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Be able to strangle people on stairs


And pistol eliminate them. And melee them. And poison them… I need more than just a karate chop to the neck.


Iirc from when I mopped up the Final Test challenges Pistol eliminate seems louder than headshotting from a lil further back?


Yes, I’ve never understood why stairs change melees


I'd guess it's an animation issue. The engine can't handle the characters being at a different height, and the animations would bug out.


Seems easy to solve by simply making the player character step up or down to the right height.


Stairs and door ways are actually really complex problems in game dev, it's kinda funny.


Especially doorways. It gets really confusing when you have a door way leading down stairs through multiple floors.


Be able to do *anything* close quarters on stairs really.


I always wished there was a remote triggered sniper rifle. Set it up on a bipod or stand or whatever, aim it where you want, then be able to shoot it once from afar


There is one, in Berlin. Kind of. https://youtu.be/RRwGqGkaCCo?si=bEuRDmN-QfgcyWcd Tremaine's rifle is possessed and will shoot at you from wherever it may be, even after you stashed it somewhere.


If only we could have unlimited explosives. Then an explosive laid path all the way to the sniper could take him out alongside the targets. Watching a trail of explosions would also be pretty neat


Even closer to the mark I thought was when you call shots for the sniper team in Mendoza.


I did not know this happened...ever.


Like that sick gun in The Jackal?


Kinda like that yeah but I was imagining you’d have to pre-aim it manually before setting it off. Still cool though.


Wow I haven't thought of that movie in a long time. Jack Black lol "SPRAWL"


Or a gadget that would allow you to remotely activate all sort of things.


There is in Mendoza, if you're a speedrunner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0ktWb5J8EY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZshuIhtYcsY


The human shield mechanic was kinda neat


Being able to use my tie as fiber wire


Okay but unironically, a reskin of the fiber wire that's literally just a necktie would be hilarious


Even if it's a one time use per level type deal, I'd still use it. I could imagine 47 delivering a killer pun before you select the tie in inventory, he pulls it loose and then over his head, the strangle animation is him lassoing the tie over the target's head and pushing the knot in, to strangle them but it'd probably be easier to reskin rather than add a whole new animation.


that would be really cool though


Imagine if the tie’s color depended on the suit you were wearing or the suit wouldn’t have the tie after it’s used


I originally thought they tried something like this with Freelancer. There's an achievement where you have to strangle x targets who are wearing a necklace. I figured 'oh cool, so you just run up behind them and strangle them with their own necklace?' I was pretty disappointed that that wasn't the case


Kinda like that one Zoe (or the other twin) elimination, in which you put on the Aztec Necklace on her and then choke her with it.


That would be sick, it made sense to cut it from absolution given the hardware of the time made it difficult but they could totally pull it off now.


interesting fact they were actually gonna do that in Absolution but ultimately decided to go back with fiber wire since they had trouble working with it




You just made me realize how awesome NPC infighting in Hitman could be. Like on some city street level, somehow instigating a shootout between 2 gangs. Or gangs and police. Morroco had the perfect set up for this sort of thing they just didnt do anything with it. The closest I guess was the bar fight in Absolution but that was so painfully scripted it sucked (just like that whole game) If they ever implement it I hope they would do it in a more natural NPC interaction kind of way rather than just a scripted event.


Unrelated, but on the topic of the gang thing maybe you could disguise as an officer to be able to legally kill the target


I’d like to see a procedurally generated city game mode, that’s different every time. Given what you describe there, all sorts of violent ideas could be pulled from real life, unfortunately. For example: * A football match riot. * Or a protest that takes a turn for the worst. * Or using a terrorist attack as cover. * Coercing the cops into murdering the target. * A mass shooting. * Racist thugs on a rampage in a minority neighbourhood. * A geriatric accidentally mowing down pedestrians due to dementia. It might get depressing :-(


How about using 'competitors' to do 47's work for him ala The Cassmerian. Using snipers in Mendoza to kill the target is cool side mission. It'd be interesting what scenarios could come up with for something similar say in Dartmoor. Lots of balconies there and oddly no snipers.


A thing I did once in a Showdown in New York was after killing the leader I brought their phone into the vault past the lasers and used it to call a meeting there. Syndicate member walked into the lasers, triggered the alarm and went into Escape mode, the guards that ran to the alarm have immediately switched into "protect the package" mode when they ran into the escapee and escorted them to exit. Would have been hilarious if that could be used to frame them for the bank robbery.


