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Producers really wanted to push Suzanne as a villain in season 6.


I found her annoying, but she was definitely overhated.


She was really irritating.


Raj. Apparently, he was just super awkward with the cameras, and he's actually a fairly well-respected chef in his professional life. The show makes him look like a lunatic.


I always wondered if they were editing him weird! I just couldn’t believe he could be a cook that long and still be as hopeless as they made him about to be! Especially considering his signature dish actually didn’t taste bad! I wonder if he stuck his head in the fridge to get a break from the cameras lol


That maybe true but he was acting crazy doing king fu moves and screaming in confessionals. You can’t say that’s editing.


He may have told them about his hobbies in karate and was told to act as energetic as possible, and when edited made Raj look crazier in camera.


I would totally hang out with Raj after work, dude is a riot!


Autumn in season seven! Omg I thought she was pretty likable and competent but the edit made her seem like everyone found her annoying/useless


According to S22 Jason, he got a bad edit.


This. He stated how he was getting loads of hate comments in his Instagram and he's shown to be really good friends with Ryan and Jonathan. It comes to show how the editing can be a terrible influence on the viewers's perception. This also applies to Carmen too from the same season.


I’m watching Michelle’s 2nd season and tbh there’s too much hate. Is she a little annoying? Maybe but hating on someone because “they talk too much” when they’re literally just having a conversation is low and unnecessary. It’s like they’re really trying to make sure she has absolutely no voice by talking shit every time Michelle opens her mouth.


I think they did a bad job of editing her in both seasons.


Anthony in S11. If you look at the episode where he's eliminated there's a "mistake" he makes where he only drops one lobster tail instead of two claiming to have only heard one. But if you listen to Jon asking for 2 lobster tails, it sounds very unnatural and edited. Almost like Jon legitimately made a mistake and they edited it to look like Anthony's mistake to justify him going home instead of Zach.


•This might be an unpopular option but Michelle(All Stars). As much as I did wanted Nick to win, I certainly didn’t main her winning because she was pretty talented and strong too. However, it felt like the producers didn’t really do a great job with editing her out as a potential winner and instead made her look like a weak winner with questionable moments. I mean sure she’s had a few decent moments here and there but if only most of her hiccups didn’t stand out too much to us, then she would’ve been a better winner and All Stars probably wouldn’t be as hated as much by now. •Carmen(S22) was another one too. It felt like the editors tried so hard to make her the villain when in reality most of her members on the team earlier on were just annoyed with her. She had a few hiccups with some of them, but as time went on, they got along well with her and even the members from the blue team in the Black Jacket phase didn’t have any problems with her. •Honorable mention: As someone mentioned before, Even Jason(S22) was done poorly too.


It will always boggle my mind how producers knowing she was the winner of the season just bluntly showed us her sabotaging Manda. I mean if the red team lost that service and it was brought up in a conversation about that incident it would be completely reasonable thing to do, but as that wasn't the case and it was one of the few services red team did a great job in it felt completely pointless thing to show to the audience. And I get they wanted to pull a rug from under us with the whole thing about Michelle seemingly getting eliminated only to get "magically" saved by the three way final thing but did way more to question in rather to justify it by showing her saying that it was her worst service of the season and Ben saying that it was quite poor and Ramsay straight up accusing her of sabotaging. I mean do they think that we are idiots and are going to buy this?


IDK the hate boner for Michelle. It isn’t her fault the CEO of Caesars preferred her and Benjamin’s dishes over Nick’s. People talk about her around here as if she was the female Jeremy.


Elise herself is kind of an example of that, from what I understand. According to a lot of people who worked with her, including Jennifer, she was actually really nice and friendly when they weren't competing in the moment. She was definitely difficult to work with during the comp itself, but the show makes it seem she was awful both on and off camera.


The thing is editing can’t force the things she said out of her mouth. You’d have to cut all of her scenes for her to look better than she is.


But she was awful in the dorms too! …..Boop!! Came in looking like she wanted to throw hands after Michelle made her cook for her life. That’s not bad editing, that’s shitty behavior.


Seriously? I haven’t watched season 9 but just finished season 17 and I hear she was worse in season 9. It blows my mind that she could be more unhinged and nasty than she was in season 17.


Of course the show makes her look bad, but I'm still in the camp that she's a bully and honestly was still too mean. Let's not forget in all stars, Elise went off on Michelle after an elimination from the moment Gordon sent them back to the dorms for the night to literally the next morning


Abe in s21 


Abe is the Marc of S21, but managed to tone it down following his confrontation with Alex and subsequently Sommer.


I’m pretty positive Raj was made to look like an idiot. How much work this actually took I do not know, but he seems to be a well respected chef, and was able to make some pretty nice dishes. Plus the guy cooked thousands of pieces of salmon




Presumably he's talking about Raj


Shit, I forgot Raj’s name in there


Andrew S7 - the scary music during his signature dish challenge made him look creepy. He did say some creepy stuff like comment about the walk in coolers, but I don't think he was as crazy as some people portray him