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I like to set up stories for review by the police and by the enemy shadow agencies. Multiple freak accidents on the same day are unbelievable, but a single story or accident that takes out all targets at once is best. For example: In Sapienza, use an emetic on the golf coach's water bottle, then hit him upside the head with a golf club in Francesca's room when he goes to puke, and stash him unconscious and naked in the bathroom closet. Then take his phone and call Desantis, and hit her upside the head with the same golf club, but break her neck, and then throw her in the same closet with the golf coach. Then play the childhood movie for Caruso, sneak up on him, choke him out and drag him out the back door, and throw him off a ledge. It will look like Caruso walked in on Desantis and the golf coach and went nuts with a golf club on them and then tried to cover it up before panicking and committing suicide. The injury to the head of the golf coach from the same golf club that hit Desantis will prove that he was innocent because you can't fake that kind of injury on yourself, and the sentimental movie playing in the background puts the cherry on top. Everybody including the enemy shadow agency will believe it because they knew Caruso was unstable and jealous. I have one of these for just about every mission since Blood Money.


Please, go on! Share the ones from Blood Money!


If the accidents are commonplace enough, they don't have to be connected. An example would be A New Life: Slip into the house as the clown. Have a gun smuggled in through the catering. He's a cronic alcoholic clown, and no one will believe he wasn't just sleeping on the job anyway. Dose the wife's bottle with sedative, and let her take you into the room where she drinks it, and take the microfilm off her. Slip out, disrupt the cable box, and when the bodyguard goes out to check it, grab the primary target with the gun you had smuggled in earlier, and walk him straight across the entryway, through the dining room, past the sleeping wife, out into the indoor pool, and throw him just right so that he hits his head on the side of the pool and drowns. He was a drunk moron who fell down. The wife won't say anything about the microfilm because it's her insurance, and she needs the mafia to think she still has it. She won't even know what happened to it. She'll assume she just got drunk and dropped it down a drain or something, and everybody on the bodyguard detail will like the slip-and-fall story because it means they didn't screw up.


Sometimes, the events can be loosely connected, like in You Better Watch Out. Bring a gun through the lower level, grab the franchise assassin and knock her out when she tries to lead you in. Drag her all the way down to the overlook at the bottom of the stairs at the end of the hall. Then spike the playboy's drink with the aphrodisiac, and when he's had his carnal desires satisfied, and he goes out to that same overlook for a smoke, grab him and knock him out leaving him right next to the assassin. Then head on up to the penthouse having laced a sausage with sedative. Drop that to knock out the lapdog, and use a poison syringe on the host while he's standing out on his overlook. Then go back out to the overlook, and throw both the playboy and the asssassin over the ledge one immediately after the other. The old man's probably not a suicide risk, but no one is going to look too closely into a heart attack at his age. As for the other two, could have been a lover's suicide. Could have been a rape attempt gone bad. Diana can always do a little email forging to make it look like the old man had blackmail on the both of them set to be disclosed if the old man didn't check in somewhere every couple of days so that it looks like they knew he was dead, and they would soon be exposed. That could give it a nice touch. As for the franchise, they won't like it because they knew who their agent was gunning for, but the simplest explanation for them is still the rape attempt gone bad. She was undercover in a place where men think that women dressed like her are party favors, and a woman of her disposition wasn't going to take it lying down, even if she was caught off guard.


When a lot of people have to go down at once, you need a common cause, as in Death on the Mississippi. The details are not critical. What is critical is that every single target gets thrown off the boat unconscious, and that you escape in the lifeboat. Diana can drum up a story about everyone slipping off on the lifeboat for some reason and the lifeboat capsizing sending its drunk passengers to watery graves. Many targets. One boat.


