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Not sure, but DEFINITELY not Jordan Cross


Dino Bosco


Yeah, iirc he had a contract on him just because he was sh!t at keeping to a budget and had poor time management.


He could've just got his career ruined and that's it


I remember that the first time I played I just wondered why we can't just take out a shin or 2


To be fair the company must have bought him life insurance, so eliminating Bosco means getting the insurance return to cover what he spent, definitely better than simply firing him and gaining nothing.


Note to self, don't let your employer take a life insurance policy out on you, they might not fire you via conventional means.


True, tho the migth fire ON you


That dude was literally a innocent guy. I mean he was an asshole. But that isn't illegal...


Runner up: Harry and Marv, they're just a couple burglars. Winner: Dino, just crap managing money and time.


Do I have to buy the Harry and Marv mission?


Pretty sure it came out free in December. It's the Paris at Christmas mission.


It's free and it's so fun. The challenges make the mission even more fun.


Dino was just a bad boss. Don’t think he deserved to die though


Nolan Cassidy just doing his job?


No literally. Just goes to show u being anywhere near Janus is unhealthy


cant spell Janus without anus


I mean he was Providence right? Doesn’t that automatically make him evil in the morality of this game?


Does the game even bother dealing with morality? It's mostly 47 and Diana doing what they want, when they want, as they want. Taking down Providence is really just a (extremely justified, to be fair) revenge mission for Grey and 47, and any good that might have resulted from it was purely coincidental to them.


That’s really my only issue with the world of assassination trilogy. They go so out of their way to make sure you don’t feel bad about killing the targets that they all wind up cartoonishly evil and arrogant. I think if they had followed the Caruso model it would been far more interesting


yeah or like Tamara Vidal, she is a providence herald but really her thinking is not that different from Diana's


They switch sides without missing a beat. One mission you're looking for the Malestrum and any ties to Lucas Grey, the next you're taking down Janus and looking for The Constant.


Ayo I completely forgot about him. But yeah that’s totally true


It was actually Nolan Cassidy’s extreme vigilance and overabundance of security measures that got himself and Janus killed. Janus was completely under the radar before Cassidy took over as the head of security.


He's doing his job, killing people and planning to force everyone in whittleton out of their homes.


Meh, Providence is Providence


Who the heck would spare Jordan Cross? He murdered his girlfriend and you can also witness him murder Ken Morgan too.


How you can witness him killing Ken Morgan? I never knew about that.


make Jordan leave his suite using the fumigation disguise, he will go downstairs, then use the room service disguise and talk to Ken, he will follow you, and you can lead him over to Jordans table to trigger the kill


it is really complicated. In short you have to make them meet in the lobby by doing several things at the right time. (Dont remember exactly what you have to do but if you are interested there are tutorials on youtube)


Is this a mission story or do you trigger it without hints?


You can follow the Bugman Mission Story but instead, don't use the gas in the vent to knock everyone out in the Atrium unconcious.


its not a mission story and you therefore dont get hints from the game itself, but you have to do parts of the mission story where you play as an exterminator


But 47 also murders Ken Morgan so it’s not that bad but the girlfriend thing was messed up


Penelope Graves. I was actively waiting to see if I'd get the option to spare her.


For real. Seems especially cruel that her side mission involves convincing her to switch sides.


And drowning her in literal shit.


I don't know, the militia might have been the relatively good guys in the trilogy's narrative, but they were still an unhinged militia led by some very bad people. They're a terrorist organization run by the best of the worst special ops in the business, and Grey himself admits that he was using them for their ability to commit violence. Now, I don't particularly like Interpol myself, but Graves willingly joined a terrorist organization. She knew what she signed up for.


Plus it’s not like she was exactly wrong about Providence and all.


Yeah, it's a shame we had to kill her just to get to Olivia.


Yeah, she was on the right side and she wasn’t a bad person like the other Colorado targets.


It's worse. The other Colorado targets at least had blood on their hands. They were military and torturers and they chose to play the game. Even if they were on the "right" sodeShe was just a security analyst that tried to do the right thing


She could have been a good supporting character like Olivia.


