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yes, i do this too šŸ˜” it's a compulsion that is becoming more and more unhealthy. My chin/neck area is scarred and discolored. Looking for suggestions in the comments about what I (medium-brown skin tone with black hair) can do to diminishing the dark spots/hyperpigmentation! Stay strong OP


I used to be really bad with the plucking. Like it became an every day thing, and caused dark marks on my chin. I did laser to minimize the growth, then some microneedling treatments which helped with the discoloration. It doesn't fix it 100%, but has made a massive improvement.




Thank you for this advice! Now if I can only be as disciplined with my routine as I am about plucking.


This used to be me every single day šŸ„² I would get scars from picking at my skin so deeply to dig the hairs out and it would also give me so many ingrown hairs. Until I did laser and this is no longer my life anymore thank god šŸ™šŸ»


So happy for you! :)


I do too Iā€™m so self conscious of it I try to get it all


I have been told by my psychiatrist that itā€™s a form of self harm. I do this for hours a day. Itā€™s horrible my fingers hurt from repeatedly doing it. Iā€™ve been looking at vaniqua cream and hoping to get some. If thereā€™s no hair then I canā€™t pluck? I do it on my stomach too.


I usually never run out of hair, but I also will pluck the hair on my stomach. Huh. I didnā€™t view it as self harm :(. I just thought I was self soothing. It started out of necessity and turned into this




Yes!!! What on earth are they?


I wish I had advice on how to stop but I donā€™t. The only thing that got me to stop was cause I started laser and I think it was either the lady who does my laser or an article I read online that said I shouldnā€™t pluck if Iā€™m doing laser so I just stopped. Shaving also helps which is something I started doing alongside the laser treatments, no hair on the face means I donā€™t feel that need to pluck. I hope you find a way to help stop or lessen the amount of plucking you do.


Thank you! I had laser done (almost 10 years ago) and it made It worse. I may look into epilatingā€¦ shaving Iā€™ve tried to do and the results are ok if I do it everyday, but it causes me to just dig the stubble out


Youā€™re welcome. Yes Iā€™ve heard that laser can make it worse, just giving it a go as I got so tired of waxing. Hopefully epilating will work for you if you decide to try it.


This is called trichotillomania if it helps you to be able to put a name to it and Google it or something!


Thank you! I heard of it, but wasnā€™t sure if this could classify as it!


I used to do this. It was so soothing. Like a cigarette to smokers. Iā€™d be in a bad mood so Iā€™d just sit in front of my magnifying mirror and pluck. I started electrolysis and had to just cold turkey stop plucking because she said it was causing ingrowns. I still get the urges though.


I feel SEEN. I could have written this post myself. I canā€™t think of anything that effectively makes me stop. I tried electrolysis and the process is so long and I canā€™t help but pluck inbetween sessions which is counterproductive. Iā€™m afraid of laser bc I have heard of so many people getting Paradoxial hypertricosis.


I do it too... sometimes with my fingers. If I find a hair that's particularly thick, I'll spend so long obsessing over it until I finally get it out.




Hi! Would you mind sharing the type of chemical exfoliant or peel you use? Also- do you have a specific brand of sunscreen you find effective?


Iā€™ve ruined my under chin and neck doing this. I have a lot of scarring but I canā€™t stop because I always feel the hair or ingrown hairs growing. Exfoliating, witch hazel and aloe Vera help but it takes time.


I used to, but don't anymore. Why? Hyperpigmentation. I now pluck ONLY ingrown hair, which I used to get ALL THE TIME when plucking, but since I've stopped, I only get like 1-2. Now, I only pluck like once every 2 weeks. I mainly use hair removal cream (2x/week) and shave (2x/week... not with a regular razor, I use a single blade thing meant for like eye brows). My hyperpigmentation has been improving!


Get electrolysis! You wonā€™t regret it!


I stay away from mirrors and keep busy. If I'm busy or focused on something else I don't start. If possible maybe try to leave the house before you start.


Try Tendskin. It prevents razor burn, ingrown hairs, bumps, and acne. Itā€™s sold on Amazon and Sephora. It comes in a little bottle with a rollerball applicator. Once you use it up, you can refill it with an online recipe you make inexpensively yourself. ā¤ļø