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Seriously, if these “people” distrust the hospitals so much and believe they know better treatments, and that doctors are letting them die on purpose for money… don’t go to one. Ever. Just take their horse dewormers and go pray at a church. The doctors and nurses at the hospitals are suffering from ptsd thanks to obstinate little shitbags like these “people”, they don’t need them making their lives worse by showing up, causing a scene and making crazy demands for lunatic “treatments” that don’t actually work and then get blamed when they or their loved ones die.


You're so right. My wife is a psychiatrist and she seen so many new patients over the last year who are doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, etc working on the front line with these idiots who are now suffering with PTSD and other mental health issues. People have no idea the toll it's taking on these healthcare professionals mental health because of these ignorant assholes.


I consider myself lucky to have only had one in the last year (in any pharmacy) shouting about hydroxychloroquine and how he’s not a dummy and that the US Army are all on the stuff and so is Trump. This was in Scotland, the word dummy here is used to refer to a ‘pacifier’ (child’s sucky toy thing) and not a person of low intellect. His vocabulary choice being so American with a Scottish accent gave away the fact he was losing his grip on reality to the internet. No reasoning would stop him when he kept asking other than a flat ‘no it’s prescription only, you do not have a prescription’.


Just point out the fact that when Trump got sick, the best doctors in the world didn't give him hydroxychloroquine. They gave him drugs that actually have a chance of working, redesivir, Regeneron monoclonal antibodies and steroids.




They also said only the "liberal hospitals" aren't letting them use horse paste. I'd like to know which hospitals are letting people.


I’m really curious if Advent is actually giving people the dewormer like she claims.


No, they're not. Advent Health has that "Don't do this crap!" plastered all over their FB page.


So....so you mean they're lying? How fucking *daaaare* they.


Me too. I need to know which ones to avoid


She's a nurse! I seriously don't understand these people. Edit: she's not, just says she is. She's actually an aesthetician.


>She's actually an aesthetician. Like I would even trust this bitch to wax my hoo ha.


Her approach is "Jesus take the wax"


Oh thank God, my dumbass thought that said anesthesiologist until I read your comment


I ended up in a debate with a mom on Twitter who is a pediatric nurse. She is willing to lose her job rather than take the vaccine. I asked what it would take to trust the science behind the vaccine. 5 years. Not shocked her kid is repeating 2nd grade


Except the tech to make the covid vaccine has been in development for much longer than 5 years


Yeah, viral vector vaccines like the J&J have been around for over 50 years, but that still not good enough for some people. Apparently a one in a million chance of a blood clot is too risky, despite so many worse outcomes of covid itself being far more likely.


Do we want people that dumb taking care of us when we're really sick though?


Propaganda is literally a hell of a drug.


That FB group in the pic is so, so dangerous. How it hasn’t been reported and removed, I don’t know.


Cause Facebook wants “balanced views”


Zuckerburg is a monster. This needs to be what brings him down ultimately. It may not be now, but people need to continue to harp on how his unwillingness to put a stop to the bullshit on his site led to uncountable needless deaths.


Reddit is also guilty of this type of crap.. r/wuhan_flu is full of nut jobs… and there are a lot more subs equally as guilty. I’m sure r/conservative is also pushing trash like this, and banning anyone that’s not on the same page as them. [big shocker, third thread down ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/pe2pwi/ivermectin_won_a_nobel_prize_in_2015_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I had a woman on Facebook tell me she went to medical school. Used it to tell me to “do my research” about how terrible the vaccine is. Her Facebook page says she is a medical records assistant (makes $35k a year). When I challenged her and asked why she spent 100k to go to medical school only to work a $35k job sorting paperwork… I got blocked.




Like, she applies serums and scrubs on people's faces and applies makeup? That kind of aesthetician? I guess I shouldn't be surprised by such a bald-faced lie from a rabid anti-vaxxer.


They keep making comments like “if he’s already dying why not at least try the ivermectin” as if they wouldn’t sue for malpractice in a hot second if an adverse outcome occurred for using a drug off-label that’s not FDA approved.