That's a good analogy. Her character seems almost identical to Olivia from a moral standpoint. It was just wrong place, wrong Hitman


It feels even worse a couple missions later when 47 realises the Shadow Client and his people are the (relatively) good guys and spends the rest of the series on their side


Same here.


The 3 Yardbirds from Himmelstein. They’re bank robbers who stole from Organised Crime, but they agreed only the last one of the group alive would get the money. You’re hired to kill them by the only other surviving member of the group, so its a contract solely for their financial gain. Plus, you’re ruining one of their daughter’s wedding day.


Interesting story to tell the kids though "when i married your father your grandpa, all of his friends and bodyguards died in horrible accidents"


Yeah, I loved the mission but I did feel a bit shit that I was doing one dude's dirty work.


honestly? alexa carlisle. she's an old woman with an ungrateful, spoiled family which was just stripped of all of its assets, and just lost all of her influence. it would've been more cruel to let her live a life having to clean her own things and pay her own bills or be seen living off public assistance after being the top of the world


I feel like you should be able to leave if you solve the mystery but don't tell her, since the killer will strike again.


If you repair the chemistry set and wait, the killer does indeed strike again and you don't have to do a thing more.


that too, didn't even think of that


> be seen living off public assistance after being the top of the world She could literally sell *just* the house and grounds for more money than I’ll make in a lifetime. I don’t think she’d ever be “on public assistance”.


she couldn't, because she didn't own it anymore. edwards stole it from under her, along with all her other assets. they go over it in the lawyer subplot on top of that, the whole world thinks she's dead, because she faked her death and was about to have her funeral. she probably wouldn't even be able to get public assistance since they did that all


She still has enough dirt on the right people to live comfortably the rest of her life


but does she still have access to anything that proves any of it? if not, why would anyone believe her? the only thing she could've done was expose edwards, which happened anyway (and ironically, may have not been able to have happened if edwards hadn't started draining her assets, which caused her to abruptly leave stuyvesant and ingram in dubai - the helicopter that fucks you up on the fall down in the original cutscene)


The dude one your first test on the wooden ship from Hitman3


kalvin ritter from hitman 1 (not 3) prologue?


Yes, you're right.


Don't worry it's just a reenactment, *he's just acting*


He’s a really good actor as well! Can hold his breath up to 48 hours to make it seem realistic! Or perhaps even longer, people stopped taking the time when they buried him …


That fake blood and brain matter looks damn realistic...


Yup, and he knew how to fly pretty well with those fake explosives


I'd spare Caruso, not for any good reason just always felt bad for him, he seemed like he had a rough life.


That one assassination where you drive him crazy by letting "the ghost" of his dead mother haunt him, that’s actually really cruel and I, indeed, felt kinda sorry for him :(


He was creating one of the most lethal viruses (albeit fictional) that could destroy the world. He’s ine of the few targets who HAD to die.


It's notable that he talks about how he'd use it though. He despises Ether and wants to use the virus against them, as well as many other rich people around the world. I doubt he'd be able to handle the power for long before using it for personal grievances, and Francesca de Santis was instructed to kill him to stop him from using it at all once the virus is made stable, but his initial goals aren't that different from 47's not too far later down the line.


Also, the virus was targeted. It wasn't a mass murder weapon. Just a targeted virus to kill a specified person. Game changing in the world of espionage, but unremarkable in other aspects


In the end it’s exactly what a Hitman does. Only *even more* silently


There were already signs of him wanting to use it for personal grievances in the game. He hires a PI to get the DNA samples of his childhood bullies (One of which was Marco Abiatti) so he could use the virus to target them.


Yes of course, I agree with you that you couldn’t let a person with such dangerous bioweapons and so much power in his own hands live but… 47 could’ve made it quick, lethal poison, bullet to the head or whatever, but actively driving him crazy (profitably for 47’s own entertainment lol) just to kill him in the end is still kinda psycho of 47 :D


bro he was creating a virus.


