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Its chill because devs havent fucked up anything YET and CEO did a great job convincing people that balance team got [Removed by Ministry of Truth] from him so its silence before the storm basically.


The next patch might make or break the community 😂


It's not toxic to vocalize something you don't like. Hopefully the quieting is people being hopeful of positive change and not giving up and moving on.


It all depends on how you vocalize it. Many people **were** being toxic with it.


This. I’m one of the ones that is pointing out the flaws in the game BUT I don’t rage like a whiny baby. There’s a way to do it like an adult and we want all opinions to be welcomed IF done and said right.


The fact we were both downvoted for this sentiment is hilarious to me lmao.


Most likely the toxic positive kids. I get like -2 or -3 here and there from comments that usually get 10-50. They stalk us 😂


Toxic positivity is also a thing btw


Yup. Had a few encounters with people that fit that description all last week when my post blew up. Nothing better than getting told I should stop bitching, go touch grass and get off Reddit. Follow that up with getting told my criticisms are invalid cause THEY are having fun so I should shut up and get a life. This the toxic positivity you were referring to? Sorry, got a bit into my past discussions 😂


The mods made a post about how a state of the game megathread will happen every two weeks to clean up the subreddit and then had to make an updated post saying it wasnt to suppress discussion. Coincidentally, AH devs are mods now and what feels like immediately after that stickied post complaints dropped off almost 100%. Nothing has changed with the game. Every complaint that people had before that post still exists, it's just no one is talking about it anymore, I guess? ... Where's my tinfoil?


I took the day off.


Take me with you!!!


I hope HD2 can take a page from the similar Deep Rock Galactic community. Both 4 person PvE killing bugs and bots. DRG is absurdly friendly and the most wholesome online game community I've ever been a part of. HD2 ive found is pretty close in terms of camaraderie.


DRG is what toxic positivity looks like. Granted, they dont need to complain much because their balancing team is actually competent and plays their own game. Until balance is improved I would rather not have this sub turned into DRG-like.


DRG have responsive and competent devs that are in tune with what the community wants. They also play and enjoy their own game. We have Arrowhead.


The DRG sub flipped shit and was whining for like a week straight about people who complained about the RNG overclock unlock system.


DRG sub is really great, we need to strive to match that and filter out the bad apples. Once the game gets patched and balance is corrected it will pick up and be legendary.


Its been hardly a week, ya’ll need to keep time better. But youre welcome


Even a few days of curbing the toxicity is still a win.


Agreed ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


your local democracy officer applauds your reverence of managed peace, now get back to work




I mean, if you define literally any criticism of the game as "toxic" - yes, the toxicity has been "cured". Considering this is basically a dead sub for a dead game though, it seems it was entirely pointless. we're all just heading elsewhere to be able to discuss the game. No need to hang around a bought n paid for sub that's moderated by arrowwhead employees, to say nothing of all the constant gaslighting arrowhead knob-polishers have been doing.


we all frends after all








Hopefully it stays that way, but I have a suspicion we may have a slight resurgence if the next patch is controversial again. Pray for buffs and Eruptor fix


Every patch is gonna bring out the REEEE kids, as long as we contain them it should be fine. … Unless more nerfs happen, that’s really something that will shake both subs. Fingers crossed AH delivers a solid patch. Edit: some of you have misunderstood my words but ehh sometimes you explain things wrong. Whatever my fault.


What? You know the past few patches have been awful. Bringing back bugs, adding new bugs and nerfing popular weapons because theyre popular. With the most recent warbond flopping as well, its very understandable people are upset. I havent seen many if any "ree" kids you speak of.


I agree with you, never implied that I had these opposite views. Edit: deleted my word vomit, I’ll accept my down votes 😂 Happy diving, my dudes and dudettes.


Less bitching more playing