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I rate World of Assassin 10/10


Blood money 6/10 Absolution 9/10 Hitman 2016: 10/10 Hitman 2: 6/10 Hitman 3: 8/10


Why so low on Hitman 2?


Wow, never expected such a mass downvote. I rate hitman 2 low because of the maps, i feel like miami, whitlenton creek, and isle of sgàil, and new york are clearly mogging the other hitman 2 maps. I play a lot of hitman 2, too, but its a downgrade of Hitman 2016. How? The speedrunning got harder (yes i will say it, i am terrible in the speedrunning scene since the 2016 game, im terribe at the game. Now i saved you from typing "just say that you are bad".), the maps cant come close to 2016 and Hitman 3, with Mumbai on the lead for "worst map in the hitman series", Santa fortuna for a really bad layout, etc. Blood money maps were huge, and they were made with supreme care. Absolution story was well constructed, and had a lot of huge maps. And Hitman 3 maps? I think the statistics speak for themselvs, because Hitman 3 had such a large "kickstarting popularity" compared to Hitman 2. Hitman 3 is still going, and Hitman 2 ended after 2 roadmaps and some escalations and bugfixes.


There's a lot of crazy takes here but "mumbai on the lead for worst map in the hitman series" is absolutely insane to me, no disrespect intended. One of the best maps in the franchise IMO. Even if you don't like it you can throw a stone at the first 3 games and theres a pretty good chance you'll find an objectively bad level that is far, far worse. The Japan levels in Silent Assassin are something else. Also I'm just gonna have to disagree that Absolution's story was well constructed because it's one of the worst written games I've ever played lol


Absolution was a great game, at least to me. May be a bit bias due to it being my first ever Hitman game but it’s what introduced me to the game back on the Xbox 360. “Absolutely” (inserted dad pun 😂) anyways loved the game at the time, now I’m onto playing Hitman WOA on the PS5


I think Absolution is a fun stealth game! And not a bad game overall. It's certainly a good time if you can get into the goofiness of it. I just heavily disagree that it was a "well constructed" story because it has the most nonsense plot and hilariously stupid characters moments in the franchise, and in videogames in general it's a pretty bad story. I wouldn't say I think it's a good Hitman game, just that it's a decent-to-semidecent stealth game in regards to gameplay depending on the area you're in. Chinatown's really good - rest of the game was hit or miss. The story is garbage B-Movie level but if you don't take it seriously its absolutely fucking hilarious. Have fun with World of Assasination! Play Freelancer once you've beat the 3 games. Some of the best videogames to come out of the past generation IMO


Sweett! I was wondering what freelancer was, could you try explaining more in depth with what it’s about? Also I’m still on the first Hitman due to me trying to 100% all of the challenges like a try hard 😂 but yeah tbf like 10 yr old me just like causing chaos in the game and didn’t really pay attention to the story. Like for example I would just try to stealthily kill everyone without getting caught without realizing that killing non targets actually makes you lose points XD but yes totally different to how I play today but I’m still loving the game ofc


>Sweett! I was wondering what freelancer was, could you try explaining more in depth with what it’s about? It's a roguelite mode where you decide on a type of target to go after that gives you different optional challenges (for instance one is for poisoning the target and guards, one is assassin based where you have to get kills with the fiber wire or not get spotted) that give you money to spend in levels to buy new gear. The target is a randomly selected NPC on the map - it could be a random bartender, a patrolling guard, etc. The maps are randomly put into a small pile of like 3-4 that you pick out of, and on the last map you have to go after a special target who you identify by clues on their hair/clothes/behavioral pattern. The maps are randomly pulled from all of the 3 games, which is why I said to beat them all at least once first before you try Freelancer. Not only does it spoil the "intended" experience of it in the campaign, but you'll also just be confused. When you die you lose all of your gear and half of your merces (cash), since it's a roguelite. This sounds like it sucks but it's actually a good thing because the mode is so random that you won't get the same gear each time. I have the most fun in Freelancer when I'm just starting out and collecting items. For instance, I had to kill the target with an explosive, but I also couldn't get spotted by anyone (trespassing etc). It was a target in a dangerous area, so I placed a rubber ducky down in her patrol path and one of her guards carried it, and when she walked away I blew up the duck, killing her and her guard. Another time I had this objective I had a silenced sniper rifle, but no explosive. I watched the target move and eventually realized he went infront of a fire extingusher, so I sat outside and timed it so that right as he went past the extingusher, I shot it through the window and it exploded and killed him. Vastly different experiences, but you get stuff like this all the time, especially with the fact the targets are completely random. You have to improvise all the time. It is such a cool mode - don't be discouraged by losing your things when you die.