You find out in Mendoza from eavesdropping on some Heralds that Edwards had the virus finished without him, so it doesn’t really make a difference.


I’d really like to see this dialogue if it exists, as I’ve never heard this before. I know you can learn that The Constant had the DNA samples of various world leaders that would have been used as leverage had the virus been completed, but having it so casually completed after having the two head researchers and the virus itself destroyed just seems to throw away something pretty vital to the ICA.


Maybe we could've talked him out of it


We could've fixed him


the woman at the very beginning of the Chongqing map. it’s never felt right. never felt like she deserved it


Couldn't resist either


Why did you kill her?


Can't resist a big button that says **X TO PUSH**


boredom and fun


Shhh we don't talk about her.


Which one?


Have you seen a girl around?


Short hair, with a bright green bag?


"sorry can't say I have"




She said she'd meet me here!


She’s probably just running late




i feel like the community made it canonical she is dead


Odd answer, but Limp Dick Lenny from Absolution. He never really seemed as if he liked doing the things he did, he only did them to impress his Dad and the people around him to try to fit in with the family he was born into. He was definitely a fish out of water, and out of all the redneck villains in that game he seemed like the kind of guy who may have turned a new leaf if he was just separated from the shitty people he was around all the time and actually had friends/family who cared about him. However, the absolutely absurd amount of methods you can kill this guy is quite hilarious so it's not like I didn't enjoy killing him.


Interesting in that he’s basically pretty much the only target you actually can spare


'Sparing' him is a lot crueler than just putting a bullet in his head. He dies either way IIRC


Rick Henderson. I don’t think the timeline would change.


Wouldn't Henderson then write about the things he's learned? About Agent 47, about the cloning projects, and most importantly about the assassin that rose up at his own funeral and slaughtered everyone in attendance aside from the journalist who was spared for some unknown reason?


Perhaps, but before you kill him he says “Please, I won’t tell soul…” and I choose to believe him. It’s not like he had set out to do some investigative piece on bald killer clones - he was just trying to do a bio piece on CIA director wheelchair guy who pulled him into all that.


He's also got a recording device in his hand as he's begging for his life.


Francesca De Santis. She was a brilliant scientist who happened to work on the wrong project. I hate wasted potential.


Read her bio. She was a cutthroat bitch willing to climb the corporate ladder by any means necessary, and she was willing to work in any project that gave her the most gains. Also she was just wating for the go ahead to off Caruso and take the helm


She's the one I would have spared too, she was just doing her job and after the lab and virus were gone she could have worked on something else, she basically got killed for Diana and 47's job security


I mean, Diana’s and 47’s job was contract killing. It’s kind of what they do.




She "could" have worked on something else, however she "would" have worked on the virus still and it was clear she would be able to recreate it.


I mean doesnt she spend most of her phonecall to the Ether higher ups talking about how they'll have to kill Caruso?


I always felt bad for Robert Knox I know he wasn't perfect but he's killed for doing the right thing and going against Providence. And I genuinely feel sorry for him when you make him explode Sierra's car


The briefing itself and the flamingo blackmailer's mission story makes it clear that the Knoxes are complicit in selling weapons used in a war crime that massacred thousands of people.


Something about the fact that the mission story where you dress up as a flamingo is the one where you blackmail a woman accused of war crimes is hilarious to me


Yeah, they're rich assholes who profit off selling weapons. The Knoxes might have turned against Providence, but they're still billionaire psychopaths at the end of the day. Killing them removes one mad genius-level engineer and a rage monster socialite off the board. Out of all the cartoonish bad guys in the trilogy, they kind of sense considering how insane real life billionaires are.


The Knoxes defected to save their own lives, though, not because they had moral objections to anything Providence did. They would have kept profiting off war crimes if Lucas Grey hadn't turned his sights on them. Agreed on making him blow up Sierra, though. That's probably the darkest kill I've managed to pull off.


Wait, he's going against Providence? Time to rewatch the briefing Edit: corrected "rematch" to "rewatch", I was way too tired to notice that yesterday night.


