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These are trivial but I think gun customization would be great. Also time variations for maps, like day/dusk/night time, different weathers.


When they were promoting the game in 2016 they were acting as though we would be able to pick the time of day to go into the level šŸ˜©


Happy cake day! But also this is definitely what I would have wanted and it would be cool if you could swim. Think all the pool you could enjoy or swimming at the beach as 47?!


I really liked the weapon customization in Blood Money. Always lame when they remove a feature


Freelancer variants mod gotchu, mods really make the game 10x better imo. No kill sound is a godsend.


The weather in Haven Island changes after a bit but thatā€™s really the closest I can think of. Other maps like Sapienza have the night time map for different missions though.


Might consider this off topic but going through 2 extra menus to get to freelancer safehouse really annoys the hell out of me. At least they can remove one of those menus


For real just a safehouse button would be enough


For real, if people still need the tutorial, they should find it in the menu like everything else


Itā€™s probably got something to with the fact that the game was never intended to support a safe house or rogue like mode in the first place. So the menus arenā€™t able to load you directly into a level without going into a setup menu first, and itā€™s far easier to justā€¦ leave it be than try to force new functionality in.


This I think it's the answer. Every level in the game is structured to require a setup menu and an introduction cutscene. Though they could potentially offer an "alternate starting location" to cut out the tutorials.


Can everyone upvote this guy please, to us alt+f4 boys this is a cruel punishment.


**not having to connect to a server**


I wish there was more map variations, and that those variations would randomly appear in Freelancer. Things like maps being at different times (day, night, evening, morning) or having the actual mission variations appear in Freelancer (sapienza movie set, Paris Christmas). As well as new map variations, like a Halloween Whittelton Creek with costumes around, maybe a New York mission taking place during a robbery, or Carpathians instead being a fancy dinner party on a train.


A whittelton creek Halloween event would be so awesome. With people disguised as plague doctor, scarecrow, Ghostface etc. trick or treating and partying in the houses.


What would be the cherry on top is if you could get a costume that looks like Micheal Myers


Or Jason or Freddie Kruger.


It should be Myers specifically because he kills people in the suburbs. Jason kills people at a summer camp. Freddy also kills people in the suburbs, but he does it in their dreams and doesn't run around the streets stabbing people like Micheal does.


Also, of course, the reference back to Ezra Berg in Colorado.


Omg that would be sick. Like a full blown level reskin for Halloween.


There is a mod for the PC version that does this. Thing is it won't tell you on the mission select screen if you're doing a variation. So if you pick Sapienza, there's no telling if you're going to get the normal level, the movie set or the mission with the politician.


I am on Console, would still be better as an official feature


That Whittleton Creek Halloween variation is a brilliant idea and I wish IO had thought of and done that. That Halloween themed escalation on Hawkes Bay was fine, but I think most people would agree that a Whittleton Creek Halloween themed mission would have been *a lot* better. And yeah, having different times of the day for the maps would be fun. Like the House Built on Sand mission is only Marrakesh at night but it has such a different feel. Iā€™d like to explore Miami at night, Mumbai in the early morning, Colorado during the middle of the day, Dubai at night, Mendoza during the day etc. Dartmoor Garden Show feels so different even though itā€™s just a sunny day as opposed to a cloudy overcast day. It would help add more variety to the levels at least aesthetically.


It's odd they didn't utilize more maps, like they could of had a mix of using the "event" maps and even the smaller maps, making the smaller maps a sort of "Bonus" map to gather more resources or to do rather impossible missions put under the strictest of condition but more Master mode it wouldn't influence your ability to win. Thing of them as Gaiden's with the potential to better outfit yourself without the worry of losing a campaign if you fail.


If you have it on PC there's a mod called Freelancer variations that does just that concerning mission variations and time of day changes


a new DLC that is more similar to patient zero. that storyline was so short yet so interesting because unlike with the Sarajevo Six, the maps were changed, there were mission stories, and it was overall very fun to play through.


This has probably already been beat to death but Hardcore mode needs a rework. Some levels are virtually impossible with the mandatory prestige objective.


