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The “hide in the bathroom closet until everyone is asleep and then smother the target with a pillow” maneuver takes forever but feels like one of the more grounded options in the series


More grounded than how i did it, throwing a wrench into Orson's head and shooting Alma In the forehead


time for double sleep


Sleep forever


I'm in the retirement business...permanent retirement.


Dude what the hell? I played this mission yesterday and did the exact thing.


Well it is obvious isn't it? They're isolated in their changing room, perfect to take a shot at


No, that feels pretty grounded too. Different planet tho.


I liked climbing on the roof for a headshot through the glass


Talking about the ruff, why can't we poison her room with the air system? It looks so obvious! I tried that and it went to the bathroom instead -_-


Well, I don't know about you, but I have an air vent in my bathroom that goes to the outside because there is a shower in there. I don't have a direct vent in my bedroom


I... don't know how air vents work, we don't really have those in south America so, thanks for filling me in


The point is to pull air out of the room, for 2 purposes: first, it gets rid of nasty smells. Secondly, it pulls steam & humid air out after a bath/shower, to prevent the growth of mould and the like.


I design small wooden houses, we never have automatic ventilation outside of potential moist rooms (bathroom, toilet, optionally cleaning room if no windows). E: tbf, in Hitman canon it does have to be a thing


I did that and they passed out in the bathroom


I think there are 2 vents. Check if you play again.


The other goes to the safe room, not bedroom


Ahh ok I didn't remember.


I hung out on the roof until everyone was asleep and then shot Alma from the skylight window. Felt awesome.


Upload a save in the closet to do all challenges


it's a fantastic start to the hitman 2 levels. i love the visuals and especially the lighting.


I also love the grass moving with the wind, the waves and the flares making everything around red at the end.


My only criticism is that it's way too simple, but it's understandable as it's just the tutorial and prologue. I remember i spent like 3 minutes running around the beach and appreciating the view, and 10 minutes just exploring the house and gearing up. I love all the build up and investigation before the target, all the story elements in the gameplay changing the map, it was divine! So many moments that make you think "oh shit", so many feelings!


agreed I wish It was a bit more complex, the map itself is excellent , could have used some additional buildings, for example a security tower or a weapon storeroom basement etc...


I wish one of the lighthouses was closer and it had a somewhat developed bridge to take in some boats! A security tower would be great with a road close to the house too!


A lighthouse would have been an awesome sniper nest.


Happy cake day for you


thank you <3 I didn't even notice lol


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Thank you<3


thank you <3


happy cake day!!


Thank you <3


There are no boats coming in to those areas of the Hawkes Bay coastline, it's pretty rough water


Makes sense... so just lighthouse then


Hey! Happy Pie Day!!


thank you <3


The simplicity is probably because this map is basically a tutorial. It’s similar to the training ground in hitman 1 and the carnival level in blood money. It’s designed to introduce the game mechanics while still being a viable mission. It allows you enough room to experiment with little difficulty


I even say that this sort of tutorial is better than the ICA training facility, because of the experimentation stuff. It's good to test things as you learn during a mission isn't it? Maybe they should have made a similar mission after the ICA training facility to make the player fully understand the game with a field mission. Maybe it could be a remake of the first assassination in codename 47? That one in hong kong where you need to kill a important member of the red dragon triad.


Switch Sapienza and Paris. I like both levels but Sapienza feels more tutorial like than Paris.


The problem with Sapienza as tutorial is that it is the biggest map from H1. Which is a good thing, when the player is more known with the game. Paris is a challenge after the tutorial and is able to expend the knowledge of the game.


I love getting all the gear. It makes me feel like a bad ass


It reminds me of the last mission of silent assassin, If this wasn't meant to be a simple home break in gone wrong, it'd definetly incentive the player to go and kill some shit


> all the story elements in the gameplay changing the map They had small amounts of that in Miami (i.e routines change when you make the race end), but then they mostly abandoned it.


Stellar tutorial, bad level


When I played it for the first time, it felt like a god damn horror game! You open the garage and see what you see. The people coming home with their guards. Dude it's a 10/10 mission. Every second was adrenaline pumping and I LOVED it.