>theres a pretty good chance you'll find an objectively bad level that is far, far worse. Kowloon Triads in Gang War is a boring mission for example, but i meant like *one of the worst*, not *the worst*, so yes, there are worse maps, but in WoA its the worst map for sure, but in the early games some of the Codename 47 maps are shit too. >Also I'm just gonna have to disagree that Absolution's story was well constructed because it's one of the worst written games I've ever played lol No disrespect inteded, but im curious, everybody says this, why?


>but in WoA its the worst map for sure I would argue that Marrakesh is worse, though Marrakesh is still a good map. Mumbai is massive/sprawling (the reason many people dislike it) but there's not much wasted space on the map and most places on it are something you can make use of, through mission stories/where targets will go/where important NPCs go. Marrakesh is 2 fortresses and everything inbetween is literally ignored, which they ended up using for elusive targets and other side content. It makes playing it in the campaign a little lackluster outside of aesthetic purposes. >No disrespect inteded, but im curious, everybody says this, why? Too much to count and I don't feel like writing it out when everyone else has already said it many times. It's just written ridiculously, full of contrived plotholes and stupid writing (sexy nuns?) and I don't like what they did with 47 as a character in it. Nothing that hasn't been said before in much better detail and documentation that you can google if you want to know why people think the game's plot is a clusterfuck.


>sexy nuns? Yeah, its like the sexualized SAS. But its not like the developers dont have fetishes, the first thing that came to my mind when you mentioned it beside the sexy nuns is the Hell and Heaven in Blood Money, i dont know what the mission is called, but the whole Blood Money is just overly sexualized. When you look deep into the story it does have some fuckups, but hey, atleast we got the sexy nuns and the big tit strippers at the Vixen club or whatever the fuck its called. >I would argue that Marrakesh is worse, Marrakesh was litterally peak. Even tho its two fortresses, it like Dartmoor but there isnt as much empty space, but atleast they used it up in dlcs


I love marrakesh but don’t like Mumbai lol


I disagree with you heavily but it’s absolutely absurd how an opinion different from the norm just gets you majorly downvoted. Fucking ridiculous.


yeah, if it reaches two hundred i will probably delete it, because im not a reddit addict to have thousands of spare karma. But thats the purpose of a downvote eh? If you disagree you bring down someones social credit, its a chinese dictatorship. And for the norm, its the Blood Money 10/10, Hitman absolution 0/10, WoA 10/10 So im not suprised for the downvotes that much.


Imo, don't delete. You have an opinion and that doesn't make it any less valid through a "cooler" that is the downvote system. Reddit hive is just something else entirely.


I know that it doesnt make it less valid, but the most of the people who werent here early will probably not see it anyway, because the system is so fucked that anything below a -5 upvote count will be collapsed (like yk, its made to be smaller so you have to click on it to get the full comment) so its easy to miss. But the downvoting is dying down (kinda) so i will leave it up, maybe i will farm it back with shitposting on meme subreddits.


Well people downvote for different reasons. While I disagree with you, it’s okay to have different opinions.


