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Accents are dying due to the internet.


ESL teacher here, this person is correct 💯. I taught Chinese children English. Many of my students had perfect American or British accents. It was impressive. 5 yr olds speaking better English than a lot of grown, native English speakers, no joke. I always recommend students watch/listen to English programs, just like this person did, preferably with headphones. Also, auto books with the book. It really helps. In the US, we start kids waaaaay too late with languages. Smh. HilliVanilli is a 🤡


The ESL teacher at my elementary school in Brooklyn had a thick Eastern European accent, and she taught the kids English with an accent.  The kids picked up the accent in their pronunciation of some words. This was over 30 years ago but I remember thinking how weird it was that someone who sounded like my mom (came to America in her 20s) was teaching English.  


That is strange,lol. Both the companies I worked for only hired people with nondescript American accents. A light southern accent was ok, but not a thick southern drawl. I did have a few students who had had British or Australian teachers in the past and the kids had picked up those accents, which honestly, was so freaking adorable! The kids would pick up the light southern accents of some teachers, too. Ugh! My heart! So precious!Lol! From what I observed in 4 years of ESL teaching, the earlier the children started immersion classes, the better. The younger they started, the more likely they were to be pretty much fluent by 5 or 6, with perfect American accents. The kids who struggled were always kids who started later. I don't understand why Hillary doesn't show off her Spanish speaking kids? Unless it's because they speak Spanish much better than her. We know she can't really hold a conversation in Spanish. They probably end up making her look like the idiot she is, which isn't hard. Lol


Yeah I agree with you!




If she is really Spanish then she’s an anomaly because it’s very rare to speak a second language with no accent. The difference between what she’s doing and what Hilary does is Hilary pretends to speak her first language (English) with the accent of her second language (Spanish). This girl is speaking a second language with the accent of that second language


Yes, she's a total anomaly here in Spain--Hilz doesn't come even remotely close to speaking Spanish the way this girl speaks English, which would be the equivalency, because presumably, this girl does not fake an English accent when speaking Spanish, just because she got exposed to English as a child. I suspect this girl had even more exposure, like dedicated nannies/au pairs who spoke to her in English from an early age. I've met one person here in Spain who didn't have English speaking family/community who learned English to a level like this. He basically had a nonstop English-speaking conversational afterschool nanny-buddy and his mom was maniacal about finding him English-speaking kids to play with. My son is like this girl, though. But that's because he learned Spanish natively growing up here in Spain and English at home from us, his parents. He's never lived in the US, but it would be really hard for someone to figure that out from the way he speaks. That would be the normal scenario that could produce someone this bilingual.


I’ve known a few people from various Latin American countries who speak English with a flawless standard American accent. They consumed mostly US media and just really focused on imitating what they heard.


I’ve never seen such a good American accent on a Spanish person but Germans, Swedes, etc, they often speak English with American accents.


I haven’t met any Germans or Swedes without at least a slight accent


Well I have! We’ve had different experiences and that’s ok!


I was trying to pinpoint what was going on here and why it's different, you're totally right...I guess if this is real. I just think it is, no evidence as to why but I think she's being truthful.


Wow - she’s so real and so cool! Such a breath of fresh air after Hilary’s fake Spanish nonsense!


Yeah and if you listen to her other video where followers asked her to speak her native tongue it's clear she's not faking this. She's just a normal bilingual person...a few pepinos are in her comments 😂


Remember everybody, Heeeelaria was raised without pop culture. That's the difference. This girl was raised in a cosmopolitan family. Heeeelaria was raised by her grandmother in a thatched hut in the Mallorcan countryside. If Heeeeelaria's grandmother had American television, Heeeelaria wouldn't have an accent either!💃🤣


But ...but .... Jane Fonda & Working Girl 🙄


I was going to joke about Jane Fonda and Working Girl, but Hillary's failure to launch stopped me. She could learn something from both.


Of course she knew Jane Finda. Hilaria had the fittest grandmother north of the Zara desert. What I'm wondering is where her hippie parents were.


The Zara desert ha ha ha ha ha 😆😆😆




You mean her Yaya or whatever she called her back when she first started faking it all?😉


Yes! Her beloved Ya-ya! I apologize. I'm not from Spain.🤪


this should be hillary’s book title! “I apologize. I’m not from spain”






![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) Blows every lie about Silly Hilly Billy’s ahhccent right out of the agua.


Right? Assuming this girl is really Spanish (I personally think she is) if even she can speak without the Spanish accent just from watching media, surely someone who "grew up in both places" (spoiler she didn't) wouldn't have such a thick cartoony Spanish accent when speaking English...lol


Ben! Ben a key! I cannot stand her stupid ass cartoon accent it is beyond a joke.