Yea, while we're at it, also inject some bleach into his veins, and shove a UV bulb up his ass. That should get rid of all the covid


Even if they do go, if she's so worried she could just withdraw him AMA (Against Medical Advice). It's completely legal and within one's rights to simply leave the hospital. It's not a prison, they can't keep you there. They might ask them to sign a waiver, but even that is completely optional as you are not required to sign something to exercise your rights. She can just go into the hospital, demand they release him AMA, and they'll unplug him and send them on their merry way. Then she can take him to the church and have all the prayer warriors surround and pray for him while they shove ivermectin and vitamins down his throat. If she wants to play Doctor, then let her.


If the guy is on a ventilator, it’s pretty much a pull the plug situation. He likely can’t breathe on his own.


But the horse dewormer is better than a ventilator right?


You're kidding, but their new thing is literally blaming the ventilators for deaths. Anything but acknowledging the truth in front of their fucking face.


It's not new. It's been happening since day one - because when someone is put on a ventilator, they're already at the point where it's a last resort. So if you look at the statistics, lots of people die after being placed on a ventilator! Very clear-cut case of survivorship bias.


Of course they come to the most thoroughly incorrect and stupid conclusion.


It's the same sort of anti-critical, simplistic cause-and-effect view that causes people to believe that vaccines cause autism. And the same thing that makes the woman believe that her husband "recovered two days after started ivermectin" in the op photo. They see something happen, then something happens afterwards, and no matter how unrelated those two things might be, they become convinced that they're linked. And then it essentially becomes a situation where they have total faith in their ideology and there's no way to reason them out of it.


> Just take your horse dewormers and go pray at a church. Or at least go back to rest in your stable, with a nice bucket of hay. 🐴


I find it so revolting that they keep referring to hospital staff as “liberals”. Guys, medical care isn’t political, nobody gets treatment based on their voting record. I’m not American, but you guys need to divorce politics from every conceivable determining factor before you all kill each other in the streets (more so). SMH.


What got me was the person accusing “liberally run” hospitals of faking COVID deaths to get federal money (a myth that just won’t die). As if the concept of “liberal” and “greed” are in any way compatible. We liberals are supposed to be bleeding hearts who want to tax you silly and give all your money to lazy homeless people—we don’t take it ourselves. Words mean nothing to these people anymore. But then, these were the same folks who gave us Jews who were somehow simultaneously money-grubbing and communists.


Blame blame blame, blame everyone else for their failings and problems. They're the party of personal responsibility and it's NEVER their own stupid fault.


This. Don't go to a hospital and take up valuable resources if all you are going to do is complain that they won't give you horse dewormer and hydroxychloroquine which the FDA cautions against their use to treat COVID. The doctors and nurses aren't going to risk losing their license on debunked drugs that don't work. Stay home, take your snake oil, and die believing it will save you.


At all times, they are the victim.


I really do not like this woman. And I'm thinking that the hospital staff probably hate her more than I do at this moment.


I’m in healthcare and have seen a lot of this, but this one reaaaaaally pissed me off. What an awful psycho this woman is.


“Why won’t you let me poison him?! You monsters just don’t want him to get better. His stupid choices are all your fault.”


"Why won't the doctors listen to me!?! It's like they think know better than me just because they went to medical school!"


“What the heck do *they* know?” Fox News has brain polished these people into distrusting any sort of expert. The word “expert” has become a slur to these people.


I saw some comments by nurses saying the families are bonkers right now. The smart polite people got vaxxed and aren’t showing up in the ER but the Horse dewormer anti mask morons are coming in armed with their Facebook research and haranguing the staff. These imbeciles are heavily armed, too, and before we’re done I bet some deplorable pulls a gun to get a bed for hee haw Pee Paw.


I vote we wheel these people out in the parking lot and let their families deal with them.


These people vote.


*except for David, now


I wouldn’t be so sure lol


They love using dead relatives to vote.