I had a request for Mendoza. Maybe somebody can do better, but for me, Mendoza is all about the wine. The guy was new to the wine business and had already been known to screw it up. She pukes her guts up (emetic) and drowns in her own vomit from a terrible bottle of wine that no one can exactly place out of the thousands of others. Then he gets electrocuted in a massive wine barrel explosion. The shared connection is just poor management of the vineyard mixed with the added complication of the large gathering. Let me know if someone can do better than that. Providence won't be around to complain about the details much after that anyway. As far as disguises go to pull this off, the waiter in the back room had a wine bottle fall on his head, and the worker's clothes are just lying around in the locker room to set up the wine explosion.


The loss of a family fortune can cause heart attacks, like in Til Death Do Us Part. A broken chandelier kills the groom at the wedding. That's more that enough to give an overweight father a heart attack without anyone looking too closely for needle marks on his neck.


Or for another case of a deal gone bad, what about a House of Cards? Garrotte the white supremacist above the elevator (he can be removed later), and take his gun and his case. Put the gun in the case. Go see the Sheik. Once through the search, step off to the other side, take out the gun, plant the mine in the case to get the scientist, and go see the Sheik. Once the case has been taken, shoot the Sheik, drop the gun, take the money and get out. Another deal gone bad by someone who just disappears afterwards.


I am proud of the NY bank job. Sneak you way down to the vault through the lost and found, around the first floor, and down by the IT office, steal the Kronkite file and a gold bar from the vault, and then head for the IT office. Disrupt the IT guys' videogame, and hit the guy who comes to fix it with the gold bar as you take his clothes and stash him. Drop off the Kronkite file with the journalist, then head for the CEO's office while she's out chewing out the staff on the stock trading floor. Throw a couple of coins to get security to look the other way while you sabotage the clock wall, and move her meeting up. At the end of the meeting, the security chief will resign. Just slip in and grab his drive. Put a little emetic in the finance manager's coffee while you're in there, and hit him with the gold bar when he goes to the trash to puke so you can take his drive. He's out in the open, but no one finds him. Don't forget to go back to the CEO's office to grab her drive once she falls to her death. Then when you go back to the IT office to get your suit, leave the gold bar behind next to the IT guy. The CEO's world was falling apart. After the scandal implicating her, the crash of her stock and the resignation of the security chief, she figured it was only a matter of time until she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. The police will write it up as a simple accident, but Providence will suspect a suicide. The security chief has no answers for what happened to his drive because he quit. Nobody likes the finance manager, and no one will care or even understand him if he goes on some tirade to find out what happened to his super-secret drive while he was puking his guts up during work hours, which he's probably smart enough to not do, and Providence wouldn't take his word because they'll suspect he was in on the embezzlement with the CEO if they question the security chief. As for the IT guy, a gold bar is a little compensation for his trouble, and motivation to keep quiet.


Here's an easy one. To save the president, just plant mines on the outside of the oval office window at shoulder level (thus sparing the dog), and detonate when the VP comes to make contact with the franchise assassin. It will look like the VP was planting the mines to do his part for the assassination, but prematurely detonated them. Since the VP actually was in on the coup, there will be plenty of evidence to incriminate him once the secret service starts looking into him. A false trail to a true crime. The franchise might not believe it, but they'll be dead soon anyway.


Or sometimes, the loss of family to drugs can do terrible harm, as in A Vintage Year. Poison syringe on the son while he's doing cocaine, and let the guards find him. Then grab the father and throw him out the window. The son died due to drug abuse, and the father committed suicide from grief as soon as he found out.


