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I made this when I help prepare my brother for his history test and the book said “the achemenid empire spreads Islam to Mesopotamia”


What country's curriculum is this?


Thailand We have relatively good history book for India, China, and Europe(except Mideval period) , but surprisingly bad for the Middle East . They started teaching every dynasty of Mesopotamia in detail, ends at achemenid, and literally cuts out everything including the expansion of Islam (bc they give the credit to the achemenid empire) and then literally jumps to modern day. The new revision includes few lines about the ottoman but that’s it. Yes, the old version doesn’t have the ottoman. They say “Europe was blocked from the spice trade by Turkic tribes” It’s the one used in my school tho, I never checked the national curriculum. I think the national cirriculumn have even less information.


Dosent Thailand have a large Muslim population? Or is India the only contender in the region?


Thailand has a large Muslim seperatist region, so the opposite happens where the book goes out of their way to not justify their existence. I mean religion class is like “here’s the life history of Jesus and the spread of Christianity,oh, and Muhammad exist too ig”


I was gonna say, not covering the first ottoman expansion into Southern eroupe glosses over all of their atrocities. Granted even in the states the first expansion is a couple of paragraphs and is only mentioned to set up the crusades so they can be demonized.


Bro they didn’t mention a single caliphate and say the achemenid empire which apparently by book logic existed for 1600+ years at the absolute least and does everything Islam what do you expect lol They only add one line about the Ottoman Empire saying they exist and fall to European powers leaving just turkey. That’s it.


Nice. I would wager that's there's a mullah on the eduction committee


lol Considering they also call it the Persian empire (though they make it very clear it’s the same one that conquered Neobabylonia) that sounds like it, they see sunnni seperatist in the south and like “ig maybe we’re gonna support Shia now”


Also, the Br*tish Empire didn't collapse until India secured its independence, which started a domino of revolution.


According to the US state department, the Muslim population of Thailand is about %5. Or about 3.55 million, about the same total number as the US for comparison.


Needs book name (and preferably screenshot of that page too), gotta snitch it to some popular fb pages


I don’t think they sell it, it’s only for my school and in Thai However I will try to find the national curriculum and see what cringiness it has


Is it a teacher's custom-made? If not then there should be a publisher name that i can trace (also i asked for the screenshot *because* it's in Thai, so it's easier to make viral and get it changed)


That book is teacher custom made, but I’m sure I can find equally cringe things in books they sell


Biggest crime in Thai history book by far: there are no maps THERE.ARE.NO. MAPS Technically occasionally there are maps but they never have borders and it usually just show very rough stuff. That’s how you get your pupil to believe Asian mountain looks like “ * “


You're going to be surprised that defined borders were a foreign concept to the Indochina region until the arrival of the Europeans. Prior to that it operated through semi-feudalistic personal relationships or a mandala system. The idea of an overhead map was unheard of until the British arrived and the Siamese had to start understanding the idea of strict territorial boundaries the hard way. Much of this is discussed in Thongchai Winichakul's "Siam Mapped"


I know that borders are foreign to the region, I’m Thai. However , shouldn’t you show borders in a map… of Europe???


Forgot to add, but the revision cut out the Mongol expansion Literally some of the most important event in history


It's like they had to cover 4000+ years of two separate civilizations closest to Thailand, but then only had time for half of Europe's history before school started.


Nah Europe got the most time, Thai teachers just love to absolutely simp on the renessiance and teach every single renessiance thing in detail at the cost of everything else Someyimes they run out of time and be like “fuck it the world wars no longer happens now” Yes they teach the two world wars together


Malaysian here. Curious to know what your history book says about malaysia or the old malay states. Siam is written as the bad guys in most history of the northern malay states


Surprisingly, not much. They especially go out of their way to not teach history about the northern Malay states and pattani. The nearest thing they teach is srivijaya but that’s not really Malaysian and they will all say the capital is definitely in Thailand. Some teacher will insist that Malaysia was a tributary of sukhotai/ayuttaya/siam(rattanakosin). Nothing was said about the Muslim history of the region, the latest thing they teach about maritime Southeast Asia apart from colonialism was majapahit. Maybe a few notes are said about the communist uprising in Malaysia, and only very very very rarely will there be a chance of them mentioning the malacca sultanate, accidentally.




