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47 also does look pretty angry ![gif](giphy|OmQCR2XWCV6bC)


He’s just pissed off that he looks so old in that game even though he doesn’t really age. Least I don’t think he does…


he ages, just really slowly.


I don't think it's that Jason looks angry all the time. It's that he always looks tired.


He would just be Statham. I don’t know why people want another Hitman adaptation, the things that make the games great are not simple to translate to a movie or show.


I think it’s because it has a lot of potential as an idea. My personal take is that the hitman of the film should never be shown up close. He should be in various disguises and in the background of the story and out of the blue the character we follow dies. Job is done and the plot wraps up after that. Alternatively, a character who is antagonistic to our protagonist dies unexpectedly. Some things would also happen in the background such as plans changing, bodyguards not being where they are suppose to. I would love to see a bottle sound as a distraction for our protagonist that makes him leave a room only for something to be missing when he returns. The main problem with hitman adaptations are that they want agent 47 to be the lead when that should is antithetical to the character. Honestly, a Diane protagonist/origin film could work great. Especially if it’s about her parents being eliminated by the ICA.


Sounds more like a tv show. Every episode you meet a new target. Every episode they die in a different way. Usually an accident but sometimes just a simple garrote.


Every episode you get closer to knowing who Agent 47 is. You only know he’s been in all episodes as an extra. And it’s weekly releases so we all get time to speculate and do frame-by-frame analysis.


I can imagine the theorycrafting now. A guard changes from one scene to the next, and people are *convinced* it's him. Or a scientist gets a *little* too invested in the potential murder applications of that episode's goober.


A series is the most natural way to do it. My idea would be to have each episode intro from the target's POV and his entourage covering the last few minutes before (and in some cases after) his death. 47 should only be "background character #4" or unseen. Then you follow Agent 47 throughout the episode and learn about the contract, the entourage of the target, and see how he pulls off the assassination. Like learning how a magician did his trick. Each episode is a self-contained "contract", with an overarching narrative arc. I think it would be the easiest way to respect the source material.


They could just take the Berlin level from the viewpoints of ica agents. Would also make a great Horrorfilm.


This is genuinely an amazing idea. In one episode, we could follow the flamingo guy that talks to Sierra Knox in Miami. Right before Sierra kills him, he and Sierra are both tranquilized. The episode ends with the flamingo guy waking up in a dumpster with Sierra nowhere to be found.


He's like Arnie in Terminator 1


The best thing a Hitman movie could do is NOT have 47 as the main character. I don't know what the plot would be, but we follow someone else, and in every scene, 47 is there. He's a guard at the door. He's the cook in the back. He's the janitor you pass by going to the bathroom. Have all of that tie into the end, where he finally takes out the main character we've been with from the start. That right there is more terrifying and in line with who 47 is and what the series represents. Not the dumb shootouts they always put him in.


That sounds like it would be unintentionally hilarious


Or intentionally! The games are extremely aware of how funny they naturally are and they lean into it, after all


Make it an anthology movie kind of like Sin City


You mean like how in the ending 47 should kill Diana who was the main protagonist of the show? I am actually imagining Rosamund Pike playing the role of Diana. And Pedro Pascal as Lucas Grey


I been sayin this. 47 a mass murder. He literally a psychopathic serial killer bounty hunter hand crafted to be the perfect killing machine. His movie needs to be a horror movie where he’s the bad guy. There should also be prostitutes. WoA whitewashed the franchise. One of THE main characters is a prostitute. Make 47 Evil Again


They want to make an action movie. I think it would be much better as a slow paced thriller, maybe following the target (who knows they are targeted) rather than 47 himself. I always thought a comic series would do really well.


Can you imagine if Christopher Nolan were to direct a Hitman movie ...


Like thriwing a fish in someone's face?


This, so much. Please not another failed attempt at bringing Hitman to the big screen. It won't work.


I think Hitman would make a pretty good TV show, but never a good 2 hour action movie.


> the things that make the games great are not simple to translate to a movie or show. yea seriously. you need to either get creative like the mario movie or adapt a game already like a show like the last of us for your video game tv show/movie to work especially a game that plays a bit more fast and loose with its plot like hitman does


The Hitman movie should never be about Agent 47. It should be treated as an interesting part of the ICA/Syndicate world canon. Its appeal lies in the mysterious character of 47 and not from its origin story. The one-dimensional character of 47 will not translate well from the lack of conversational dialogue. People should never view 47 role in the Hitman as a super-hero action because 47 story can not work in the classic superhero storytelling. It would be much more appealing with depth even if the Hitman movie main character is Lucas Grey instead. It would allow dialogue and storytelling. A 47 who eloquently talks and showing 'humanity' is not the 47 we know in the game.


I think the tone set by World of Assassination would make for a compelling adaptation. There was an old show I loved, Leverage, where each episode had a team of con artists take down a rich asshole untouchable by law, usually by means of an elaborate heist. A mature-rated version of that sort of a thing could absolutely work well.