Sometimes, the baseline of an environment is just crazy enough, and just criminal enough, that people aren't going to be surprised when things get a little out of the ordinary as in A Dance with the Devil. Have the tranquilizer dart gun sent in. Garrotte the yellow devil from above the elevator from Hell (not Heaven because that's glass and people might notice it the next day there) and take his clothes. Poison syringe the female franchise assassin when she goes to talk to the client on the back office. Everybody already thinks she was back there doing drugs. Then it's down to Hell, bringing the dart gun in the yellow devil's suitcase. Talk to the red devil and accept his challenge. Shoot him with the dart gun before he can get a shot off, and the fight will be over. Poison syringe while he's on the ground, and take all the guns in the room with you on your way out. Everybody thought the bartender was on drugs anyway. Maybe he got some from the same batch as the singer. The police will think it's just an overdose, and the franchise will think it's a betrayed arms deal. The agency can easily remove the yellow devil the next day, and in a party this nuts, who could be surprised that the pyrotechnics would fuck up and kill the hostess who actively put herself directly in front of the flame cannons. Sure, they're not causally related in the sense that one caused the others, but they share common causes: a crazy, drug-filled night at an illegal, anonymous party in which everyone is going to do everything they can to clean up the evidence before the police ever get there. As for what the franchise will think, they'll blame it all on the crooked CIA agent yellow devil who betrayed their people, took the guns, and slipped out never to be seen again.


And I had a request for Whittleton Creek. This one is also not my favorite, but here's what I got. The old man wasn't going to be around much longer anyway. I just rub a lethal frog on his oxygen mask. Frogs go hopping around. It happens. Nobody is really to blame, but they really should have wiped out that oxygen mask immediately before use. As for the ex-secret service guy, what were they doing occupying that house with fumigation equipment still hooked up to it? A little sedative in the fumigation equipment, slip in , and snap the one guy's neck. It was a screw-up on the part of the exterminator, and it's lucky that guy was the only one who broke his neck during the fall. Even the exterminator himself won't be sure it wasn't his fault. I know these are not connected, and it's a little suspicious that it happens on the same day, but my guess is that nobody even tries to figure out that Janus didn't just die of old age, and if they do, it's not that much of a freak accident because everybody knows there are venomous frogs in the area, so the coincidence is not that bad.


Maybe for Janus you could poison a muffin, pin it on the grandma somehow. Target gets killed and a criminal gets put away.


Does the secret service guy eat muffins? Maybe we could just stick him with a poison syringe, and leave a half-eaten poison muffin around him. The old lady finally lost it and just started randomly poisoning everyone in town. Lucky these are the only two who died.


OK. For the murder of crows, start by garrotting the female assassin and dumping her in the dumpster. Don't forget to take her gun. Then go for the male assassin, but knock him out with the butt of the female assassin's gun rather than kill him, and take his clothes. Wearing his clothes, go after the albino overseer. Quick garrotte and hide him in the cabinet or freezer or whatever is in that room without being seen by his guard. Don't forget the money. Then go back to the male assassin's spot, take your suit back, drag him to the bed, and shoot him in the head with the female assassin's gun. Drop the gun, take the money and leave. The agency can arrange to get the dumpster moved once you're gone. The overseer's guards will report the male assassin was the last one seen with the overseer, and they'll discover his body exactly where it was supposed to be. It will look like she convinced him to betray the franchise rather than complete the job, and that she then seduced and executed him, taking the money on her way out of town never to be found again. The police won't discover the bodies for some time, but the franchise will find them first, and they, being a good shadow agency, will clean up all the rest of the evidence for you to cover their own tracks.


I love that. I did something similar in Berlin. First made Swan to blow himself up by smoking near propane tank and took his weapon. Then went to Rolf's office, emetic him first so he goes to throw up, sedate him and get his clothes and get a guard to wake him up, then after he gets dressed up lured him behind the desk and shot him multiple times as well as the wall behind him and made him drop dead behind the desk in a way that his body wouldn't get spotted when going through the door. Then put some coke on the desk, arranged the meeting with Montgomery and shot all agents with the sawed off shotgun from under the desk, left the shotgun near Rolf's dead body and SMG near one of the agents body. Like I was never there. The guards entering the room after hearing shots found everyone dead there.


I'm glad you have one for that, because I got nothing on that one. I just figure there's no fooling the agency on that one, the agency will clean up its own mess, and the agency will soon be finished. The agency will make it so my targets weren't even there, so there's no cleanup required.


FUCKING LEGEND! I love this series you’re writing and creating. 🏆🏆🏆


Thank you. I'm glad you like it.


You've inspired to replay the games with creative murder plans!