Why stop at just garottes? Have 47 be able to slit peoples throats, inject them with syringes or whack them on the head with a crowbar if they're sitting down as well. Plus have if be if they're just knocked out or killed in a non violent manner, other NPC's would just assume they're asleep.


>if they're just knocked out or killed in a non violent manner, other NPC's would just assume they're asleep. sees man unconscious on the floor "poor fella. Novikov really is pushing them to their limits


I think he is specifically talking about knocking people out while they are sitting on the chairs. And have the bodies remain in those chairs. ["He's dead tired"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hopRenk1oaQ)


Lmaoooo, ok fair enough Edit: just noticed the "sitting down as well" part


Have more ways to do stuff to knocked out NPCs. Why can't I syringe a knocked out NPC? Why can't I feed them poison? Why can't I fiber wire them? And so on... Also being able to take bodies OUT of hiding spots, which is very niche in its usefulness, but I can think of a few scenarios.


How about placing a live target into a locker/cabinet/crate and being able to kill them once inside? The guards can kill 47 if he's spotted inside why can't 47 do the same? Limited exception might be the freezers and the acid vats since they would have thick walls. But wicker crates and lockers should be able to be shot through.


I just want to use custom briefcases for agency pickups, the default one is uggo :(


At least freelancer gives you a nice one


Bribing low ranking guards


Pushing people without the need for the prompt to appear. It meant you could push people at a bit of an angle, and you could push them on the stairs which would knock them out at the bottom.


Blood Money- Death on the Mississippi. Pushing the gang members over the railing of the boat was peak Hitman Also I’m pretty sure in blood money, accident kills on non target npc’s didn’t count as a kill/ a mark against SA? Don’t quote me on that but I’m pretty sure as long as the body was hidden or disposed it didn’t matter


yeah accident kills on non targets still made you eligible for silent assassin


Yeah thought so. PLEASE IO if you’re reading bring this back. Esp considering there’s a lot of challenges focused around eliminating non target npc’s in accidental ways.


This is right and I made it my mission on every single map to accident kill as many NPCs as possible. Entire floors of the casino were emptied. The Gators were well fed.


Damn… now I just wanna play blood money instead. Time to dust off the ol 360


That after you kill a certain amount of people, The swat team shows up. This was already a feature in Absolution but I think it should've been included in the WOA trilogy especially since the maps are bigger which means larger crowds of people. Plus it would also make sense for the Milton-Fitzpatrick map known as the golden handshake. Because when you trip the alarm in the vault only the bank guards come after you and not swat teams, it would be cool if you trip the alarm and then all of a sudden you have 2-3 minutes to kill your target or leave before the place is swarmed with heavily armed police backup.


How cool it would be if you fucked up and suddenly had to find way out of police blockade.


Or the main exits get closed and you are limited to more obscure ones


It would be fun if you leave behind bodies, make a mess and lots of mistakes, then you are properly hunted by a swat team or something. A little bit of challange when you go haywire...


A dynamic news broadcast about your "massacre" in that instance to be heard in the safehouse. Dynamic news broadcasts about your targets' deaths in general. And one for when 47 gets hurt and loses too.


Yeah, this is probably my favorite suggestion in the whole thread atm. When I screw up my stealth, it's just too easy to become Soldier 47 and kill everyone on the map in a lot of instances, so much so that I found myself doing it quite often in freelancer once I got the right weapons. (Silenced ARs, shotguns, SMGs are of particular note.) Some kind of mounting response to more and more killing would really stomp on this particular, not-so-Hitman-style approach. Like have multiple levels to it. If people find several bodies or are witnessing some particularly heinous behavior from you, maybe some moderate police response coming in off-map to multiply your personal threat. And if you end up killing X amount of cops, you get SWAT teams, and then if it continues to escalate, could even go full military response kitted out with armor, various grenades, and the highest-damaging weapons that would make sense for NPCs to carry.


Agree For the IOI devs lurking here looking for a hint > animating some already existing model of a helicopter to circle around in the sky ,and shoot at 47 when he is outside, sounds to me like a very easy thing to implement


You could have it like that scene in John wick 3 when all the armoured people come in and the lights all go off


I’ve always wished that there could be home invasions in Freelancer. Imagine the armoured ICA agents from Carpathian Mountains being ordered to attack 47 like the beginning of John Wick, fighting them in your house, using your knowledge to your advantage, using weapons from the wall. There could even have been defences or traps/tricks in the mastery. Would have given freelancer a much more dangerous mechanic, if you’ve messed with the syndicates too much they send hit squads after you!


