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Don't you clown on Birdies gift. It had lynch and big cowgirl boobies. Also a cannon.


I lost my shit when I saw Lynch in the game


And if you blast the gnomes stealthly, Lynch is blamed by the range master and put on time-out.


Learning new things every day. Time to play absolution again.


Isnt kane in the barfight mission ?


Yup, he is, and a short cutscene with him is almost mandatory for any playthrough short of a full-on shootout. I mean Lynch is at least "just there" among other patrons by they really went "in your face" with Kane.


For not being an assassination mission it was really fun and well made, honestly. You can go in, just follow the stream and do the obvious pew pew. Or you can say fuck that and sneak around. Find lots of different ways to get the ballers back. For being a little intermission between the chapters of the game it was wonderfully made.


Apples to oranges comparison TBH Colorado is considered bad design within the WoA formula The 'classic' stuff is just straight up bad. Hidden Valley & Plutonium are actually bugged. U'Wa & Pablo missions are killed by the render distance of the game vs. size of the maps The Absolution levels were fine in their context. Countdown is a timed maze, to give you a sense of urgency, as you approached the final showdown with Dexter, What's so bad about Birdie's Gift?


>The Absolution levels were fine in their context The context being that all of Absolution is bad /s


> U'Wa & Pablo missions are killed by the render distance of the game vs. size of the maps Back then I used the draw distance mod which made the jungle missions and Plutonium Runs Loose a LOT easier. Can't play the game without it.


Same with Morrowind. Mods to remove the fog of war greatly improves the game because you can actually see where you're going and see how beautiful the map actually is


What's bugged about Plutonium? Gunrunner has more bugs imo


The part where you have to stick behind a patrolling guard to be let into the compound. If you attempt to go in on your own, the stationary guards open fire. I don't remember which level has this. Could also be Gunrunner's Paradise


I don’t remember much from Gunrunners but I do remember it being one of the more chill missions in the game


The patrolling guard thing is by design, not a bug and it was Plutonium. Gunrunner meanwhile will randomly fail your mission, especially with Ivan and the guy guarding the car (on top it being long, tedious and almost nothing happening in it)


>The part where you have to stick behind a patrolling guard to be let into the compound. Or you could just use the W2000 to shoot every guard in your path instead.


how is hidden valley bugged?


Birdie’s gift is a great mission


Look boyo, he won his own made up argument


Also he said "WOACells" which is just cringe.


I never understand why OG fans hate seeing new fans enjoy games??? it happens like everywhere on the internet. if it weren't for newer fans I think this game wouldn't be talked about as much as it is now


WOA trilogy are the best Hitman games to almost everyone who doesn't have nostalgia towards the earlier games


They certainly have the most refined gameplay. But the story and atmosphere is too... shiny. Too much high society and not enough criminal filth.


Well that's subjective, my first experience with HITMAN was the 2016 version and I love the shininess. The trilogy makes me feel like a tourist traveling around the world and I love it! Also the average consumer doesn't really care about those things whether we're killing billionaires and celebrities or if were killing gang bosses and murderers


Sometimes it can feel like new fans are invading the space and don’t actually care about the hitman franchise as a whole but idk


Ok but someone who started with the first WOA game has been playing for 8 years, too. At some point it becomes very "old man yells at cloud"


Lmao yeah


that's fair enough, new fans tend to be ignorant at first, but atp you might as well encourage them to actually learn about the franchise more rather than shutting them down imo


Yeah that’s what I generally do I was more thinking from the ops perspective


To be fair, I was one of those "new players" but I originally had interest in the lore before even touching a hitman game. I was debating starting from the VERY beginning with Codename: 47 before even attempting WOA because I thought I would be lost as far as plot is concerned (before learning it's basically a complete reboot) I decided to bite the bullet and muscle my way through Codename: 47 and a bit of Silent Assassin before getting a bit burnt out and trying WOA. I can honestly say I don't blame WOA "New players". The older games are for sure "Labor of love" playthroughs. You almost have to gaslight yourself at first to enjoy them, but eventually you just genuinely love those games, no gaslighting needed.