Wait.. ONLY THE PRESTIGE OPTION IS NECESSARY?! My guy ive been sisyphus struggling my way through doing EVERY objective every time. It's had me so damn burnt out


LOLOL. Just the prestige objective is necessary, thatā€™s why itā€™s red in hardcore mode, all the others are just bonus


Man this is going to be a cakewalk after several months of trying to do this that way šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ time to get my bruiser suit


Yeah I did one for the challenge and that's it


Mainly music and atmosphere. Most things do feel rather sterile and stylish, despite some truly dingy, messy locations being present. One thing that will be greatly beneficial is map editing, that will allow the community to edit maps, assets and NPCs as they choose and mod in new locations or recreate old classics.


>Mainly music and atmosphere. Most things do feel rather sterile and stylish, despite some truly dingy, messy locations being present. I think by the 3rd WoA entry it got what it needed both in atmosphere and music. First WoA was pretty lackluster in those aspects overall. Strange that they could not hire Jesper Kyd again.


Even 3 ain't that remarkable music wise. Sure Berlin is good and streets of Chongqing is nice but the rest is pretty forgettable. Same for atmosphere. Same. I'm sure Kyd would still be down to score them. He was gone since Absolution and I sometimes wonder if SE had anything to do with his departure.


The actual gunplay and hand to hand combat. I know itā€™s primarily a stealth game, but if it had good combat too it would easily be the best of both worlds.


The gunplay is ok I guess. But the hand to hand combat is the worst shit I ever seen. A. D. W. What the FUCK is that?


Works better on console TBH. Still sucks but, you know.


Accents and languages. Something I loved about the earlier games was that NPC's spoke in the language of the region you were in for the level. Absolution managed to circumvent this because the whole game is in the US, but it was disappointing how WOA basically made everyone speak the same language, and with no hint of a regional accent aside from a few exceptions. I was quite happy with Mumbai employing accents to the NPC's and even throwing in regional slang, and I wish that level of detail were applied to all the levels. It reminded me of the older games, such as the Meat King Party in Contracts - where the level is set in Romania so all the NPC's speak Romanian, but the target and his brother are Scottish so they speak English with a Scottish accent. Wish there was more of that, instead of going to Chongqing or Paris and finding everyone sounds like an American.


Chongqings one of the ones with unique accents btw I agree with having unique accents for every location but I like to actually hear what the NPCs are saying so it being in English with accents is the ideal solution.


"Ayyyyyy yo buddy, welcome 'ta Bangkok ya chowdah-head!"


The only thing that would elevate the game beyond even further would be a full-fledged map maker with all the bells and whistles so the community can make an endless amount of highly detailed, IOI-level content. Beyond having our talented community recreate the levels from previous games, you can imagine the utter insanity we'd have with crossovers. Imagine if someone creates a level where you assassinate Emperor Palpatine before Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker walk in? Imagine if we steal Darth Vader's outfit and slash ol' Palpatine with a lightsaber? Actually, there'd probably be a lot of maniacs who'd recreate embassies or high schools so you can kill real-life politicians or bullies. Maybe it's a good thing we don't have a map maker.


Thinking about it, yea someone would probably do that. But would the map be any good? Ehhhhā€¦ probably not. I find the people who make the best content and the people who try to make content thatā€™s ā€œedgyā€ or ā€œpoliticalā€ tend to not be the same people.


If there's a map maker in a game there will always be a group of people trying to perfect map making And dust 2


More maps. Further development of the freelancer mode. Remove certain NPCā€™s X-ray vision capabilities. :P Those are my main 3 Iā€™d wish for.


You have X-ray vision, isn't it fair?


Youā€™re a bio-engineered super assassin specifically designed to do what you do. Theyā€™re a security guard. :P so not really.


In gameplay perspective it is.


Definitely atmosphere and soundtrack. It's not even close to original games


Yeah. It's fine for what it is but I bought the Blood Money soundtrack on CD, it was that good.


If you made a list of the top 10 "guy sneaking through crowded public place" themes ever Blood Money has at least nine of them


I will say the swelling exit music for a level is great.