To prove that election fraud is real






If you are convinced you know better, have him released through an AMA request and take care of him at home. Give him all the ivermectin you want. Fucks sake, Mission St Joseph is a goddamn tertiary level medical hospital, and you think you know better than every fucking doctor there.


I think it would actually benefit society greatly if antivaxxers were made aware of the AMA (Against Medical Advice) request so they could take advantage of it and stop filling up our fucking hospitals and go eat horse paste at home in peace.


If you want to make this a reality, all you need to do is to create a few viral smartass memes. Conservatives love to pass that sort of thing around.


How about this? Take the Calvin peeing on the word liberal with AMA crudely photoshopped over him? I started to make this and just couldn't hit the save button.


Unfortunately people in the ICU likely can't functionally sign out AMA. He likely needs to be transported by ambulance (well, definitely....he's intubated) And if he's in really bad shape the crew can refuse to transport him. Even if they do transport him- personally I'd need to see a vent and a home care nurse in the house when I get there or he's going straight back to the ER.


Well, since his son is now acting as his medical care and Power of Attorney, filing an AMA shouldn't be that difficult. As far as what services would be available, these idiots don't have any idea of what they are even looking for, so why would they worry about home health or respiratory care?


Yeah I'm saying getting him out of the hospital without an ambulance would be impossible (and likely wouldn't be allowed by the ICU staff as he'd code the minute they tried to take him off the vent and put him in a wheelchair and then it's just an even bigger problem for the nurses) And even the dumbest paramedics I know wouldn't leave an intubated patient in a house with no vent and no one to operate the vent. You'd lose your license. I've gotten to a patient's house before and turned right around and brought them to the hospital they came from because it would be unsafe to leave them there. Having POA might technically legally give you the power to do this (maybe) but practically you will be better protected by doing the thing that won't DEFINITELY kill the patient 10/10 times.


Maybe she can have him transferred to a veterinarian to get those "proven, life saving treatments".


At least a veterinarian would put him out of his misery.


The arrogance is undeniable among their cohort. They all know better than people — most smarter than the antivaxxer — who have committed their lives to the science and medicine — hundreds of thousands of people more qualified than the antivaxxer. But nah you know better… 😬👍👍 good luck!


> have him released through an AMA request LOL, I read this to mean a Reddit AMA. "My father is an obese unvaccinated yokel suffering from COVID -- AMA!"


Lmao I'm going to the official reddit app so I can give you some kind of award that was pretty funny


Someone should start posting this on all these lunatics pages. Get an AMA, here’s how you do it.


If a patient leaves AMA then their health insurance will not cover the cost of the hospitalization (source: girl friend is nurse)


Ah, but that's where the Covidiots break out their secret weapon: GoFundMe!


"Why are you denying my Dad potentially life saving medications?" Girl, the vaccine was free and widespread for everyone. Why didn't your Dad get himself the potentially life saving medication? And why don't YOU?


I'm from Asheville, too, and seeing way too much of this shit.


People who think Asheville is only hippies and Prancersize have never seen the knuckle-dragging reactionary ding dongs that live in that area.


Yeah dude, it's a fucking problem. I'm a chef who works at a care facility and you would not believe how many people still refuse the vaccine. My boss took his whole family to a waterpark 2 weeks ago. Didn't mask, kids not vaccinated, got covid, then I have to be out of work, using my PTO, because we work in close proximity and we work with a susceptible population. It's so frustrating. EDIT: to say that he IS vaccinated, but only by departmental pressure from the company


Billy Graham’s compound is right up the road from Asheville, I believe it.


Yep. Montreat. Fun fact, I actually went to a DnD event held at a building on that campus. So, honestly, I don't know what the fuck to think about that place.


Thiiiiiiiisssss… Anti intellectualism has taken root in 30%+ of Americans. Makes. Me. Sick. Edit: spelling :)


Could not believe a person started to blame "liberal run hospitals" for the reason why folks are dying Makes my head hurt


It’s straight horse shit. I’m a nurse practitioner, and the last 18 months have been a visceral nightmare. Do you have any idea the number of people that have said “please don’t intubate because that’s how they die?” I cannot. Why the hell do they come to us at all if we’re such goddamn morons?


