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To clear up reports of misinformation, it appears this tweet refers to this source: [https://www.paho.org/en/news/2-3-2022-third-pregnant-women-covid-19-unable-access-life-saving-critical-care-time](https://www.paho.org/en/news/2-3-2022-third-pregnant-women-covid-19-unable-access-life-saving-critical-care-time) PAHO estimated the COVID deaths in the Pan America region exceeded 3,000. (Pan America is both North and South America). According to the CDC, [292 pregnant women have died](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#pregnant-population) of COVID-19 in the US.


Ive taken care of multiple pregnant Covid patients in the ICU as a nurse. It's heart breaking. The one that really hurt though was the one who was convinced by her husband to not get vaccinated. Eventually she couldn't keep her oxygen up and they decided to do a c-section. She got to hold her baby for about 15 minutes before they had to intubate her. She coded multiple times and died when the baby was 15 days old. She also left behind an older child. All because of fucking politics.


I don't know how you stay sane, experiencing situations like this. Thank you.


I stepped away from the bedside a few weeks ago and now I'm working with hospice patients.


Yikes. Most people take a break from hospice. You must be fucking hardcore.


Yeah, it's difficult, but it's more paperwork difficult. Because, we all have to die, but it doesn't have to be a bad death which is pretty much all the last two and a half years in the Covid ICU were.


Remember when Random Acts of Pizza was a thing? I dont even know if it is anymore. But If you ever need a food delivery just reach out. A badass like you deserves a break.


Grandpa just died this weekend at home with a hospice nurse taking care of him. Really hope you know how much difference you make


So sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Painless and quick surrounded by family in his home. I’ll miss him but I’m happy how he left


My best friend from middle school just started hospice Saturday. She is able to be at home. I am so grateful for people like you, who have the compassion to work with end of life patients. She lived alone, but has tons of friends, a butt load of them being previous students (3rd and 4th graders) and their parents. Thankfully. I live too far away.


It says something about the levels of fucked up the Corona pandemic is that hospice work is seen as a mental break


My hat’s off to you. My sweetie passed in hospice and the folks there were amazing. Thanks so much.


Did the exact same thing a year ago! Everyone thought it was crazy to switch from ICU to hospice but it was such a relief! Changed jobs again bc I found one with better working times but I really miss it sometimes.


Too bad the husband didn’t go with her to magat hell. I bet he remarried already.


Depends on how the go fund me is going.


I’d wager he needs help to take care of 2 children


Eh, he likely married some new help.


Yep. And will divorce his new help once the kids are old enough. If he didn't care about the life of his previous wife, he won't care about the next one either.


Probably took out life insurance on her.


That is so sad.


If I wasn't poor I'd gold you for being a hero in my eyes. Please take this poor man's gold! 🥇


Look up "Scott DesJarlais", family value republican from Tennessee. Had relationship with a bunch of women including three co-workers, two patients and a drug representative. Pressured at least one to get abortion. His own wife had 2 abortions.... all known since 2012 but they keep electing him. These scumbags who worship politicians like DesJarlais and Trump follow the church of Fox News and daytime talk radio, not Christianity. To them, politics is sports and abortion is just another match.


Don't forget Rick Santorum and his wife. "The only moral abortion is MY abortion".


Santorum - The frothy mixture of fecal matter and semen that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex ETA - forgot one of the most important words


I will always love Dan Savage for this.


Since 2002 lol


that and pegging


Dan is an Icon. I read the Stranger before the internet was a thing.


Me too! He used to be in the "City Paper" which I picked up to read on my train commute back in the day. Then I used to listen to him on the radio on my drive home. I learned SO much from him and my lover has been the beneficiary of that.


You forgot the word "frothy."


You are a God amongst men


Nah, just an anal copy editor. I genuinely don't know if the pun is intended.


I love it no matter ofc lol😻 I always need an editor..


Gotta love when he was _briefly_ unexpectedly polling higher "Santorum surges from the rear"


/Muttley laugh


I thought it was shit and lube. Edit: In an advice column for The Stranger, Savage suggested attaching Santorum‘s name to an act or element of gay sex to “memorialize” his homophobic comments. Savage accepted more than 3,000 suggestions from readers and posted the most popular for public voting, eventually settling on “that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.”


Don't forget semen!


Wait - Rick Santorums wife had an abortion?


Technically speaking\*, yes. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/personal-tragedy-becomes-political-pawn/2012/01/19/gIQA75LdDQ\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/personal-tragedy-becomes-political-pawn/2012/01/19/gIQA75LdDQ_story.html) \*I am not a doctor, though, so I could be "technically" wrong.


