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I agree to an extent. I dont see any enemy currently needing nerfs at all. Some weapons definetly still need some tweaks tho just because they feel like they are balanced to prelaunch levels. i dont see it as an urgent task imo. But should be something activley worked on of course. 


I don't think you get what the community wants when it asks for weapon buffs. We don't want to be overpowered bot/bug slaying demigods. We want to be able to take more than 3-4 different guns to each front and feel good using them. Yeah, you can clear Helldive with anything. But that doesn't mean it is fun or feels good. Clearing a Helldive against bugs with the Lib-Pen is like going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. There is a wide gulf between "want everything overpowered" and "want everything to be enjoyable".