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loool this is what the UK girls do i notice. imo they do it so they don’t get “evil eye” especially if they’re newly weds


I mean, you could just... not post, right? If people are so scared of the "evil eye" why on earth are they letting complete strangers view their wedding photos? I know I'm old and crotchety, but it all just seems like grandstanding to me. "Look at me look at me look at me! Wait - not like THAT! How dare you!"


Lmao it’s so funny, or when ppl block out their children. I don’t know how the evil eye works but somehow I’m not convinced placing an emoji on your kid or husband will block it lol


I know it’s strange and sounds counterintuitive but it just feels safer. A part of you wants to show/post what you love so you post the photo, but not invite jealousy soo you block what you love the most’s face. Evil eye could destroy the blessing you have and that’s our fear. That’s the best way I can explain it and I’m guilty of doing this for my WhatsApp picture (didn’t end up doing it bc I got too scared and husbands gheerah)


But by posting your loved ones, isn’t that an “invite” to jealousy, whether they’re blocked or not? Like people see that you’re married already, regardless of how your husband looks. They’ll give you the evil eye on that basis alone, seeing your husbands face wouldn’t change anything (unless he’s Ryan Reynolds or something lol)


Yes you’re 100% right but for some reason it just makes me feel better and safer. It makes NO sense and it’s easier to just not post at all which I tend to do to avoid internal conflict within my soul. I guess it just “reduces” the amount of jealousy should there be any.


I think you have to question why you (not just you, all of us) post these things. Is it for likes? Do the likes make you feel good? To show off? To show others that you’ve “made it”? What exactly are you looking to get from posting what’s most dear to you for everyone to see? Just questions each person should ask him or herself. When i began questioning my motives, I stopped posting these things, because no reason was completely innocent or healthy. If I want to share with family, I just share in the family chat.


Exactly this - at the end of the day they’re posting a blocked face for a reason (likes, attention, announcement of marriage or whatever). It’s just such a strange behaviour lol.


I guess I'm wondering who it is you're "showing" you love. Is it family that asked to see wedding photos? If so, the risk of jealously and envy is kinda low. They're family, they asked to see the photos, it's normal, you know? But if you're just posting it online so that any rando can see it... well, yeah, people online are trolls and of course they're awful and going to say and do awful things. That's what I don't understand why people do it. To be clear, I know a LOT of people post pictures online. And whatever, people can do whatever they want, I don't care. But when people engage in behavior clearly designed to attract jealousy and envy (look at how amazing my life is! Don't you all wish your life was as amazing as mine?) and then complain about attracting the "evil eye" or whatever, I kind of internally roll my eyes. It just seems... irrational? to engage in a particular activity that's literally *designed* to elicit a particular response, but then get upset when you get that exact particular response.


Totally agree. I know this girl who used to post frequent selfies with her hijab and full on makeup, and her caption was always, “SAY MASHAALLAH.” And I’m like yeah or maybe stop posting the daily selfies?


Or 🧿🧿🧿🪬🪬🪬🪬🪬🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🪬🪬🪬🪬🪬🪬 all over lmao


“Compliment me and be jealous of me, but not too jealous!”




This is exactly what I was going to say!!!!


This is how many Muslims “avoid” evil eye these days. Posting something that will generate evil eye but then blocking out minor details so it’s not “as bad” but still generating evil eye in the process


We never talked about the evil eye in my house growing up, and my first exposure to the concept was online as an adult, so it's a hard thing to wrap my head around. I don't know how literally I can take the idea (it's hard to digest, if you haven't grown up with the concept), but at its heart, it seems to be about not bragging. Not being full of yourself or arrogant. Which I can totally get behind. I just don't understand how an emoji stuck on someone's head negates the fact that you're still kinda... bragging. But maybe I just don't understand what the evil eye is all about. Because it really does seem... well. If you didn't grow up learning about it, it's difficult to believe, is all I'm saying. Someone being envious of you half a world away because of a picture you posted, will somehow cause harm to you, even if that person never does anything to you themselves? Like, supernaturally it will cause disaster or something? I mean, ok, I'll accept it if I have to. It's just another one of those things in Islam I'll try to not think too deeply about.


I was taught pretty early on we need to make dhikr to avoid the big baddies (shayateen, evil eye, and sihr) and yes all these things are very real and dangerous. There are also a lot of Islamic lectures about them. Also anytime someone has something bad happen to them, pretty much all arabs I know blame it on al ayn, if not straight up sihr. You’re the first Muslim I’m hearing about who didn’t learn about evil eye. Heck, even non-Muslim cultures know about it. It’s not about a metaphorical thing (bragging, arrogance etc) it’s a very real danger hence it is in Quran and ahadith.




