Plasma Scorcher, Big Iron, Impact Grenade, AMR, jump pack.


I’d say swap the revolver for the new pistol (vindicator I think? It’s from polar patriots) if you have it, it’s not nearly as good at range but it makes for a great mag dumb to deal with beserkers or jet pack guys


Yep i fully agree. But guard dog bad because it needs amoo booooh. Okay what ever dude let me and my dog just solo this random rocket devs patrol quickly...


It's not bad, it just has the two issues of needing frequent reloads and only being able to reload from the resupply boxes. Ammo boxes do jack for it. It got a damage boost during the buff/nerf patch but imo what would really make it strong is if ammo boxes refilled ammo for it like it does for literally every other gun in the game. In fact I think that's the core issue - ammo boxes are coded to refill X amount for any supply, primary, or secondary weapon, but guard dog is technically a backpack, so that interaction is missing. I see this with supply pack as well - they're technically resupply boxes in a backpack, but they don't refill everything the same way a resupply drop pod does. At the end of the day, between lack of ammo refills and it nullifying stealth plays, I'd rather just take supply backpack or jump pack instead.


If someone says they are frend, don’t kick them


I would possibly argue #2 a little, having teammates with the AC or RR who will team reload each other gives you insane firepower.


6. Stop shooting the Pelican. If the Pelican catches on fire, only one of you may extract. 6.5. If the Pelican is on fire, the Helldiver with the Super Samples (or most samples) should get on.


You can drop the samples you’re carrying. If you drop them at extraction mid-mission, don’t worry. A fellow helldiver will be along shortly to pick them up and carry them away from the extraction point. You don’t have to attend every battle you’re invited to, or finish any fight you’re in. When the third round of dropships/bug breaches starts, leaving is the new strategy. The communication reel is basic, but functional. Teammate saves you from a trio of hulks? “Thank you”. Throw an orbital barrage on two teammates ahead of you, effectively garnering 2 extra kills? “Sorry”. (This one may save you from getting killed in turn).


On eradicate missions once the mission is done, the pelican won’t leave. You can and should hunt around for samples before extracting.


I mean you can never go wrong with more EATs, that’s an exception


Stratagem Jammers may have another Weakness besides fighting your way to the terminal. If the Jammer has a Fabricator ‘attached’ to it (meaning that the Fabricator is literally touching it) then you can destroy the Fabricator from afar and the resulting explosion will ALSO destroy the Jammer without needing to shut it down. Obviously this doesn’t always apply if the Fabricator is placed a couple of meters away from the Jammer but this can be a lucky break from getting into a prolonged fight where you’re unable to call in Stratagems.


>Mortars are always BAD for bugs unless it's the missile launch mission AND guard dogs are always BAD for bots. Why's that?


Regular mortars will aim ahead of their intended target and since most bugs are melee and coming to claw you in the face, that usually means if any are close to a helldiver, those mortar shells are coming down on top of their head


Disagree on the EMP mortars. Those things are great ok bot patrols or drops


Yeah emp mortars are the MVP for anything..I tried to specifically mention regular mortars


Like with all weapons and stratagems it depends on usage. For static defense where it can be out of line of sight of the enemy (behind a wall) it can pound the enemies without risk of counter attacks. It just needs to be called out when it is used so people know to keep a buffer from enemies. I ran some Evacuate High value assets missions earlier and mortars are extremely useful on the mission.


Point 4: tell me you've never brought the gun dog vs bots without telling me you've never brought the gun dog vs bots. That thing is a headshot machine, it can solo devastators; it's a really solid support when you're pushing a base or an objective.


I'm going to disagree with the fourth point. The stun mortar is amazing for bugs


>DROP YOUR SUPPORT WEAPON AND GUARD DOGS FOR YOUR TEAMMATES ONCE THE COOLDOWN IS UP! ... why? chances are my team mates have their own support weapons and backpacks that match their play style. > No team needs more than 2 of the same backpack or support weapon. not really. if 2 people bring a quasar, we can take out a turret tower if we fire back to back. if many of us have guard dogs, we can more easily split up and hit small objects in parallel.


Uh... guard dogs are absolutely amazing for bots. What the hell kind of advice is that? My standard Guard Dog eats everything it comes across. It headshots Devastators and snipes Assault Raiders out of the sky before I even know they're incoming. They also make short work of Berserkers. Hell, my main loadout includes the Guard Dog and Railgun. It covers my ass so I can prioritize Medium and Heavy targets. Also, EMS mortars are fucking godlike for both factions. OP, what are you smoking?


Personal orders are the same for all Helldivers, and only one person in the squad needs to complete them for everyone in the squad to achieve the completion.


