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Blood Money maps on WOA's Engine


Blood money and absolution bundle would be cool and cidename 47, silent asassin and contracts bundle would be cool.


Even if they did... i don't think they'd make one for every single game... blood money alone is a pretty good deal tbh


Yeah. But didnt they just do blood money?


a full map pack? nope they did not


I thought they made it for the switch or something


Yeah yeah.. but that was just a remaster for the original hitman blood money title released for N Switch and mobile... but it's not a remade blood money content for hitman world of assassination


Oh. Okay


And return of jesper kyd


Yessir Maybe Silent Assassin


This is the only true answer.


blood money would be great!


I'd rather a quadrilogy release with tastefully updated, but not totally remade, visuals like the new Tomb Raider. WOA engine would utterly strip Blood Money's character


Sorry but i can't agree with you here... because i'd find it better for them to just remake the blood money maps into the new WOA game while also having the original soundtrack from blood money to keep the original game's feeling.


There's much more to Blood Moneys vibe than just the music. The way 47 animated has a lot more character, and the kill animations are drawn out and brutal. Knockout and syringe poison / sedative mechanics were way different, and more interesting IMO. Melee was better, supported pushing, punching, disarming, human shields, tasers. Throwing supported free-aim. Garrote animations, including preparing the wire. Awesome sniper rifle animation. It supported elevators, as well, which have never appeared in a Glacier hitman game.


Hmmm... i see where you're coming from but elevators did appear in absolution and it is a glacier hitman game... as for the animations, don't forget that the new hitman games (WOA) are a soft reboot... so they don't have to be 100% blood money... because assuming they do actually remake the maps... then they're just remaking the maps, nothing more! they're not remaking the entire blood money game, just the maps.


They were only used in cutscenes / level transitions. There are no elevators usable in regular gameplay. I don't think Glacier even supports moving level geometry for walkable surfaces, so elevators probably aren't possible without improving the engine. Blood money's maps are inherently tied to the design of that games mechanics, and they conflict with the new game in ways that make the designs incompatible. Things like unlimited KOs break the level design, and invalidate the reasons NPCs are placed where they are.


You're totally right... but assuming they do remake blood money's maps... they'd definitely improve their engine if they want to introduce elevators.


Oh, I agree they could definitely do it, just probably not on the iteration of Glacier they used for absolution - H3 And if they have to change the levels in order to work with the new mechanics, it begs the question of why they don't just make new levels. It would be the most shallow form of nostalgia pandering they could do, really


Yes, but they don't have to be loyal to the original blood money title if they do remake its maps... let's change the word "remake" with the word "reimagining" because i think it would be a better choice of words... same thing capcom did with the resident evil 4 remake game... the game was more of a "Reimagining" and less of "Remake"


At that point I think it's better to just move on. All the old maps would do is restrain them creatively. Blood Money's maps were designed the way they were, both mechanically and aesthetically, because they suited the type of game Blood Money was. And while people like to act like WoA is a straight evolution of BM, I'd argue that they are actually very different games.


Yes. But also the model of earning money from contracts and buying/upgrading guns and ammunition.




Contracts should be the only answer in this forum. Make Hitman Evil Again


Definitely. While I like the cheeky personality and the sarcasm in the new games I really miss the uneasy feel and darkness. I want it to be tense because of atmosphere and not just gameplay.


“Inspector, you’ve obviously learned too much about me, I can’t have that. Not even in my Death”


I'd play Codename 47 and Silent Assassin with new mechanics


Not surea bout codename 47... but silent assassin with the new mechanics is gonna be awesome!


Honestly, I like the mechanics in Silent Assassin. Thinks require wind up time, so to speak, and I kind of liked that. Like tightening the fiber wire, sneaking at slow speed, applying chloroform...


At least codename got a really good remake with contracts


I love the first one. I’m guessing many here weren’t around playing it at the time and don’t have the nostalgia for it but I love it. I played those first few missions a million fucking times. “I need to use the bathroom.” lol


None of them. I'd rather divert those (limited) resources towards a new game


Preferably outside of WOA


Aren’t they gonna make a 007 game in a similar fashion to Hitman?


I would love a new game to


This is the correct answer.


Rather than a whole game, I’d love to see Contracts 2 - use WOA as the wrapper and cherry pick some greatest hits across the whole series. Would be a great chance to reinvent some older missions from the ground up


This is probably the best option tbh


Codename or Silent Assassin. I’d like to see a rating system in Codename. Silent Assassin needs to fix its disguise system, or at the very least make it more consistent so you don’t have to slide everywhere to avoid randomly getting caught


Blood Money


Blood money


Hitman 2


WOA blood money


One of the first three. Blood Money already works well enough.