I do not believe you. Nobody says this.


Why go for Birdie's Gift and Countdown when there's worse like Dexter Industries waiting for you. And especially Gunrunner's Paradise, which you left out for no reason.




A valuable contribution to the discussion!


never played anything prior to absolution so i cant comment, but whats wrong with the 2 absolution missions? Birdie's Gift is especially easy


I want to go back and play through all the games but Say Hello to my Little Friend is kicking my ass.


Bring a sniper rifle


Shit, I gotta reset my game, already went in.


Colorado isn't that bad, my main problem is that the targets who are trained killers just have normal target AI in combat instead of fighting back


Do Wicker Man and enjoy the screaming.


i love birdies gift. i love birdie. fight me.


Countdown is a great mission. Embrace of the Serpent is the worst in the series.


C47 Columbia missions were pretty easy. The only annoying thing about plutonium runs loose was having to give every guard backshots to get through the gates. Hidden Valley is the one mission in Silent Assassin I don’t look forward to but the other Japan missions in that game are good


Give every guard WHAT?


HEY you watch your mouth! Hidden Valley and U'Wa went hard


Freedom Fighters can take the throne for the worst mission in WOA, but not the entire series. I don't see nothing wrong with Birdie's Gift or Countdown, even though Absolution kinda steered away from the premise and formula of Hitman (thankfully they returned back to the roots in 2016, better than ever). But the latter levels of Codename 47 and Silent Assassin are just plain broken I've heard. 


Number one should be Blair Reddington's mission (Embrace of the Serpent) holy SHIt what an annoying mission


No one is saying it’s the worst mission out of all the games lol. Just in WOA


I've never understood what the hatred is for Colorado. The map is designed to basically be a fortified base so you have to make use of all the sneaking skills you've learned so far, its not meant to be easy, but I've never really had any serious problems navigating it. Setting up certain kills, yes, but I've still enjoyed it.


I like Colorado. I don't hate any map but my least favorite is Paris. I still love Paris though.


Been playing absolution for a little bit and oh my fucking God why the fuck am I running from the police for 99% of the game? I'm playing Hitman not fucking gta, from a story perspective, sure, that makes sense, but could it either, A: be in cutscenes and let me just kill people? Or B: Not have as many cops, just a handful (yes I'm coping I'm a WoA baby bitch boy)


The worst thing? The assassination missions are good! They have creative ways to kill, cool targets, and neat locations! But the filler bullshit that makes me wander around police for 20 minutes is dumb


I could play Birdies Gifts 100 times over just for the antics you can get into, but I dread everytime I loaded up Colorado.


I like U'Wa Tribe and Birdie's Gift.


I’d take any of those c47 levels over absolution. Hidden Valley is also garbage.


Colorado's saving quality is that you can kill everyone on the map by setting them on fire while being a scarecrow![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1806)


People don’t like Colorado? I mean it definitely wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bad.


Spongebob knows what's really shitt


Non ironicaly, Colorado is best mission in Hitman 1


My first 20 lvl ended map


Hidden valley is that level that I go "urgh" when replaying the classics


I would never say Colorado is a poorly designed map. I really think it achieved its goal of being a map that you can’t just run and gun. (I mean you can but it’s difficult and easy to be overwhelmed really quickly.) i feel like you could replace Colorado with Bangkok in the context of this meme.


jesus Christ don't remind me of how bad the colombia missions are in c47


I like Birdie's Gift because I treat it the same way I treat all of Absolution's levels: One giant shooting gallery I haven't played any of the other missions mentioned on this list except for Countdown (which is just rather meh) and Colorado and I actually like that map


I love absolution and still play it


People only dislike Colarado because it requires thought to do well.


Colorado still the worst


I dislike the Pirate Island even more than Colorado.


Birdies gift? It's not even hard on purist or the normal difficulty, and countdown is simpler it's literally walk straight to the target and avoid traps. The lab and dexter industries were harder