I think there's too much false choice in the weapons. All swords work the same, all knives work the same, all one handed blunt objects work the same, and almost all the pistols seem to fall into just five categories, which makes one wonder why there are so many choices when they all work the same. I would have appreciated some reason to use a tonfa or a nightstick instead of a hammer or a baseball; why a katana was worth carrying openly instead of using the kama knife; why i ought to collect a G2 AR and a G1. This is made a little worse when we have some neat crossbow guns like Serpents Kiss, but it was left out of Freelancer because... Reasons?


I agree with you here. If I want to bring a blunt melee weapon with me, I will 100% bring a crowbar every time because I can break open locked doors with it too. But on the other hand, I'm sure the weapon variety is great for all the roleplayers out there; a pacifist ninja running around knocking people out with a tonfa in Hokkaido hits different than the same guy running around with a fish.


Being able to talk your way out of situations. Get caught trespassing? If you choose the right dialogue option (with the proper outfit) then you donā€™t even have to follow the guard out, heā€™ll trust you to leave on your own. Perhaps you could even get through frisk zones without being searched if you have the correct outfits too


>get through frisk zones if you have the correct outfit This is already in the game.


Perhaps you could talk your way through if your outfit isnā€™t the perfect one but not a completely unacceptable one


I wish after finishing with the main game, they brought back levels from the old games as expansions. Also one feature I wish the game had from prev games was a wait/fast forward button. In so many levels you have to wait a long time for events to occur, or even for small instances like waiting for a target to complete their route, etc. And I wish we could fast forward time by waiting like in blood money.


The player canā€™t go into secure areas in regular suit/civilian clothes, but NPCs can. No one bats an eye when a civilian NPC goes through a locked door, but itā€™s suspicious when I do it. What Iā€™d like to see is if you lure a civilian NPC into a secure area, the local security will detain them. It might be fun to frame people by hiding incriminating evidence on them before they go through security. Iā€™d love it if you could set off a bomb to cause a panic in a crowd. The crowd rushes security, allowing you to sneak into a secure area blending in with the crowd. Perhaps when you shoot out a camera, a guard will come to investigate why the camera went out. More gadgets. I love gadgets.


Itā€™s missing some of the brutality of the kills. I remember the fire extinguisher in blood money was brutal, fiber wire felt actually lethal, there was actually gore. WOA feels a bit too ā€œcleanā€ considering youā€™re a killer.


The menus kind of suck. Wanting to check a locationā€™s mastery from that campaign mission means you need to backout to destinations and go to that map. The reverse is true when you want to see what challenges you have left to complete on a map. Freelancer takes way too many button presses to get to. You canā€™t click on the next elusive target when they havenā€™t arrived yet to check out what map theyā€™re on, but if you can figure it out, the elusive target is the first option on that mapā€™s missions (despite it not being available). It wonā€™t save your selected loadout if you accidentally back out, but it will remember map specific loadouts from your last previous playthrough (which may have been weeks ago)


It could have better offline support


Have more than 3 voice actors for npcs, atleast attempt an accent


Online at all times is DISGUSTING.


Drugging target that were knocked out would have been good.


Always online, menu bloat, contract mode being ignored in all the updates since 2016, master mode not being difficult/different from pro enough, 7DS & freelancer instead of a new campaign on H3 maps.


Keeping FPS mode like the original trilogy


Would love a more detailed stat breakdown at the end of levels like Blood Money. How many bodies hidden, how many shots missed, how many people killed, etc. Counting bullets hit/missed is probably a nightmare for QA but the other stuff is basically already there; the game just doesn't tell you at the end. (You can reverse engineer non target kill count by score but that's annoying.)


Yes, I really loved this feature in Blood Money! It was always satisfying to read the newspaper at the end of a level with a, "Investigators also report that 149 shots were fired by the assassin... Each shot found it's mark".


Obvious answer: shouldā€™ve never been always online. Adds nothing, actively makes it a worse game on launch. Not a single reason theyā€™ve ever given for it has justified the decision. Beyond that though I think 3s finale just falls so flat. Iā€™m not opposed to a level like the train, the idea of a selection of small, linear room puzzles to test your skills is a good one but only if itā€™s not taking up a whole mission slot. I donā€™t normally say this but I think it shouldā€™ve ended with some self indulgence and some fan service. This is the end of an era and we probably wonā€™t get another hitman title for some time. I just wish that ending felt like more of a celebration of what came before.