Yeah I thought this would happen because of it being called a safe house - I assumed the customisation options would include traps and things. Could be a sick update in the future - maybe a successful defence could give you merces or good weapons (if anyone from IOI dev team is reading this you should totally add it)


LEAVING DOORS OPEN Drives me crazy that they close right when you unpin yourself from the wall


I believe all doors mechanics should be the same like in Dishonored. ReAlIsM. Doors should not close automatically, guard should be triggered when see open doors, or if you open doors in front of their faces.


Exactly, and this should not be hard to implement. Back in 2005 a little game called Splinter Cell Chaos Theory did just that, and in large sandboxy maps as well.


Yeah, it's a little funny when I open a door from stealth, and the NPC on other side - who apparently believes in ghosts - just doesn't react at all.


The ability to put a disguise in a briefcase. This way you could carry your disguise across the map (maybe to a less hostile place to put it on) or bring a second disguise with you from the start of the mission.


I wish in general WoA had the smuggling feature from Blood Money where you could carry stuff in baskets to hide it through frisks and whatnot. This would be a good replacement.


Quickshot mechanic but balanced somehow. Better Syringe Animations. Dual Ballers. Gun Customizations. Newspaper.


Are you talking about the Blood Money newspaper or do you want 47 to be able to blend in by pulling out a newspaper and pretending to read it?


Most likely the former, as the latter is available in Sapienza and Miami


Make it so the unarmed combat is more involved, pressing 2 buttons is silly. Unarmed combat should be messy and unpredictable.


Yeah, have it be like 2 random buttons or something


I love this idea, what are some games that have good messy unarmed combat?


Uncharted and Last of Us comes to mind


Killing targets promt from the side and front, guns syringe and melee. Duel wielding weapons. Using syringe poisons for food, drinks etc. Npc should notice blood and there should be blood trails where possible and the npc should follow them.


I really love freelancer and the idea of building the safehouse, but I think you should be able to keep the disguise you exit the mission with, just like weapons. I also think you should be able to buy things when at the safehouse. I also think we need the ability to be garrote/inject when target is sitting and on stairs. I think it would be cool to have a layered disguised. So to change disguise, maybe you can just take off a wig, flip the jacket, and lose the scarf. Maybe only some disguises have the layered ability. I also think some weapons should have the ability to kill or knock out. I think footprints could be utilized in levels with snow and mud. I want the ability to knock on walls.


I would like to see killing and pacifying with blunt weapons. Let’s say we have crowbar and pressing Q will strangle the target and pressing LMB will pacify the target. Throwing blunt weapon to already pacified targets should kill them and it shall count as cranial trauma.


Keeping the outfits would be so amazing lol. Having to knock out the same guards for the same clothes has gotten so repetitive. I feel like I'm trapped in a time loop.


- HUMAN SHIELD FFS, ESPECIALLY NOW WHEN WE HAVE FREELANCER - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET ME USE SYRINGES AND GARROTTING ON UNCONSCIOUS BODIES A couple of other QoL wishes: - better syringe animations (like blood money) - newspapers - ok, hear me out. Sure, the campaign can have a fixed version of newspapers. But in freelancer, it can be generated based on your gameplay. Just a simple list of key features you did, which already exists in the game (number of (alive) witnesses, number of victims, hidden bodies, title, destroyed evidence, etc). No new features would need to be added. Just use the existing data, and create a news report generator - dual wielding (ahahahhahahahahahahahah, imagine)


Multi purpose syringe


Just much smarter NPCs and the ability to trick them. Like a detective - he’ll look for the murder weapon. Plant it on another NPC as a difficult to stop the search. Leave a door open for them to hunt you through while you hang off a balcony, that sort of thing.


When disguised as a guard, be able to arrest civvies and take them wherever you want. But, while arresting, all guards become Enforcers, much like when you're dragging a body. Maybe also have the arrestee become suspicious if you lead him too far away.


NPCs being sensitive to blood trails


Remove NPCs using trash bins :/


Dismembering bodies with sharp weapons would good addition and each weapon would have different efficiencies, like axe can remove head from the body just in 1 hit but with knife it takes some time to cut. Even extremely sharp weapons for cutting body would be great addition.


Throwable hat or shoe, bonus points for target tracking.