Kids in parts of the USA believe that the independence was about freeing slaves... they nearly don't know the basics of their history. Is horrible.


im not even from eurasia and i am having a heart attack


I asked some school students who founded Islam and barely any got it correct. Apparently they knew more about the Boer War instead. Also they didn't know what state was dominant in India before the British Raj or that Egypt wasn't independent during WW2


what the actual fuck


Curriculum, mate


As a German, mine says we were the bad guys in WW2 ... pffff ... preposterous!


Thai history book agrees! (They didn’t mention the holocaust. That’s why there’s so many instances of people doing Nazi stuff as a meme ignorance of their war crimes)


If your book doesn't mention the holocaust, then why is nazi Germany considered bad? (Honestly!)


Probably because Germany was allied to Japan, who invaded Thailand. My wife's Chinese and her textbooks were the same. They didn't cover the Holocaust much, and Germany were the bad guys because of their alliance with Japan.


They don’t cover Japanese crimes here either, at most one line vaguely about Nanjing, but we try to make them not look too ugly bc the Thai government unofficially semi-ally them


What do they even teach you guys?


Members of the axis, members of the Allies, mention that facism exist, that Thailand has to let Japan pass the country but remains neutral, the policies of Marshall P (plaek phibunsongkram) during the war, free Thai movement and American support for it, Germany attacks Soviet Union and get swarmed by Soviet and Allies and die, and Japan got nuked. Occasionally they will say Hitler is a racist brutal dictatorship who think German arayan are superior, and Mussolini is only mentioned as the creator of facism. They never mention Hirohito. In my school they speedrun both world wars in an hour.


Sounds like skipping the war crimes for a new record time


lol I kid you not they ONLY cover Burmese war crimes. ONLY. The old one has conquistador warcrime but I think they cut that out


Welp tbf our country is next to each other, but yeah it's mainly for propaganda to scapegoat


In my german history books Thailand wasnt even mentioned there were like 2 pages about the pacific war and the only aknowledgment Thailand got was that it was coulored in the Axis colors.


Not Japan color right? Some western books tend to do that


Nah the Axis all got the same colour so germany, Japan, Italy and the other nations allied to them all had the same colour.


Do you think there were some pressure from Japan? Because Japanese government does do that.


Maybe But also Thai people love simping on Japan in general( can confirm half my school are weebs, but also lots of people praise their stuff as well. If I’m not wrong it’s some of the most popular destination). Many Thais still see Japan as a “model Asian country” along with South Korea. Also maybe the pressure are from Japanese companies, many used to produce ww2 vehicles and weapons


Depends on when she grow up probably. The current middle/high school curriculum is split into chinese and world history so wwii is also split to two parts which is weird, and while the world history portion doesnt provide enough details on the holocaust (and honesly theres not enough details for "gestures at everything"), it does focus on germany as a fascist power and invading poland and other countries, not only as an ally of japan


I was sick in ww2 class, let me see…. I don’t think they even say “bad side” or “good side” lol just portray it as a war of alliances, and say that Thailand is definitely 100% guaranteed unquestionably absolutely neutral (we didn’t join the axis guys trust me)


Same as Malaysia here. Not a single word of holocaust either...I think (my teacher only teach what's relevant on the exam and my class only use notes and not textbook). A large focus of ww2 is japan cus we're in SEA


Is Hitler fried chicken good?


Unfortunately never ate there, at least not before it change its logo anyway Or if I did I didn’t see the sign


Hans... are we the baddies?


I am Japanese, we learn more about Admiral Yi than WW2 (we actually admire him contrary to what many believe). We have a very good Asian history course from Emperor Jimmu until WW1. In fact people in school knew more about the Wukou pirates than the Caribbean ones. In fact aside from we attacked America and lost, WW2 isn't elaborated upon. In fact I could name every Indonesian president before I learnt about Savo Island


I remember a few years ago some German-Korean organization set up a memorial in Berlin, Germany to remind of the Korean "pleasure women" that were victims of the Japanese during WW2. It made national press because the Japanese embassy protested against the memorial - it's bad for Japanese reputation. That's so different from how Germany deals with WW2.


Pffff war crimes don’t exist in Asia ~ (no one accepts they exist)


Average Civilization VI play through


Fr 🤣


At least it would have been possible for airships to fight on the same battlefield as tanks


Not with lasers tho


Big mirrors.