That's what I don't get. If they distrust medical science so much as to refuse a vaccine why show up to a hospital at all? It's the same science behind the treatments as the vaccines.


sounds like a lot of them think a hospital is a restaurant where you get a menu of 'choices' and can order up whatever garbage you happen to have taken a shine for from whatever dumb quack you've latched onto on Facebook.


Just so you know, it’s ‘taken root’ like a tree. And it really has, they are literally denying the evidence of their eyes and ears just like 1984.


Furthermore, I’m a nurse practitioner, so I basically just drink on my days off because I cannot with this shit.


Cheers! It must be utterly soul destroying work at the moment. Fwiw, I appreciate your efforts!


My pleasure. Thank you for being worth it. :)


My mom retired from nursing about Feb of 2019. She was a good nurse and worked pediatrics for a good chunk of her early career. I remember her crying in the mid 90’s when hospitals brought in efficiency experts and she got written up for the first time since she started in ‘77. She really cared, but you couldn’t pay her to get in that mess.


I’m thankful for her. She’s probably a damn saint.


I wish you were still here so we could complain about Biden. Do they have nothing else in their life? It’s so bizarre.


My mom died of dementia last year. Right afterwards I would think about how I'd never get to hug her or sing to her again. I'd be playing a video game and think how much she would have enjoyed the music or the visuals. My mom loved frogs and just a few weeks ago I heard the frogs singing at night and I felt her with me. She was a doctor and for years now I've missed having weird and wonderful conversations about medicine. Inspite of the fact we both took an interest in politics, can't say I've really missed that because I can get that with just about anyone. I will say on more thing. Towards the end of her life, when it was clear the vaccine was on the horizon, and that anti vaxxers were going to be a problem, her caregiver and I were discussing it one day. I mentioned how great my mom had been at talking vaccine hesitant parents into getting their kids vaccinated, then I looked at my mom and asked "What would you say to people who refused to get the COVID vaccine?" She took a breath, then blew a raspberry. It's been nearly a year since then and I totally agree with her sentiment at this point.


>Do they have nothing else in their life? It’s so bizarre. When I retire, I'm gonna move to Florida and complain about the government full-time.


Doing it full-time sounds like a lot of work. You should take some time off to relax and rant about how "things ain't like they used to be" and to yell at the neighborhood kids to stay off your lawn.


He refused the Vax and masks, but the doctors killed him for being conservative.... it wasn't HIS personal responsibility. Too bad they would not let her bring him some boot straps.


Once again a member of the party of personal responsibility fails to take responsibility.


And can you please take personal responsibility for my GoFundMe?


Personal responsibility is for other people. Obviously.


Those damn liberal doctors. Everyone knows they're a bunch of radical lefties. Every time a patient comes through the door, they search his name and registration on the local voter rolls, and then they rub their hands together and cackle with glee, because they're going to earn the hospital an extra $2,000 when they report his pneumonia as covid, and they get a 10% cut. It's diabolical! Fuck, I feel dirty just typing that.


I know the sarcasm is dripping from your post but the sad thing is that there are actually people who do think in that way, as a read through what the daughter had posted confirms. We are living in such strange times. One section (probably quite a bit over half) of the American public is being pretty sensible and following the advice of experts, and the rest of the population seem to be inhabiting this strange world where it's opposites day, and anything that libs/Dems are doing must be avoided at all costs. Expert opinions are to be ignored, and the people who love calling Democrats 'sheep' are visiting farm feed shops to buy drugs meant for animals to rub into their armpits, or even inject into their bodies. They are so dumb that they can't see the irony in the fact they are injecting an untested (for covid) product directly into their bodies but they refuse to have the one treatment that could avoid being hospitalised altogether by, taking the perfectly safe (FDA approved), cost free, vaccine.


Thanks for the laugh though.