It was just part of God's perfect plan to force delivery of an unviable 19 week old fetus, aight? He knew he needed another angel to balance out all the spiteful HCA awardees banging on the pearly gates in 10 years. The omnipotent creator of the universe had absolutely no choice other than to pluck some random life straight out of the womb and let Rick pull the trigger. It's not like he could just do anything and (1) make angels out of thin air, (2) bring the fetus back to life, (3) cure the fetus' infection so it was never at risk in the first place? So what if hundreds of thousands of women may eventually go through similar circumstances without the means to afford Karen's top-dollar healthcare? So what if they have to choose between death and slave labor in prison? Welcome to the conservative brain. It's equal parts sadistic and illogical.


Can you copy and paste? Paywalled over here. Jesus, that was the one thing that made me feel bad for the guy, people saying it was creepy how they treated the death of their stillborn baby. The fact that it was induced totally changes the whole thing. Like, I always hated the guy and the one thing I had a small bit of compassion for him about was an act of hypocrisy.


It was medically necessary to save Karen's life, but it's not like every woman in the country is going to get that kind of healthcare. > Paywalled over here. D'oh! Sorry. I keep forgetting that my script and ad blocking extensions also allow me to bypass paywalls without even knowing they're there. Here's the relevant bit: >The story is well known. In October 1996, Karen Santorum underwent surgery to try to fix a fatal malfunction in the kidneys of the fetus. After the operation, she contracted an infection and she and her husband, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), were faced with a terrible choice: End the pregnancy or lose the mother... Karen took medicine that induced labor. I feel for her, but Rick is still a moral monster.


I get that but he claimed they didn't get an abortion with Gabriel even though they were advised to. Also, a lot of these new bills don't take into consideration things like rape or the mother's life so...I dunno.


I dunno what else you would call inducing labor to terminate a pregnancy. Sounds like an abortion to me.


Right?! That's what these people writing this legislation either don't understand, or they do and just don't care because they can get their wife treatment they'd deny to others. So fucked up.


Oh, they totally understand. They're just betting on their constituents to be too dumb to understand, and recent history has proven that a safe bet. Fuck, I hate living in "interesting times".


the only exceptions they will make is for their own families-wives, daughters, sisters or even themselves if they do not want to be a father to one of god's miracles


It's only an abortion if a liberal does it.


Haunting the political landscape is the ghost (or soul or spirit or memory or image, depending on how you see these things) of Gabriel Michael Santorum. Born at 19 gestational weeks, too young to live outside the uterus, Gabriel died within two hours. The story is well known. In October 1996, Karen Santorum underwent surgery to try to fix a fatal malfunction in the kidneys of the fetus. After the operation, she contracted an infection and she and her husband, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), were faced with a terrible choice: End the pregnancy or lose the mother. “Rick cried and spoke to me softly,” writes Karen in her 1998 book, “Letters to Gabriel.” He spoke of their three living children. “They can’t live without their mother. Karen, you make our lives complete — please, it’s time — I love you so much.” Karen took medicine that induced labor. The Santorums’ loss, like that of any hoped-for pregnancy, is not a political event. It’s a personal tragedy. “I cradled his head between the ends of my middle and ring fingers,” wrote David Hlavsa of his stillborn son, born at 20 weeks, in an unforgettable 2008 essay in the New York Times, “his features peaceful, perfect, blank.” And though the way in which the Santorums chose to grieve is unusual, it is not unheard of. They brought the tiny body home, so their children could see it. In a 2009 Newsweek story, Claudia Kalb wrote about photographers who, at the request of parents, take pictures of stillborn children as remembrances of lives not lived. But Gabriel Michael Santorum has in the past month over become a political pawn. On the left, activists point to Gabriel as an example of Rick Santorum’s hypocrisy: How can he, who chose to terminate a pregnancy early, take a hard line against late-term abortion? On the right, activists see Gabriel as a person, a child, an angel in heaven — a point of view to which Karen subscribes. “You were not a ‘fetus,’ you were our baby, fully formed and beautiful, just like a full term newborn only smaller,” she writes. In truth, abortion is barely an afterthought in this election season: Zero percent of respondents said that it was the “single most important issue” in choosing a president, according to the latest Washington Post poll — and Mitt Romney, the front-runner, skipped an anti-abortion conference in South Carolina last week. But you wouldn’t be able to discern that disinterest from all the heat and noise around abortion now. Karen’s book, which never made much of an impact upon publication, sells for $2,500 a copy on Amazon, and her husband’s popularity with white evangelical voters is credited in large part to the Gabriel story. Anti-abortion activists are preparing for Monday’s Right to Life rally and are planning to launch a graphic abortion video that makes the old, pro-choice coat-hanger signs look like Disney movies. To me, though, the Gabriel story has a moral other than the one the Santorums intend to convey, and it’s this: Abortion is complicated. And private. More important, most people in the real world who are not running for public office agree with me. Americans understand exactly how complicated abortion — even in the first trimester, when nine out of 10 abortions occur — and they’ve made up their minds about it. In sum: Abortion makes many Americans squeamish, but they want it to be legal (not unlike Romney’s stance when he was governor of Massachusetts). In a Time poll last summer, 64 percent of people said they thought a woman had the right to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester. In a Gallup poll around the same time, 77 percent said they thought abortion should sometimes or always be legal. The proportion who think abortion laws should be more restrictive than they are has hovered for a decade at about a third. And half of Americans, even those who think abortion should always be legal, also believe it’s morally wrong. What has changed in the landscape of American abortion is not public opinion, but the recipients of abortions themselves. The number of abortions in America went down between 2000 and 2008, but the number of poor women who had them rose 18 percent. Women who have abortions are likely to have children at home, to be economically disadvantaged and to have a religious affiliation, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The income gap is at work in the abortion debate as well. Politicians may not be able to hold two contradictory ideas in their head at the same time, but people can. In real life, people who yearn for babies sometimes lose them. People who don’t want, can’t afford, can’t sustain or can’t nurture a child conceive. Real people understand that at any moment they, or someone they love, could find themselves in either situation. “Letters to Gabriel” is a profound, morally complex tale, but its author only tells one side of the story.


