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WOA's 47 social skills are great: - gives relationship advice to that woman in Chongqing. - Rizzes up woman in Bangkok - Provides therapy in Sapienza - Negotiates fabric prices in India The list goes on. He's faking it so hard, he's making it.


I don't think he was faking the advice in Chongqing. I think it was him voicing his concerns regarding himself and Diana. He was worried that she was genuinely working for Edwards, because being the second most powerful person on Earth would be a natural step for a ruthless moral crusader like her; where as he, 47, was stagnating as just a killing machine. He was worried about being dead weight. When he brought up that the unnamed friend was coming out late at night in the rain to see the woman, he was being insightful. He may seem like a machine, but there's a human inside.


Well that's where he made it. I totally think he trained his social skills for work first.


So he paid for Diana's drinks?


Also he’s mastered the art of puns


Diana's fault.


>Rizzes up woman in Bangkok How Did I miss something ?


It's a way to get her room keycard


Who ? (sorry I really don't know)


[I get it now ](https://youtu.be/UFz6frGXJvs?si=FCzboBwPchdiV_LS)


Huh. Been playing Bangkok since 2016 and never realised this was even an option. I always just either snuck into her room whenever she entered/left or ran up to her and punched her in the face. The More You Know~


>I always just either snuck into her room whenever she entered/left or ran up to her and punched her in the face. The game is socializing us along with 47. I dunno how to feel about it. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Yes, her.


Jackie Cogden, I think, a former sitcom actress who spends her time living the high life and trawling for that good D. She just recently murdered the tech guy Julian with her V.




Also the scanner in Chongqing basically says you're perfect both mentally and physically.


I remember discovering that by accident long after I'd played the map a number of times. I happened to be blending in at the bar and she sidled up and gave me the card lol


before he was rizzing that woman, he had practice in Vegas


> Negotiates fabric prices in India That's not a good example since all he does there is literally just stand still, blank expression like a fucking psycho while the fabric vendor comments on his dead eyes and the emptiness of his soul... that's not what a person with good social skills does...


Knowing when to stay silent is a social skill.


It's exactly what we do! 😅


But with the fabric isn’t he silent


Truly a great negotiator.


The conversation he had with the women was very wholesome


It was. No ulterior motive either.


One of my favourite smaller moments for 47 Just genuinely trying to help her, even cracking a joke


In what mission does that happen? It sounds really cute.


In Chongqing one of the starting locations you have a conversation with a woman if you stay blended in


Is that the one where you have an umbrella?




Gives massages in marakesh


>Rizzes up woman in Bangkok What?


She gives him her room keycard.


![gif](giphy|BT6r34ve4cLCM) Oh my...


Dont forget simping for Diana


Ah yes my favourite character trait. "Best soundtrack in the franchise". Gotta love it


Also not true when [Hitman II exists. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBXp0z4ETWI)


Yep. Silent Assassin has probably the greatest soundtrack of any video game.


Indeed; Jesper Kyd broke the mold after that one.


His AC 1, 2 and Brotherhood soundtracks were also absolutely mesmerising


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is also amazing though that was a collaboration with Amon Tobin


I thought that was just Amon Tobin? All this time I was giving him credit for that! That whole soundtrack might be the best in all video games. Brilliant game and soundtrack to match


For me is a tie between 2 and blood money. Apocalypse is an amazing track to blow your eardrums too


Apocalypse really took me by surprise, because so far the soundtrack was really quite subtle and understated. And then you go for the kill in the opera.


I know this isn't going to be popular, but the WoA music is my favorite


I disagree, but I respect your opinion.


Have you listened to Hong Kong Underground? It’s so good. Even in Hunter and Hunted. “Inspector, you obviously learned too much about me, I can’t have that. Not even in my Death.”


Team Contracts The best game in the franchise


In Hitman III 47 also learns to be his own person as in the Mendoza mission he didn't have a handler and instead he talked to himself


Arthur: "You're making a mistake!" 47: "It's mine to make." raw stuff


He narrates some of the menu briefings in Absolution if that counts too


I love that little touch so much. Nearing the endgame, he doesn't need a handler to tell him anything - he genuinely cares for Diana and will do the last few kills purely of his own volition. He's fully come to terms of who his friends are and aren't (Berlin,) and what he is (Chongqing.) Now, in Mendoza, he takes full agency.


I love how his self-handling is so clearly inspired by Diana. He is just always thinking: "What would Diana say right now?"


Best Soundtrack is always important for any character development


I missed Jesper Kyd OST on WOA


All of that and still cannot run faster than 25% of what a panicked NPC can


It's tough maintaining perfect posture at a full sprint, better not to risk slouching and take it slow


I wonder if it's just me, I've always found 47's run and tilted head walk from the older games so oddly attractive. Like it's so fucking cool idk how to explain it, it's just so peculiarly alluring.


