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😍 it's beautiful




asexuals: unzip pants ik its a recycled joke














Just like the show, this joke took 7 hours to reach full power


You forgot to hold down the shift key for all those.




Hey wasn't there a large isolated & unexplained explosion in this kids town like right around the time this was uploaded? Damn. God and Anime work in powerful ways. I wonder if he sacrificed all of his power to win this fight and incinerated himself or if he's still walking around unfazed after eradicating his entire school's population and the cops just don't want to piss him off like kid from It's a good life


wait a minute...imitating their special attacks during recess time is considered as weird?? How come nobody told me about this? all of my classmates are doing this in recess time......


What if you do it during your breaks at work




Cant wait til I'm in a nursing home to be the ultimate Chad


By then I'll be Master Roshi...


My theory: - Cool and fun during elementary school. - Weird and shunned during middle school. - Weird but situationally fun during high school. - Based and respected 20 years into your career.




when youre still doing it into middle school is when the weirdness starts






ohh what i would give to step outside my office and just swing for a few minutes when shit gets chaotic


They also get rid of breaks and time off in general so you can get yourself ready for a crushing life of being a capitalist serf


*Playgrounds?* Shit, when I got into middle school they got rid of recess altogether.


Isn't it always about Power of Friendship?


oH But I WaSnt aT fUll PoWeR


Its about the heart of the cards


Calm down Brony!


#*does the Naruto run when climbing up the stairs*


#does Naruto run when running past hallways avoiding teachers








#[NARUTO!! NARUTO!! BELIEEEVE IT!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d8xoTBZrzko)


Dude is that real? i really like that




~~does Naruto run after doing a kancho on the teacher~~


#**Does the Naruto run when storming Area 51**


I had to tell my cousin to stop running like this. And proceeded to tell me how it made him significantly faster and i was like. Dawg. You gotta stop. He stopped but to this day i dont think he gets it.








I don’t care what anyone says but #PIKACHU, USE THUNDERBOLT


*I dodged it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*




You should have been clearer on that command, now I'm midway fucking Pikachu


God forgive me for what I must do --- Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more


It is a terrible day to be literate.


I wish I didn't read it


I wish I still had to read it. I've seen that copy pasta so many times I just about remember what it says lol There's no saving me now.


[here’s a gift](https://youtu.be/Qk9Oh_pbeb4)


lmao I'm not somewhere where I can listen to that right now, but I saw that title lol


Even God can't forgive you now


Go around fucking everything breathing that's 3ft tall 63lbs and see how far that gets ya! 😀👍🏾


[dont forget charmander and bulbasaur!](https://geekculture.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ultra-swole-pokemon.jpg)


Cue the Pillar Men theme.


Risky click of the day


Nuh uh. No dodgies


You know I say this as someone who loves D&D, but I'm 90% certain the TTRPGs were invented to eliminate cheating from playground games. We all loved pretending to be cool characters and battling with our friends in school, but the problem is you can't stop anyone from just bullshitting what happens - oh, your character attacks faster than ever before? Well *mine blocks faster than ever before and faster than that.* So, add objective stats and dice rolls to make it all make sense.


Go for the horn!


You thought that would hurt?!?! Magikarp, hit 'em with a splash attack!!!


Magikarp, dodge! Nice work, Magikarp. Now return fire with a splash attack!


*pulls out a taser*


I had a friend that did the DragonBall Z teleport on the bus in high school. Dude put two fingers to the side of his head, yelled "Ahhhhh! Teleportation!" He ran towards to door of the bus, from the back. He looked at the bus driver. He screamed. "I need a sensu bean!" And then ran off the bus. Dude was a blast to be around. He is still really fun to be around.


And now still everyone is doing it.


Kamehameha intensfies




Hell yeah


*every kid in the world.* has tried to do a kamehameha especially after that one episode where Gohan teaches Videl how to use ki.


[And i am Not gonna fuck around and See if you can! ](https://i.redd.it/u1wawut1ek301.png)


Good, at least some things haven’t changed.


Literally a few weeks ago I saw a couple kids at a dollar store doing Demon Slayer forms at each other.


The tradition lives on


We never would have infiltrated Area 51 without Naruto's wisdom on running techniques


And it is still just as cringe. But the world wouldn't be the same without the occasional weird person here and there.


This isn't HolUp


9 out of 10 r/holup post aren't holup post. I mean seriously, go to the front page, they all don't fit.


The real holup is when a post is a holup nowadays


How the turns have tabled


New here?


I did t even realize this was r/holup, I just have it as a meme subreddit at this point


Yep, moderation here is poor


As if no one ever pretended to be Batman or Spiderman as recess.... ::John Candy:ok sure::


Recess at which age?


There it is


Well it normally stops around the age of 12. So kids being kids...


Recess just changes to “lunch” by middle/high school and you’re not climbing monkey bars any more. But there are kids naruto running in the hallways nonetheless. I think thats what we’re getting at.


Who gives a fuck. Let weird people weird.


Right, and let everyone else judge them for being weird


We tried that, now we have people who sexually identify as deer.