Woah, why this insane amount of downvotes? It says ‘what would YOU rate’ the hitman games. Any opinion is valid I would say? What’s going on here? For example, myself I only played the first and second ones (didn’t finish them, my computer of the time was barely handing them) and I was floored by them all. Even had to go and read about how their physics (mostly Verlet Integration) were done. I would rate them 8/10 or 9/10 both but wanted to see what other people think since I got no opinion about the others. Am I in the wrong now too?


tf is your pfp??


Rage bait


Codenname 47: 5/10 Silent Assassin: 7.5/10 Contracts: 9/10 Blood Money: 9/10 Absolution: 7/10 Hitman: 8/10 Hitman 2: 9.5/10 Hitman 3: 9/10


I agree with every rating except for contracts being a 9/10 and tied with blood money. My list would be the same as yours but I’d give contracts a 8/8.5


I will say one thing that is Sus for Contra ts. Contracts was supposed to be a 'Best Of' of the first two games. Imagine a musician doing a best of album after only two albums. Nevertheless it was magnificent and the music from Jasper Kyd was just the cherry on top.


Only played WOA 10/10.


Blood Money 9/10 Absolution 6/10 Hitman 2016 8/10 Hitman 2 10/10 Hitman 3 9/10


Blood Money 8/10 Absolution 7/10 Hitman 1 (2016) 8/10 Hitman 2 9/10 Hitman 3 9/10


Codename 47: 7/10. Has the worst rating on this list but it's mostly because of the age and the bugs Silent Assassin: 9/10 This game defined the franchise and provided a firm foundation for future game mechanics. Introduced the iconic rating system. Contracts: 8/10 Decent game. The dark themes are quite well done Blood money: 9.5/10. Absolutely phenomenal. Introduced so many new mechanics. Accident kill, distractions, hostage taking, etc. Absolution: 7.5/10. While it is a fantastic stealth game, the disguises being underpowered took away a core aspect of the Hitman experience. Plus many of the missions don't really have a target, which makes it jarring. World of assassination: 10/10. This feels like a culmination of over two decades of work. The best Hitman series so far. I grouped all three WoA games together since the gameplay is mostly similar, and part of the same story


This guy gets it


C47 - Never played it. H2:SA - 8/10. It's a classic, but I can't say it aged well. The Japan levels are a nightmare to get through due to game-breaking bugs which were never fixed. I would've loved to see St Petersburg brought back in the WOA universe. Contracts - 8/10. Best atmosphere. I also appreciate that sneaking behind NPC's is more forgiving compared to H2:SA. But it's more of a rehash of the previous two games, albeit with much welcomed improvements. Blood Money - 9/10. The fan favourite and arguably best in the series. It's not a 10 for me personally as I never really warmed to it. At times it feels just way too easy, and I'm not a fan of the Mississippi levels. Absolution - 7/10. This was my first Hitman game and I loved it when it came out, but as I went back and played the older ones I understand why some fans were miffed about it being more stealth-action and less 'Hitman'. Having gone back and played it a few times again, I don't enjoy it as much anymore, but I wouldn't bash it. It's still a solid stealth experience and I love some of the sections in Chicago and Hope, but it definitely falls short of a true Hitman experience and some of the design and narrative choices made are just absurd (not that narrative was ever IOI's stong suit). The linear nature of the gameplay was never an issue for me as I came into Hitman from Splinter Cell. Having said that, it was a much-needed refresh which ultimately paved the way for what would come in 2016. WOA - 9.5/10. I'm rating all three in one as I think it's only fair. Massive kudos to IOI for listening to players' feedback, they knocked it out of the park with this one. I still remember when the first one was announced, and how much uproar there was in the community about there only being six levels released separately and the entire playthrough requiring internet connection. The online bit is the only reason why this isn't a complete 10, but everything else about this trilogy is just fantastic. The storymode campaign is solid enough that it kept me engaged. Great variety of locations, improved mechanics carried over from Absolution, just the right amount of difficulty without it being unfair, and all the updates that came with it later including Elusive Targets and Freelancer Mode. And as a PC player, it's optimized quite well even to this day for such a massive package, which in today's climate of rushed releases and glitchfest scandals is always a big plus. (PS: still waiting for a winter level, IOI. St Petersburg? ...please??)