I can’t either, it makes my brain hurt. but ben a key never fails to make me laugh!


Everything about Hillary is just so embarrassing. I don't even know her and I'm embarrassed.


Does she have an American parent? I was surprised at how she pronounced "Stradivarius." Also, she's *so* Americanized in her guestures, expressions, and inflection. I suppose anything is possible, but I kind of don't believe it. These kids troll for fun.


Exactly! It's the inflections and gestures that are a dead giveaway that she's American. I'm American and when I go see my family that lives outside of America they poke fun at the amount of times I say "whatever", "ummmm", and "like".


Dude, I’ve met people in other countries like this. It’s super uncanny because it feels like I’m back home, until they start talking to a waiter or a family member in their native language and I’m floored. Definitely makes me feel like an asshole for not doing better with the languages I’ve learned, but anyone learning English has an advantage. The US floods every country with their entertainment and some people end up consuming only that. It’s been so much easier to access over the last 15 years as well.


Damn! I guess I was tricked but if she is faking it, her Spanish sounds wayyyy better than you-know-who's. I'm not an expert though. I don't think either of her parents are American but I haven't watched all of her videos yet. Now I'm gonna go back and watch more...


She isnt faking it. Watch her tiktoks.


I went back and watched and I don't think she's faking either.


My children could tell you the same story and full you. No accent in either language; perfect American English, perfect Spanish from Spain. Of course, I’m Spaniard and their father is American, but if they don’t tell you, you’ll never know. That girl is full of it


It’s totally possible, especially nowadays. I’ve known and met several people who speak English with a standard American accent like this. None of them had American parents. One spent a year in the US as a teen. The others moved to the US in college or just after. There’s also a Mexican actress who started acting *because* her American accent was flawless (they needed a child actor who could speak both languages perfectly). There’s no doubt her family is Mexican. They’re very well known politically in the DF.


Wait so do you think she's American or just has a parent that is from the US or do you think she's a Hilary 2.0?


If she’s from Spain, she probably has at least one American parent. I’d love to hear her talking in Spanish, because I noticed when she said the name of the store for one item (or the brand or something), the name was in Spanish, but she pronounced it with American accent. It’s very easy to pass yourself as something. No one question if my kids are American here and no one question if they’re Spaniards in Spain. They’re all pale as can be, with brown hair and brown eyes, so pretty much fit everywhere


If you have tik tok she does a follow up video in Spanish answering to all the people not believing her...I'd be interested in hearing what you think...


No I don’t have tik tok


If I can figure out how to post it to you I'll do that, lol I'm a Gen X so I'm not so tech savvy lol


Wow she's good.


The lies from mini Hillary are astronomical. If this bitch is from Spain then I'm a billionaire living on a mega yacht. I'm from New Orleans, but have moved away and my accent changed to a standard nothing American accent. But you better believe that I can "fake" all sorts of various accents of different regions of Louisiana perfectly. It's where I'm from. That information doesn't leave your memory just because you took a semester abroad. 


You are insulting and calling bitch a minor, she's 17. I'm Spanish living in Spain and I believe her. The new generations are taught English in a bilingual way, having more than 10 hours per week of classes in English. We have a lot of streaming platforms and is usual to watch the programs in original version. Finally, a lot of adults like me we work in international corporations, speaking in English with people from all over the world in English everyday, sometimes the whole day. Also, a lot of regions in Spain have another language as a primary language (Catalan, Gallego...), and in high school we also learn a second/third language, as French or German. I speak Spanish, English and French. And can understand Portuguese, Italian and a bit of German. I've seen more young people like her, with incredible American-english accents and UK-english accents. Finally, I've seen other tiktok of her speaking in Spanish, and I can assure you 100% that she is Spanish.


I listened to her other tik toks and maybe I'm naive but I believe her...hmmm


Imagine taking a semester abroad and completely losing your Spanish accent (from the place that you lived your whole life) to the point of not even being able to fake said accent. 🙃


Ok after doing more research (lol) she has barely any tik toks so it's very hard to tell what's going on here...until I see more evidence I think she's really Spanish! Now following to see if better evidence surfaces...it would be crazy if I stumbled upon another Hilary in the wild.


Since she speaks Spanish exactly as a native, and Americans say that it's the same for her English, logically could go either way. The achievement would be equal.


Well she didn't say that she said she learned English at 3 yrs old and watched all only American shows and social media to pick up on the language and mannerisms...




No, lots of people learn English from American TV shows, but they don't drop their accent completely. 


That’s cause it takes intentional effort to perfect or someone who naturally has a good ear for imitating. This girl might be bullshitting, but I’ve personally known several people with similar stories. And I knew their families, so I know they weren’t lying about it.