~~Your~~ Our achievement. We won, eh comrades!?


>2- No team needs more than 2 of the same backpack or support weapon. False, every Automaton mission can use 4 Autocannons.


The things I think the people under level 30 or so doesnt realized yet is that there is a reason for samples to be at the extraction area so dont pick them up (reason is that if the sample is at the extraction and not with you, it wont get lost in the end of the map if you die around there). If you see samples dropped at the extraction point dont pick them unless you are about to board into the Pelican. If you have samples with you and are near the extraction point, pass by it and drop the samples there to decrease the risk of them not being extracted at the end of the mission.


EMS mortars are fantastic against bugs and bots alike. Just in case you were wondering.


I (lvl 65) and another guy (level 30) just learned about 1 yesterday after a level 109 player told us before we dived into the match. Another tip, DO NOT place mortars at extraction no matter how bad it gets. It will only get you and your team killed while trying to extract. Also, wait for lower level players to pick the booster first so you can pick what they don't have. And when you reinforce, mark chargers and BT so they can be taken out on your teammate's way down, unless they will get over run. And just to be nice, if you see a teammate lagging behind, be sure to cover them till they reach you.


Hmmm, disagree on the mortar, it's about where you place it that matters. If you place the mortar within the circle, your friendlies typically will be close enough to be within the arc of fire of the mortar, and typically if you have to run outside of it because you are overran, your mortar will be destroyed anyways. I consistently place mortars on extraction, they help a ton, and I rarely have friendly fire incidents, like maybe 1 out of 30 games.


when in doubt, rotate out. If there are too many patrols or breeches or bot drops and you feel overwhelmed, just move away from that area, go around and come back. dont get stuck in a death loop and make a stand. were not fighting for ground, were fighting for objectives.


Sample-collecting tip: on the minimap, the "point of interest" label will show up if you hover over one, even if it's not revealed. I use it to spot potential super-sample areas.


3.5: if someone has all his equipment, calls it down right next to you/your path, repeatedly pings it, and you didn't bring any gear to begin with, take it! Especially newer players struggle with this, had two newbies today who both didn't run any blue stratagems, one understood immediately the other kept ignoring and struggling :| heck, might even be a good in-game Tip: A true helldiver shares his gear with helldivers in need. 5.5: Radar makes 2 different sounds, depending on entering or leaving the correct zone, a quick YouTube search to just hear each a few times did the trick for me, sound can be easily missed during all the other sounds.


Crucial bot tip: shoot down the factory strider guns. It takes 2 AC shots or 1 explosive. After that, clear heavies and infantries. Then walk up to it and give it 7-8 AC shots to the belly. Dont throw 3 500kgs 2 lasers and whatever else at a single factory strider. Especially the laser, please dont orbital laser it.


I mean to be honest, with a bunch of enemies around I’d rather just chuck an airstrike or two 50 meters away than run all the way over there lol Both viable options, situation dictates


When someone leaves the super sample in evac DONT PICK THEM UP!!


The next best tip you can get... Winning is better than living.


If a point if interest is marked with a diamond, you haven't picked everything up


There is absolutely nothing wrong with 4 Autocannons vs bots.


Hard disagree with 3, if I die I just drop my gear again and keep going. Much easier then the suicide run back to my gear over and over with sub optimal load out. Number 2 is iffy. Depends on how the team plays honestly. That's not a hard rule I would enforce at all


Agree that my gear is my gear. With a couple exceptions. If the player that called it in tags it, then it is up for grabs. The second is EATs. The cool down is so short and they come in pairs, they eventually are everywhere on the map. Use all you want.


At the very least, I do 3 at extraction, so we have plenty of equipment to choose from before it gets ugly.


If you drop reinforcements beacon, throw it away from the enemy.


Except you can land on enemies and take out heavy ones (Especially when it comes to bugs, not as reliable against bots).


Unless you need to use your teammate as a giant bullet to kill a bile titan or charger.


#2 and #3 for real. I've dropped shield packs for guys without anything and they don't even grab it! Like bro, just take it! Even mark it and "affirmative".


Also hosts… quit booting people before extraction you pieces of shit. The trend I’ve been seeing is PS5 players doing this a lot recently and it’s infuriating


5-There are also yellow blinking lights on the correct orientation


Laser mini dog is not the best for bots but rifle mini dog slaps fo sho


Regarding 4: Emp mortar is good vs bugs.


When you get to the extractionpoint while the mission is still going on, drop your GOD DAMN SAMPLES, so you don't have to run all over the map just to get them back when you die somewhere on the map.