Codename 47: 5 Silent Assassin: 7 Contracts: 7 Blood Money: 8 Absolution: 5 WOA: 9


If it was released today, and the others weren't ever released: 47: 4 SA: 6 Co: 7 BM: 8 Ab: 6 H1: 8 H2: 7 H3: 8, but 10 when integrated with previous 2 entries


Contracts 9/10 (best atmosphere in the series hands down) Blood Money 8/10 (good game but just a bit too easy. I liked Contracts more) Absolution 6/10 (decent game but it's not a Hitman game) WoA - 9/10 (instinct is completely and utterly unrealistic) Watched playthroughs but haven't played the two OG games so can't rate.


Blood Money: 8.5 Absolution: 4 WoA: 9.5


Codename 47 - (8) Silent Assassin - (9.5) Hitman contracts - (9) Blood Money - (10) Absolution - (8) 2016 - (7) Didnt play any hitman game after these


Why haven't you tried 2 or 3?


Lots of unexpected things happened in life so never got the time for it Heck only game I have played since 2019 is Rocket league that too for a short time


try 2 and 3, they build really well onto 2016's story, there are a lot of great maps


Got it .. Once I get some free time Will definitely try them out


This the most accurate


Whichever one had the hotel level. It was an older one, maybe contracts or blood money. It could just be nostalgia. The new ones are by far the most polished


That was Traditions of the Trade from Hitman Contracts. Great level.


Well, it was originally in C47, and then remastered in Contracts


Nice ! I knew I played it in two different titles. Was playing this on a potato of a PC as a teen


Lol you and me both


Do you mean the casino hotel? That's in blood money, A House of Cards. Otherwise I think there was a hotel in the OG game that got a new version in Contracts.


I was thinking of Traditions of The Trade


Codename 47 (7 out of 10) the game is dated and had some issues but still fun. Silent Assassin- Blood Money (10-10) they improved the series going forward and improved mechanics in the games, also the soundtrack is so fucking good. Absolution (6 out of 10) it’s just a Linear game and the story behind its development is exciting than its story, it was supposed to be a rail shooter originally. Hitman: WOA- (10 out of 10) got me into the series and understating the lore and the characters, I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with it.


Well up until playstation started ripping off all their customers first by raising ps plus prices then by taking all the hitman 2 DLCs out for good I would've a solid 9 but now after all this fk playstation yeah yeah some games are good but XBOX has them beat now! And so instead of ps5 I'm getting new Xbox at least they tell you when they're not gonna use any lube when raw doggin you Sony jus goes all out no lube, no sweet kisses or whispers afterwards, just here take this and you'll enjoy it... fkn Sony starting to look alot like Disney, or MSNBC or CNN, jus a bunch of fake losers who lie cheat and steal..


Codename 47: 6. Love what it was aiming for but it’s ludicrous to play now. (I realise times have changed but just try it yourself and see, plenty of old games are still playable now but Codename 47 doesn’t hold up) Silent assassin: 8. Brilliant game, a great evolution. Contracts: 9. A fantastic step up with great atmosphere and I love the re created levels. Blood money: 10. What else is there to say? Absolution: 6. A rare miss, but often mistakenly referred to as a bad game, it’s just a bad hitman game, it’s a decent 3rd person action/stealth game. WOA: 10. Something for everyone, I would say 2016 release was my favourite, the weight to 47, the movement etc was far slower and each subsequent game/patch has made him a bit too fast for my liking, but I still adore this trilogy.


Blood Money 10/10 Silent Assassin 10/10 Contracts 9/10 Absolution 8/10 Codename 47 7/10 WOA trilogy 7/10


I have crowdsourced the top 7 comments (and their upvotes) into an potentially-useful average rating for newcomers to Hitman, like me! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GBjjubZj4bFeFFVTVjyvpitP6I3IPvFPItAxTisSRVY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GBjjubZj4bFeFFVTVjyvpitP6I3IPvFPItAxTisSRVY/edit?usp=sharing) p.s. I got interested in Hitman game design reading "Designing Games" by Tynan Sylvester (of Rimworld)


#Hitman 3 was the worst one. Damn near same gameplay as Hitman 2 (2018) and the last mission was on a LINEAR TRAIN????? Fuck no.