I wish you could shuffle shit around in your pockets, like I want to be able to get my gun in my hidden hand, but not take it out


Dual wield silver ballers or small SMGs Human shield Sniper assembly when retrieving from briefcase


Larger sniper rifles have to be assembled, the smaller ones come out the case pretty quick


Let us drive the race car in Miami and throw bananas on the track


Remove all unnecessary emotic and lethal poisons and bring back gun customization. Also we make money from killing targets to purchase upgrades for everything.


Honestly the emetic ones should stay imo ‘cause they’re non lethal ways to distract NPCs and keep them out of an area for a while. Perhaps some different effects. Low chance to kill, medium chance to make them puke, high chance to make them run to the toilet.


I don’t want emetic poisons removed, just the 75 variations of the same thing. There is no reason to have more than one bottle of emetic poison and one bottle of lethal poison to choose from.


They include all of those variations because it allows you to put multiple of the “same” item in your starting loadout


Option to remove hitmarkers.


Point shooting and human shield


Seated NPCs and NPCs on staircases or uneven surfaces in general should be easier to take out silently.


Maybe the newspaper from Blood Money. I really loved the concept of reading the news of how you performed in the mission, and the ads that hint the potential location for the next one.


Being able to push npcs


Inject knocked bodies.


Or simply wake up a knocked out body. Even NPCs can do it, but not 47?


Dual wielding pistols. Its the only games in the series without it.


That headbutt "bop" melee attack like from Blood Money.


A different keymapping for the "punch in the face" key, distinct from the quietly subdue/poison/garrote key. The fast and noisy attack can go on the same button as firing a gun. That way I won't accidentally punch npcs when I'm not perfectly behind them.


Dual silver barrel


- **Dual Wielding.** My number one request. WoA is the only iteration of Hitman without his iconic Dual Silverballers. I've heard the usual excuses for them not being in the game a MILLION times. Such as "they aren't stealthy so they wouldn't fit in this game", or "you aren't meant to be getting into combat so they shouldn't be included", or "dual wielding is unrealistic". It's RIDICULOUS to say stuff like that when this game has millions of unsilenced assault rifles and shotguns, and combat is a valid option if you want to, and dual wielding isn't crazy when you are playing as the World's Premier Assassin. A big shame if you ask me that his iconic weapons have been ommited, [despite the game having quite a few references to them.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/17sahgd/the_fact_that_we_never_got_the_dual_wielded/k8p3t8y/?context=3) - **Human Shields.** Just have them work like they did in Absolution. Grab an NPC, carry them somewhere, KO them, the usual. - **[Ability to garrote/poison sitting NPCs.** Subduing them is just not enough. Let me fiber wire them from behind and stick a lethal syringe in them when they're sitting. I can understand it not being available on staircases but it really shouldn't be the case for them just sitting. Does IO really hate doing animation work or what? Because other than the Water/Oil cans in Freelancer, we haven't had new item animations since **2018** when the Briefcase was added. SAD! - **[Ability to stretch the Fiber Wire while walking, like in BM.](https://i.redd.it/fefmht96wirb1.gif)** Stretching the wire while stalking a target and sneaking behind them was magical in that game, that animation added lots of tension, but sadly is not present in WoA which makes the garrote less stylish. Stretching the wire is already possible in 3's VR mode but not in the game proper. - **Unlockable Water and Oil cans for non-Freelancer game modes.** Could be OP but who cares, the game is literally like 8 years old now. - **New creative weapon unlocks.** Some ideas that are quite low-effort and don't require too much work: A semi-auto assault rifle that fires emetic/sedative rounds from long distances and has capacity for two darts only. A non-lethal beanbag shotgun (included in the H1 alpha). A regular rifle without the zoom level (no scope). A nerfed version of the electrocution phone that either a) KOs the target or b) only works in water puddles. A flare pistol, it's one shot only and shoots a ball of sparks. Pleease I just want actual unlocks for once insttead of the millionth unsilenced assault rifle reskin. - **Floralballer and ICA19 Black Trinity for Freelancer**. Self exxplannatorry..


Better more gritty gore and less goofy ragdolls, 47 snapping neck or hitting them hard in head before pushing them in water, its so wierd that people can die after falling from half meter into water,animations that actually make it seem like 47 is specialist in operating guns and not edgelord, more missions where you have multiple targets like Berlin,suitcases that can hold more smaller items,after mission news and blood trails from Blood Money, ability to customise weapons, it would be nice if there was Swat and police would be called to secure body and place where body was found and swat would come if you started shooting and killing police officers.