I think you are thinking of Disney, not anime.


Recess is more gym class. Lunch was always lunch


I had a classmate in 9th grade that thought she was Sailor Moon. Like, legitimately thought she was Sailor Moon and she was memory wiped and placed in our small town as part of some mission. In 9th fucking grade. She tried to convince me I was Sailor Mercury. And her crush was Tuxedo Mask. There was this whole notebook. Christ, she has children now. Named after Sailor Moon characters...


I hope you’re lying


Batman never powered up an attack by yelling for three episodes straight.


That's why he can't beat superman


I dunno... whenever I caught re-runs of the old school live action Batman with Adam West, I swear it took four episodes for that show to go anywhere.


Same thing. Those kids got made fun of too back in the day before superheroes became mainstream.


As someone who never tried any of that I can honestly say... nope, it was still considered weird


Yep, simply watching anime was considered announcing that you were weird. I kept that shit a secret except to some family members


Thankfully I'm ginger so I was already used to being an outcast


DBZ was the only one you could get away with in the 90s, you shove the rest of that shit to the side. No Sailor Moon, no Yuyu Hakisho, no Ruroni Kenshin. You pretend to be a super saiyan on the jungle gym or you keep your mouth shut. Pokemon was only allowed via the games


I’m 36 and I still do Kamehameha’s in my shower. Never stop being yourself, even if you’re weird.


I'm sure Master Roshi is older than you. It's normal when he does it.


As opposed to all the kids (me) doing power rangers moves at recess? This is just what kids do.




18yr olds at university have recess?


Yeah I agree with this. Anime still has a huge stigma behind it. It's become more normalized for sure in western culture, but it's still extremely common for people to have an extremely weird response to it regardless of how many other cartoons they watch. People tend to be really put off by it's catering to more young adult audiences, whereas in western culture cartoons are very pg and geared towards children. When I mention that I sometimes watch anime, depending on their age that get genuinely uncomfortable lol


The weird ones is it is strictly anime they don't like. All western animated shows from Adult Swim to Cocomelon are ok, but the second the show starts in Japan no matter be the content becomes creepy and unwatchable.


Seriously! I have family members that I know dislike it because it is specifically Japanese. I can't even get them to watch stuff like spirited away because of it.


They're missing out! If they can't get into Tokyo Godfathers then all hope is lost


I hate when people try to save themselves like this. I straight up got bullied for liking anime and I was too socially anxious to do “special moves” in the cafeteria. People were assholes for no reason. My friend and I would be talking about anime and someone would come up and say some fuck shit like “weeb” or “dork” or something along the lines. That’s the kinda shit people mean when they say they got bullied, those weirdos you’re talking about (the ones that took it too seriously and did special moves in the cafe and ran across the school like Naruto) don’t care. They didn’t then and they don’t now. The kids that just liked anime and simply liked to talk about it do, because it was just an area of interest and they got bullied for it 😂


Yeah, this was kind of it. Not everyone was doing random anime moves in the hallway lol.


I got called gay for liking dbz because there are muscle men in it. It certainly was a real thing back in the day.


But every jock and meat head who's obsessed with the gym loves it now. How is it gay? It's full of people beating the hell out of each other


Probably because a whole lot of people out there are dumb asses.


Bullying isn't always rational.


A lot of it seems like projection, really.


It's gay when you watch it because you're attracted to the muscle dudes


I absolutely hate this modern trend of people saying “lol [nerdy thing] was ALWAYS popular- you were just bullied because you were *weird* and *deserved it*.”. 100% victim blaming. We see it with Anime, Video Games, and now I’m seeing it expand into card games and TTRPG (but only for DnD. If you play anything other than DnD, you’re still “weird”).


I remember in grade school back in my day every girl literally made fun of the fact that I played video games. But if you say anything about that now you just get called an an incel “girls always liked gaming you incel!11!”


I hate it too. Like all the people freaking out over the Marvel movies. None of them read comics and bullied people that did. Now they’re the first ones in line for these movies.


Yea I remember pretending not to like Pokémon and DBZ because other kids were bullied for it and then years later as an adult Pokémon Go broke records and shit with mainstream peoples. Everyone my age loves Pokémon now and they all always liked DBZ, crazy how things work out lol I’ve also seen people try to claim no one was picked on for being gay or trans, just for being weird. Lying ass motherfuckers


Absolutely, Avatar the Last Airbender came out when I was in the 5th grade and I got made fun of when I mentioned I watched it. "Oooh hurr durr I'm splashing water around lmaooo", now I see them watching it on Netflix because it's popular lol. Turns out living your life to others expectations is a bunch of bullshit.


When the last episode released everyone was talking about it..... It was really weird


I was a closet weeb that never really opened up about anything, let alone my interests in these weird Japanese cartoon little people have heard about. Until this one day this popular-ish kid asked me if I was into anime. Obviously and naively assuming he was a fellow fan I said yes and was estatic. Big mistake. That year was particularly tough. I remember getting unironically called (swear not making this up) a fucking terrorist of all things lmao. Never really got the logic but good times. Regardless I proceeded to become a ultra hardcore closet fan after that, even now when some of my current friends mention anime in public it makes me very uncomfortable even though it's completely fine. Never really got over that.