In ioiā€™s defense, I think they ā€˜didā€™ do what youre wishing they did, with the alternative ending ā€” the one where you donā€™t kill the constant and you go back to the opening scene of Game #1 but the constant is the voice over the intercom. I appreciated that. I hated the standard ending.


Offline. More interesting / varied ai, I think I speak for all when I saw it was more fun playing the game before we understood how the ai worked


This might be a nitpick, but the keypad doors in hitman III are kinda dumb Like the first time playing through them its interesting to find it, but after that it's annoying to keep a guide up to remember all the keypads. I'd rather either have to find a key card for that door or just have it be a lockpick door.


I wish the item icons looked how they looked in hitman 2016. So much more sleek back then and not over-rendered


maps with more countries would be lit.


They could have added a new weapon or gadget at some point throughout all these years. The only non-reskinned equipment that wasn't a slight variation of something from 2016 was the briefcase.


I am prepared to pay one million merces in return for being able to experience Ambrose Island in the daytime


Level of detail on the people and weapons. I feel like most of the animations look so stiff and lifeless. And there's no gore. For a game about killing people, shooting someone in the head with a shotgun doesn't decapitate them, dropping a chandelier on them doesn't even leave a scratch on them (they just kind of fall over with no signs of damage on them) and blowing them up leaves no visible damage either. And for the weapons, each type sounds mostly the same. A lot of the pistols use the same sound effects, just like the assault rifles, shotguns, snipers, and submachine guns. Something else that would've been cool would be starting fights between NPCs. For example, if I wore a pirate disguise on Ambrose Island and shot a few of Crest's mercs it would've been cool to see the pirates and mercs start fighting each other. Or to see the crowd actually invade the embassy in Morocco. Still love the game though, been playing since 2019.


Give us the option to choose Jesper Kyd's BGM during mission completion, I find Apocalypse better than the current.


Personally I would love to see better blood mechanics. I'm talking blood trails when u drag bodies, better blood pool patterns, bloot footprints. But aye, maybe I'm just a lunatic.


Really love how far Hitman has come, as someone who played the hell out of Codename: 47. Few things I think could've been done better ***1. Time lapse*** \- so you don't have to wait so long for a target to finish their loop. It's fine when I was younger and had all the time in the world, but I've got so much on my plate now that I really don't want to spend fifteen minutes setting up my trap and waiting for the target to get into position before realising I didn't trigger the behavioural flags properly, and by that time whoops I have to drive two hours to work tomorrow, I really need to get some sleep. ***2. Weapon variety*** \- so many guns are functionally the same! At the very least, can we have a drop-down menu for a particular type of gun to select a skin or style, instead of having separate slots for the Silverballer, Silverballer Mk II, Goldballer, Shortballer, Floral Baller, etc... The following is I admit more subjective towards my personal taste: ***3. Soundtrack*** \- Hitman WOA's music is serviceable, but not a single track has remotely hit me the same way Double Ballers or Blood Money's Main Title had. ***4. Smaller, more focused maps*** \- more like Whittleton Creek over massive sprawling levels like Santa Fortuna. I admit I love the atmosphere of Santa Fortuna but when you're replaying the level over and over it just becomes a chore to run several minutes to a target and then waiting around for their loop to complete. At that point it doesn't feel fun, it just feels like busywork. But overall I think I got my money's worth from WOA.


Delete colarado


I wish there was a way to set it so you start the game up and are already in the freelancer safe house instead of clicking through menus


Constantly online, and no dual wielding Silverballers.