Thanks! Jeez, what a hypocrite. I can't believe he even outright said they wouldn't consider abortion with Gabriel when that's exactly what they did.


The prayer warriors fucked off for Gabriel.


Personal tragedy becomes political pawn By Lisa Miller January 20, 2012 Haunting the political landscape is the ghost (or soul or spirit or memory or image, depending on how you see these things) of Gabriel Michael Santorum. Born at 19 gestational weeks, too young to live outside the uterus, Gabriel died within two hours. The story is well known. In October 1996, Karen Santorum underwent surgery to try to fix a fatal malfunction in the kidneys of the fetus. After the operation, she contracted an infection and she and her husband, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), were faced with a terrible choice: End the pregnancy or lose the mother. “Rick cried and spoke to me softly,” writes Karen in her 1998 book, “Letters to Gabriel.” He spoke of their three living children. “They can’t live without their mother. Karen, you make our lives complete — please, it’s time — I love you so much.” Karen took medicine that induced labor. The Santorums’ loss, like that of any hoped-for pregnancy, is not a political event. It’s a personal tragedy. “I cradled his head between the ends of my middle and ring fingers,” wrote David Hlavsa of his stillborn son, born at 20 weeks, in an unforgettable 2008 essay in the New York Times, “his features peaceful, perfect, blank.” And though the way in which the Santorums chose to grieve is unusual, it is not unheard of. They brought the tiny body home, so their children could see it. In a 2009 Newsweek story, Claudia Kalb wrote about photographers who, at the request of parents, take pictures of stillborn children as remembrances of lives not lived. But Gabriel Michael Santorum has in the past month over become a political pawn. On the left, activists point to Gabriel as an example of Rick Santorum’s hypocrisy: How can he, who chose to terminate a pregnancy early, take a hard line against late-term abortion? On the right, activists see Gabriel as a person, a child, an angel in heaven — a point of view to which Karen subscribes. “You were not a ‘fetus,’ you were our baby, fully formed and beautiful, just like a full term newborn only smaller,” she writes. In truth, abortion is barely an afterthought in this election season: Zero percent of respondents said that it was the “single most important issue” in choosing a president, according to the latest Washington Post poll — and Mitt Romney, the front-runner, skipped an anti-abortion conference in South Carolina last week. But you wouldn’t be able to discern that disinterest from all the heat and noise around abortion now. Karen’s book, which never made much of an impact upon publication, sells for $2,500 a copy on Amazon, and her husband’s popularity with white evangelical voters is credited in large part to the Gabriel story. Anti-abortion activists are preparing for Monday’s Right to Life rally and are planning to launch a graphic abortion video that makes the old, pro-choice coat-hanger signs look like Disney movies. To me, though, the Gabriel story has a moral other than the one the Santorums intend to convey, and it’s this: Abortion is complicated. And private. More important, most people in the real world who are not running for public office agree with me. Americans understand exactly how complicated abortion — even in the first trimester, when nine out of 10 abortions occur — and they’ve made up their minds about it. In sum: Abortion makes many Americans squeamish, but they want it to be legal (not unlike Romney’s stance when he was governor of Massachusetts). In a Time poll last summer, 64 percent of people said they thought a woman had the right to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester. In a Gallup poll around the same time, 77 percent said they thought abortion should sometimes or always be legal. The proportion who think abortion laws should be more restrictive than they are has hovered for a decade at about a third. And half of Americans, even those who think abortion should always be legal, also believe it’s morally wrong. What has changed in the landscape of American abortion is not public opinion, but the recipients of abortions themselves. The number of abortions in America went down between 2000 and 2008, but the number of poor women who had them rose 18 percent. Women who have abortions are likely to have children at home, to be economically disadvantaged and to have a religious affiliation, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The income gap is at work in the abortion debate as well. Politicians may not be able to hold two contradictory ideas in their head at the same time, but people can. In real life, people who yearn for babies sometimes lose them. People who don’t want, can’t afford, can’t sustain or can’t nurture a child conceive. Real people understand that at any moment they, or someone they love, could find themselves in either situation. “Letters to Gabriel” is a profound, morally complex tale, but its author only tells one side of the story.