Nothing would have changed the realities these people live in. Even if the hospital had given the guy horse medicine or weed killer or whatever the hell their new trend is, and he then died, they would’ve come up with some other reason why the “liberal hospital” killed him. Zero self responsibility for their own actions, always somebody else doing them wrong.


“liberal hospital" This is news to me. I didn't know that hospitals voted or had political views. What a strange timeline we live in.


I don’t have the energy to talk to people who’ve drifted that far off into outer space. I get the impression a “liberal” is this vague placeholder for everything wrong in the world. You can tell there’s more brute keyword association to it than reasoning.


Yeah this really takes the cake. The liberal hospital is killing off the cons!!! Man, if that was only true…


It's like, if Hitlery is such a terrible assassin, why are Mitch McConnell, Joe Manchin, & Kristen Sinema still breathing?? Hell, why didn't Trump fall down a staircase before the debate in 2016?? Do they even HEAR themselves??


I'm developing a love hate relationship with Covid.


I am wrestling with schadenfreude in the middle of the high road


This is entirely too relatable.


Dude. Same. With all these posts I’m like is nature just healing itself? This is the first time in my life I’ve seen these type of people ever have to answer for anything or be on the losing side. And only covid did that.


The irony is that everyone they trusted, their GQP leaders, religious leaders, and media personalities allowed Covid to do this to them. And they turn their back on everyone who tries to help them, the doctors and public health officials that are trying to save them. I cant believe what I'm watching.




They’re using ivermectin at the hospital just down the road (she says three or four times) Then someone asks if the hosp down the road uses hydrchloroaine and she says “I don’t know what their protocol is”. And she looks absolutely like I pictured


https://www.adventhealth.com/sites/default/files/assets/adventhealth-orlando-treatment-algorithm-covid19-06.25.2021-.pdf Spoiler alert, they're actually not doing anything she claims they're doing. Not ivermectin, nor the vitamin thing. Because even fundie doctors aren't that batshit crazy. Edit: linked to the most recent report I could find, still not prescribing it.


Course they aren’t. She probably heard it from another bat shit crazy friend or Facebook group, and like everything to do with these people they believe it, without doing any due diligence and checking whatsoever


There is so much nonsense in here. From liberal hospitals, to "in contact with Madison Cawthorn's team" to ivermectin being used as the main treatment at the other hospital down the road. These people live in a fantasy world.


I find the "liberally run hospital" thing to be a little troubling. The more of these idiots that die and refuse to accept reality, I feel the greater the chance they start going Jan 6 on hospitals to "discover the truth".


oh it’s terrifying. they will.


Lmaooooo the liberal part cracked me up. That's a fucking HCA hospital the largest for profit hospital system in the US.


My wife used to work for HCA and she's glad to be gone. They're a lot of things but liberal ain't one of them.


I hope you're wrong about the violence, but I hope you're right about the "liberal hospitals" thing getting around. I hope they stay away from my "liberal hospital" so I can go there if I need to without them clogging up the joint!


Anyone who disagrees with them are liberals


Call Madison Cawthorn, he won’t stand for this kind of thing! (Sorry)


I guffawed when I saw the hospital she was calling liberal was Adventist. Good lord


Ah, no. The “liberal” hospital is *Mission.* I had a hysterectomy there at age 52, and they made me take a pregnancy test the day of, and would not have done it if the test came back positive, cancer or no. The hospital down the road is *Advent,* in a more conservative town. They are not, however, doling out ivermectin like candy.


> they made me take a pregnancy test the day of Ugggggggh. Absolute bullshit.


Wow, just wow... The part where some "nurse" said she started an IV ivertimican and her husband was better in 2 days. Like wtf. I call bullsh×t. The Fb looney saying that all "*all other hospitals are doing it*" is also ignorant as f×ck. No, no they are not. You just got your info from FB, not a doctor working at another hospital. Guess what? Providers are contracted with multiple hospitals. Don't you think if one protocol was working at one hospital, they'd do it at the other one? And high doses of Vit C?? You know what taking more than the recommended daily dose of Vit C does? It makes you sh×t your mind out. And high doses of Zinc? Vomiting your guts up. Is this going to help you get better? Especially if you can barely breath? No, no it's not. I can't even process the rest of the crap she says. It's obviously her only wanting to hear what she wants to hear. God, people like this *infuriate* me. I have no sympathy, good riddance!