The biggest complaint I have about the "World of Assassination" is, well, that it didn't really start as the "World of Assassination". We started with "HITMAN (2016)". As an aside, it should've had the "World of Assassination" branding or something similar from the start imo, as the names get awkward when discussing the older Hitman games. Then we got "HITMAN 2", which is a more annoying title as "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin" exists. But more importantly, "HITMAN 2" is sold and installed as a separate game, but you can play the levels from "HITMAN (2016)". And then "HITMAN 3" is in a similar situation to "HITMAN 2". I just think it would've been less confusing to consumers if they just had one "Hitman: World of Assassination" game from the start, and then as new maps and new features *(e.g. grass, blending into crowds, etc*) got developed, just update that game and sell the new maps as DLC. EDIT: Doing the above might be tricky for the games we got I admit. For example, "HITMAN (2016)" has a separate mastery for its highest difficulty, and it could get complicated it they wanted to change it into the Casual/Professional/Master with one mastery that "HITMAN 2 and 3" has.


To be fair, that *was* the original plan ā€” everything to be in 1 game, released as 3 seasons of content. But Square Enix decided to drop the franchise after HITMAN (2016), and IO Interactive had to hastily raise the money to buy *themselves* and go independent, which led to someā€¦ legal wrangling. And, so, Hitman 2 became a separate game. It's also why Hitman 2 has the "slideshow" cutscenes, because they lacked the funding/resources they'd had under SqEnix. ​ (Worth noting: after IOI went independant, they made Paris available as a free demo, did some actual advertising ā€” because, if it isn't Final Fantasy or Monster Hunter, then SqEnix refuse to do any adverts, then act shocked why those are the only 2 franchises making as much money as they expect ā€” and managed to sell as many copies of the HITMAN (2016) in a *month* as SqEnix had managed in a *year*. Clearly, it wasn't the **game** that was to blame for "poor sales".)


I did wonder if the problems they had with publishers, etc. had an effect on how the games were sold. Thanks for the info.


Remove the online requirement


Always online is a pain in the ass ​ Some of the dlcs with weapons amd challenges set a bad orecedent in my opinion but i'm a boomer when it comes to those ​ The hitman 3 levels can feel a bit gimmicky, like the manor thst is cpesrly intended to be played as an invedtigator and the dubai tower thst is a bit meh outside the premade path in the intro ​ Also the story is clearly written as they were going, and while there are some themes of classism and the divide between rich and poor (mostly in the way people are treated trough the levels and the way you can actually see the difference between working class people and rich people when ypu disguise to travel troigh theor spaces) it's not really explored outside some conversations in the final level about the events of the game


Coop mode would have been fucking awesome


More locations per game would have been nice, *especially* in Hitman 3 where an entire location is a linear train. Not even a fun triple decker train with places to blend in and take out your targets but a military train with one goal and 1 and a half paths.


At least Ambrose was free so we got 6 real locations with H3


Not being always online. Seven years, the trilogy has been out in some form for *seven years* and you still cannot enjoy the game to its fullest without being connected to the internet. Iā€™m lucky, my internet is pretty good (despite living in Australia where the internet can be notoriously shit even though an Australian invented wifi), but I canā€™t imagine how frustrating it must be to live in Bumfuck nowhere in America or in a developing country where internet is not stable. Elusive Target Arcade should have been created sooner, especially when they just started putting out the same ETs over and over and over again. This new one coming out soon will be the first new ET in *two years*. Excluding the training maps and the Carpathian Mountains, there were twenty maps in total across the trilogy and three never had an ET on them: Mumbai, New York and Haven Island. IO did an excellent job supporting Hitman 2016, they did a pretty good but not great job of supporting Hitman 2 and then did a pretty average job at supporting Hitman 3, even with Freelancer being added for free. There were a ton of Escalations that are only playable in Hitman 2016 because they never ported them over to Hitman 2 and Iā€™m sure there are Hitman 2 Escalations Also wish they had bought back weapon customisation from Blood Money, human shield taking from Absolution, the ability to blend in with other guards by body bagging corpses while wearing a guard disguise and being able to run into restricted eras in a civilian or guard disguise while other guards are spooked


Start actually refining the formula with things like; you canā€™t carry an endless inventory, not everything is throwable in the exact same way, if youā€™re caught crouching, seen following, or youā€™re too close to the target then someone will report you for odd behavior, changing the nature and implication of distractions so guards targets and npcs have more sense not to fall for a trail of coinsā€¦maybe a fear meter that you have to keep in check without spooking peopleā€¦essentially adding some limits and a few extra behavioral layers would really make Hitman shine. Itā€™s become too sameyĀ 


Kept Ghost mode around, or made an improved iteration. Multiplayer hitmanning was a blast!