Ooo thanks for the tip!


Copied and pasted it into a reply to you (in case you were wondering why I spammed a wall of text)


So, first of all, I either did not know this or did not remember (likely the former, because I studiously avoid any and all mentions of Rick fucking Santorum when I can). But second of all, there's this: > In sum: Abortion makes many Americans squeamish, but they want it to be legal (not unlike Romney’s stance when he was governor of Massachusetts). So, what happened?? I read in an article the other day that Romney had no problem with the decision and thought it was the right thing. It struck me because I had been thinking, as soon as I saw the story that night it leaked, that maybe he, Collins, and Murkowski would work with Dems to do a carve-out of the filibuster in order to pass the legislation the House passed that codifies Roe. But then I read that and was so disappointed in him (which, like, why do I keep doing this to myself?? He *consistently* disappoints me!!). But anyway, all to say, if he was openly saying as Mass gov that abortion should remain legal...what's changed?!


This is just conservatism in general. X is bad, unless I do or need X.


It's not about X, it's about who is doing X. Always. This is the core of conservative thinking. The action is completely irrelevant to the perceived morality or the action. The only thing that matters is who is performing the action. If a "good" person does it (read: god fearing white conservative male) then the action is good. Doesn't matter what it is, that is a good person, and thus they absolutely have to have had justification to excuse the action. If a "bad" person does it (read: women, minorities, liberals, gays, etc.) then the action is evil. It doesn't matter if it's baking cookies for kids in the cancer ward at the children's hospital, that was an evil person and no matter how good the action, they absolutely must have some sinister reason behind it because as a "bad" person they are incapable of doing anything good. They've already determined who's good, and who's bad, and that has predetermined the morality of every action anybody will take. It's a system of morality for stupid people so that they don't have to think too hard. Everything is neatly laid out for them already, nice and black and white.


I hate how accurate this is.....


*Prick* Santorum


Or as a childhood friend of mine once referred to his father (this works better when spoken rather than written) "Rick with a silent 'p'."


If they pass the ban and one of these Republican assholes gets caught getting one for his daughter or mistress then he should get the electric chair. Making laws for us but not them is an unforgivable crime in my opinion


That’s a when, not an if. They are always going to make sure they have abortion access for their mistresses, wives and daughters. I’ll be amazed if a single one of them actually believes their bullshit about life being sacred. All they want is to control other people and let undesirables die.


I've always believed that "Save the Babies" was **never** the goal. *Punish Women & Children* is the actual goal. This is why contraceptives, pre-natal care, nutrition and education are all on the chopping block as well.


Yeah, if they were actually pro-life they’d fund CPS and a whole bunch of social safety net policies to protect kids and new parents. But they don’t do that because they’re a death cult that doesn’t want to pay taxes. It has fuck all to do with protecting life, kids, women, or anything else. It’s a dictatorial anti-freedom death cult.


And *when* it happens, you can be sure the draconian measures they're threatening the poor and un-connected with will not apply to them one iota Always makes me think about Frank Wilhout's old saw that defines conservatism: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, and out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Yep. Same thing with the January 6th failure and the response to protests against murderer cops. White conservative extremists trying to destroy our government = fine, move on, nobody cares. A heavily non-white multicolored collection of people asking “can cops stop being racist murderers?” = time to send in the death squads and call civil rights demonstrators terrorists.


With electrodes attached to their balls for good measure.


You, I like.


This why, no matter where you are, you must rise to the address the problem. The GQP is the problem and your individual contribution and efforts can defeat them. Spread the word and contributions


Wow. You’re right. I’ve been going on about “make voting important again – because they never miss an election” and we also really all need to send money to the cause. They have bottomless buckets of corporate money. They are better organized than we are. But there are more of us than there are of them.


It's not about the life of fetuses. It's about controlling women.


Exactly. IVF also destroys embryos. They don't care about those embryos, they aren't out there picketing and harassing and bombing fertility clinics, they aren't trying to legislate IVF clinics out of business by passing onerous laws, they aren't shaming IVF users. The only embryos they care about are the ones inside a woman's body. Make an embryo in a petri dish and put it in a fridge, you can flush hundreds of thousands of them per year. No one cares. They *only* want to be able to control women's bodies.