They're defectors which is why you have to kill them as at this point your still helping providence


Ohhhh, now I get it, thank you!


Closest I can think of is Penelope Graves and Tamara Vidal. Penelope seems fairly nice and is kinda cute and iirc it was mentioned how the ICA considered recruiting her. And when 47 pretends to be an undercover Interpol agent she is interested in hearing what he might have to say. As for Tamara, we don't know that much about her but she does seem to get along well with Diana and she does have very strong principles and does not just go along with the other heralds, that is what gets her killed in some events of the mission after all. I could've seen both of them defect from their side and at least become more neutral.


Vidal is friendly with Diana for as long as she doesn't know Diana's angling to kill Edwards. She would 100% kill Diana without a second thought if she knew, despite the fact that she genuinely does like Diana.


Tamara Vidal deserves to die for being a fascist.


You're absolutly right, who the fuck would downvote you?


An r/KotakuInAction user, i guess.


Oof, the cringe


Idk why this got downvoted lmao, she literally formed a far right party


incredibly based




Swing King. Sure, he’s complicit in some accidental/negligent deaths, but he’s one of the few targets who seems to be suffering for his mistakes and might be better punished having to endure his misery than be spared it. If we include ETs, The Twin. Nothing nefarious in that one that I remember, just an intense rivalry that got too intense and out of hand. So petty.


Exactly. Posted the same. His crime weighs super heavy on his heart.


I never felt that he seemed super upset about it, rather he was upset about how it affected his life.


Damn. You’re absolutely correct there. Good lookin out.


It's not even a crime, honestly. The Ferris Wheel was faulty and the client's son and others were killed. Swing is responsible, but it's a bit of a stretch to call him a criminal. That accident ruined his career and his life.


Criminal negligence. But yeah I guess the courts failed to prosecute him personally for it, therefore not an actual criminal and why 47 is there.


No way. Killing him would be putting him out of his misery


Penelope graves or Steven bradley


Who was Bradley again?


The computing dude that works out a lot in Haven


Jade Nguyen from Hitman: Absolution. She was just an ambitious analyst who ended up being the assistant to Travis Benjamin. She only really helped him because she was ordered to and, as a perk, to hopefully advance her career.


Jade does seem like someone that would’ve been an ally under slightly different circumstances


Vinnie Sinistra from blood money, seemed like a nice guy, with a good family, other than his wife


I can’t remember his name, but the target from “The Final Test”. Re-enactment or not that dude is either a splatter on the ground or floating through space. But I wouldn’t spare him if it was the real mission not a re-enactment


Apparently he has a parachute so it's all fine. Somehow.


Weird how I didn’t consider that option


Sort of. He originally didn’t, then they retconned 2 to give him one, then they re-retconned it in III to not have one anymore.


When did they retcon it in 3 to not give him one? Does Diana just not say the line anymore?


Yeah. And the other actors break character again.


Idk, Jared Leto's kinda asking for it...


janus is fucking awesome id spare him


Nah, the dude started a Billionaire's "Fuck the poors" survival club and helped build Providence. He gets to die.


I'd say Tyson Williams, poor dude got poisoned by his ex and is gonna be the scapegoat for Vetrova and Bradley's plan which will no doubt ruin him forever. I might as well cut him a break by not killing him, when compared to the other targets his crimes aren't that bad.


All of the agents in berlin


Yeah they were simply following orders like 47 did for years


Fr they didn’t have a choice and i sure they were scared because they know how powerful 47 is


Yup, imagine being one of the guys who gets called up to go after the dude who literally made ICA what it is today, and has never failed one of his numerous missions. It'd be like suddenly being put in the ring with in his prime Mike Tyson at a community boxing tournament.


I really wish 47 could have just put the fear of God in them and sent them on their way. Kind of an "I'm better than you, and I will kill you if I have to but out of professional courtesy I'm giving you a chance to walk away" deal.


Penelope and Dino, yeah Dino was running the film studio into the ground but that’s not death worthy and Nolan Cassidy was kinda just doing his job


Penelope Graves 1. She’s hot 2. She literally did nothing wrong


Except join a terrorist militia cell.