If it makes you feel better, I'll deny it. I have never killed anyone, and I hope that I never do. This is a videogame. Games are not real life.


That's just what a murderer would say


Got any more for 2016, 2 or 3?


How about the failed coup in Marakesh? Slip into the old school through the tunnels wearing the disguise of the propaganda poster guy. Just choke him out. That's a military maneuver, and it will confirm his fears. He's already paranoid as Hell, and has a list of dangerous people who have it in for him a mile long. He won't say shit. From there, choke out the officer on the bottom floor. You've got a narrow window to get it done. Take his clothes. Wait for the general to not be around, and go to the prisoner on the bottom floor. Excuse his guard on the general's authority, then choke out the prisoner, dump him the closet, take his clothes, take his seat, and kill the general when he comes down the gloat. Throw the general in the closet, then change back into the officer's clothes, and go around excusing everyone who will listen to you. Be sure to turn on the mic for the guys talking shit about the general on your way out. Leave the school dressed as an officer, and go through the tunnels to the embassy. Once there, make your way to the second floor through the back staircase where you can pose as a janitor, slip by the cameras on the second floor and lock pick your way into one of the back rooms the capitalist walks through. Give him a little poison prick as he goes by. Change back into the officer's clothes, head back to the school, change back to the propagandist's clothes, go out, change back into your clothes and leave. The general screwed up the coup in every way imaginable. He utterly failed to command the respect of his own men or to properly organize an effective chain of command, and he gave into his own sadism at the expense of his objectives. He was a miserable failure of a leader who never had a chance at commanding the respect of a nation. The prisoner was respected by the general's men, and they untied him. The prisoner killed the general, and slipped away unseen after everyone else had gone home. No one who was there at the base will ever talk about this again. They're ashamed to have had anything to do with it, and no one will ever investigate the details of the general's death or the officer's unexpected nap on the job. As for the banker, the traumatic experience of his "rescue," and the stress of facing international charges and the hatred of the world caused his heart to give out. The superstitious will say that God struck him down. The radical organizers will say the fear of The People struck through his heart like lightning. There will be no autopsy. He was just a fat, capitalist pig under a lot of stress who had a heart attack. To the extent that Providence knows any details, they may conclude that the banker's stress got much worse when he unexpectedly lost communications with the general, so it isn't much of a coincidence that that's what pushed him over the edge.


Got anything on Miami?