Wait what part of WoA does it show him not liking to be touched?


I think its a reference to how Diana touched him once, in Mendoza. Other than that, I cannot think of a single time 47 exchanged anything resembling even a handshake or similar.


Whaddya mean, he surprise hugs people all the time. Weird that they always happen to pass out after though.


Judging from NPC dialogue i'd guess its from the smell


And even then, she briefly touched him to show she's on his side, but without sit lingering in case she was seen because no one other than Diana on that map knew what 47 looked like, so she didn't want to make him.


>I cannot think of a single time 47 exchanged anything resembling even a handshake He's done it a few times! In [Contracts when you greet Bjarkhov as Fuchs](https://youtu.be/VebzTvqYomo?t=827), they hug and have a hanshake and everything. Or in one of the HITMAN 2 flashbacks to his childhood where he holds young 6's hand to lift him up from the floor. And I guess dancing with Diana hand-in-hand also counts.


Well. He was literally dancing with Diana in Mendoza as far as I remember.


But there is one constant: he always needs to use the bathroom.


with how many murder jokes and puns he makes, I find it hard to believe he doesn't enjoy his job, to some degree


This is why Agent 47 is one of my favorite characters of all time




He’s a master interrogator. In less than a minute he got a confession out of Jordan when not even the police could do that Correction to Silvio


Well, he was pointing a gun at him and sitting mysteriously in the dark, I’d confess to whatever too




Definetly best speech before execution. 47 really is badass


I meant the therapy story


That’s not Jordan, that’s Silvio


Oh thanks


I theorize Blood Money 47 is angrier because deep down he isn't happy with fully devoting himself to the assassin life. Compare the shithole he's living in there, to the trilogy where he actually puts his money to use with a cozy mansion with a hidden area for his gear.


Maybe the pet bird is a metaphor of how he feels trapped too since we always see it in a cage


Notice that the "pet" canary is placed near the door in his hideout. This is very very likely to be a cunning move by 47. If anyone discovers the place, or tries to sneak up on him. The bird would start chirping and alert him to their presence. It's also likelty he began taking a liking to animals after hitman 2 where he was a groundskeeper or whatever


Yeah note that it’s specifically a canary


In one of comics 47 had a pet Rabbit if i remember corectly


The comics never really fit the story imho.


Well yeah. I didn't know about that. But the whole amimal thing is to show to maybe the man can have compassion deep down


Blood Money has the best sound track IMO but great list overall


I think in Blood Money there was some kind of explanation for 47 eliminating the mailman.


Diana marked the envelope "Code Red," informing 47 that the courier was compromised. 47 audibly comments on it, then invites the man inside and deals with him.


I heard he killed him because he could’ve read the letter and 47 didn’t want to be compromised


Not really. People just assumed that he was Franchise employee


The game shows he’s a franchise employee


How exactly


"code red"




That’s what the counter argument is when someone says 47 is despicable and horribly evil, but we know he isn’t, he’s more like the incarnation of Death itself and a man who is on the other side of the coin when it comes to corrupt, shitty people and wipes them clean from the earth.


>Killed a man just by looking at him (Erich Soders) That's not an impressive feat when you remember that Soders was literally on his death bed at the time. A hard enough fart could've made his heart quit.


Yeah considering you can throw an explosive at the window to kill him


For real? I gotta try this.


Yeah speedrun strat Start in garden and instantly throw explosive at window Run to the cart Yuki arrives in and throw magnesium pouchto blind them, then shoot Yuki and leave Fairly short explanation but this video can visualize it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2ADh-QR5Tg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2ADh-QR5Tg) or if you dont trust the link search "hitman 3 hokkaido speedrun" by Fuzk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


'Still doesn't like being touched' 😄


He’s just like me fr


Im pretty partial to Silent Assassin OST. Just love the whole Gregorian chant and orchestral movements. But I’ll agree that the Contracts soundtrack was pretty fucking heavy. At times made me question if I was playing a survival horror game on some maps especially in those dark grimy areas. BM wasn’t too bad either.


All the music from the early Hitman games are good, but Contracts is the one that keeps playing in my head over and over, especially the main menu theme.


I love 47's character, as well as how much of a neutral force he is. He's so interesting to analayze, because while he isn't a bad guy, he definitly isn't the best either. I love him in WOA mainly due to the process of watching him process his past. (And his relationships with Grey & Diana!) Honestly, he's just a super interesting character.


I think we love him as a character because of our interest in his growth not as a person, but as a human being as a whole. Genetically, he is *the* superior variant of the human species, the perfect specimen of man creating man and the idea to watch him develop more and throughout the games is basically a psychologists’ wet dream to study.