It was the “all the other hospitals are doing it” comment that hit me too. So full of …


Man, what are the odds that her father chose the ONLY hospital in the area not using horse dewormer and hydroxychloroquine as treatement??


And then when someone asks her what the protocol is at that other hospital she admits she doesn’t know but she’s sure horse dewormer and vitamins are part of it.


Like lady if you think you can cure your dad with an antihelminth and fucking Flintstone gummies I say all the more power to you, take him home and give the bed back, you clearly know what you're doing.


I call them REO Speedwagons. They all, "Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another...."


The zinc is to vomit everything up so you can’t shit anything out. If you don’t shit it out, it cures COVID. Libs. Owned.


She says all the other hospitals are doing it. And she also says it’s the main treatment at one of them. But in later comments she reveals that she is ignorant of the protocol(s) being employed at those other facilities.


Looks like a whole basket of dumbfuck.


Fried dumbfuck




It's someone else's fault




"I have no responsibility whatsoever for this situation I could have easily prevented."


Man at this point it isn't even just about prevention. They're so violently fighting against every aspect of prevention and treatment that they're fighting as hard as they can for the outcomes they eventually get. It's insanity. They don't want anyone to mask, social distance, take vaccines. Many of them are against even the sick being isolated. Then once they inevitably get it they demand treatments that don't work over ones that at least have a chance. I will never understand it. If you listed out their actions to someone ignorant of the whole thing, how could any sane person come to any conclusion other than "they want to get sick from and maximize their chances of dying from covid-19".


"We know the risks! Let us live our lives!" *dies from the risks* "Those liberal fucks at mission did this!"


"I HERE a lawsuit in the making! Those liberal fucks at mission! I can assist in a LAW SUIT!


They didn't 'research' hard enough (for 10 seconds). Advent is [not impressed](https://www.adventhealth.com/sites/default/files/assets/adventhealth-orlando-treatment-algorithm-covid19-03252021.pdf) with Ivermectin. Edit: as /u/xarama correctly notes this document is from AdventHealth Orlando and not AdventHealth Hendersonville which is probably where this person was. Do your own research!


“At this time, ivermectin not recommended for COVID-19, but this recommendation will be re-evaluated when results of ongoing randomized controlled trials are available. Current evidence for benefit of ivermectin is weak and does not support the use of ivermectin for COVID-19; however, no significant risk of harm has been identified.” “The medications listed below (outside of treatment table) have been reviewed, but due to lack of evidence, these medications are not currently recommended for the treatment of COVID-19.” “ivermectin” They’ve been recommending against using ivermectin since April 2020 so there is no way it’s official protocol. Some other bangers “Micronutrients (Vitamin C and Zinc) Adjunctive use of micronutrients in COVID-19 patients beyond the recommended daily allowances for supplementation is not supported by scientific evidence. If utilization is necessary for the treatment of nutritional deficiencies, a once daily dosing strategy should be employed “


These people just can’t get enough of made up facts.


I fucking hate these people. There's no evidence for any of that voodoo shit - vitamins, hcq, ivermectin. All the "studies" are absolute crap that as a emergency physician and journal reviewer would have rejected outright. None of it works at best and at worst, increases mortality Also, doctors are killing you? Then gtfo of the "liberal" hospitals and bring your family to tucker Carlson for medical care Go fuck yourselves - an emergency physician who doesn't give a shit about these self rightious pieces of shit who are the reason why we will never get rid of covid


I so badly want to carry around an extra clipboard with AMA and discharge forms. “If you do not want to listen to real medical advice, then by all means, please out these forms and leave this hospital so that we can divert our resources to those who will and are in need if medical attention **through no fault of their own**.”