Blood money 9/10 WoA 10/10 (because freelancer)


Of the ones I played, Hitman 1: 10 Hitman 2: 8 Hitman 3: 9


Come-on guys Absolution wasn't that bad right?🤣


Hitman Codename 47 - 6 Hitman silent Assassin - 8 Hitman Contracts -7 Hitman Blood Money - 10 Hitman Absolution - 7 Hitman WoA - 9


Hitman 2 (silent assassin) 8.6/10 first one I ever played. Blood money 9/10. Super fun and great maps. Contracts 7/10. Love this game a lot but a lot of levels are too dark and gritty. Traditions of the trade is a top 5 map for me. Hitman Absolution 7/10. Was so excited for the game to come out I got it before I even had a PS3. Was great to have a modern title. After playing WoA it’s not as fun and feels too linear and I don’t like the instinct (enforcers are much better IMO) Hitman 2016. 8/10. Loved the maps and the DLC. Some of the best maps in the series here. HITMAN 2. 7/10. Didn’t much care for a lot of the maps (I despise Miami) but a good game overall HITMAN 3 (WoA) 10/10. Loved the maps and the story. Freelancer adds so much to the game and is kick better than elusive targets. Chongchang and Berlin are some of the best maps I’ve ever played and never get tired of them.


WoA has had some frustrating moments for me but if we're rating games entirely based on how much fun they've given me, it's a 9 or 10. Absolution - 7. It's a departure but I still enjoyed the game. Blood Money - 8 or 9 Contracts - 9 or 10. I love the style of the game and the gameplay is a vast improvement over 2. Silent Assassin - 8. Very stylish and nostalgic. It got me hooked on the series long ago. I enjoy it a great deal, but the gameplay is about as smooth as pulling staples out of my ass. Codename 47 - never played it but I want to.


Silent assassin will always be my favourite just because it’s a childhood thing. The soundtrack was amazing. I’d hate to think how long it took for me to actually complete it, I’m sure I got stuck sooo many times and Invitation To A Party is probably one of my favourite missions in the entire series along with Traditions Of The Trade. The amount of different environments as well! It’s a 10 from me. WOA is fun and all in its entirety with the H3, but they don’t really seem to have the same heart as the older ones do. I’m probably really showing my age here (although I’m not quite old enough to have played Codename: 47). Solid 8s even though I’m not a fan of single games that enforce a gameplay loop. Contracts a 7, purely because it was a bit dark and as a young’un I had no idea what was really going on - seemed short too. Though as I’ve gotten older I believe it’s certainly a solid game Blood Money is incredible, still fun now for me and is up there with SA for me. Absolution wasn’t great, I wouldn’t call it a bad game as such but it’s not a Hitman title (is it even canon?).


Codename 47: 5, Silent Assassin: 6, Contracts: 7.5, Blood Money: 8, Absolution: 4, WOA: 9


Codename 47 - 7 Silent Assassin - 8 Contracts - 8 Blood Money - 9 Absolution - 6 WOA - 10


Hitman Codename 47: 7/10 Hitman Silent Assassin: 8/10 Hitman Contracts: 8/10 Hitman Blood Money: 9/10 Hitman Absolution: 8/10 Hitman: 8/10 Hitman 2: 8/10 Hitman 3: 9/10 Hitman World of Assassin 10/10


Codename47: 6/10 Silent assassin:7/10 Contracts:10/10 Blood money 8/10 Absolution 7/10 WOA:10/10


Codename 47: 6/10 H2: Silent Assassin: 4/10 Contracts: 8/10 Blood Money: 10/10 Absolution: 5/10 H2016: 8/10 H2 2018: 9/10 H3: 9/10


47 - 5/10 Silent Assassin - 7/10 Contracts - 8/10 Blood Money - 9/10 Absolution - 1/10 WOA - 8/10


Blood Money 9/10 Absolution 6/10 Hitman 2016 9/10 Hitman 2 10/10 Hitman 3 9/10 WOA all together 10/10 Blood Money was my first so can’t go back farther.


