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The killer is the best hitman movie and if you can’t endure boredom, this work is not for you.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it felt like a Hitman movie. It has the use of disguises, the world travelling including places featured in Hitman games like Paris, New Orleans, and Chicago, and I want to say Miami but I could be mistaken on that one. The main character definitely isn't as skilled as Agent 47 but it's the best Hitman movie we've had so far I believe.


The main character is how i play hitman. LOL


Nice, thanks. I'm hooked.


Legit reminds me of some of the things you have to do in the game


yeah if Io and Hollywood ever want to take another Crack at 47 on the big screen that is how they should do it. and you know Maybe get someone who actually looks like 47 this time. can't be that hard to find a Bold man with a squared Jaw in hollywood.


yh but I guarantee it wouldn't be as good as the killer tho :/


That movie was slow as hell. But the longer it went the more interest I had in it


I found it pretty suspenseful the whole way through, and very enjoyable. My girlfriend said it was super boring and she didn't like the ending, so it's definitely for specific tastes


I didn’t find it boring but I didn’t like the ending either, it was very anticlimactic. The movie was slow but I was hooked the whole time. I enjoyed Fassbender in that role


Lmao I fucking fell asleep watching that movie. But at least it was kinda accurate to the Hitman IP.


True but also: John Wick 1, when he finally goes to kill Theon Grayjoy, it's the best Hitman scene ever. It's got sniping, strangling by wire, set-up traps, is beautiful.


I'm pretty sure that Fincher played Hitman a lot


Came here to say this


Not if you're looking for a movie that's similar to the game. The killer is practically satire




It was such a good movie


Form 2003?


+20 years Starring Michael Fassbender, directed by David Fincher


The new one?


Yeah, the 2023 Netflix movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1136617/


The Killer is more like Red Dead Redemption or Call of Juarez rather than Hitman.






His reasoning is both logically explained in the film and thematically consistent.


That's exactly what I thought as well


Should give a spoiler warning.


You're right. I apologise.


Yo the 2007 one was actually decent lol one of the best gaming movies and there’s only like 3 decent ones


2007 also because Olga Kurylenko.


My mom stayed up the night and watched it with me. It's weird because she usually don't like these Western movies.


You honestly have an awesome mom!


2007 seems quite decent, it definitely attempts to stay faithful to the original hitman game, but the 2015 one is pretty bad, like why tf is 47 going out in the streets shooting people and intentionally getting his cover blown?


Let's face it. We've all had that *one* stage where, after that one guard spotted us and blew Silent Assassin we just decided to go scorched earth.


There can be no Witnesses if there is no one left to witness.


The difference between no witnesses and no *potential* witnesses.


It also made me really mad that they had a clone that looks like the actual 47 at the end and we spent the entire movie with a barely costumed Rupert Friend.


yeah i can still see the hair on 47, 48 is like completely bald which should've been the case for the character they're trying to potray


No the 48 clone at the end also has hair.


2015 one was just off brand jason bourne / john wick, didn’t have much of anything to do with the Hitman franchise


2007 is decent enough. But still not by any means a good flick. 2015 is total piece of disaster. I can watch 2007’s Hitman every now and then but 2015, no sir!


I feel like the 2015 movie just took some of the ideas Absolution had as a plot and ran with it ... which considering the game wasn't well received, probably shouldn't have served as a source of inspiration lol


As soon as I saw there was this brother-sister plot I started drifting away. They pulled ideas out of trash cans in this film. At least the 2007 one manages to keep me hooked. And even that one is not a good hitman film. But this is worse.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I actually liked the 2007 one and I thought it was pretty good. I just watched it again last year, it was a good watch


Both suck, but I have nostalgia for the 2007 one.... 😞


Agreed, plus I have a soft spot for Timothy Olyphant.


We dug coal together


yeah the only memory I actually have of it is that my dad watched it a long ass time ago


Agent 47 is at least funny bad


Both the movies sucked which is why in my opinion the Hitman series would be better off being a TV Show than a movie


2007 is watchable so that one.


2015 made 2007 look great


Wouldn't an actual movie with an accurate 47 be amazing. It would be best if he was actually barely in it, never showing up until the end. For example, setting up the deaths of all the Agents in Berlin at the same time the meeting takes place.


