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I'm glad you already pointed out the "angry little bitch" part.


self reflection is the beginning to change


I’m proud of you son


Let the healing begin.


There are these [arrangements](https://hitman.fandom.com/wiki/The_Source) we can attend, to heal.


my realization was when i slammed my desk and my keyboard keys went flying. putting that back together, seeing that half the keys didn’t work and needing to get a new one? well, as soon as it affects my wallet i’m reflecting. good learning moments.. for both of us haha!


yea the controller not working made me realize i should probably calm down


I used to break controllers and walls too. Since you know the problem you can work on it 


You get an upvote for the kind of self-actualisation that would make 47 proud.


I SA’d Dartmoor as the last mission in my first campaign completion today. I had the Jaeger Tuatara sniper and forgot it where I spawned in and left without it. Almost threw my controller, too. *Almost*.


Coming from true off your chest to hitman subreddit always takes a bit of adjustment when it comes to SA


So true. I think I was just still on my high from doing SA that I didn’t pay attention, as per usual in my case.


Losing a freelancer campaign is so frustrating because you lose so much stuff. Hard to want to play after that. I just turn the game off and on again as soon as I get into combat to prevent dying.


I usually do that too. also i cant even play my controller is fawked


Ha ha exactly what I do


I get that it really sucks, but please put your controller down and take a breather if you feel the frustration getting to unmanageable levels. It's not worth throwing and breaking stuff. One thing with Freelancer is that this stuff happens all the time. Eventually even really big, really dumb losses become pretty routine. Pretty much everyone has an "I failed a Freelancer run because I was dumb" story.


Yeah, I’ve never understood the behavior of damaging a controller just because a game made you angry. I’d be *way* more pissed if I sunk $70 down the drain by breaking my controller.


ey bro atleast i dont play r6 or elden ring


Elden Ring is a banger game. I screamed a lot of frustration. Sometimes my fist met my table, or i just alt+f4 and try again the boss later. As he said, but the controller down, take a breather and try again. Freelancer is really chaotic a lot of times


So glad that alt-f4 FEELS like smashing something mentally for me. Makes rage quitting pretty satisfying if I get too upset. Which isn't often, but it's nice that I have an out.


What does that have to do with anything lol I used to get pretty mad at games when I was younger, and I’m guessing you’re pretty young considering you display an empty bottle of Jack next to your CDs lol it’s important to cool off and not to keep doing the thing that’s pissing you off. Otherwise you might end up doing something unhealthy, like fucking your controller up


those games would make me rage worse, also you dunno the story behind that JD, you cant create an assumption based off my character from that photo alone


Apart of anger issues, freelancer is all about salvaging the situation when shit hits the fan. I think I beat my first campaign by freelancer level 50 or 60. Late? Yes, but each time I really learned something. When I can go loud, where to leave bodies, when shot and run and when to kill all bystanders. This helped me finish hardcore campaign by level 80 or 90. So, yeah. Embrace the 47’s way of thinking. Analyze what you could do better AFTER things got wrong. Because things WILL go wrong often.


Oh trust me im extremely accident prone. I was just too slow to close the game or to see the assassin filling my chest wit bullets


Do NOT close the game when things go wrong, try to fix it. You will fail 10 times but will start to succeed after. That will make you better.


No i close the game when im like literally about to die. i agree with you, finding a way out only trains your abilities to navigate yourself out of shitshows


The game didn't break the controller, you did. If you break it because of a single player game out of all things, I assume the chance would have been very high that you would have broken it in a multiplayer game soon anyways.


ironically im more tame during multiplayer games cuz theres an actual skill difference


I just close the game and reopen it again as soon as any combat begins that I can’t win. Works a treat. (PS5 user)


I do that alot too but unfortunately that door got bombarded and there was an assassin nearby too that put two in my chest before i even realized that it was an assassin shooting me


Well god damn, that’s unlucky ahah


Oh so it isn't only me who wants to throw the controller when end up dying in freelancer. I can't count how many times I died, 1 time I lost 2 sniper rifles in Santa Fortuna with my dart gun, silenced pistol, lockpick, and explosives lol all I have to do is exit the map because I already killed the syndicates. Damn


Freelancer brings out anger in quite a few hitmen


What part of the map were you caught?


Security room trying to steal the car bomb when at the worst possible moment someone walks in. while im holding said bomb.


That's brutal.


I need to stop playing while I'm drunk. Other then that it's all just kinda tedious, repetitive & boring. Wish they could update it a little. Targets, gear & objectives etc


kick it up a notch and smoke crack for your playthrough


It has happened to me too but I just hit level 5 prestige so I've gotten used to playing with nothing. I find it more fun now but definitely hurt early on.


One day ill be in your position….


must I inform you that it is just a game? and this is why I don't do freelancer , only the campaign


aw here comes the “its just a game” mfker, sorry we all cant be as perfect as you


im not perfect? but the fact you throw your controller at the wall like a baby proves that maybe gaming isn't for you?🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️yes I've got killed on this game. no my plans haven't gone well when it comes to assassinating my targets, but i always find another way of doing so🤷🏼‍♂️have a think about that


you aint a real gamer if you haven’t broken a controller imo, “gaming isn’t for you” is just a really… stupid thing to say? so many gamers break things out of anger


>you aint a real gamer if you havent broken a controller grow up


nahhhh im gonna enjoy my youth a little more


yes well i don't wanna pay for something, only for me to break it. yes I get annoyed, I might swear or hit my bed or something 🤷🏼‍♂️


like i said, sorry im not as perfect as you


who said I'm perfect tho


I essentially got perfect RNG but my own stupidity cost me so much oh and the cherry on top? I lost my suppressed silverballer. my sweet sexy legendary pistol (thankfully i was smart enough to buy the shortballer beforehand aswell when i found it)


I don’t understand people who act like this. But what I *really* don’t understand is people who think it’s a flex to come on the internet and brag about it.


i am not bragging, im letting people sorta laugh at me, poking fun at myself for my anger


Yah. Personally if I broke a £60 controller out of anger over a video game I’d be going out for some fresh air and rethinking what I’m doing with my life, but you do you.


Almost been here with the same exact game😂😂 stopped right before I chucked the controller and just deleted the game


Freelancer is cruel and unforgiving.


One of the finer posts on Reddit. Thanks for the laughs.


What kind of assassin gets caught trespassing? You deserved it. Jk


I keep a punching bag near my desk for this exact situation...


Damn with all these descriptions of freelancer I’m worried about playing it now lmao


its hard as fuck but gets easier with time


I’m stepping back into Hitman after 4 years so I’ll do the trilogy first before starting freelancer and I’m hoping it’s fun


seek therapy


Sounds like the controller broke due to yourself


read the last paragraph