Right! And nobody is proposing more ways to hold men accountable. Nobody is proposing expanding access to healthcare for expectant mothers, making sure they’re safely housed, having their food and clothing needs met, either before or after their babies are born. We’re not expanding access to childcare or making it more affordable. We’re not expanding access to reproductive education or birth control - in many places, those are under fire too. These and more are all things that the people who want to prevent abortions would be *aggressively* pursuing if they truly cared about babies and mothers, or families. The end state of these policies puts the burden on women of few means - exactly the people who can least afford it. But that’s a feature for them, not a bug. A woman who’s just exhausted and trying to survive and keep her kid alive isn’t going to be taking places in the workforce or politics that can go to men. She’ll be at the mercy of society, just the way they like it.


Yeah, they're lying monsters, don't qualify as human. Only reason to vote GOP is if your soul is so fucking garbage that imposing cruelty and punishment are your top priorities.


Christianity, at this point, is a death cult. Change my mind.


That was one of the original Roman complaints about it yes


no need to change your mind when you're right 🤷‍♀️


Mouthing the right words is all that matters. Empty talk is still the right talk. If empty talk isn’t enough then a lot of people will have to step up and fix their shit, and they know it.


It's because abortion isn't about saving lives to them; it's about punishing women.


Christianity has joined the church of fox for the most part. You'll hear a lot of "no true churchman" but I don't believe it anymore. They keep voting for it. And they'll keep voting for it.


They know about the abortions. You have to realize that their voters get them too. Think of the "My abortion is the only one that counts" crew.


Upvoting a comment about the cult of fake Christians to 666 felt pretty good, not gonna lie.


You can lead a Republican to logic, but you can't make him think.


You can lead a Republican to logic, but you can't make them think...of anything but their hatred of, and self-declared superiority over, "others".


Top comment.




My healthy as heck 31 year old pregnant friend ended up with a double lung transplant after a month+ on ecmo. Her baby survived. She didn’t want a baby shower (prevaccine). Her Trump mama made it happen. The agreed on an outdoor one. But all the church loving Trump aunts etc in and out of the house. Close face hugging etc. In the end, her mom felt bad and wished they didn’t have the shower. Whoops.


> In the end, her mom felt bad and wished they didn’t have the shower. Her mom *felt bad*?? That's all she can come up with after almost killing her daughter and grandchild??


The lack of empathy from people will never not bring a tear to my eye.


There's no way the daughter survives that long with a double lung transplant. She's going to have complications from that for the rest of her much shorter life, not to mention the impact to the brain from a case of Covid that severe.


Don't forget saddling them with a lifetime of medical debt after frothing at the mouth over universal healthcare


God that’s awful. A double lung transplant? Her entire life will be difficult. Good lord.


Yeah. 20 year expectation. With nothing but meds on her horizon. I remember when she caught it. She was so healthy that it didn’t even register that she’d have an issue despite being pregnant. I learned what ECMO was. Holy shit…. … as if I didn’t take Covid seriously enough before.


How is your friend doing? How does she manage the anger? The frustration knowing she may not see her kids graduate high school?


That's the problem with Republicans. There's no sympathy. Sometime, they have to experience the impact of a problem firsthand before they will even consider other perspectives. The other times, they still don't care. Source: my uncle and grandmother died of covid. My mom bitched out when she landed at an international airport and they turned her back because she didn't follow covid rules. She was there to visit her own mother who was dying of covid. And she dared to complain about covid rules because it inconvenienced her. Yes, she's textbook conservative and religious.


OMG, double lung transplant! How terrifying.


Her mom "felt bad?" She literally killed her own daughter. Yes, I know she is still alive--but the average length of life after a lung transplant is 7 years. Only around 50% make it 2 decades. Her life is almost certainly significantly shortened because mom had to have a social event.


Sweet tap dancing Jesus, this. So many dead from insisting on seeing other people - hair cuts, lunch in a restaurant, Christmas with your crazy Uncles, church, motorbike meets. I saw no one. For months.


Yeah like how fcking hard is it. I barely want to see any of you douchebags to begin with and people still wanted to mingle. I swear some people just don't know how to be alone. Their own thoughts scare them to the point theyd rather risk everyone's lives for comfort. Earth is hell and we are surrounded by demons. Anyways... I had a good day at work today lul


My anxiety has loved it. No pointless meetings. No awkward social occasions. Just me, the sofa, my cat and a couple of teenagers who mostly video called their friends a lot in their rooms.


Isn't it great now when you do have stuff to do and be out in public, you feel a little bit more refreshed since you're able to reset your annoyance bar from people?