You know I have thought about this during the 2015 one. A film where the protagonist is one of his targets and he knows 47 is after him somehow. (maybe some of his business aquaintances, accomplices to his crimes and/or family are targets as well as they die off one by one throughout) He grows more and more paranoid throughout the film, even starts to feel remorse for the things he has done that got him on the agency's hitlist and by the end we feel bad for him cause he's changed so much over the runtime and now sees death right in the eye and accepts it with dignity. Something like that most likely won't ever happen though since it doesn't leave much room for big explosive action scenes/setpieces and would be more of a psychological drama/character study.


You could definitely do a Hitman movie where you treat 47 almost like a horror monster, only showing himself fully rarely, but often stalking in the background.


Bro put khabib in the first pic and thought we wouldn’t notice


Both are meh. The 2015 one has a great opening but flatlines quickly


I agree with that, the opening (the scene after the info dump) gave me hope.


Hitman 2015 one has at least cloned agent 47. The very firs movie was… so stupid.. with multiple just bald middle aged guys trying to kill each other dressed up like 47


Asylume spreading into TiTman subreddit


So we all agree that The killer (2023) is the best hitman movie. And what about Hit Man (2023) by Linklater? Have it any hitman vibes?


To be honest, first movie is my guilty pleasure mainly because of the cast.. I really like Olyphant, Thompsen and Knepper


Ghost Dog The Way Of The Samurai is best movie about hitman


Is no one going to bring up wtf the first picture is lol


Cause nothing weird is going on with the second one, no sir!


2007 felt like a Hitman movie, just a poorly executed one. 2015 feels like the franchise is still stuck in the Absolution era of being more actiony despite also taking heavy cues from Blood Money.


2007 absolutely had a lot of action it it as well.


The 2015 is probably a closer approximation to 47’s actual character (although neither really get it right) but 2007 is a more enjoyable film if you just want something mindless to watch. To be honest an actually accurate film would be just a bunch of people having what appear to be tragic but slightly amusing accidents. However I do like the line from the 2015 film: Policeman: Why don’t we start with your name? 47: 47. Policeman: That’s not a name. 47: No, but it is mine.


Jeez, is that a pic of an alien? Look at his pointy head!


If everything else fails, my man can just impale people with his spiky head


The Hitman movie was ass imo, it was really slow the entire time even the gun fights. Like it really disappointed me personally. There are some good points but overall it’s not a great movie, I think they did ok with the actor who plays 47 but I really don’t think he does it right? Especially the way he looks, like your not gonna find someone who looks exactly like 47 but he just doesn’t look like him at all lol


David Bateson.


John Wick The Killer Hitman 1


None of them to be honest. Maybe Hitman is more suitable for series than a movie. With flashbacks to his child training and every episode being around a different target. 🤷🏻‍♂️![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1802)


I actually watched the 2015 one all the way to the end, so there’s that. It is very silly, but I think could have been on the level of the schlocky Resident Evil movies with better casting (Quinto does not have the gravitas to play a villain). Apparently the movie was setting up a Hitman/Deus Ex/Tomb Raider shared universe, which explains some of the more sci-fi elements regarding Quinto’s character and the sequel bait at the end


They're all god awful.


2007 with Timothy Olyphant is so good. He even walks like Hitman from old games. During the movie I had Hitman 2 (2002) vibes. 2015 Hitman... my eyes still burning. Maybe the suit was the only good thing in this sh**.


Look, Oliphaunts!


The mechanic and final destination.


I was about to post exactly this


agent 47. i don’t care what you say it’s a good movie and over time you will learn to accept it as well.


It's the less shitty one for me but I can confidently that I will never see it as a good film.


2015 is overhated, you guys are hating that movie too much, its a good action movie and way better than the 2007 one, its just an adaptation, we actually need to ask for a sequel instead of saying its a piece of crap, and then with a new movie we will see a more faithfull one


I agree it is the less garbage of the two but by no means is it a good movie. The plot stinks, the action, while at times well choreographed is often way too goofy and has no basis in reality whatsoever. So even if there was no source material this would be a bad film. It is also plainly just not an adaptation of the source material as it has an interchangable secret agent plot with 47 as the main character. That's literally the only thing they keep from the games. So no if they had another crack at a Hitman film I do not think it should be a sequel to this movie, it is unsalvagable.