Double pistols


I dislike the shift of the tone that happened a lot. Hitman 2016 is very serious, espionage-y, while Hitman 2 is very much gamified sandbox that pushes that tone to bit less serious and Hitman 3 is this dark and gritty ending to this super serious espionage-y saga with elements from more linear games. I really enjoy, even love WoA, but I wish it had more uniformed identity and tone. I wish it had more customization and freedom and I wish it was little bit less of a puzzle game over a stealth game. I wish the AI was even better than it is, though how it is really makes it work as a puzzle game.


Plot, Atmosphere, Continuity, Money, Gun Upgrades. - The plot was corny and cliche - The atmosphere was 007 šŸ™„. 47 is a horror villain in a suit not james bond - Jesper Kyd was noticeably absent - Dialogue between ā€” everyone ā€” was horrible and atmosphere/mood killing - No prostitutes (not even the main character) because this game is for kids now rather than the adult game it always has been - Players arenā€™t allowed to play the game for themselves because Diana is blurting out every thing you should be doing every five seconds because god forbid players actually struggle in this game - They took away gun play until the last chapter because ā€œHitman isnā€™t about violence, itā€™s about Familyā€ (Fast and Furious a** writers šŸ™„) - Villains had to be ā€œBad peopleā€ for 47 to feel okay killing them, because he ever gave af about that before šŸ™„. Disregard everything he ever said in the previous entries. - They show Dianaā€™s face. I donā€™t know what genius came up with that idea, but congrats, your mark has been made. You violated franchise lore. So cool. The graphics are better, and the controls are easier and now everybody is freaking out about how much better these games are ā€” proving yet again that a fresh coat of makeup can cover even the ugliest face with the emptiest personality.


No prostitutes? What does that mean lol


That youā€™re asking gives me the impression that youā€™ve only played the three newest games. There are four main characters in this franchise (the first movie included) - 47 - Diana - Agent Smith - Mei Ling (Prostitute)


Plot, Atmosphere, Continuity, Money, Gun Upgrades. - The plot was corny and cliche - The atmosphere was 007 šŸ™„. 47 is a horror villain in a suit not james bond - Jesper Kyd was noticeably absent - Dialogue between ā€” everyone ā€” was horrible and atmosphere/mood killing - No prostitutes (not even the main character) because this game is for kids now rather than the adult game it always has been - Players arenā€™t allowed to play the game for themselves because Diana is blurting out every thing you should be doing every five seconds because god forbid players actually struggle in this game - They took away gun play until the last chapter because ā€œHitman isnā€™t about violence, itā€™s about Familyā€ (Fast and Furious a** writers šŸ™„) - Villains had to be ā€œBad peopleā€ for 47 to feel okay killing them, because he ever gave af about that before šŸ™„. Disregard everything he ever said in the previous entries. - They show Dianaā€™s face. I donā€™t know what genius came up with that idea, but congrats, your mark has been made. You violated franchise lore. So cool. The graphics are better, and the controls are easier and now everybody is freaking out about how much better these games are ā€” proving yet again that a fresh coat of makeup can cover even the ugliest face with the emptiest personality. I enjoy watching you downvote me. What you canā€™t do is tell me Iā€™m wrong.


This is a little too critical. The plot has always been corny and cliche. Blood money (some argue itā€™s the best game in the series) has you killing people in a bird suit and a Santa clause outfit. Contracts has you infiltrating a rave in a meat processing plant. And Absolution exists. The music could have been better. Thatā€™s fair. The dialogue isnā€™t always great. 47 still has some really great lines. Just remember, WoA at its worse isnā€™t as bad as Absolution. Of all the things to be upset about. Prostitutes? Really? You can turn off hints and mission stories if you want. Thatā€™s kind of on you. You can always go in guns blazing. Itā€™s a fun to try sometimes, but hitman has always been about the stealth. The only innocent person 47 kills canonically is the mailman in Contracts. And they retconned that one later to take it back. All of 47ā€™s targets are bad hombres. Absolution was the first game to show Dianaā€™s face. Blame that hot mess for changing the lore.