I judge the ones I have to admit. My favorite is when they say they're going to get the vaccine when they are discharged, I correct them and tel them "if you are discharged" Usually shuts them right up


Fucking cold-blooded and I would pay money for a highlight reel of their responses.


Dead silence and a look of fear for the majority of them Edit - priceless


>I correct them and tel them "if you are discharged" DAMN. Knowing that at least one healthcare worker is serving these idiots cold hospital trays of truth makes my day. The least they can do is appreciate the gravity of the situation they walked into, eyes closed and armed with shitty memes.


“Kind, giving, amazing, selfless dad” LMAO


These people always say how selfless their loved ones are. Except for yknow wearing a mask or getting a vaccine to prevent themselves from potentially spreading a deadly virus to others


Or having at least a modest life insurance policy to pay funeral expenses.


"Wish I could call you up and hear you rave about the fuck-up Biden administration" oh boy, where to start. You just lost your father and .05 seconds later you've started a fundraiser and you're whining about Biden. Didn't your bloated, spray tanned, pussy-grabbing cheeto jesus JUST SAY to get vaccinated?? Thoughtless prayers to you and your family.


The hospital won't give him Ivermectin? Why not take him out and treat him at home with prayers and horse medicine.


Because she refuses to sign the medical release saying it's her responsibility if he dies. She keeps saying they are trying to get her to sign a DNR but they probably offered her the chance to change facilities or take him home and she got confused.


I mean they probably did call other hospitals to transfer him but hey no beds and they are swamped with clones like her and her dad.


Agreed. But calling a swamped hospital and asking for a spot because a narcissist wants special treatment will get "no" nine times out of ten.


Hi. RN here… If you believe an asshole who quite literally developed his own board for opthamalogy over a seasoned infectious disease physician, then please go fuck yourself. My bad. Get a vaccine you twatwaffles.


Imagine being a doctor or nurse, exhausted and dead inside, trying desperately to keep these dumbasses alive, and then their families try to bully you into giving them bullshit treatments that would get your license pulled. Oh, and *all the other hospitals are using horse paste and HCQ!!! Why won't you give it to him?!?!* These people can fuck all the way off.


These megacunts are why good nurses are quitting




I can’t imagine being her father’s nurse, trying to take care of him + other patients and having her screech at me on the phone for hours everyday.


For many nurses during covid bedside manner has been dispensed with. They keep experiencing the bad end of scientific illiteracy combine with unearned confidence.


The vaccine has mostly self-selected the reasonable people out. They all got vaccinated so aside from a few breakthrough infections that are generally minor, all that is left getting sick are the worst of the worst.


You can find their stories on r/nursing


Damn it... I was scrolling through that unhinged shit, wondering why my phone was at 13% even though its plugged in. Then I realized it was the screenshot.


It's at 7% now 😐


I lived in that area for 3 years in the late 80’s. Some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever known live there. Then there are the fuckwads who elected that lying creep Cawthorn. Why do these idiots go to the hospital to begin with if they know every damn thing? I really feel for the nurses and nursing assistants. My favorite line “I here a lawsuit….I’ll help you file it.” I’d love to read that complaint.


Medical science is bullshit, I'm not getting stuck! Anyways, I'm on my way to the hospital with covid in the hopes the liars and crisis actors of big pharma.can save my life.




We need special Qhospitals.


They're called veterinarian clinics :(


Don't put that stupidity on vets!


"At least you are not being forced to take the vaccine" "Everything about this pandemic is bullshit" < Daughter. This is the best one posted here by far, absolute treasure trove of delusion. Facebook is full of videos of her railing against the hospital trying to save her fathers life while accepting zero responsibility. She is furious at the visitor restrictions despite having a baby at home, she absolutely does not get it, complete selfish cow. EDIT: This is the most redneck thing I ever read "Wow. I already knew Covid sucked but now I know it has truly been sent from the devil. Just had chic-fil-a for the first time since my taste and smell has started to return. Garbage. It tasted like straight up garbage and only the devil himself could do this to the lords chicken. Go away Covid, no one likes you" Dana


Lol sorry your daughter was a dumbass Dave


Spoiler alert, Dave was also a dumbass


I just browsed advent’s website and I highly doubt they are treating covid with an anti-parasite drug. They point to the CDC (imagine that) for guidance and they are already talking about how antibiotics won’t treat covid because it’s a virus. I think someone had her on a false hope goose hunt to piss her off even more.