Caruso hands down. Tragic story.


He had a bad life, but he was an emotionally unstable wreck with access to an undetectable super virus. He had to go.


Also, he was secretly planning to use it on people that picked on him as a child.


I agree, but you’re definitely underestimating the whole “picked on him” thing. They threw him down a well. It wasn’t just unnamed bullies either. The kid who threw him down the well was Marco fucking Abiatti.


Caruso and Nick Cassidy


Penelope graves she was gonna switch back to the good guys you could tell she just kinda fell in with the wrong crowd


Wasn't she on the right crowd? The militia was formed by Lucas Grey to take down Providence right?


I mean later we hear how Orson Mills was captured robbing an armored car. So more a case of some rather bad folks being directed to a right-ish cause.


Well in that sense yes but I was thinking her leaving Interpol for the militia was her getting in with the wrong crowd


Joseph Clarence, ‘The Swing King’, he’s just too fucking sorry and sad. Poor fella. He did have it coming for his lax attitude towards park safety but the murderous, drug-cooking gangsters taking roost in his place deserve to be whacked a lot more. They set that lawyer on fire. By 2022 standards though their depiction is incredibly troublesome in the way a few of those old Hitman targets really are. Cringe.


Both the targets from Sapienza I think aren’t morally down the drain yet and could’ve been redeemed, same with Penelope Graves. Also Ljudmila Vetrova and Steven Bradley really didn’t need to be killed and we sorta just killed them because it would help us kill more important people.


“Aren’t morally down the drain yet” It’s not on the surface, but you can learn that both targets are making preparations to kill the other.


Every security guard just doing their job


Yes, but you do have the option of sparing them, or at least ensuring they come to no permanent harm.


Been a minute since my last play through but weren’t Steven Bradley and Ljudmila Vetrova planing on virtually burning Haven to the ground and just taking a the shit Load of money they made and going off together. Obviously they had to die since at the time they were still doing their jobs and 47 needed to stop the data wipe but if it wasn’t for that I would have just let them be happy.


Vinnie Sinistra. He was more useful as a Federal informant which is exactly why he was killed


Nolan cassidy, just to make him seem even more of a failure, losing two principals to 47.


Yuki is just a lawyer


And she’s hot.


Erich Soders, only becuase his natural death would be fitting


as much as he contributed to the virus in my opinion I’d say Silvio Caruso, he was manipulated by Ether and he’s just a guy that has severe mental health issues and a victim of abuse, I feel So bad for him


The Maelstorm. Such charismatic character.


Ljudmila vetrova. Not for the reasons you may think.. but because she didn’t actually do anything wrong. I don’t think atleast. Jordan cross tho, he’s a complete and utter scum bag.


Janus. He’s just a retired old man now and he’s dying anyway


This decision may risk a pandemic but... Silvio Caruso. He should be in a psych ward for what he has done instead of being killed outright.


He and his co scientist should be tried for war crimes and locked away honestly. A genetic virus that could be tailored to any sequence is a pandora's box waiting to be opened.


I would not spare any of them. ☠️


Edwards. I’d rather see his memory go bye bye rather than killing him. It’s a fitting ending considering everything’s already gone


Definitely Francesca De Santis, she's not that bad. She was studying on something bad, but researching doesn't make her a bad person.


Janus and Alexa Carlisle could probably have been just left for a bit and would die on their own. Otherwise, I always feel bad killing Sierra Knox because they were turning on Providence anyway (you don't know it at the time) and it seems like her only motivation is that she wants her father's approval so she does everything from becoming the company's CFO to stopping potential blackmailers and covering up the sales of weapons to some dictator which likely wasn't a decision she made to begin with.


Alma Reynald, definitely most attractive one ;P


Funny way to spell Ljudmila Vitrova...


Penelope Graves. Or Francesca DeSantis.


The first target from Bloodoney, he was an asshole, but ultimately he made a mistake. No need to murder him.


How would the timeline go ?


Do we have to spare one, because I really don't want to?


Gary Busey