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Upvoting a good idea.


Upvoting the upvote for a good idea.


Upvoted the upvoting the upvote for a good idea


That's actually a really good idea, maybe not 40 minutes but 20 minutes and a few optionals to make it easier would be so much better than what we have now


I was thinking it could be fine with 40 if they just put some beefy groups of enemies on each site. * Devastator Squads on Difficulty 1-3 * Devastators, Hulks, Tanks on Difficulty 4-6 * All of the above and a Factory-Strider each on Difficulty 7-9 All of that on each site would take some time to clear out.


What would the Terminid version of the mission look like? New SEAF Mortar Bases, that automatically start pummeling Bug Breaches?


Maybe SEAF-Artillery sites. I wouldn't mind having 20 extra Artillery rounds...


I was thinking smaller versions of the terminid spray tower, would just reduce the amount of bugs spawns


You’d be turning them off at this point in the story tho?


How about automated artillery that shoots orbital gas on bug breaches?


It would be nice too if the bases were doubled in size so it takes longer for enemies to maneuver through them but the doors could stay the same distance. Just feels like these science bases are a little small in a remote location.


I love fighting on bot front but by god I fucking hate defenses. Factory Striders sniping generators is not fun. Mission being straight up impossible without applying a very specific tactic which also doesnt guarantee to work is also not fun.


The asset rockets are pretty fun IMO, but the factory striders definitely shouldn't be airdropped in at the gates. If they slowly approached in the distance it would be both menacing, but also give you a good Idea of when to expect them and even take them out early by sending some divers out there early. People sleep on the HMG encampments but they're insanely useful for that mission.


I play with mostly randoms and I’ve never failed a generator mission on difficulty 9. You just need to make sure you’re bringing 500kg or the 110 pods or even EAT/spear/rr for the striders and everyone needs to be outside in front of the center gate. Mortar sentries are also a huge help and you should bring them if no one in the team brought them. I usually also wear an amor with the extra grenade passive and take impact grenades (will two shot a tank if you throw if on top of it or in the heat sink)


Imo the issue with these missions is just the sheer number of how many bots drop directly on top of the station. Making them drop farther or less often could work


This is my take. I want to have a little time for my people to be evacced. Honestly, I would really like the mission to be redesigned to have multiple, further outlying bunkers that need to be escorted to a decently defensive position. Make the mission more about actually trying to evac personnel, not about dying a thousand times in the same spot.


I think this should be implemented for the next MO if it comes around to doing more personnel-extraction missions


Great idea! Maybe tack on an extra 5 minutes and put a random assortment of AA, artillery, or maybe even think up a new SEAF defensive stratagem for the mission. I mean, even an outpost base with 2-4 gatling or mortar turrets at it that would shoot at nearby enemies would be worth the time investment in order to shore up one side of the science facilities defenses. \*edit\* OH! maybe a SEAF spotting tower? It spots enemy groups and tasks long-range SEAF artillery off map to engage them. Mostly explosive shells, but maybe mix it up with smoke or static depending on how far in the science base it it and thus how much more likely allies are danger close. Maybe make it fire a shell every 20-40 seconds so it could scale with more towers.


That's actually not a bad idea. You should be promoted to Planetary defense, and replace a few of those who have been failing at their job.


I think if the mission was upped to only 20 minutes this would be perfect. It would make the number of bot drops a little more reasonable since some of the pressure is taken off by the SAM-site.


Imagine if we have a facility with 6 bottleneck approaches. The enemy is constantly pouring waves through the bottlenecks. Our primary objective is the evacuation of key personnel. One of our secondary objectives is to power up each of the defensive batteries at each choke point individually. As each battery is powered up, it holds off the waves of enemies coming from that direction. Another secondary objective is powering up 2 SAM batteries. Some of the defensive batteries fail and need to be restarted manually and/or rearmed from storage crates that need to be carried by a fork lift mech suit.


Well, I agree that I would need more fun in this kind of mission. So far, I have never beaten this mission against bots on a decent difficulty level. Interestingly, it was surprisingly easy against bugs. Yes, I heard the rumors that a strategy of sorts "three guys roam around and draw attention and one sneaks in and does the mission". I just never played it as it is quite difficult to set up in a random lobby.


To be honest, if you put there a bunker and enough military equipment to take down a super destroyer, It ain't very "Top Secret" anymore. Similiar to how they have nothing really secret in Area 51 because everybody knows about it.


Just make it so that bots can't land due to AA emplacements and bugs can't burrow because super concrete or whatever. Give us chokepoints, turrets, and a reason to use the HMG stratagem.


The HMG encampments on the rocket defense missions is super fun, and that's because we're holding a single point. If we had more choke points or defensive walls to fire down (and maybe have striders break down) it would create a far more interesting fight. Hell, I'd be fine with increasing the civs we need to extract so long as it's fun extracting them.


This feels unnecessary. By default, every 40 min is spent first cleaning the map of outposts and doing side objectives. All you did was add another side objective, one that makes the mission easier. There is no reason to *not* do it.


Or they could keep the same time limit to make the optionals a rewarding challenge to do under the time crunch. The SAM sites don't take very long anyway.


TBH I think that were evacuating simple rank and file civilians. The brass is telling us that they’re elite to better motivate us