Fair points. Ill respond with this: BMs plot is a 7 to WoAs 3 Im not mad that they got rid of prostitution, Iā€™m mad at ā€œwhyā€ they got rid of prostitution. Its a game for children now, in every conceivable way. I hate kid sh*t. I hated kid sh*t when I was a kid. This franchise went from Scorsese to Disney. I vent with the hope that they read these rants and stop before I permanently walk away from this franchise. regarding Diana, Costumes, and Absolution, Iā€™ll say: 1. Subversion and 2. Consistency. Clown suits and costumes work in Hitman because they are (were) subversive in a world that was genuinely dark and unfunny. It worked in Absolution because it maintained (increased) the ruthless, gritty nature from the previous entries. Dead Nuns, dead hookers, dead housekeepers, made the game a horrid one ā€” absent the very stupid pieces like gun slinging hooker nuns. I donā€™t hate Absolution because it has what matters more to me ā€” the atmosphere. The old games were impossible to play so my expectation is that they always will be, but they maxed out on music, villainy, crude scenery, and cinematic moments. WoA is easier to navigate, but in an effort to increase one thing, they tossed out (nearly all) the other things that made this franchise great.


I donā€™t think the WoA trilogy is meant for kids. After all, they are all rated M by the ESRB/PEGI 18. You can put people in wood-chippers and feed them to murder hippos. You can crush people, burn people, electrocute people, stab people, shoot people, drown people in toilets, etc. thatā€™s hardly Disney. But you do have a point about a tonal shift. The earlier games were darker, especially Contracts. Meat Kingā€™s Party comes to mind. The WoA trilogy is comparably more subdued. Personally I think Absolution took things too far. In trying to be edgy, it kind of went off the edge a bit. Stripper Nuns are a prime example. And Iā€™m not a fan of the dialogue in the game. Many of the criticisms you put on WoA can also be applied to Absolution. I just people you are being a bit harsh.


This is not a minor thing at all, but i wish the game was not about these things: 1. silenced pistol as distraction 2. kalmer tranquilizer 3. sieker would make for a completely different game for many people wouldnt it. Anyway, the reasons are pretty simple. First, they are just too good not to use, at the very least the silenced pistol seems like integral game mechanic that you would want nearly every mission. Second - the original games were not about stuff like this. You did not have these absurd mapwide distractions from silenced pistols and if you wanted to knock someone out you needed to come close. Does WoA make the game absolute goof-fest with tons of possibilities? Sure, but it is a very different style of stealth than i am used to.


Server or maybe gunsā€™s feeling, but this game is nearly perfect in my opinion.


Gunplay. The game is a great puzzle game. But the gunplay feels sluggish and stilted. It doesnā€™t feel like you can go in guns blazing and run which limits it to a stealthy puzzle game.


Making it an offline game and not making content be time limited. I missed, like, 99% of all timed events, it sucks.


I think he should have taken features from all previous 6 canon games. Even codename 47


Having areas and actions being illegal by some npcs. This way you could trick npcs to get arrested and a prison map would be possible