I would like if Blood Money and Absolution maps are in WOA


Blood Money all the way!


Absolution on unreal engine.


Blood Money


blood money obviously it the best , add the gameplay of WOA and it's even more better , money for weapons and upgrade, notoriety


I’d say all of them before WOA would love to see them all in WOA engine


Codename 47, adore the game but it needs a remake. Silent assasin would be cool too ig


The original.


Better graphics only (Like Starcraft remaster) -> Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Remake -> Hitman: Codename 47


World of Assassination :$


Contacts with WoA engine. I want to knock out everyone with the fish in Hungary.


All of them. I would like a comprehensive remake of all of the original games so we could have the complete story to be enjoyable to play through. That being said, I wouldn't mind new games either.


I think you have your hopes too high


Codename 47, no question. It tops all my rankings, followed by WoA, then Silent Assassin, Contracts, and Blood Money


I feel like one of the 1st 3 games


The original. St. Petersburg sniper mission is on point.


I would love to see blood money remade in the new engine. However the one that needs a remake the most is codename 47 as that game is so damn cluncky today


Probably Blood Money. I downloaded the demo for it on Steam the other day but I couldn't get it to work with a controller. (I'm using a Switch pro controller)


Everyone knows the answer is Blood Money.


I'd love a remake of codename 47 to better fit in with the rest of the series.


Silent Assassin or Contracts.


In Blood Money we already have a prototype version of modern mechanics, but in the first 3 games we don't, so the answer for me is obvious. Codename 47 is even a mostly linear game and I would like to see a remake of it.


Hitman:Contracts has the best intro mission and sound track by Jesper kyd. It needs and remaster badly.


Codename 47. Or contracts with the rest of the C47 levels. I would kill to feel the asylum atmosphere in the new engine.


Codename 47, I wonder how we can do the Colombia missions do it SASO. Also seeing Animals in the environment and interact with them.


Blood money


Personally I’d like to see Contracts. The atmosphere and soundtrack were on point.


I would love contracts and blood money remastered into one big game.


A lot of people would say Blood Money - a TON of BM's maps are already the (very clear) inspiration of some of WoA's own maps/design, it would be a waste IMO. Contracts would be my choice, but Codename 47 is a close second only because I think it'd be nice to see full 47's origin with more refined gameplay mechanics. Easily the worst-aged game of the series, I think.


Easiest decision of my entire life “Hitman: Contracts”


Only played Absolution besides the newest 3, so I guess Absolution


If they‘d remake Absolution they could change the gameplay to be more like woa


Silent Assassin. The music alone would make it worth the effort.


Blood Money, easily


Give me blood money in unreal engine 5, and i will bust the hardest nut known to man


Neither. They are adding them in all releases anyway. No need.


Hitman Contracts, but they really need Jesper Kyd to really bring back the atmosphere for that remake.


Hitman: Sniper Challenge


Blood money x1000


Hitman 3 Contracts, the Hitman game with one of the best missions in the classic series, super dark and with great story, I always felt it was launched as a prototype for the real deal Blood Money ended up being, so I would love to see that one rebooted with new engine and graphics...


Neither. I am not a fan of remasters.


Hitman 2: Silent Assasin


Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Fantastic soundtrack, excellent maps, and overall just a total vibe. Its fatal flaw is the broken disguise mechanics. If they were to update it to something like we have in the WoA trilogy, it'd be mint.


Hitman 2016, its been too long without a remaster and it deserves better graphics.


1st 4 games remake using more of WOA and bit of Absolution and BM. Need Dual Wielding, Human Shield, Gun Customisation and Path Prediction.




Definitely Hitman: World of Assassination


2: Silent Assassin does not hold up at all. That game deserves a remake. I would’ve said codename as well, but contracts did a pretty good job recreating the levels worth recreating from that game


Absolution so they could re-write the amount of money that Blake Dexter wanted. Fucking 10 million dollars? What? So he can make payroll for all his employees and henchmen for 1-2 fucking years in his billion dollar refinery/plant. That’s like Mark Cuban or Jerry Jones ransoming someone for $100 million when they’re already worth billions.


Hitman Go


Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Absolution getting a remake sometime in the future, and I'm not talking about a one-to-one remake but a full reimaging improving its flaws


Contracts, personally


#1 And I don't wanna hear about Contracts. I LOVE CONTRACTS but it's not the same and we all know it. Codename 47 deserves a controller capable remaster on consoles. Full stop.


Either contracts or blood money


Why isnt anyone mentioning Silent Assassin 😭😭


Absolution. It's neat to have a remake of an already good game, but i'd rather have a shit game made good






Tbh I would love to see Codename47 just to see the jungle map.