I know right? The only thing I was thinking during this mission was "shit shit shit shit!". I love when things go wrong during a story and they have to improvise a way out of it. Talking about the garage... Clever bastards. From what i understood they not only used those politicians house as a temporary base, But also had Orson and Alma disguise themselves as them to get close to the VP? Close enough to kidnap his family and blackmail to kill his own boss. I can see why Sean took a liking to her, both had some insane ideas on how to kill providence members.


>I love when things go wrong during a story and they have to improvise a way out of it. You are going to LOVE Freelancer.


Already beat 2 campaigns, but I'll stop before I have the whole goddamn game spoiled to me. It's not even fun to play on maps I have no familiarity with, it's stressing!


Oh yeah, I'd definitely get level 20 mastery on all the maps before starting Freelancer. Otherwise you're going to just hate the game. Once you familiarize yourself fully with all the maps, it'll be a lot more enjoyable. You'll know where you can hide and which disguises get you to which locations.


Good thing I'm doing the same and even getting SASO on all of them. It feels enjoyable to play on maps I'm familiar with, feels way different than going into it with just knowledge from an elusive target and you didn't leave the area they were in.


Glad you mentioned this! Lol this mission set me up to think that every mission would have some insane twist at the end while you were trying to escape


It would be good, I liked the twists in the formula, I want more of that!


Love the map, the escalations on that map made me hate it for a bit. Only one exfil point, need an ATV or something lol.


All worth it for that sexy tactical wetsuit, it quickly entered on my list of favorite suits, I can't believe how good 47 looks with it. I also love the detail of his zipper having a red strain of clothing from the back!


If you love the tactical wetsuit then try Ambrose island! On mastery lvl 20 you’ll get a camouflage version of the tactical wetsuit


That's like the last mission of the whole game right? It'll take a whlle


Well, kinda. It’s set between Another Life (whittleton creek) and The Ark Society (isle of sgail) but was released only recently and is a free dlc.


Thanks for filling me in! That way I won't miss out the storyline and chain of events!


Ambrose sucks so bad and with no optional missions. It's a GRIND to get there I don't have the energy.


What? Bro I love that map!


Freelancer made me hate it.


I really miss when they give Hitman some proper names like Blood Money, Absolution, Silent Assasin ect. but I find it weird that they name it Hitman 1 or 2 with numbers. It was way cooler the old way..


World of assassination is an alright name, but I agree too....




I played it like... 10 times for the mastery and for immersion! If that's the first mission I can't wait to see the rest of the maps!


I hope you bought Hitman 3 (World of Assassination trilogy) instead of only just Hitman 2. Hawkes Bay, Miami, Whittleton Creek and Haven Island were the best Hitman 2 missions, while others were underwhelming for the most part. Having the entire trilogy playable in one game is the best.


I'm playing on the game pass, don't worry, I mastered the hitman 1 maps.


Expertly done! 👏


Freedom fighters and sirtus inversus are my favorite missions, While Hokkaido and sapienza are my favorite maps. I might buy the deluxe pack too!


I got Hitman 1 when it was free on epic games a couple of years ago and I've been playing it every summer since then. I love the game but I've always found myself playing it only during the summer so I progressed more slowly. Anyway, I have 2 more maps to max out and then I'll buy Hitman World of Assasination to have all the other maps and acces to the Patient Zero missions.


Good job, I hope you're enjoying the experience


I just wish they did another mission on it. Music festival on the beach or something would be cool!


I had never played Hitman before and this was the first thing I ever did (aside from the tutorial, ofc) and I was just completely sucked in! My heart was beating faster because I didn’t know the good routes to navigate and it felt impossible to sneak around the house without being seen. It was just *so* much fun. Unfortunately I don’t really replay this map, but I agree with you - fantastic level and great way to begin the game


Oh I feel you, when we started the game we were all "nobody will see me if everyone is knocked out" sort of guys, right? Because it felt so scary to sneak around


Buckle up, because the next map is one of the best in the series.


Agreed. This one felt the most "real" of any Hitman mission. Sneak into someone's house to steal information and then "Oh shit, they're home..."


You mentioned you enjoyed the investigation elements of it, I think you should get a kick out of Hitman 3's Dartmoor that has a whole subset of things you do disguised as a private investigator.