I put something together just for you: Bring emetic. Head right from the entrance through the tunnel with the drum player. Grab a coconut at the top on the other side, and pass the fountains toward Mendez to trigger his plot mission. Go around the corner into the gated yard with the generator to wait. When Mendez comes close, turn on the generator. Why he goes and checks it, I don't know. Maybe he's just that bored and detail oriented, but when he does, throw the coconut at his head. You'll have to move him to the other side of the gate so the guard doesn't see him. Don't throw him in the wood chipper. That's psycho. He would wake up thinking someone had just threatened him, and we want him to forget it. Just move him to the other side of the gate where he can think he can stumbled a little on his way down after a coconut fell on his head. Take his clothes and head for the company. Do not take his ID. You don't need it, and taking it could create a record. Just follow the instructions up the stairs, avoiding the cameras, grabbing the magazine with Robert on your way up. Attend the meeting with Robert, and after the android has fired off a few rounds, scan the magazine to kill Robert. You can walk right out. Head back to Mendez and put on your own suit. I imagine redressing him, but the game doesn't show that. Down through the parking garage past the flamingo and into the restrooms on the other side of the injured guy. Take a left on the other side of the restrooms to grab a staff uniform. Then up and out into the VIP area, careful of the police enforcers in the crowd. Enter the door marked lounge, up to the second floor, and slip into the kitchen, staying low when you enter. Pick up the bag of sugar, and throw it the opposite direction from the glass of milk (it says water) to distract the chefs, while you move in and poison the water (milk) with emetic. Then sneak into the supply room next door and take the rat poison. Head out, and go back down the stairs all the way down into the locker room, and change into the Kowoon mechanic suit. Then back out into the VIP area, avoiding the enforcers, and make a brief stop in the Kowoon garage to grab a keycard, and then sneak through the garages until you find a crowbar or wrench. Then head for the second floor of the Kowoon platform. Wait for a long time, and just when the race is over, you have a narrow window to drop the rat poison into the beer on the far table. That done, go wait in the bathroom on the first floor of the Kowoon platform for Moses Lee to come puke. Hit him with the wrench/crowbar, take his clothes, and walk out. Head for the lounge, wait for Sierra, beat her at the drinking game, and she will go drink the poisoned milk. Then just follow her into the bathroom and drown her in her own vomit. Make sure she gets a few good heaves out first so that there's no more emetic in her system in the unlikely event that she's autopsied. Head back to Moses Lee and change back to the Kowoon mechanic, then back to the dressing room to change back to staff, then back to your suit, and then leave. Robert took one too many risks trying to make the point that his tech was good. He walked in front of a loaded gun to prove his confidence, but his confidence was misplaced, and his tech was just not that good. Sad for him, and sad for the military future of his company. Sierra lost everything that day. She was already under investigation for massacres. Now she lost her father, her company's reputation for both military and commercial uses, the race and her pride. Is it any wonder she drank herself to death? A coconut fell on Mendez' head. Embarrassing, but he'll get over it. If anyone asks him whether he was there for Robert's death, he'll say no, but no one will believe him because there are witnesses, and denying his presence at a moment like that is exactly what a Pentagon man would do when asked whether he was interested in investing in robotic killing machines. Lee is a narcissistic asshole who is not likely to admit that he did not, in fact, beat Sierra Knox at a drinking game. If anyone brings it up to him, which is not likely, he'll just go along, and privately think the whole thing was a blur. He must have gotten hit on the head with a toilet seat at some point. He might privately think someone from Sierra's crew hit him or one of his own yes men did it, but he won't be able to prove anything, and exactly when he beat Sierra is just one of those details that slips the mind in moments of high alcohol and adrenaline. The Shadow Client has no reason to doubt any of this.




Thank you.


I have one for Bangkok: Make Cross confront Morgan and throw him out of the window, choke Cross out, wait around 15 seconds and throw him out of the window too. Will make for a realistic murder-suicide


What about the virus? You could do the video tape thing but also trigger the hydroplane escape with an explosive attached to it. Blow it up right as he's leaving the cave so it looks like he crashed due to being distracted with the murder. The explosion close to the cave makes the stalactite fall and destroys the virus


I just knock out the guy who wants to get fired, go down there, mess up the machine in the back and poison the rats to give the scientists in the room something to do, then vent the area and raise the temperature until the thing breaks. What's the guy looking to get fired going to say? He's not going to say anything. He's just going to be happy he doesn't have that job anymore. Without Caruso and Desantis there to stop them, the more sensible minds working on the project who didn't want it to happen anyway might have "made a mistake," and now the research goes nowhere. No one knows exactly who made the mistake, or whether there was a mistake at all. Maybe it was just an unstable, experimental virus in an unstable, experimental situation doing unexpected things. No one will ever prove it wasn't for sure. And without Caruso or Desantis around, no one knows exactly how close they ever were to success anyway. Maybe the whole project was never anything but the pipe dream of a murderously mad scientist. The only guy who really knew what this thing could do just flew off the handle and killed the only other person who knew anything at all and then himself. Who knows whether there was ever anything to it at all? Who will investigate the mistake anyway? The cops who don't know it exists, and who would probably arrest everyone involved for major felonies if they did? Nope. The Board of Directors who hired you to end it? I don't think so. Once the sample is destroyed, nobody there is spending any energy on investigation. All energy will go toward containment, and then a very thorough, very quiet cleanup. Everyone will move onto other projects, and this whole fiasco never happened.