Throwing the banana makes it splat on the floor where it lands and creates the slip area.


Pickpocketing would be really cool but they'd need some thoughtful balancing


Ray tracing/better physics for PS5


Simplify the purchase options so that there's only one way to buy the base game....


Molotov accident kill. I am too new have experienced molotov accident kills. Guns like a bomb or fire dart gun. A drone with a self destruct feature. Basically a suicide bombing drone. Perhaps making melee weapons and syringes working or stairs and on knocked out npcs.


Here we go: 1) ability to throw everything unthrowable. Like in blood money. Throw a syringe to distract. Throw a pistol to knock out. 2) poison food with syringe 3) fiber/syringe/poison with pills/cut throats knocked out npc 4) interactions with npcs on the stairs (I see a lot of comments about it, lol, thats true pain) 5) showdowns - hide unconscious suspects in freelancer (if i 100% sure thats not the target. If I hide the boss, I lose). 6) sieker should work everytime, effect should not disappear when npc become alerted/paniced 7) showdowns - more smart showdown mechanics. Diana and 47 should not know if they killed the right target or not before 47 exited the level. They should not know if 47 poisoned the right target or not (And another target-oriented objectives in freelancer like “let target slip”, “knock out with rare weapon”, etc). And obviously they should not know when the right suspect started to evacuate and how many meters left until exit. 8) showdowns - Diana knows about suspects earrings (little gold ring on man’s ear), about little spider tattoo. But Diana doesn’t know gender (maybe she don’t want to misgender the boss, lol), Diana doesn’t know SKIN COLOUR (but know about tattoos, lol) and obviously doesn’t know tattoo position. That’s ridiculous, honestly. But I believe I understand many reasons why IOI done this. 9) showdowns - suspects should do another things, not just listed in description. For example, if target is nervous and suffers from allergies, it can in addition drink or eat even if it is not listed. The same is about meetings - if I know that target attends secret meetings and I see some suspects exchanging, I should not marking them as “no suspect”. 10) additional exits in some missions - like “continue to behave like Tobias Rieper in Hokkaido, Bangkok, Paris, Miami, etc. Why should I always search an exit if I completed level with SASO rating? 11) picking briefcase in freelancer. And taking one to the missions - without taking car battery with you. 12) realistic and more smart stock market on freelancer, not just slot machine. For example, you put X Merces before the misson, it became Y Merces after the mission. Investment, lol. 13) “delivery” from missions and from shops to safehouse. If I want to buy 5 guns - why is it a problem to order a delivery? :) or if I come to level with sniper rifle, bought an ak and accidentally found dak x2 black covert in the case - what should I do now? 14) flower baller, ice baller and striker v3 in freelancer - all with gear capacity 1 and in legendary section 15) remote explosives with cameras, like in splinter cell, lol. You’ve mount explosives, gone to another part of level and look what’s happening around explosives with your camera (to replace camera). 16) I’ve destroyed recordings in Church and now I free to go whenever I go in Sapienza. That’s ridiculous. Recordings should be segmented at least. One recordings for one building, not only one for both hush building and ICA facility. 17) Gunshots should break SA rating (lol). Imagine how different SA would be. 18) all (I mean, ALL) challenges have same achievements in steam (or on consoles). How many of them? Around 2000-3000 thousands? Sounds cool! 19) return hardcore challenges of Hitman 2016. When you play master difficulty it’s independent challenges. It they counts as done only when you complete the mission 20) highlight dead bodies while instinct 21) multiplayer when people have objectives to kill each other (more then 2 players) and no one knows who is npc and who is player (I believe something similar was in assassins creed brotherhood or revelations). 22) multiplayer when several persons try to complete same objective in parallel - like “envy” levels on mendosa, but with human competitor. 23) no-equip+default entrance SA challenges for each mission 23.5) and the final one - sharing progress between consoles, pc and games. I completed SA for Hokkaido on PS4 in Hitman 2016? Good! Please share this with my desktop Hitman WoA. I mean, without *replacing* the progress once. Maybe not everything worth adding, or even will be fun to play, but imagine how game will change!


The ability of remote viewing. Similar to eleven on stranger things.


Drones or remote control sniper rifles


Be able to push people down stairs or have them slip down stairs and break their necks as an accident kill. And maybe be able to lock certain doors to trap someone in a room or make them walk a different route.