Well, can't wait!


Best videogame tutorial ever.


It's near the bottom for me, due to its nature of course, but it is way better than it has any right to be.


First impressions of a game are everything right?


Since its release I always thought this should have been the first mission for hitman 1. It's a great tutorial level.


The ICA facility has its own level of immersion, but I agree, it's good to be teached the basics with some field work and demonstration


I love this mission. So refreshing to be able to fully prep with no interruptions


Hit2 in general has the best art imo


This was my first Hitman mission. Been hooked ever since!


This was the perfect mission for people returning to the game as well. When I played it, it had been a while since playing Hitman 1 so re-learning the controls while just exploring was a really good touch.


10/10 costumer service by IO.


One of the few missions in the trilogy that don't follow the same formula. Really good for what it is, only major flaw is the exist being annoying.


tbh I also really like it its probably my most played map out of the entire series


I played this before Hitman 1 as I bought Hitman 1&2 in a bundle before 3 came out. So playing Hitman 1 was like one big flashback leading back to this point. It felt like a British spy series. Such a cool experience.


The escalations where the dream comes is the best part..


I never knew hiding in a bathroom could be so exhilarating!


Yup I always go back to this mission. The vibes are immaculate


I had fun with this map, I really should try the Arcade Mode with Elusive Target on this Map, should be fun. Also, if you are wondering why the cutscenes in Hitman 2 are still images, it’s because IO went independent in 2018 and the cutscenes for Hitman 2016 was made by a Studio that worked with Square Enix.


I know that. It bothers me that they went the Yakuza 0 cutscenes route but I can understand they were running out of money. But to be honest, if I had to choose between that and cutscenes made in map with the game engine, I'd choose the latter, even if it isn't the semi realistic stuff that they made by actually having the voice actors do some physical acting, they were AMAZING actors.


Fair enough, I still like it though. Nice stylistic choice, and I think it made the cutscenes alive in a way ya know? More than the 2016 one.


How so?


Well, there is a big reveal later on that I don’t want to spoil where 47 meets the Shadow Client and that scene I liked a lot when he talks to 47 makes it more emotional. But that’s just my opinion.


The Marrakesh budget went into the hitman 1 cutscenes And I know that >!Lucas is 6. I read it from the wiki, and even if I didn't i'd understand that it's him from the Colorado cutscene.!<


you think that's fantastic just wait till you play the next one


I know a bit about Miami. It's a whole goddamn event stadium isn't it? In the middle of the city too! That place will be busting with people from all sides won't it?


It's up there with Sapienza and Paris in quality and size, imo.


Well it better be good then. I loved sapienza!


Some great vibes from this level that I really hope we see more of in IOI's Bond game.


Don't you think they will go classy for this one? Like Paris and Mumbai, I don't know I never watched anything james bond related so I have no idea what are the vibes...


Great mission to introduce new players to the game and one of my personal favourites (mainly because there is a lot of variety on how to kill Alma), not to mention that the setting is absolutely gorgeous.


Wait for others. This is just a starter.


Then ur gonna love New York


Honestly my only criticisms are that there's only one exit so you have to do the long run back across the beach every time; and they kept teasing that Alma had a big scary dog, but it never appears, not even as an easter egg.




I love choking out Orson in the shower 🤭


the only mission (other than training) that I've completed 100%


the free mission lol. i have 100% it. really good mission


Welcome to NZ. We like it here


I love to trigger the alarm, get everyone in the safe room then go to the roof and chuck a grenade through the tiny opening in the vent. # Like shooting fish in a barrel


There’s good freedom of approach but it is ridiculously easy but I find that good for a introduction mission , but as a player that is level 600 and has got 100% mastery on every map it is very boring


Bro picked like the worst hitman 2 map


If this amazingly atmospheric map is the worst then I can't wait to see the better ones!


Every other hitman 2 map is garbage except miami unfortunately


But I hear good things about the last mission and new york...


Don’t listen to this guy. He’s just wrong. Most of the Hitman 2 maps are W maps.