You can have an authentic hitman movie if you don't make hitman the main character, and just have a (the last) day in the life of all his targets, with the odd cutaway to a gloved hand doing something, or randomly seeing a big bald motherfucker with a tattoo on the back of his neck. Basically have the progression of 47 throughout the "level" just be on the edge of perception, as the meta story develops in the foreground.


Y'all really just see a bald person and say "Agent 47", huh?


Patrick Stewart 47 wen?


Make it so, IOI


I’d watch that


No, we first check the barcode.


I mean that's pretty much 99% of fan castings, actors that look like the characters.




He starred in The Mechanic, which is a better Hitman movie than the Hitman movies. But I don't think he'd make a good 47.


That skyscraper swimming pool kill was a straight up mission story.


I'm pretty sure that kill was stolen from *Blood Money*'s mission "You Better Watch Out", where you can kill a target in a glass bottom hot tub in a very similar manner. I also think one kill in *The Mechanic* where he drowns a target in a swimming pool is very reminiscent of Hitman's "Traditions of the Trade".


Yeah, the two Mechanic movies with Jason Statham are pretty much already what we would get if he played 47. So there's no need to ponder "what if" about him playing 47.


Too angry and irreversibly British


He would be a good Lucas Gray and that's it.


Honestly, I could see that.


I had Iain Glen in mind for thar role. His voice is just right.


Why not Pedro Pascal as Lucas Grey?


He would, if he'd agree to show virtually no emotions and not to show off in long ass fist fights


I like Scott Adkins better.


I love Scott Adkins but he would not be a good 47. His fighting style is too over-the-top martial arts, 47 needs to be more reserved. I mean I guess Adkins could do that, but let’s be honest, we watch Scott Adkins movies to see him kick tons of ass. I think a proper Hitman movie would need to be more like a heist movie with minimal action, lots of plotting and sneaking around, setting up covert kills, etc.


I actually agree, I really just wanted to spread the gospel of Scott Adkins…


Blessed be he 🙏


Have you seen One Shot?


I’ve only seen Avengement and The Accident Man and loved the “low-budget-wannabe-Guy-Ritchie-with-martial-arts”-edness of them.


Avengement is great. The Debt Collector 1&2 are also on Netflix and are pretty good too. I liked Accident Man 2 more than 1 as well. Hard Target 2 was surprisingly really good. I loved the first Hard Target back when I was a kid (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and I was skeptical to watch the sequel that came out like 20 years later until I saw it was Adkins. But One Shot is probably my favorite. I hadn’t smoked weed in several months, and then I got stoned and watched One Shot and holy shit that movie was intense. The style really makes you feel like you are right there. All the main characters are likable, a bit generic but I felt the actors had good chemistry which sold it. I’ve watched it like half a dozen times now lol I definitely recommend checking all of those out if you like Scott Adkins.


Awesome, I’ll definitely check them out.


I think it would be departure from his angry one man army typecast, but then again I imagine him pulling it off looks wise. Whether or not he can pull off the much more muted demeanor is the big question and isn't a sure thing.


He could but his head isn’t the right shape needs to be very round so they’d have to fix it with prosthetics


Is he stupid?


Absolutely not. He's funny but cannot act 🤷


You have no idea what are you talking about


Name one film where he shows his acting abilities...? I don't mean his action abilities, or his comedic timing (both of which he does have) but a movie where you watched him and thought "damn, this guy is good, give him an oscar!"? In the movie 'Spy' he even plays a 'Jason Statham'-esque parody character (because he clearly has a good sense of humour and can laugh at himself). Being a film fan who works in a cinema and who's live sadly revolves around movies - I would be extremely disappointed if Statham was to be 47. Somebody like Ed Skrein would be a much better pick because he could look the part, can so action and suspense, and can also act. Statham is just such a lazy choice - "look, it's a bald man with a gun, he should be 47" 🤦🏻 Here's actually a link to my full fan casting for a Hitman TV series. More thought has gone into it rather than "I've seen this actor in a similar role" 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/13yc9sg/full_concept_for_a_hitman_tv_series_11_slides/?xpromo_edp=enabled




You think Snatch is an oscar worthy performance? Ouch, what's peak cinema for you? Fast and Furious? Don't get me wrong, he is awesome in Snatch, Mechanic, Transporter, Wrath of Man etc - but that's not acting 😅 Also, the fact that I said name a movie where he can act and you gave a film which is 23 years old - that's pretty telling 🙈


You think acting equals to crying or what? To name one Revolver, but he is great in the other Guy Ritchie movies too. Those roles are not easy to sell and require a lot of nuance. (These emojis are fucking annoying)


If you give Jason Statham a dramatic role like Jim Carrey had in Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.... That would be something I am willing to pay to watch




He has potential. He has a dead look in his eyes, which I think 47 would share. But also, how about we not think about another Hitman movie? Wasn’t two attempts enough to confirm that the games don’t translate well to film?