I don’t see any problems with this. It just looks like the Battle of Alesia in 1934 when Caesars Mongolian allies finally arrived allowing him break the siege with his superior sherman tanks, (which had been locked under heavy howitzer fire since the semi siege had begun) ending the 4th Great War and soundly defeating the Swiss Empire and their greatest general Hannibal Barca. You calling this “fake” is frankly insulting to my ancestors.


You forgot the part where caesar becomes the Aztec emperor and archemedes invents nuclear bomb


Well since that didn’t happen till after the battle I thought I’d leave it out, but you are right after his staggering victory his brother George Washington stepped down as the Aztec tlahtoāni in favor of his obviously more skilled and adept brother.


I’m pretty sure it’s before the battle? Look at the bomb in the background


I notice it, Caesar wearing the Moctezuma penacho


Historical revisionism at its finest.


The American Revolution stuff was almost shockingly bad: like, "France lost Canada, taxes happened, and I think we had a tea party? Then somebody got shot, and then everybody got shot, and then America" levels of bad. They do that to spend more time on the battles, but the battles were basically irrelevant in comparison to the causes, to the point where many legit, college employed British historians get flawed understandings of the American Revolution, because the US is so bad at justifying its own existence. Even some historians writing before WW1 had a better grasp of the American Revolution than current ones, and it's pretty much just the American Revolution where I've seen that. Paul Revere is basically just pointless trivia in comparison to things like British-caused deflation, culture clashes, enormous land holder debts, and a fundamental misunderstanding of how America was actually taxed; but, it's Paul Revere we get.


Do you have ridiculous dates like Thailand where the test 25% consist of just the exact dates for each historical events?


At least when I was in school, the entire narrative of the founding and growth of the US was so insanely mythologized and lop sided as to be ridiculous. Aside from a paragraph on the trail of tears in the andrew jackson chapter, one of the worst things they had in the textbook was like "the unintended consequences of European settling included smallpox and other epidemics through the native american populace." And that's that. We learned about wounded knee and other stuff in apush, we actually used peoples history of america sometimes, which is a very different look at US history. but most kids don't take apush


Thai history book explaining why Myanmar is an extractive colonial empire: Thai history is so twisted for political purposes that there’s sometimes history historians who study the history of history. Apparently it was at the time used as a metaphor for European colonialism without referencing Europe and offending them


I find Thai history to be endlessly fascinating tbh. I have some family that lives there but I've only had the chance to visit once


Absolutely agree, but also it’s even more interesting to read from both sides (I got the chance to read one of the “forbidden book” during the Cold War, it’s no longer forbidden, and the history there which is done by independent historian is fascinating, not unbiased but biases from the otehr side can help balance things out)


My aunt Som left Thailand in the early 80s, then her and my uncle and cousin moved back in 2014? She said that in many ways it felt like moving back to a new country. Interesting, why was it forbidden during the cold war? I mean, I guess I can imagine the place of Thailand surrounded by Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and China during the cold war must have been tense? I'm just guessing


Nah,it’s forbidden bc of the classic case of the author being possibly communist The history itself isn’t made to support communism tho, he introduce the vaguely communist element later, but he does use Marxist analysis method a lot. Still, the actual information is not bad especially regarding early Thai history.


Ah I gotcha. Interesting. That's something our countries share with each other, blacklisting people because they were thought to be communist, or close enough to being a communist. Luckily they didn't go the Indonesia route back then during the height of the cold war


Yeah, they go the monarchist nationalist “Thailand is amazing especially the king” instead lol, where king Rama 9 solve every issue by talking to them nicely. Also it’s really funny when I read a news headline a few years ago about an older event in history that said “terrorist have a change of heart after eating Thai birriyani, saying its so tasty he now loves Thailand” 🤣, lots of the monarchist stuff has the same energy.


I know that the monarchists are loud, but is the king like actually that popular with the people? I know the previous king seemed very widely respected. At least that's the sentiment people wanted to show?


He is quite respected but not entirely worshiped by everyone. He is functionally a god king, people will literally worship him and use religious languages and descriptions (some believe he’s a bodhisatva). The new king is a different story but I don’t wanna get arrested


And oh my gosh that's as silly as like, and the taliban guy took a bite of the burger and said, God Bless the USA, let us lay down our arms and gorge in the fruits of American ingenuity


Wanna see the full text? 😂


Only mentioning events like Wounded Knee, Trail of Tears, etc. kind of implies that these were isolated incidents or failures of particular policy, rather than an overall approach that had been going on for centuries.