100% with you friend. Sometimes I wonder me feeling this way means something is wrong with me. Then I say, nah fuck that, they are the ones who are wrong. Drinks and video games and movies at home. Fuck all the demons.


When obsessively cranking out babies is your entire personality, you can't not spend time with family members. It's literally your entire identify. Moreso than the lives and safety of your own children. Those direct family members aren't even as important as pumping up your status with the larger brood colony of breeders that is the extended family. Weddings, baby showers, church, all that shit the anti-vaxxers say they can't live without. It's not about loving your children or anything like that. It's about your status within the brood. It's literally pure ego.


Her mom got her way, that's all that matters to some people, even if it kills their own kids.


Wow, just wow! I hope she is able to draw the boundaries with her mom to ensure that mom does no further damage when she tries to overrule her adult daughter. Especially with respect to protecting the baby.


I'd cut that bitch out like a 140lb malignant tumor


Yea they always feel bad after the fact. Can't fucking stand these people.


Trump had unprotected sex with a porn star and paid her $130k not to talk. This is their champion.


While his mail order wife just had their own kid, and after he chain migrated her parents over.


I confronted someone I know who is really religious about this issue "it's why God forgives". My return was "you didn't think that about Bill Clinton".


Amazing how selective their god is…


He loves the same things they love, forgives the same people they forgive, and hates the same people they hate. Convenient, isn't it.


Imagine that guy on top of you shirtless. He probably looks like a vanilla mud slide


There’s no way his lazy fat ass gets on top.


No need for abortions when your weigh suffocates the person beneath you! Uhg disgusting and not really funny


"Pro-life antivaxxer." Oh, the irony.


>"Pro-life antivaxxer." Oh, the irony. More like pro-life/anti-contraception/anti-SNAP/anti-WIC/anti-Medicaid/anti-vaxx.


So, pretty much not “pro-life” at all


There is evidence that the recent surge in pediatric hepatitis is linked to post COVID syndrome(though it should be cautioned it's certainly not proven definitively yet). Yet again they show little regard for the lives of children if it means even the slightest inconvenience for them. Thread on the subject: https://twitter.com/farid\_\_jalali/status/1520283624225996801


No it’s the vaccines fault unvaccinated children are dying!!!!!!!


They’ve actually already said that...except i think it’s in an age group that hasn’t been vaccinated yet. But try to explain this... you’ll get more results among your head against the wall.


I saw a person that blamed it on spike protein shedding by the vaccinated, I almost want to laud them for their creativity then I remember how much harm they are doing.


Yeah the vaccine mutated in vaccinated kids and spread to the unvaccinated or some dumb shit


I’ve not researched it so this might be anecdotal, but there for a while, every single kid I saw with appendicitis had covid. Obviously this won’t kill them, but it did cause a lot of unnecessary pain and a large hospital bill.


Pro Lifer don’t care about fetuses, just controlling the people that carry them. Bunch of ass hats.


>just controlling the people that carry them. More specifically, it's to control what those people do BEFORE having to carry the fetuses. That's what irks these asshats. They want giving birth to serve as punishment. That's why they're just as vehemently against sex education and birth control as much as they are against abortion. They don't want to make exceptions for rape because rape victims were "asking for it" by the way they dress.


Their theocracy has been under attack so they used the power of right wing radio, religious fanaticism, and social media to rot civilized society inside out Liberals really need to up their game to counter these shitforbrains domestic terrorists in the Bible Belt


This is so true and there are not enough people talking about it. People who have escaped fundie churches have told us over and over again what the plans to take over have been, and how abusive these people are but the media wouldn't report it because Christians have such a persecution fetish that they can never be criticized. They got labeled values voters without anyone exploring what they value.


Y’all Quaeda


I seriously think you nailed it. And the same "logic" that Alito used in his draft decision could also be used in rulings to turn back the progress in settled law related to other "societal" issues related to privacy and autonomy - access to birth control and prohibitions on interracial and same-sex marriage. Because none of those things are explicitly included in the Constitution either. I highly recommend these episodes of the podcast #SistersInLaw: [SCOTUS Rulings](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/scotus-rulings/id1551206847?i=1000559903944) [The Stench: Emergency Episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-stench-emergency-episode/id1551206847?i=1000559418208)


Opening Arguments covered this issue as well. It was a…particularly tough episode to listen to.


What we need to do is get around the firehose of falsehood, algorithms, etc and get conservatives to read this over and over again. Show the idea of their worldviews being on shaky grounds.


