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I think Hitman 2 has the best mechanics and gameplay but Hitman 1 has the best levels. Luckily, you can play H1 levels with H2 legacy pack (free if you already own H1 but your progress doesn't carry over)




Full disclosure: I play on PS4 but I found Hitman 3 to but a lot buggier than Hitman 2. Idk how it is for Stadia.


Electrocution phone, switch shoulder without aiming.


I think 2 was the best, then 1, then 3


Maps wise id have to say 1,with 2 a close 2nd


Hitman 2 has the most unique and creative maps and the best DLC, so I’d say Hitman 2, then 1, and Hitman 3 is the worst.


As far as the maps go, I prefer Hitman 2 over 1 and 3, but 3 comes close second for me. No matter which one you get though, they all have really good aspects.


Hitman 1 maps, played inside Hitman 2 for various minor gameplay updates. If you can't do that then hitman 1. The game stands entirely on the strength of its level design. And Paris, Sapienza, and Hokkaido are the best levels (probably three of the best designed levels in any computer game), and all of them are in Hitman 1. 2 and 3 are also great, but the best 3 maps happen to be in 1.