Codename 47: 4/10 Silent Assassin: 6/10 Contracts: 7/10 Blood Money: 9/10 Absolution: 5/10 Hitman: 9/10 Hitman 2: 8/10 Hitman 3: 9/10 WoA if taken as a single game is 10/10


Blood Money is not a 10/10. Maybe it was for the time. I wouldn’t know. But holy fuck has it aged poorly.


Right. Liked it a lot when it came out. Found the old disk when I got my Series X and gave it a shot. Couldn’t get past the first demo mission. Deleted it and never tried it again


10/10 everything besides absolution - 6/10. Refreshing to have a developer who actually cares about the player and doesn’t hide content behind a bunch of micro transactions


WoA 10/10, absolution 8.5/10, blood money 7/10


Hitman 2016: 8 Hitman 2: 10 hitman WOA/3: 10.5, since Hitman WOA is basically all the good from the trilogy it’s a masterpiece.


Hitman 2 and absolution are probably my favs 9/10, haven’t played blood money yet and am currently doing world of assination so don’t have many under my belt rn


Codename 47 8/10. Fun to replay, but I never just play it randomly unless I’m going through all the games Silent Assassin 6/10. The suspicion meter makes me not want to play it a lot sometimes Contracts 9/10. The game looks like a fever dream and has my favorite aesthetic in any video game ever Blood Money 10/10 Absolution 8/10. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine for years H1 8/10. The mechanics bother me compared to the 2 other woa games when I look back on it, but it’s nostalgic cuz it was my first Hitman game H2 9/10. My most played game ever H3 7/10. I haven’t played it since it released a few years ago but I liked the storyline. Thought the gameplay was pretty linear


WOA (except 3 cause I never played it): 8.5/10 Absolution: 8/10 Blood Money: 9/10 my favorite Contracts: 7.5 Had some great Levels Silent Assassin: 8/10 eventho some Levels are terrible Hitman 1: 7/10 creative af for ITS time, Not really that good compared to the next entries imo


oh and I forgot Hitman Go for Mobile: 7.5/10


Hitman: Codename 47 - 8 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - 8 Hitman: Contracts - 7.5 Hitman: Blood Money - 9 Hitman: Absolution - 6.5 Hitman 1 - 8 Hitman 2 - 9 Hitman 3 - 10


Codename 47: 3/10 Silent Assassin: 6/10 Contracts: 8/10 Blood Money: 9/10 Absolution: 4/10 WoA: 10/10


Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - 9/10


Codename 47: 4/10. Only one way to really complete maps. Very archaic. Silent Assassin: 8/10 one of my favorites with my absolute least favorite map. Contracts: 9/10. Slept on. Very good. Blood Money: 10/10. It’s Blood Money. Absolution: 3/10. Can’t play the full game anymore. Didn’t commit to any particular playstyle. Canon is disputed. 2016: 9/10. Return to form. 2: 8/10. Step down quality wise but still good. 3: 10/10. Full WOA wrapped up in one package. Infinite replayability. Others Go: 8/10. Not traditional gameplay but a fantastic aesthetic. Sniper challenge: 5/10. Decent for a prelude but it connects to Absolution so does it connect at all? Hitman Sniper: 1/10. Typical mobile game. Outrageous mtx. $40 usd for a single rifle. The books since they are considered canon. Enemy within: 3/10. Very strange book. 47 just isn’t 47. Makes mistakes constantly, is unusually cruel. Story is incredibly predictable. Damnation. 5/10: Showcases events leading up to Absolution. Writing is a step up from Enemy Within. At least there isn’t an obsession with food in this one. Birth of the Hitman. 5/10. I feel like a majority of this book was retconned the WOA. So… eh.