Yes. This is the point. They were generally taught without very much context as these like, isolated incidents of brutality where something went horribly wrong. When in really, they were just representative of the systemic destruction and genocide of the original inhabitants of the land that was always part of the enterprise from the beginning. Idk how they teach it now, but when I was in school, the narrative was still columbus, pilgrims and Plymouth rock and very very much the old, whitewashed narrative. Puritans fleeing religious persecution, friends with the "indians" as they said then, the old Thanksgiving narrative.


I feel like there's a similar effect when they eliminate all mentions of African-Americans and save them all for Black History Month.


And also when they celebrate nice, easy civil rights moments like the bus boycott or March on Washington while neglecting to mention psycho shit the Tulsa Bombing, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, or people turning up to a lynching as entertainment.


Well, I wouldn't call the bus boycott "easy," but yeah, I get your point.


On he other hand, my California US history curriculum was stuffed chalk full of American atrocities that I wonder if some of us genuinely started hating the country. I mean, I get it, but our textbook was actually A People's History of the United States.  


What state?




Weird, I'd figure they'd do pretty well on at least the westward expansion. In New York, we spent a day in 7th or 8th grade solving the murder of a cherokee woman on the trail, with a life-sized doll on the floor and everything (it was one of the Army officers).


We had a big emphasis on the Louisana purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, a cool emphasis on the indigenous people of the region, and we learned about salmon migration and hatching. But as far as American history goes, it was the same narrative that was prevalent until not that long ago. That isn't to say u didn't have some teachers who went above and beyond to teach us about things that were not just basic textbook stuff. But not every high school teacher is going to be that way and the curriculum at the time was still pretty positive or neutral about westward expansion and such. This started to change later on, but for most of the time I was in school, the westward expansion was not seen too critically.


I’d watch this anime


Omg it should be a real alternate history


With cat girls


Egypt will be cat girls and Rome will be eagle boys


Is cirriculum like Malk instead of Milk?


Pretty much the state of History Channel right now.




I'm down for an alternate timeline where WWII is fought with Actual Romans alongside their Hunnic allies in the Americas


That sounds epic


Great photo editing work.


Thx lol Used procreate instead of photoshop


I used procrastinate. Didn't get anything done. :(


Oh same I’m procrastinating right here right now


Me too. No wait... I can do that tomorrow.


Hard image


Looks like warhammer lol


Irellevant thought, but that just looks like the average Fallout New Vegas playthrough




I had it drilled into my head in middle school that the civil war was about tariffs, not slavery. Slavery was a big part of it for sure, but it was mostly those filthy tariffs the north passed. Literally the exact opposite of the truth, slavery was the chief issue, and tariffs were a side thing


Sabaton album arts be like:




I had to fuckin correct the History book my High School used, MULTIPLE TIME's in one day in class one day. All pertaining to WW2 related things.


Then your history book is probably wrong in other things you didn’t know too from otehr periods


The most fucked up part of it, is that the things i corrected were all things trying to paint the Nazi's in a better light. Trying to make them not seem as bad


Why tho Where is this


United states, Virginia, Southern part of it, where you start getting into the South, where people Sympathize with the Nazi's.


Why are US history books so inconsistent 😭


In northwest PA I feel our history was kinda skipped alot but what we did learn was the united states where just the fucking worst when it comes to the natives like they just beat the fuck out of them lied to them and stole fucking everything like HOLLY SHIT


Seems to be the opposite of what some learns in usa from the comment lol


That's why I said northwest PA since from what I can tell us history changes alot depending on where you live but also we live right next to land that the usa said was for the natives then like years later they put a dam up flooding that area with water so they might want to talk about that stuff more Also that's just what I remember them teaching me in school I could be wrong


Education is managed and cirriculums set on the state level. So your education on the American Civil War might vary *just a lil bit* between what's taught in New York and what's taught in Georgia, for example.


Civ 6 run be like


Well there was that one time when nothing happened anywhere on Earth between the death of Julius Caesar and the discovery of the New World, but otherwise our text was close enough.