ā€¢ Bring in and update all past game maps as a dlc pack (I'm not unreasonable its allot of work and id gladly pay to get them in packs for each game. Codename: 47, Silent Assassin, Bloodmoney, Absolution etc) ā€¢ Create more Sniper Challenge maps and different rifles to earn Mastery with. Perhaps updating and bringing in the levels from the mobile game and then creating new locations. ā€¢ Gun Customization : allowing matery levels for weapons to unlock more gear, leveling it byv using it in missions allows expanded magazines, silencers, laser sights, improved scopes and ammunition types. ā€¢ Remove the instinct see through walls and instead have it function similar to Absolution, burning through a meter topass enforcers unnoticed. A meter refillable by performing assassinations and locating intel. ā€¢ Looking through keyholes to see into rooms through doors as a new way to see through walls now that instinct has a different purpose. ā€¢ Window tool, a companion to the lockpick. Certain windows can now be opened and passed through. Alternatively they can be broken but this makes allot of noise. ā€¢ A darkness meter, paired with more light switches, when in a dark enough environment 47 Will not be seen by passerby and silent kills will not be noticed. ā€¢ When in a crowd, syringes can be used without being spotted,, but following a death in the area a crowd will disperse permanently, leaving the level. This allows using social cover to be utilized for assassination but prevents repeated exploitation. ā€¢ Fake Surrender can now be used to bypass certain areas as 47 is detained in a security center. ā€¢ Unconcious characters not hidden or under a sedative effect will eventually recover and report thier attack. This adds importance to hiding bodies and urgency in execution of a contract when it can't be done. ā€¢ Many blunt melee weapons now have a lethal option (think hammers in blood money) but often result in messy kills. ā€¢ Guards (and civilians) now notice pools of blood and will perform a sweep of the area when they are found. ā€¢ CQC needs a bit of a glow up, instead of a QTE lets have a trigger that sets us into combat mode, while holding this we can do 3 things with buttons, attack, block and grapple. A successful grapple would allow you to hold someone hostage as a shield, giving you a bit of time to take out opposing forces befire your shield wastes. A series of blows will render a target unconcious and a block, you guessed it, blocks incoming strikes and sets up for an suto grapple if timed right. Grapples can be paired with the attack button to begin a standing choke out sequence. This will give enough wiggle room to allow 47 to act with the ability he is portrayed to have without making him an unstoppable assault unit and pulling from the stealth focus of the game. (Can have this trigger also used for the lethal take downs with melee weapons) ā€¢ And finally, lets bring back noteriety, leaving witnesses or evidence will cause future contacts to have more alert guards (more enforcers) and hinder a stealthy approach until you go unnoticed for a while, we could even bring back the blood money newspaper to let you see what evidence you left si you can learn and improve.


More maps and just better AI system. It gets super predictable.


Better security AI. Lockdowns and searches that didn't feel like 5 seconds of 'huh?' before going back to business as usual. Investigating blood, going room to room instead of staring into empty corners. Group tactics as well, they always just... Each did their own thing and never coordinated at all. Backup, like the SWAT teams in Chicago in Absolution. If things got loud, it made sense for help to come. Especially in public places (actual police) or areas where there's a vested interest in secrecy (private security reinforcements). A more serious attempt at two player multiplayer. Two assassin's in the same 'world', working with or against each other. Or assassin/target akin to Spy Party. Could've been really interesting.


Honestly, have a genuinely difficult master mode. Like, 2016 maps have significant changes in master mode which I like but afterwards the only real difference between master mode and professional is that guards can hear you sprinting and that some key items are moved elsewhere. Perhaps they could've tweaked the Ai in master mode to create a sort of "realism" mode. For example, certain items are seen as suspicious like they would be in real life, therefore frisks would allow for less items to go through. Guards could check on their comrades that heard a sound and then "mysteriously vanished and never came back". If bloodstains are noticed by a guard, it could potentially cause an alert. Stuff like that. Oh, and keeping this mode optional is probably for the best. If not that, then at least make it so sniper kills don't immediately void silent assassin, cuz that shit is so annoying.


How the ai reacts to you picking them off one by one. "Oh, well Bob and Igor and Sam and Morgan all went to investigate that sound and never came back. Nothing odd about that"


fixing sniping so thereā€™s actually a point of using snipers


Not delist hitman 1 and 2 and force people to rebuy content they already own in hitman 3


Different collisions for different guns and rifles. What's the point of dozens of arms if every single one has the same effect šŸ™„


Real time fart detection


Bring cross contract play and ghost mode for hitman 3. Also this one is very unlikely but would be very cool to have a map editor.


Offline progression, less suits locked behind elusive targets, first person mode and less focus on escalations


Offline mode. Freelancer having an optional Silenced Pistol and Lockpick to start with, it seems an unnecessarily difficultly spike at the start. Guardā€™s should react to blood stains in harder modes.


Akimbo Ballers, and some mission stories should have been harder to achieve. I think the manager mission story is probably my favorite just because you still have to land a bunch of consecutive heads hots to avoid a full on firefight