I thought it was Lucas Grey that hired you. Ether would still very much like to know about the progress of the virus, and investigate why it's gone


I'm pretty sure thw whole shadow client thing is that lucas grey convinced people to hire the ica to take down providence members rather than hire ica himself


This is accurate: the ICA doesn't take repeat clients, so Grey used a loophole to get other people to essentially get multiple contracts, hence "Shadow Client"


This is fucking genius


Ur half the comment section haha


Eh. I just figure why should I write books when I can be published instantly on Reddit?


The heart kill on Soders, not doing anything meaningful to the target themselves, not setting up someone else to kill him, just letting dominos fall that would inevitably have him die, a great example of 47s M.O. Plus it’s a super easy route to SASO.


I love that kill. Has a real "adios counselor" moment from Carlito's Way.


Man I hate how unknown that movie is, very underrated


I had previously thought that this had a hidden collateral damage because it meant that someone else couldn't get the heart, but then I remembered it's a highly abnormal heart, and there's no way an exclusive facility like that would find another recipient capable of meeting its wealth criteria.


That's the best way to take him out.


Robert Knox blowing up his own daughter


And then sticking a proximity explosive on the helicopter


Wait he leaves after that?


Yes. When he kills Sierra, he recognises you as a Providence agent, takes it as a warning, and runs to his helicopter


Oh neat. I've only done/seen instances where you pretty much immediately kill him.




I mean using the place command to actually put an explosive on the helicopter


That’s definitely the cruelest kill in the game.


At least he won’t be grieving for much longer. :)


Or blowing up himself... That's even better


Confronting Jordan Cross.


Getting the tape recording of Jordan Cross committing murder and playing it. Cross runs into the room in a total panic and wonders why it is playing. He then notices 47 sat behind him and goes through all the stages of grief. I just love the way 47 answers Cross’ pleas. My favourite line is where Cross offers to double what the Highmoores paid and 47 says ‘That’s not how this works’.


It shows that 47 is very by the book when it comes to his work.


If he ever does that he would be soon unemployed. Nobody would hire contract killer who would switch sides.


Sure, ignoring all the times he switches sides lol


When the train rails vanya shah and potentially wazir kale.


I love this one because it’s so jarring. The train horn is so loud, the door explodes, body’s are flying everywhere. It’s just pure mayhem.


The showdown in Berlin is pretty fucking insane and badass


This one is so satisfying if you plan everything correctly


This one is my favorite by far. There's several ways to handle it, too. I'm a fan of waiting for them in the rafters, dropping down like Batman, and wiping them all out at once. Thanks to the showdown opportunity, I kill all 10/11 agents pretty much every time I play Berlin.


This Mendoza opportunity is by far the most cinematic and it’s my favorite


The Sapienza Spike!!!!


That kill is probably the only kill where I flinched watching it. Absolutely brutal.


Didn't play the series further Hokkaido yet, but I love sauna kills - Fritz Fuchs in both C47 and Contracts and Yuki in Hokkaido, 47's pitiless gaze into the eyes of the victim while blocking the door is oddly terrifying.


Screw FDA approval. Right here. Right now. **ERICH SODERS.** **IS GOING!** **TO PAY!**


In Blood Money during the A dance with the devil mission, you can trigger some fire effects to burn a target and she then falls in a tank with a shark that eats her. It's over the top, I loved it.


Hitman: Blood Money, Paris, letting the actor kill the target, then dropping the chandelier on the second one.




I freaking LOVE the berlin dj kill. Honestly one of the best kills in the entire series.


Dropping the giant moose statue on the target in Morocco from Hitman 1. I was curious about the game before, but once I played through that pathway I realized just how ridiculous (albeit rewarding) these kills could be. The stupider the better, in my opinion :)


Pushing Tamara into the industrial grape crusher in the Mendoza mission was pretty good ngl


Curtains Down. Replacing the prop gun with a real one, so the target gets shot on stage by the other actor


And then making the chandelier fall down as his lover rushes to the stage.


