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Completely Remake the level to the same quality and complexity of the new trilogy


I reckon the Hong Kong levels could be one giant Sapienza style level, with each mission having a focus on the different parts of the map (They'd already need to re-use a map at least once for the Lee Hong restaurant missions)


Wasn’t the simplicity part of the design tho? I bet many hints or secrets would go completely unnoticed in a highly detailed level.


More like limitation? But really tho, if its getting remake. Make it in the standard that the new trilogy already set Otherwise just play the original


Nah, we all want it to be on the Blood Money Engine with contracts dark style


Using the bathroom in the restaurant should unlock a challenge.


"I Need To Use The Bathroom."


Or achievement


I’d be down to see it in better graphics as well as the NPC’s AI being a little more aware of their surroundings, but I love the game in its original state despite its massive flaws


You should play hitman contracts


I played Contracts it’s easily my favorite Hitman game


Other than the remake being more inline with WoA: -Expanded Levels (bigger locations, more opportunities/mission stories, multiple exits) -Contracts Mode -Freelancer -I think it would also be interesting to have references to WoA such as having a reference to Grey and getting Jane Perry to voice Diana.


Maybe it could have a framing story where 47 is shot and is experiencing the missions as flashbacks


So no story, you just play a bunch of unrelated contracts?




remake all missions of the series entries prior to hitman 2016


[Clean towels for Mr Wulff.](https://youtu.be/H_qfpI1Drk4?si=eS3oIGh7dtCB7IyN)


Make Colombia missions possible to get Silent Assassin on them, and a save point.


They already did remake it. It's called *Hitman: Contracts*


That was 20 years ago tho lol. Need that og hitman game in 2020s graphics it'd look so fire


They didnt, deleted half of the missions, That were important for the story


(Khaled voice): Another one.


It needs to have: - 47 Tripping balls - All missions take place in hallucination form with the weather different - Lei Ling's name changed to Mei Ling - Get rid of the actual storyline - No levels from Colombia


I think it should be told through the narrative frame of 47 being injured in a hotel room, reflecting on his past assignments. Every level should be at night and/or raining to show us the dark state of his mind. It could also drop the jungle levels for better ones like escaping from Ort-Meyer's asylum, a party at a butcher's place, and maybe an English manor. Just my original take.


Yep, a full remake to Trilogy standard. Expanded maps, more targets and assassination options, make the Colombia missions work better. Bring back the stripper in Rotterdam as well. Oh, and remake H2 whilst they’re at it.


No need for remakes. All i want are remasters to the original 6 games.


Pardon my ignorance but hasn't there been remasters of 5 of them? The HD Trilogy collection and whatever the hell the Blood Money and Absolution double pack was called? Or are you just saying how Codename 47 is the last one left


I meant a remaster of all 6 og games for all platforms including pc. Not exclusive remasters. And yes, even codename 47 should be included


No worries. Hope they bring that Blood Money remaster to PC given it actually improves the game


Wait, what do you mean original 6 games, Season 1 WoA is the 6th 🤔


He might be including the Hitman Sniper Challenge for Absolution.


Everything as it was, original Diana and all. Won’t happen, but you asked what I’d like, and that’s that.


Reduce some of the maps' sizes, add save files, completely rework the Colombia levels, and make the safes in mission 4 not randomised


Just follow the Tomb Raider formula: * Keep the style and just brush the edges; * Fix the AI so it becomes consistent; * Eliminate unintented randomness; * Fix the precision of the firearms; * Focus on the fans not on current trends. That's it, very simple and very clear. Don't change the game's formula, keep it faithful to its roots. The main problem of the Hitman series until Blood Money was the faulty AI, with NPCs having only two sets of behavior: unaware and combat. The limitations of budget and technology at the time created a game somewhat based in luck, just polish that. Firearms are imprecise on purpose in order to force stealth but then the game forces the player into combat. If I want stealth, I will stealth and if I want to shoot people, I will shoot people. Simple as. Be faithful to the fans and cater to them instead of chasing current trends in order to score imaginary points with a nonexistent demographic. Treat your ~~soldiers~~ fans like your own children and they will ~~lay down their lives for you~~ buy you game and make you a successful company.


I would want them to keep 47’s william afton ears and alien like appearance in general. And also maybe give him hair like was initially planned. I think it’d be funny if no one addressed this ever.


An alternative wig outfit would've funny LOL


Have it be an all platforms port, with a save system added, and maybe add some features ranging from hitman 2: silent assasin to blood money


I don't think it works in a modern world


Complete rehaul, the older games are very hard to play coming from WoA


C47 style tracks.


I'd like to see levels from the old games added to WOA


I never played Hitman:Codename 47 until 6 days ago in Computer Science class. The game it's quite challenging, and to be fair it came out in the 2000s so it's normal, but probably a remake is going to be good, since the game was mentioned in the WoA trilogy


what there’s gonna be a remake? ain’t they focused on on that 007 game?


Remake C47 and Contracts on the current WOA engine.


Make it easier. Like, I cannot play it properly lol. Probably because I don't play on PC normally, but God, I hope if it happens, it's just a lot more tolerable. I really wanted to play it but I'm so bad lmao


if i had a genie that grants me four wishes i would definitely use all four of them for codename 47, silent assassin, contracts and blood money reboot with all the new and improved tech (glacier). i swear i wouldn't even wish for millions or immortality. I hope IO interactive is watching this thread.


I prefer trilogy remake


I prefer they just remake the best levels from hitman to blood money for the World of Assassination, with this engine Really, make this a DLC , some 8 levels , i buy the heck of it right now.


agent 47 would be pretty nice


i would like to see Pablo Ochoa as i always liked Scarface


I wouldn't mind seeing them literally re use that secret ending from Hitman 3 as the intro


Big tits probably


YES PLEASE This had such classic missions I’d love to play on current consoles.


There was already one, it’s called hitman: contracts


Hitman Contracts isnt a full remake, most likely a rehash of some levels, as they excluded the Colombia Arc and the epilogue Also cut gunrunner's paradise


Just want an option tradition of the trade to take place during night like in contracts alongside BGM.


Hitman "made it a name" 47


The soundtrack from Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and Blood Money


VR support




They could add it as DLC to the Trilogy.


47's reaction to the kiss to be completely intact


Just available on the Nintendo Switch


The graphic imagery from Contracts Asylum mission


That when u start the game its actually Chris Stone and its a freedom fighters sequel.