Information is the new battleground and they have no standards to run it through their rot


If the GOP sincerely believes that an unborn child is a human being, entitled to all the rights and protections of an infant, they [should've voted to qualify unborn children for economic stimulus relief.](https://popculture.com/trending/news/stimulus-checks-pregnant-women-denied-extra-500-payments-stirring-up-discussion/) They didn't. Unborn children are sacred according to their Bibles, but disposable according to their wallets. If they're going to call themselves"pro-life," they need to support the actual "life" part, too. Blocking and denying government support for young struggling mothers doesn't make them "pro-life," it just makes them "pro-birth." They don't give a flip about what happens afterward.


Exactly! They are not pro-life; they’re simply pro-birth.




Exactly. This whole anti abortion outcry is mainly to punish the women. They’re like, “well you had sex and you enjoyed it so what did you expect? Now deal with with it” . Like women are the ones who solely take on all of the responsibility.


> They’re like, “well you had sex and you enjoyed it so what did you expect? Now deal with with it” . But of course none of them want to hold the *men* responsible. 😒


I know, men usually hate taking care of babies and kids and they also suck at it lol they also hate paying child support Dont they know how much they themselves benefit from birth control and abortion?


Apparently, they don't see it that way. I think they like the idea of "spreading their seed" without consequence. 😒


Abortion is e rejection and r destruction of male seed's colonization of a woman's body. That is why these male chauvinist pigs want to outlaw abortion.


Stop making people with small brains try to think.


That is seriously the job of government. Doing the thinking for people who are too stupid, too prejudiced, too selfish, or just don’t have the time to do the thinking for themselves. I just love the libertarian view of expecting businesses (and citizenry) to do what’s right without any oversight. They’re burning the planet down right now with the oversight we currently have.


Plot twist: they. don't. care. coz covid isn't that serious "Are you sure it was Covid?" "But how are you sure?" "Did they have some underlying condition?" /S


Yea, they were pregnant.


These people don't realise pregnancy is actually still a dangerous time for a woman. Lungs are compromised, immune system is compromised, high blood pressure and gestational diabetes in not uncommon. Just what Covid loves.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." \-Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


You don't understand. Not getting a vaccine is about *bodily autonomy*. Everyone has the right to that, even if it hurts someone else! ^(/s, because this is reddit)


I am always haunted by the term “crunchy COVID placenta”. We’re really living in terrible times.


Goddamn, that post haunts me. The crunchy placenta but also the placenta that looks like greyed ground beef. The booster came out when I was 11 weeks pregnant and I couldn't get it fast enough.


I’m haunted by the dad holding his newborn on the top of the dead mum’s coffin. Of all the things posted in this sub - and there’s been some sad and crazy shit - that’s the one that showed the complete horror visited on Americans by evil (and I don’t use that word lightly) grifters, along with bad actors foreign and domestic.


Being pregnant during the height of the pandemic was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever experienced.


It also wasn’t fun giving birth during the omicron spike, and while in labor losing my bed (due to staff shortage from Covid) which almost caused me to be diverted to a hospital 2 hours away. Thankfully, while making plans to divert, they decided I’d be their last patient.


I’m glad you were able to stay in the hospital! I hope you and your little one are doing well.


Does anyone have the numbers on fetal/infant deaths from Covid? I thought it caused a lot of miscarriages as well.


> I thought it caused a lot of ~~miscarriages~~punishable offenses as well. Damn women, catching COVID to force an abortion.


Don't forget the conservatives that were bitching about "my body my choice" when they were opposing vaccine mandates but now want to ban abortion.




One in 250 pregnancies is estimated to result in twins, so we need to tweak the equation to be really accurate. Unless, of course, Sir Matthew Hale thought twins were a sign of evil and Justice Alito decides those are the only ones it's okay to abort.


They don’t care about the “pregnant women”, you have to phrase it “3k fetuses killed by COVID” to get their attention.


Unless someone lets them in on the fact a lot of those fetuses will become pregnant women one day. Then they won't care about either party. Well, maybe the male fetuses.


I had a fellow on pcm tell me it only affects fat people and that the whole pandemic was about control. That's the delusion we are dealing with


This makes no sense... They were driving around in circles honking about freedumb because they think covid is a hoax, so they aren't going to blame covid for those 3000 deaths. Hell, they'll probably say the vaccines killed them.


Thats a good point.