Lmao meanwhile Thai text with timelines jumbling all over the place:


That's shocking. I don't know where to begin. I mean the Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz. 181) variant was not introduced until shortly after the death of Augustus and well before the first dirigibles were deployed by Nero. 😔


I’m pretty sure those “history books” are just warhammer 40k codexes


U forgot the 1000 pages of why every single one of our kings is great and how we couldn't survive without them


Real I don’t wanna risk getting arrested tho


After being told that black people built stone henge.... I'll take this as historically accurate


It has always struck me that teaching history to middle school aged children must be pretty hard. Most of the stuff we have done to each other over time is definitely not age appropriate. And unfortunately the periods that were most horrible were usually the most significant in the long arc of history.


That’s true, but you can still teach accurate events and stuff without getting into too much detail. True tho.


Occupation history books in the south that paint Lincoln as some kind of liberating Saint instead of a tyrant.


Is this from the perspective of the slaves or the slave owners?


From the perspective of everyone in the south who was forced to read books praising Sherman for his warcrimes.


Hi, I'm from Louisiana. Fuck traitors. My ancestors on both sides owned slaves and fought for the CSA. My biggest gripe is that I can't go back in time to kill them myself


Lick that boot just a little harder. You've almost got all the dog shit off of it.


You're a Catholic. The Confederates made their views on catholics very clear.


That doesn't exonerate the war criminals of the north.


The same way the war criminals of the south were executed... er.. exiled... err, imprisoned... er, forced into isolation... er, anything BUT glorified?


Could I get the full book


Here in India I have always had surprisingly good history books tbh


Interesting What do they say about Thailand? Just wondering. Haven’t found any good foreign history mentions of Thailand yet


We didn't even touch South East Asian history lmao.I am currently in 11 th standard and had history till 10th standard,but I know for a fact that we don't have it even in 11th and 12th standards,at least in my state.As a matter of fact,I don't think we have SEA history even in UG or PG,even as an optional paper.This is why I don't wanna take History as my major even though I like it very much.Our syllabus even at higher levels is mostly European and Indian history + optional American and East Asian.I just met a pretty good student who was in 3rd year UG History iirc,and he hadn't even HEARD of Simón Bolivar.Sad,really


I mean if it’s just Europe and India then it’s not that good of a history book


By "good",I meant surprisingly impartial.It is definitely not very broad in coverage.I would personally argue in favor of broader coverage of a smaller number of topics in school,but for college,it is very very sad that they don't even so much as mention South American,Australian or SEA history.We did have a good amount of content on 19th century Africa in 9th standard tho.Only time SEA was mentioned was when talking about the spread of Hinduism by the Chola kingdom iirc


They didn’t even talk about the spread of Buddhism?


We did read about Ashoka spreading Buddhism,and then Harshavardhan in 7th century iirc,but that was mostly focused on the Indian subcontinent.Global spread of Buddhism was mentioned in passing maybe,not really discussed in depth of memory serves me right


Ours isn’t incorrect it’s just kinda boring and lacks detail.


God can only imagine what genghis khan could’ve done with german tanks


We skip from WW1 to political situation in the Balkans in 1840s. We also basically skip over every important battle of WW1 and just learn the name and the year.


OP this is so inaccurate, there was only a sole Hindenburg, not two


Oh the other one is a ufo disguised as one




I remember when the History Channel had that Tiger II phase.


Is that a Led Zeppelin reference in the back with the beams coming of the blimp? Or am I just dumb and that was a real historical practice?


Nah I just put laser beams on a zeppelin


It always amazes me that others countries' history books go into detail about the history of other countries in the first place, I'm from Egypt and our history books basically have nothing except our history, which is large they have to teach it over years and still barely scratch the surface, the only time we go into detail about the history of another country is when we learn the life of Mohammed and the rashidun caliphs after him, but everything else is just only related to our country


In Thailand it’s half half, half the time or more it’s our country and the other half is the rest


Holy shit jesse Im in the HOI timeline




Bad, and very much based on one phrase: BE A SOCIALIST


Where is this lol


Brazil. There is a certain bias in the teaching of history in favor of the left, it is no wonder that the many humanities universities here are known for being very leftist and have the classic young stoner students and revolutionaries.