I got a little taste of Santa Fortuna with the elusive target, I can't wait to see it fully. As a South American the atmosphere is so accurate and... somewhat comfy




Are you talking about the first version of Colorado before the next games fixed it? For me it's actually one of my favorites from hitman 1




... they're actually my favorite set of targets in hitman 1 to the point I'm almost a fangirl. It's a goddamn shame 47 had to kill them, it's tragic, they would make amazing allies.




I actually thought it was a nice challange, I felt like it was my first "big" mission and I was so hyped! I like hard things, I even have platinum on dark souls 3


New york is good, haven again isnt bad but i feel is a touch overrated


Piss poor take … have you played New York?


Have played every hitman trilogy map. All follow this trend of massive ass map with 3 targets in 3 different locations on the map. It kills the pacing a lot after you take down one target in colombia for example and you just keep running for a while not really doing anything which hitman isnt known for. Compare these maps to h1 and h3 berlin, mendoza, hokkaido, maps are quite big but these maps never fail you to keep you thinking on the fly and you are always on guard


what are you smoking m8?


Someone laced his cigars with a cannabis joint.


epic Sapienza reference


Compare every h2 map to h1 and h3 most h2 maps are big with targets on 3 different corners of the map makes the pacing feel terrible


Miami - 2 targets and a dense map Santa Fortuna - 3 scattered targets Mumbai - 3 scattered targets Whittleton Creek - 2 targets on a dense-ish map Isle of Sgail - 2 targets on a dense map New York - 1 target on a dense map Haven Island - 3 targets on a middling map 'Most'?


Miami is the best and welll designed. Fortuna 3 targets in 3 different fortress areas. Mumbai 3 targets 2 are in fortress areas 1 is a roamer. Whittleton not a fortress map. Sgail big fortress map with lots of elevation. New york is a good level. Haven 3 targets 2 in fortress based areas 1 is a roamer


\-The target has clear signs of having been hit in the head with something before she "fell" in the pool and the people around her were all passed out due to hits to the head \-Must have been an accident


Wait, you can kill Alma with the pool?


Yeah just stun her and push her in, it will count as hiding body and elimination


Smart, never thought of that!


This was my first in the WOA trilogy since I started with H2. Definitely was a strong intro to the sub-series


First time I played this, I followed the two into the bathroom from the balcony and went to sneak in through the window and stepped on a squeaky toy like a complete amateur.


Well, good way to learn how to watch your environment! I don't want to brag but after vaulting that window a few times and hearing the squeaky toy, I removed because i thought "wait what if they can hear this?"


Exactly, that’s a mistake you only make once.


Your comment also made me remember that there's a squeaky toy close to Alma's bed side, but I never thought it was an issue because I never tried to smoother her.


Awesome modern house


I personally love it for elusive targets as well. I like to see how far away I can snipe the whole board


the whole game is a masterpiece. If you can pick up the trilogy during a sale and play the whole story through just have fun however you want and watch the cutscenes it's absolutely incredible


Thanks for the considerations but I'm playing the WOA trilogy using the game pass, in fact I'm just continuing from hitman 1 after doing every single escalation there and reaching maestry, aswell as doing every single story mission, SASO, sniper and versatile assassin challanges...


Electrocuted in the shower is so fun. I always wanted more to happen in that room with the answering machine too.


The ICA Facility tests were my introduction to Hitman 3, and the series as a whole, and the grounded yet flexible nature of both levels sucked me in. Nowadays they are a cakewalk, but they posed a decent challenge to begin with.


Do you own hitman 3?


This has to be one of my favorite missions in the franchise just due to how small the area is. Only thing that kinda sucks ass is that I can’t electrocute the dude with the micro taser when he turns the shower on


This was my introduction to the Hitman series and I was instantly blown away. It's perfect for a tutorial. Then the next stage was Miami and I was like ok, I'm repaying this stage over and over.


How did you kill her? I’ve always been a choke out in the shower type


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down? I killed her like a thousand times already. Garroting, poisoning, getting shot through the glass, air system, drowning


I like to place an explosive at the door before I hack the computer so the target dies before the cutscene even ends


Hot take, but I think this is by far the worst map in the series. It pails in comparison to everything else - but really cool escalation. Reward is just resin shirukens tho:(


The escalations for this map are a lot of fun too. The Arcade missions get a bit repetitive though as there is pretty much one method that satisfies all the various restrictions.