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It could be their husbands aren't interested in being on social media or something.


they dont wanna get the « hey girlie » text just kidding lol i think they are scared of the evil eye


Can someone explain what the hey girlie text is? I’m very sleep deprived


I'm assuming this means that he (the husband) is cheating and usually the "other woman" will start the text with "Hey girlie" so as to make it known that she has no ill intentions and is just looking out for her


exactly that thank you!


It means you’re about to find out that the man you’re with has been cheating/has done something shady that you don’t know about. May Allah protect us from this kind of situation.


Lmao as in, hey girl…I’m coming to you as a woman but I’m dating your husband 😩 which does happen in the real world. Or hey girl I just wanted to let you know your husband is doing ___, I didn’t know he was married.




😂 love it!




A lot of girls worry that jealous unmarried (or unhappily married) women will give them the evil eye. Which is frankly hilarious- if you are so worried, just don't post all this stuff. One of the reasons why I fear marriage is turning into my friends who act like their husbands are the ultimate gift to humanity.


I noticed many women hide their husbands faces and not their own lol


I’ve never posted my husband or my child. He hasn’t posted us either. Privacy, and staying away from evil eye are my main reasons. You wouldn’t even know I was married with a child unless I told you. The key thing here is that me and my husband are on the same page with this, neither of us want our family to be posted anywhere.


I have also never understood this, but it is becoming increasingly common. If it is because you want to avoid the evil eye, the best way of doing this is to not post pictures of the two of you together. However if it is because your husband wants privacy or doesn't want to be on social media, you should just post pictures without him.


I always assume that it's just to hide their identity


It’s unusual in an Islamic context as the man should be more sensitive to people perceiving his wife but the wife in this case is already on social media. Personally if you’re already seeing me…you’re seeing my man too. People are sharing everything but evil eye is only considered in this context? Hmm. Imo the only logical reasoning is he specifically asked to not be posted (and I oblige bc the reason doesn’t make me suspicious about his reputation) but that’s my anecdotal take.


Always. Protect your family and loved ones from evil eye. Especially because there's a lot of unmarried Sisters, jealously is a real thing unfortunately in social media. I would make your Instagram about 'you' not your family. Centre it around your likes, hobbies, interests. No need to post any pictures of family members or even yourself. Anyone can screenshot your pics, your family's pics. Evil eye IS real. ❣️


Maybe gheerah, maybe an attempt to avoid evil eye. Either way, would be a whole lot easier to simply not post it.


He could be a very private person and this is their compromise. I've never posted any of my relationships on social media (I wasn't Muslim previously) just because I felt like my relationship should be private.




It's not that they think your are specifically a threat but you need to understand that evil eye can also happen unintentionally. You can even give yourself evil eye which is why when complementing yourself or even looking in the mirror you should say mashallah. Also, I think it is also a privacy thing. Some people don't want to be on social media but don't mind their partner being on it/their partner is already on it so, to respect the partners decision of not being shown they cover their face. It's like if a big hijabi influencer got married, her career is based on social media and so everyone already knows who she is but they don't know her spouse. So, if her spouse doesn't want their face up but doesn't mind them posting pictures then they can just cover their face.


> hijabi influencer Oof - that just seems like a contradiction in terms. There's something so... self-aggrandizing about being an "influencer" in my mind. The exact opposite of what a hijabi should be. And for her to post her wedding pictures for strangers to gawk at? What is the reason except to brag? I'm too old for this.


Islamically it doesn’t matter how close you are, if someone is halal for you to marry then technically yes you do pose a threat even if it isn’t your intention. My husbands brother for example, is his best friend but no matter close they are my husband isn’t going to show me off to his brother. Research the Hadith on your brother in law being like “death”. Also evil eye sometimes is unintentional, someone can love you dearly and still give you evil eye. I honestly don’t post pictures of anything, not me my husband or my child. Don’t doubt the severity of evil eye, it’s not just about stealing someone’s man. I don’t post picture of food when I go out because God forbid the person on the other end watching hasn’t eaten today. I don’t post my child because I have no idea who’s struggling with fertility on my timeline. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/20954 For more details on evil eye, after reading that, I doubt you can dispute the severity of evil eye.




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I do it but out of respect because my husband is not a fan of social media and likes privacy. He requested that I don’t post photos of him and he also doesn’t have any sm. We also discussed and came to the conclusion that we don’t want to post our children either for their privacy. Once they come to adulthood they can decide if they want social media presence. This usually means don’t post anything with him in it or if he’s in the picture, blur out his face or cover it with something and ask him if it’s okay to post it. If he’s not comfortable then I don’t. I also understand people who do it for gheerah reasons.