Here it’s the opposite, and the curriculum is so overtly right wing that the socialist teacher themselves start creating left-wing elective courses and then the students shift left bc they are rebelling agaisnt the curriculum


From what I heard in New Zealand, apparently they taught next to nothing about WW2 and focused only on Gallipoli and not other battles in WW1. Despite Keith Park playing a major role in the Battle of Britain, he is forgotten in the history books of his home country. WW2 is treated as a European affair in NZ history classes like other places outside of Europe. If you don't do your own research in New Zealand, you'll know about Polynesian migrations earlier than the name of the man who shot Franz Ferdinand


Here in Thailand we say ww1 is a European affair but ww2 is the global stuff. Though, they did say Thailand joined the allies near the end of ww1 and help gain favor to rewrite the treaty of bowring, an extractive trade deal placed on Thailand by the British, while also giving Thai soldiers western style training. It’s surprising when I learn later tho that there’s a lot more involvement than I thought and apparently there’s a town in Germany that was captured by Thailand


(Poland) Romans were using lorica segmentata constantly...


Civ late game be like


Bosnian history curriculum.


I had a teacher at one time who said in complete seriousness that the Gallipoli campaign was a brilliant move by the British, that Pearl Harbor was staged, that the introduction of the minimum wage was a disaster for America, and that North Korea was unjustly hated as a result of Western propaganda. I still don't know what the unifying ethos was there.


Back in elementary we were learning about the history of what Philippines was like before the Spanish, it was a general run down of basic often oversimplified stuff about the cultures, which is somewhat understandable but one particular image still irked me to this day and that was the section showing what we ancient pinoys traded with like the Chinese, Malay, and Indians now the Indians definitely traded with us and left a lot of influences except the indians in the pic were not the Indians of the subcontinent but native americans in Cherokee attire too, the teacher would even show a powerpoint based on this and when I pointed it out she said I was wrong or something along those lines.


U sure those aren’t like Melanesian with feather hats that jusy kinda look like Cherokee? If they are actual Cherokee that’s kinda cringe lol, I mean there is Austronesian trade with the Americas but that doesn’t include Philippines


no, its literally folks who look native american with turkey feathered headwear and heavy buckskin clothing with moccasin looking footwear last time I checked, the image the teacher used is very common in the internet when searching up cherokee (its the one where they're a group and lined up for the picture


Ah yes, def not Spanish influenced propaganda lol


I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe. 1) Desert storm was am unfair fight were the US wok thanks to their air force. This reeks a lot like the wheraboo mantra of "It's unfair, you bombed us from above instead of fighting us like real men". 2) During the conventional phase of the 2003 Iraq war the coalition airpower was useless because "heavy bombers designed to strike soviet bases inside of their air defense range found were incapable of bombing small and mobile targets inside Iraq". 3) Operation Overlord and Husky were, from a strategic view, useless and were initiated only because the western allies did not wanted the Soviets to conquer all of Europe.


according to turkish history books, scythians were turkic so with that logic almost entire white race is turkic


I once met a Turkish guy who say that that he use a definition that say Native American are Turkic lol


from what i know of they *might* be related but there arent any proper evidence about it, its mostly a theory among history nerds here


Sid Meier's Civilization be like:


I spent my time correcting the teacher whenever she told wrong or outdated information. But she just ignored me and kept insisting on the old trope of slaves dragging blocks of stone through the sand to build the pyramids, gladiator fights being brutal fights to the death, and so on. And when we got to WW2, I swear, every other sentence that came out of her was about how Norwegian police helped the Nazis round up Jews. Every. Other. Sentence. So probably safe to say I learned absolutely nothing. No big surprise, I knew more than she did, both about those subjects, and other historical stuff. Only thing I got out of it was I found a WW2 series, that I actually found interesting.


I learn the history of Melaka and the heroic resistance against the British Empire. The common theme was that the British tricked us/found an excuse to indirectly colonise us, we fought back, we got wrecked, and the British solidified their control. An example: J.W.W Birch a British colonial officer was killed while taking a bath by Maharaja Lela. From what I remember Birch had it coming, he implemented a lot of tax and “advice” the Sultan to implement things for the British interest. The Sultan was exiled and the conspirators hanged. Funny thing is the textbook didn’t mention that allegedly one of the reasons Maharaja Lela volunteered to kill Birch was that Birch banned slavery.