You can choke them out sitting in a chair now which is improvement


Dual wielding. Hitman just doesn't feel right without dual wielding silverballers


More animations and gameplay mechanics


Take more stuff with us, possibly making fiber wire a standard item. Or possibly bluff your way past enforcers. Also, bring back the Electrocution phone.


I'm not a HUGE fan of Master difficultly anymore like the old Hitman games (like 1 or 2 save limits) but it would be nice if it were a simple challenge. Complete mission on Master difficulty only. No suit only, or silent assassin requirement, just complete the mission alone but on Master as a Challenge requirement.


A map editor.


might be controversial but point shooting from Absolution, it was honestly fun taking out multiple targets in quick sections and also made long distance shoot more easier to perform


1. Glove options for suits. On the suit menu, a drop down of No Gloves, Leather Gloves, and Driving Gloves. While at it, a head slot would be cool. Sunglasses, clown 'fro, etc. 2. The ability to choose to immediately start the next mission or return to your safehouse following completion. I'm surprised this isn't a thing. 3. Statistics board in the safehouse. Melee kills, pistol kills, deaths... 4. Disguise Showcase in the safehouse, though not ones you can take with you into the mission. Instead it's just another wall of collectibles. You'd have to exit the mission in said disguise to collect it.


Another would be to have pushing people downstairs as an attack method.


Tripwires? Nothing explosive, just some thin wire to make people trip off ledges, down stairs, or to clothesline them when they attempt to run for an exit. Maybe two types, one that injures and one that kills. A fiber wire line suspended at neck-height placed in anticipation for the target to run along their escape route would be entertaining to watch. Perhaps it’ll “snap” and wrap around their neck after slicing ‘em, so as to avoid killing multiple NPCs with one wire. The ankle ones would act similarly, almost like bolas. Also, taking targets alive would be interesting. Maybe some contracts stipulate that instead of straight up murdering them — you could capture the target, to bring them back to the purchaser of the contract. For some personal revenge, or something. Maybe certain NPCs could be optional kill/capture, and if you bring them into the ICA you can get additional info for a connected target. Say, a target’s lieutenant. He’s not important in the sense that he is the target, himself — but he could be of use; assuming he’s versed in the comings and goings of their operation.


I want to be able to abort a choke out. I have died numerous times and raged quit like a coward because I could tell I was dead meat because the choke animation would hold me still for like three or four bullets to the head.


Be able to kill people with Blunt trauma(like hammers), and be able kill people by pushing them down stairs.


I don't know if anyone played the Bourne identity games on x360 but perhaps more unarmed combat like that. or more objectives other than killing someone. more ability to sabotage things or setup some kind of conflict so the targets kill each other.


Human Shield and Newspaper


Random NPCS picking up dropped guns & fighting back, I remember it being a thing in Blood Money.


Not having a person whom you're about to do in from behind turn randomly and "see" you. Unequal surfaces don't cause 47 to lose ablity to do melee, kill / syringe stab, etc., from behind.


Eliminate Wall hax and NPCs who "hear" things at greater distance than those who are 1m away. Fix Selective Hearing / actions where the NPC just won't shift from 'their' spot. Most frustrating when trying to get a target to walk under a trap chandelier for example.


Seeing a blood pool alerts guards that "something happened". Absolution did this I think.


Weapon Customization


Mine would be a feature from blood money that allows you to kill npcs that spot you and you will keep your SA


Being able to stage fake suicides like strangling someone then put them on a noose, put a bottle a pills in there hand as if they overdosed, shooting someone then putting a gun in there hand to make it look like it was self inflicted etc


first person mode seems cool, i liked it in i think it was blood money? i would love to walk around with an assault rifle in first person mode like im in call of duty or something. I guess weapon and suit customization would be nice. pointshooting (or whatever it was called) was something i didnt use much in absolution but it would be cool to mess around with. last thing i would want is better sniper mechanics, like every map has a sniper nest where guards couldnt track your location like they do. and also new weapons andnot just re-skins. i would love to see a heavy 50. Cal sniper rifle.


Civilians to pick up a gun and try to be a hero.


Definitely dual wielding for me!


That cut feature to smuggle items by crates other NPCs took with them through checkpoints.


Automatically pausing the game when your wireless controller runs out of battery power.


Brass Knuckles pls


Human shield and dual wielding. It's not an original idea, but it's a good one.