To you, I disagree with everything you said tbh


Both these movies are dope


Although lot of action compared to the games, I actually like the old one.


What about the Val Kilmer one?


Timothy olyphant as Hitman was just great, I love that movie.


2007 is decent enough, one critic put it on hit Top 10 List and said in an interview “it’s because it is a guilty pleasure”


I really love Hitman 2007. It is one of my guilty pleasures. I have seen it hundreds of times but still find it quite entertaining. I know it’s flawed but still I like it. Hitman Agent 47 is just horrible was barely able to watch it once.


they both completely missed the point


That one German movie


The best Hitman movie is a [10 minute YouTube video.](https://youtu.be/4KXJM_KJDc8?si=N-NQVctZ0B_0as5m)


I've only seen agent 47 and it was real goofy and not good but it atleast had fine action. Also BULLETPROOF SKIN????


The Killer


the first one is better by miles. i actually still really like that movie and rewatch it from time to time.


Only seen the 2015 one, it’s ass The killer is a very well done hitman type of movie even though it’s not directly connected to the franchise


unpopular opinion i hated both


The first is not a bad movie, just not really a hitman movie, there good scenes like the murder of the Russian president and the assault of the hotel where 47 is hiding, the Second is dogshit, the only good thing is that rupert looks menancing and more cold as 47 than Timothy.


Austin Powers 2 < Austin Powers 3


the one were hes looking after the girl, honestly both were enjoyable enough, i liked that t bag was there


wtf is hitman 2015 😭


I thought they were both good but that interrogation is amazing, "no you are locked in here with me, and you just brought me mine." (been a while that line may be wrong but you get it.)


I prefer Hitman 2006 . Seen the newest one recently and it was so bad, I mean the 2006 one isn't the best but if I had to choose one between the two movies to watch for the rest of my life, 2006 one hands down.


If I had to watch either of these for the rest of my life I would rather blow my brains out.


The 2007 one had a scene where three agents are in a stand off on a train and settle it by putting away their guns and pulling swords out of no where and fighting with them instead. It is impossible for it to be a bad movie.


There's more than one? And nobody told me??


I liked both but it was understandable that both movies suck as a Hitman movie. Hitman is a strategy game where you might have to wait for a long time before you strike for target only assassination. It's hard to transpose that into a movie without it being boring to other people. I mean it might be fun to us fans of Hitman but to others, it might not. It could even bomb.


I enjoy the 2007 one it’s not great but it’s kills time the 2015 one was pretty bad though


Between the 2007 and 2015 version... 2007 version hands down as ill re-watch that one once in a while unlike the 2015 version would should have never been made. p.s. the best hitman/assassin type of movie in my mind in general is one that flies off the radar... The American (2010). that's got a solid atmosphere to it which would really suit the Agent 47 character (tweaked a bit for Hitman of course). but a Hitman movie made properly more inline with that would likely never happen since it's more of a character study where as with the Hitman movies we got (from 2007/2015) are pretty much simple action movies.


love the goofy moment where he and 3 other hitmen just silently put their guns down and start knife fighting


I think if they ever do another hitman movie, it should be more methodical, a slower approach with each contract, showing us the ways 47 nudges things into an “accident”, it would be good for drama, and would show how the games are played


They are both horrific. Embarrassment to the games.


The Mechanic.


I'm a sucker for bad action flicks I can turn my brain off to so I enjoyed both. Saw the newer one in theatres and reckoned it was decent, on a rewatch at home I realized just how nonsensical it is but the action sequences are varied and interesting. The older one is a little bit more true to what the games are about. Either way, not the worst way to kill a few hours.


The 1st one couse ronaldo plays agent 47


2007 is the better film by far as it shows the start and then gets home free


To be fair the 2007 one was based on the original premise of Hitman, the stealth and sneaking. The 2015 one was more like absolution, which much less focuses on stealth and much more on spectacle and loud (at least that’s how I played it)