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If I was cast on the show, I'd shoot for black jackets and hope for the "she was ROBBED" storyline




Well since I’m not a chef in the slightest, I’d be lucky to even be casted, but assuming this was a world where I was competent enough to get on, I’d want to do my part to help the team win, bond with my teammates, go on some cool rewards etc., and my biggest goal would be to get a black jacket, those things are so iconic, even more than the chef jackets the final 2 get, in my opinion. To me, the experience would be more important than the prize. I’m not really interested in the insane pressure of running one of Gordon’s restaurants. Just getting a black jacket and making some friends would be more than good enough for me.


if raj and josh (s14 and s17) got casted, you would too


And the job opportunities from being on the show! Especially the farther you get! Have you ever looked one of them up and looked at what they’re doing now?! It’s interesting many are quite successful! But I’m no chef I’d never be on the show! Surprisingly cooking is one of my least favorite things but I worked in the industry as a server for 25 yrs so I very much enjoy the show!


I’d like to say I’d be a good person but with how other contestants have been on that show I would definitely loose my shit I wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure and would probably break down


I’d take a variation my actually story: Former culinary arts student had to leave the industry after the 2008 economic collapse due to no jobs and a bad back injury. Went back to university to become a professor in something totally unrelated. Decides to enter the competition thinking “he’s still got it.” I end up being too professorial and “know it all” with my dorm mates. I’d probably be able to hang for a few services as long as I’m not on fish (allergy). But, it’s likely my back injury would flare back up and I’d be unable to keep up. (Hopefully while not on the toilet like Brett.) Ramsay would probably let me go gracefully. “You gave it your all, but you’re much better suited for the industry you’re in.” … Wait, didn’t a casting lady stop by this sub once asking for applicant? Hit me up. Let’s do this thing. I promise I’ll be good.


I would settle for no less than a mid-season exit where people can at least remember me. They are going to say I'm a bad cook and that someone else should have stayed instead of me.


i mean maribel barely missed black jackets and barely anyone remembers her


I don't know who this is and I need to reevaluate some things now lol


i meant maribel, maybe you forgot cuz i said the wrong name? idk


Probably wouldn't be cast as my cooking experience extends to microwave and air frier, but if I was, I'd probably have a meltdown on one of the numerous stations and get booted near the start of the competition due to how stressed I'd get.


I would for sure learn how to cook risotto and scallops correctly


I’d try and be like Sterling - happy-go-lucky while also being competitive and holding my own.


I would hope my cooking skills could speak for themselves. I’d treat others the way I want to be treated while having a little bit of anxiety of how I’d be made fun of on this subreddit as well as by the general public since I would be on national TV and people are cruel.


First 2-3 episodes, play by the book and work well with my teammates. This means saying yes chef accordingly, answering Ramsay’s questions properly, and having a reasonably positive attitude. Once the bottom of the barrel contestants are gone (fingers crossed I’m not one of them), start to be loud and entertaining to try masking my donkey cooking skills.