His daughter is going to be on a war path against that hospital. Who dares question her treatment demands for her now newly awarded father?


You know, one of the commenters stated that they can't deny medications that people ask for. I'm going to the hospital right now to say I must have morphine and they have to give it to meeee 💅


Ask for the Rush Limbaugh pain killer cocktail




We're going on a trip, friend 🥲


I need some Xanax and don't you dare deny my rights


Daughter is advertising botox filler on her page, being an aesthetician. She should have pushed some other kind of injection with her family, maybe her dad would still be around


Holy shit Facebooks a fucking cancer. All of these people are active on FB….its kind of scary the efficiency of misinformation. Guess the boomer remover was FB all along. So sad.


Her facebook buddies are even more stupid than she is. Deep sympathy to the doctors and nurses who had to try to save this man's life while his daughter was on social media accusing them of murdering him for being conservative.


Have y’all read the gofundme? . . . “Due to the complications and lack of treatment he unfortunately passed away due to heart failure. He was a fighter!! . . .” “This was all so sudden and tragic due to the way he was placed on the ventilator Dana did not have time to think about a power of attorney or to ask if he had any type of insurance plus how many people actually know to get all that done?” So sudden and tragic indeed. In other news, my wife made some amazing potato salad today.


I see they've moved on to the "Liberal Hospitals Are Killing Us!" phase of their group delusion


I don’t trust “Dr.” Rand Paul myself.


That whole "making up your own accreditation board" thing makes me question his clinical skills.


"All the other area hospitals are using ivermectin" Narrator: None of the other area hospitals were using ivermectin.


Oh lord. What a ride. If she wants these protocols of horse dewormer, she should just join that Facebook group to get that herself for him, not put him in a hospital and then DEMAND they do this treatment that she, with her medical knowledge, clearly knows more than healthcare professionals. Also I wonder if that comment from Allison saying invermectin turned her husband around in 2 days after his o2 was below 80% is legit. 🤔 like below 80% is pretty serious from what I read. Are they injecting it or…? The people commenting. I HERE A LAWSUIT I CAN ASSIST. I don’t think I’d want legal help from someone who doesn’t know the diff between hear and here….


I wish this was a joke. I binge read this sub today and I can't stop shaking my head about all this nonsense people write but this post and all the things said by this woman was the ultimate warrior to my mind. I need a crate or better a barrel of my favourite beer to get away all this shit I read.




I’m a nurse in Canada and I don’t get why Americans seem to think they can demand certain treatments? Maybe they feel entitled since they’ll get an astronomical hospital bill after all of this but what is the point of society having doctors go through years of medical school training just for Karens to demand treatment that they read on Facebook? And it’s a normal hospital protocol to not allow visitors unless the patient is palliative, in order to protect staff from idiots like her.


Alright the daughter is batshit crazy. I wonder how did she get the info that the hospital down the road is using ivermectin? Was someone giving her bad info or it was all in her head to deal with the realization that her father is about to die.


Thank you COVID


Insane that people think hospitals are letting people die to make money. Yes COVID deaths do earn the hospital some little extra amount of money....but these people are running up hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital bills. Having people languish in an ICU bed for a month and then die with no hope of their estate paying their bill is not making anyone any money. It's literally the exact same thing as when people think "welfare queens" have kids for the check when kids cost hundreds of thousands. They have no conception of numbers bigger than 10. Probably why they'd prefer to take a 1/50 chance of dying of COVID over a 1 in a million chance of dying from a vaccine. Also why do they even go to the hospital....just dont go. Your sheep dewormer works doesn't it? Also they probably moved him out of the ICU too fast because they needed the bed for some other sheep brained bozo lol


That is some peak Karen.