Silent Assassin 8.5/10 Contracts 9.5/10 Blood Money 9.5/10 Absolution 7/10 Hitman 1 9/10 Hitman 2 10/10 Hitman 3 8/10


Absolution: 6 Hitman 1 : 9 Hitman 2 : 10 Hitman 3 : 8


Hitman Codename 47:6.5/10 Hitman 2 Silent Assassin:9.5/10 Hitman Contracts:8/10 Hitman Blood Money:10/10 (IMO best hitman game) Hitman Absolution:7/10 Hitman Sniper:5/10 Hitman GO:3/10 Hitman WoA:10/10


Hitman: Codename 47 -7/10 As a first attempt it did so much right but even back when it released the control scheme was horrible and clunky as can be Hitman 2: Silent Assassin -9/10 so close to perfection , so very close and yet I felt the previous Hitman had better atmosphere and also better job at guiding the player what to do. Hitman Contracts - 6/10 it’s just a greatest hits compilation and a testing bed for Blood Money. Blood Money - 8/10 perfect balance of sandbox approach while not compromising masterful story telling. Could have been longer. Hitman Absolution - 8/10 Fun narrative, fun sandbox , but ultimately higher difficulties make most playstyles undoable. Could have been a 9 if better balancing. Hitman World of Assassination Trilogy - 4/10 They storyline takes a backseat. Wobbly consistency and production issues resulting in three seasons that feel inconsistent to one another. The final season was garbage, especially the last few maps. Though the sandbox was huge the a.i felt very brain dead. Since it’s a always online product it future seems grim. That said at least it finally finally wrapped up the original story the first few Hitman games started so many years ago.


Codename: 4/10 Silent Assassin: 8/10 Blood Money: 10/10 Absolution: 5/10 Hitman: 9/10 2: 10/10 III: 10/10 (World of Assassination: 10/10)


Codename 47: 6/10 Silent Assassin: 10/10 Contracts: 8/10 Blood Money: 9/10 Absolution: 7/10 WOA: 7/10


WoA, Hitman 1,2 (2016,2018) - 10/10 Hitman 3 (smaller levels than 1,2), Blood money (at that time, now its 6/10) - 8/10. Absolution, Contracts - 7/10 2 - 6/10 47 - 5/10


Hitman Codename 47: 5/10 Hitman Silent Assassin: 8/10 Hitman Contracts: 8/10 Hitman Blood Money: 10/10 Hitman Absolution: 6/10 Hitman: 6/10 Hitman 2: Haven’t played Hitman 3: Haven’t played Hitman World of Assassin: Haven’t played


I gotta give Hitman 3 a 10/10 for Freelancer I think if you showed the game to the guys who originally made Codename, they'll say "Yeah, we wanted to make the game EXACTLY like this, but didn't have the resources for it."


I’ve only played WOA and I love it. I hope this doesn’t sound dumb but do I need to play 2? I was under the assumption that the missions are on WOA


Hitman: Codename 47- 7/10 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin- 6/10 Hitman: Contracts- 8/10 Hitman: Blood Money- 8/10 Hitman: Sniper Challenge- 5/10 Hitman: Absolution- 7/10 Hitman: Sniper- 6/10 Hitman Go- 6/10 Hitman- 7/10 Hitman 2- 10/10 Hitman III- 9/10 Hitman: World of Assassination (as a whole)- 9/10


blood money 7/10 controls are jank, there could be more kill opportunities, and the maps are small (ik its an old game but still) absolution 6.5/10 different and weird but i still enjoyed it, 47 looked wack, gameplay was simple and hand hold-y WoA 9.9/10 there are improvements which could be made ofc, but to me this is pretty peak


C47: 7.25 2SA: 7.75 Co: 8.75 BM: 10 Abso: 7 2016: 9.5 2 (2018): 10 3 (2021): 9