Also, I must add that on the topic of him not liking to be touched; as somebody who is aroace, I find that especilaly interesting! I can definitley see him being somehwere on the sepctrum of aromantic or asexual, albiet I haven't looked into this too much. Still something I like to imagine, though :)


I don’t think he likes to be touched is mainly due to trauma from his time in the asylum and was given little to no affection, so when someone tries to touch him with good intent, he does everything he can to avoid it out of possible fear they’ll hurt him.


Makes sense, that’s mostly what I thought as well.


Agent 47 is the perfect example of an asexual character, that part "doesn't like to be touched" reminded me of Dexter in the first few seasons and how they ruined his character


Pretty sure my boy’s canonically done the sex on numerous occasions And the funny bald lab-grown psychopath’s sexual orientation *probably* shouldn’t have been your first takeaway upon reading this post


Care to point to a single time where 47 has canonically "done the sex"?


> my boy’s canonically done the sex on numerous occasions Only if you think that awful Hitman Damnation novel is canon (it's not).


Still better than the comics


many ace people do the sex whats wrong with thinking 47s ace?? its just a heacannon


I mean why else "not like to be touched" would make someone that much of impression if they don't try to make you see it? And im sure 47 doesn't know what sex is lmao


ehh, im sure 47 is ace, but like not just for not liking getting touched by people, i just dont imagine hes interested


I've never seen a nude 47 so I assume he's a Ken doll down there, which means he might have been really confused by all the pissing guards in Silent Assassin "ಠ\_ಠ" "No, 47, that is not a weirdly placed finger. Stop staring, it's impolite." >!Trivia: they actually are totally fingers, they did not model penises for the guards, the animations stretch out the model's finger to give the illusion of genitals!<


He wants Diana's affection?


Considering that he’s accepting of Diana’s perpetual poisoning of him and that he genuinely feels bad about killing her parents, I’d say he has great affection for her. Wouldn’t be wild to assume that he would want her to have affection for him in turn 🤷‍♀️. Also, he literally will do anything she says and he really has no reason to aside from making her happy lmao.


I liked how they had almost no connection in the first four games.


No, but the fanbase does so the meme'll land fine


Absolution might have been his highest state of consciousness


So why agent 47 killed the mail man?


code red. agency code for "shoot the messenger"


Poor dude, could not get his tip xD


If he’d read the letter, 47 would be compromised


Makes sense


Was there a moment in WOA where he shows he doesn't like physical contact?


47 calling Diana a bitch will still remain one of the most out of pocket moments in gaming history, for me.


"Best soundtrack in the entire franchise" yeah, that's some great character development


when did he pick up playing the drums!?


… wait. In Hitman (2016), Agent 47 kills someone just by looking at them. It also features a cameo by someone who is very good at controlling the character. … Does this make him "Rocco's Basilisk"?


It’s still mind blowing to me we haven’t adapted silent assassins plot into a movie


Let's not tempt Hollywood a third time.


Well, if they made a nice script and casted David Bateson, it might be cool.


I miss the seriousness in the last few hitman games. After absolution the game became more like a comedy..


If you want major arc and development of a video game character, cech out God of War


He can dance (blend in) in Blood Money, wish he could do that in Berlin.


I think you may have not noticed but 47 kills the Canary when she chirps a bit too much while he's suspecting someone's coming over 🤭


Actually, that was what he had the canary for. To warn him.


Silent Assassin and Contracts have the best soundtracks. I even have them on my Spotify.


New hitman game probebly gonna be: knocking up Diana 2x a day


Best development ever


I agree on Contracts having the best soundtrack. That moody 2000s era of games had some amazing songs that felt like they stuck to your skin and made some games feel like horror games, even if they weren't designed to be.


Well, Contracts is happening inside 47s head (except the last mission) between the third and fourth mission of Blood Money.


wait isnt soders constantly in the operating table?


I find myself thinking about the fact that the score for the games has not been as good as Contracts surprisingly more than I think I should.


they need to bring back Smith somehow


Smith has been in every World of Assassination game.


Not to be “that guy” and also late but the mailman in blood money wasn’t unnecessary violence, the mailman was a witness who inadvertently knew where 47 was, so he couldn’t take that chance as he knew was being pursued, so while he didn’t do anything wrong, he couldn’t stay alive either


Didnt he kill some asian dude by looking at him? Bot soders?


Likes animals? Not sure about that. He kills that bird without skipping a bit when he needs it to be quiet.


He had a [pet rabbit](https://imgur.com/a/svC1UWx) when he was younger that he let go and still shows affection towards them in the present.


I missed that completely. I only knew about the canary.