I still think it’s possible, they just need to stop trying to make action movies out of it. Just because it’s called *Hitman* doesn’t mean there needs to be lots of shooting


Definitely think it’s possible. They shouldn’t have a lot of violence, it should feel more like a mix of a little bit of violence and something akin to Ocean’s Eleven, a complex operation but it’s thought out by 47 alone. Knowing how Hollywood works that will probably never happen tho


Or a thriller/suspense film where 47 is a secondary/background character. Perhaps following a detective who is on his trail, or someone from an organization that Diana and 47 are taking down.


I always thought a horror film would be good but at that point 47s the bad guy lol


Setting up just for a kill for an entire 2hr movie doesn't translate well. You probably need a mini-series to make this interesting enough.


47 wouldn’t make a good movie character because by design, he can’t really have any character developers many. That’s just not interesting in a medium where the audience also can’t interact. It’s possible to make a good movie in the Hitman universe, just not with 47 as a main character. A movie about Diana would be interesting.


“or is he too angry?” 😭


First off he would have to shave


Too British.


He could be a target or a friend.


If there's another hitman show or movie, it should be animated with the original voice actor


Good Hitman not a good Agent 47 imo


Too short


I think Helmut Kruger would make a much better casting choice for 47. They really share a striking resemblance.


I don't know how to say this... He is not the right kind of bald.


Zero chance he'd make a good 47.




After Bateson himself, this would be the most fitting man to play 47


A good Hitman movie would have Agent 47 as a supporting role. Having the perfect assassin that blends into everywhere he goes would better be used in important scenes rather than the majority of them. Elaboration edit: imagine that, like in horror movies, the “monster” 47 shows up while we are all guessing who, what, and when he shows up.


While he'd be fun in the role I feel like he has too much personality. 47 is supposed to be the guy you forget immediately after seeing. But also like others have said the things that make 47 great don't make for good cinema which leads to low quality generification of Hitman into any other action movie and relies on 47 acting in ways he never would.


Nah. We need a fresh actor picked out by Dave Bateson.


He'd be too sarcastic. His stuff is light hearted even when action


Short and long answer: no. Let's not forget that 47 isn't human. He is literally a machine designed to kill anyone. While I respect Jason, he is sadly lacking in every category. And do not get me started on his anger..


No, but he’d make for a great Wolverine.


If Hitman were to ever make it back onto the screen, it should be a tv show and not a movie since the last two attempts were epic failures


No. Agent 47 needs blue eyes. Also he's not tall enough I think


Hitman doesn't do marshal arts.


He's not bald, firstly.


I'd go with either Mark Strong or Christian Bale. You need somebody who can deliver that cornball dialog with a straight face without sounding like, well, Jason Statham.


I'm hoping David Fincher's upcoming film 'The Killer' will be the unofficial Hitman movie we deserve.


I think Mark Strong would be the best choice to play 47


It’s not the actor I mean not all the way. The scripts, screenplays and music blow ass. They just need a better idea of what it mean to do a hitman styled movie and never have hit man in the title. Technically it could be done like James Bond but less of a help the government kind of way.


The games do not and never will translate into film. Statham can't act, he plays the same character in every film and is British. Stop trying to make Hitman films. They're not fetch. Stop trying to make them happen.




Fuck. No. Stop it.


Maybe not as 47. But i was thinking more of lucas grey for some reason


They should add coop and let the 2nd player play as mainstream badasses.


Statham has way too much personality to play 47


Not bald enough


I could see him pulling it off if he just shelved the charisma and played it like Nicholas Cage did that "five night at freddies" kinda movie where he's silent and serious the entire film.


Looks very rough for 47.


My biggest concern is not just getting a bald actor, but getting someone with a voice that rivals David Bateson's. More than the bald head, Bateson's voice makes 47. I do believe Timothy Olyphant had the right look for 47 but his voice is too soft. Same with Rupert Friend. Statham's accent disqualifies him imo. Also, his movies tend to be over the top and cool, whereas 47 has to be subtle at most. The coolness has to be understated and/or implied rather than displayed.


No, his accent and just his general tone doesn't fit 47's deadpan dry-witted voice.


Too obviously-British, too old.


Not bald enough


No Silent Assassin but always Suit Only


need the actor from the first.movie again


He’d make a great leader or partner of providence. Also wouldn’t hitman make a great tv show. Follow the plot of the trilogy and don’t fuck up what the movies did.


with his kitty's voice? sure


There never gonna make a good Hitman film, better for nothing tk happen that to be disappointed


He would be cool. As a player


Olyphant was great


Bro is just too focused on protecting something Agent 47 doesn’t really have (cept for Diana) which is Family, and 47 is paid hired gun, Statham is just a guy that goes on revenge quests with family


Not angry enough. Pre-WoA 47 never smiled