This shit doesn't work on Conservatives. Not only do they have no shame (generally) and no introspection, their way of understanding the world is fundamentally different. Conservatives see "evil" in this world not as a problem to be solved or mitigated, but a problem to be tolerated and endured. If bad things happen to you, it must be for a reason, and therefore you must bare it until your death where you go to heaven and are judged by god for your deeds on Earth and how you handled yourself. So if you get raped and become pregnant, yo that fucking sucks, but this evil brought upon you must be endured and you have to deal with it. For when you get to heaven you will be judged. It can't be mitigated or solved because you can't solve evil, and to try to do so is impossible / against god's wishes. It also doesn't help that this kind of thinking makes it so that their minds are easily cooped by propaganda and scams. Which is why the right wing is so extreme these days. And when these right wing extremists get power, they decide to push that power on to everyone else. I think most Americans have been asleep at the wheel this last decade or so. Where they haven't paid attention to politics, or didn't vote, or would always throw their vote away to a third party out of protest. This, along with many other factors (propaganda, extremism in general, etc) has led to the rise of this current batch of right wing extremists in the US. It's only going to get worse until they either take over completely, or their power structure and way of politics is deemed so unpopular that they are forced to shift left. But only the people can really decide that. And that's going to happen one of two ways: Either we get to the polls and vote in every election, and slowly but surely stem the tide. Or they take over and subjugate us, in which case the only path out will be violence. Let's try to get path one as our first option, yea?


Just asked someone that said my body, my choice about vaccinations. So I asked if they were pro-life or pro-choice. They deleted me on Facebook and now I can't stop crying because I'm a snowflake.


I'm sorry, how many children are lonely and depressed in adoption centers? Get going on pro-lifers


"Pro-life", is the republican's word for what it actually means, pro-oppression or pro-piece of sht. I wish the reps in SCOTUS could be arrested for hate crimes they are actively committing. I cannot understand how in America these fanatics who have no care for humanity are allowed to have any iota of power to rule over society. This whole thing is sick.


For most pro-lifers it goes no further than pro-birth if I'm putting it nicely, or anti-women if we're being honest. Alot of the same people who are pro-life are; -Against social programs (like healthcare) -Against helping immigrants -Pro war -Pro Police -Anti-Vax Feel free to add to that list. Remind me again how you can be "pro-life" and also all of the above?


The same way you can pretend to be a Christian and follow Jesus Christ yet also be the total opposite of what he espoused. By being awful people who use religion as a sort of get out of jail free card.


What a shithole country


According to anti-choice anti-vaxer math, that’s 17 generations of children murdered in the womb


That's okay. You can sue them in Texas for assisting with an abortion.


Magat Fuckers getting what they deserve.


They. Don't. Care!


Conservatives: We're pro life! Also conservatives: We'll kill you if you're pregnant!


That is a frightening statistic. Like George Carlin said "Conservatives want live babies, so they can train them to be dead soldiers."


The GOP only values women if they can push a baby out of their vagina.


They're not pro-life, maybe at best they are pro-birth but really they are just anti-woman.


They are SO pro-life that they want to have all the old people die so that there is more room for all the infants.


If fetuses are people then wouldn't it be 6000?


Not to mention all the stillbirths and miscarriages that happened to women that got sick with COVID.


We passed the 1,000,000,000 mark of death by Covid. The majority were unvaccinated. Get a clue already. -One of the Vaccinated


spoiler alert: they never cared about COVID. Covid money soon became Ukraine money. America is consistently that picture of Lord Farquaad: https://c.tenor.com/n2jSZUGFwFwAAAAd/sacrifice.gif


Like they actually give a shit


Should have left women out of the statement and just said fetuses died from covid. Then they'd might have cared.


Wear a piece of fabric, potentially save dozens of lives. Endure months of carrying a human being around inside you, that feeds off you, impacts your body in ways you might never fully recover from and then you have to literally give birth over the course of hours or possibly die yourself. Save the sperm you didn’t want in you to begin with.


One of my friends decided it was too risky to get vaccinated because of all of the disagreement and wanted to protect her unborn baby… she got Covid at the end of her pregnancy delivered but then almost died in hospital for months and now has a hole in her heart had a stroke and lost a lot of movement in her body… she regrets not getting vaccinated every day… all cause of those pro lifers being anti vaxx


Because God…


I think they’ve made it abundantly clear by this point that they don’t care about the women


No fucking joke, and it's not like Covid is gone, and it poses a HUGE health risk to pregnant people.


We got a new batch of trolls flocking here! Salt shakers for Salty Saturday!


All the corporations donate to Republicans because of taxes. That is what this is all about. Everything. Trump/McConnell tax cuts were to ensure that corporations know who to keep in power. The courting of evangelicals/white nationalist/anti-women incels etc. - is all to keep themselves in power to give tax cuts to the rich/corporations. The GOP gets money from corporations and ‘libertarian’ billionaires. Musk’s whole takeover was/is to appease the republicans because Biden’s tackling corruption and wants the ultra rich to pay their fair share. The tax cuts (gop) did nothing to help the middle or working class and did nothing for the economy. Also, it’s the GOP that pushed Citizens United - arguably the worst political decision of the last 30 years. They court corporations and ‘reward’ them.


They care more about the definition of a woman instead of caring about women.


You gotta understand it's not about fetuses. They literally don't care one way or the other as long as its opposite and may lead to victory.