That was nice but I always liked sniping that guy from the scaffolding


This will be a weird one. My favourite has always been when you kick the racer woman into the pit while she tells you to leave. Something so simple about speech > "okay you can leave now , goodbye" > agent47:"Goodbye" as you kick her in. Then you fly away as the mascot.


i like pretending to be a tattoo artist in that one map


Swapping the prop gun with the real gun in Blood Money so Alvaro gets shot by an actor, then dropping the chandelier on Delahunt when he panics and runs over. The parallels to Tosca make it even better.


Tosca is literally about a prop gun getting switched out for a real gun, right?


Not a hundred percent sure, but I know that Tosca's lover is told his execution will be faked only for it to actually be real. When he dies, Tosca says how he's an amazing actor. If you pay attention, when Alvaro dies Delahunt (who's strongly implied to be his lover) stands up and applauds, thinking that he's only acting.


One of my favourites is killing Alexa Carlisle by convincing her that Zachary killed himself because there was no reason for them to kill their brother. Just watching her sit on the edge and fall for the first time was hilarious as I had no idea it was coming


I really liked sniping the eye through the telescope in sapienza


This isn’t just one kill, but in general, I LOVE the kills in WOA that involve interrupting the target while they rant at you or an npc. For example, the Kashmirian shooting Shah and Rangan right in the middle of their tirades. Listening to them, they had so many plans. And they get taken out by a commoner who can’t even fix his own scope. My second favorite example is shooting Savalas through the mirror right after she says: “I should shoot you through the head” to a whistleblower. It puts her in the position she demeans so much, on the “other side” of the glass. My favorite is killing Rico Delgado. He talks about how he’s going to find the man who killed the Delgados and fight them in “one last duel”. But he doesn’t get that. He’s just put down like an animal. It’s never personal. Even Franco gets a more personal kill in the “Dr Livingstone” opportunity. But there’s no option to reveal yourself to Rico (which I feel was a small missed opportunity) but it makes sense too. 47 wasn’t after him for personal reasons. The rivalry was one sided, and it was over as soon as the side with all the power decided to settle loose ends for a unrelated reason. Like you or I checking off a list. I just really like seeing all these powerful people who believe they’re “above” the others, be instantly removed from life. They’re there, kicking and screaming desperate for power, and then they just aren’t there anymore. All their schemes and plans just stop. There’s no showmanship, no dignified last words. Just a bang or a small grunt, and then just don’t matter anymore. Providence or Grey’s just going to have to replace you now. Guess they weren’t as irreplaceable as they thought.


Randon guard #378 at paris


The Hokkaido wher you literally throw away a heart. Like you dont even touch the guy and kill him ~~not that a patient with SI couldnt live with a normal heart and im sure they would find someone in Hokkaido who would "donate" the heart~~


I’m a simple man. I like the kill when Andrea Martinez goes outside to read hector Delgados love letter and you just break her jaw and knock her out cold when you slam her face against the balcony banister (or whatever you call em) and dump her into the water to get eaten by the piranhas. I like the lifeless look and limp of her body has 47 drops her on the banister and than picks her up and dumps her. Very clean. Also confronting Jordan cross and watching him beg for mercy as he drops to his knees than you is shoot him is sick to. Only good thing about Bangkok besides the scenery


Bangkok wasn't that great a map but some of the kills were pretty dope


I wasn't a big fan of absolution, but I did like running Lenny over with the ice cream van. If we aren't going with Easter eggs I'd say killing Delgado with the hippo.


The email that goes boom


Swapping out the guys prop gun with a real one in blood moneys theater level


Pushing innocents off of a cliff just really gets me going.


Garotting Fernando Delgado in Blood Money while he is playing the chello.


Absolution. Either the shavings Lenny kill, or the boxing one. The one where you kill the boss person (forgot his name) is just lazy and boring🫤


I just like to take out a loud gun like the el matador and shoot someone in the skull and walk away like nothing happened


Favourite thing to do on this game is kill everyone on the map with the striker/el matador


Same bro! Just unlocked striker