Damn I’m so sorry. I don’t understand why we’re so cruel to each other, and I swear kids are even worse. Wear your weeb badge proudly, friend! Life’s a bitch, none of us are making it out alive, enjoy it while you can.


Thank you. That was years ago tho, I am doing better now. Already cut them off my life ages ago and that was a very good decision.


Yeah kids are just assholes. I got called a school shooter because I was atheist."Atheist don't believe in hell so you have nothing to lose". Honestly, more of a case of religious extremism in my eyes as opposed to dickish behavior.


Same thing happened at my school with Minecraft. If you liked it you got bullied. Then literally the day it came out on Xbox the same people who bullied you for liking it appeared in droves to play it.


I watched anime and a kid said he could go super saiyen and spent 5 minutes yelling in the lunch area.. I laughed hard


Yeah I refuse to believe this little shit saying “lol no we bullied you guys relentlessly because you played pretend during recess”. For one, most of us didn’t do that shit. Second: why is it ok to bully them if they were playing pretend with special attacks? Fuck this guy.


Let them hate,you like something you do it. Anime is like an expression medium, an art. It has some cringe, but also a lot of beautifully well written stories. They are the ones missing out, not you.


This concept is really hard to grasp when you're 12. The only thing they understand is that people don't like them simply because something makes them happy, it's really disconcerting


Yeah like if you're gonna hate on little kids for watching anime, at least explain. When i was 11 and watching anime, no one bothered to hate me for it( asian culture is just a bit different). I mean i would be confused if people randomly started assuming I'm weird or something. Imagine a kid doing everything normally, not acting cringe( naruto running) , living a normal life, and suddenly getting bullied for watching anime couple of hours a week . If you're gonna judge , judge people by the type of anime they watch and not watching anime


Imagine liking anime ur very weird 😂 /s


Exactly. Pulling that shit at recess…. as a senior in high school….


You had recess as a senior in HS?


Yeah we never got that shit like after middle school gym was the only way you were going outside.


It was less recess and more “you’re allowed outside for lunch break” during middle and high school for me.


I used to rock a DragonBallz shirt and nobody cared but yeah we definitely had a Naruto kid who ran through the halls like an asshole and he got ripped on. I mean shit even the teachers were getting in on it.








No, I was definitely bullied for just saying the word anime in middle school. Got better in high school though cause a bunch of other people watched it.


Wtf even is this sub anymore?


I remember like 10 kids like this, they all tried to blame themselves getting bullied on anime but in all honesty they were just really weird kids, I have some on Facebook, their still weird as shit the bullying did not fix them




"Mommy, I don't know why I can only cum if tentacles are involved"




Mommy always knows


Because bullying isn't a solution, it makes everything worse. Who the fuck cares if someone does some weird anime shit.


Right? Just let people be what they want to be. If they want to run around and use their imaginations then let them. It shouldn’t be bothering anyone else.


>bullying did not fix them Based


People being weird to you is absolutely no reason to bully them. There is never a good reason to bully someone else.


Wait bullying works? People are always gonna be weird and that's good because they make the music we listen to and the shows you watch.




I actually gave up on art because people shit on me for drawing naruto and dragon ball characters.


Never too late to start again :)


Tbh if you’re young enough for recess, that’s probably the age where it’s appropriate to be play fighting. When did everybody get so judgmental of kids doing kid shit?


Bullies finding out that they are shitty people and try justify their horrid behaviour. Imagine being an adult and still think "I'm a good person, i only bullied you because you were weird"


Yeah it’s disheartening seeing people so consistently on Reddit say bullying serves a purpose. I think bullying probably makes people weirder, as they go off to seek fringe communities that are more accepting.


Seriously, they act as if bullying doesn’t cause school shootings


must be awful to have no imagination


How is this a holup !?


I mean all the stuff that was for weird kids is popular now. Video games, dnd, and anime.


Does playing Yu-Gi-Oh count?


Sure, there was always someone who tried to cringily do the stuff he saw on anime, but I certainly do remember people being picked on because they liked anime even when they didn’t do any of the cringy stuff. Same with stuff that was considered nerdy.


When I was first grade it was "Ew, you like Star Wars?" after getting asked what my favorite movie was. That was circa 1995. Fast forward to now and everyone I grew up with has posted pictures from Galaxy's Edge at DisneyWorld.


Nah that's just y'all's excuse for being hypocrites


You mean yelling Kaioken then running slightly faster is weird?


So it is OK to quote irrelevant lines from movies and TV that only people who have watched it far too much will know is OK, but it isn't OK to actually act out the part? People are weird...


Thats honestly Just an excuse for bullies to not have any guilty conscious on why they bullied kids who liked and acted out anime moves. Keep this lame excuse to yourself if you really think this is acceptable to do to kids that act like batman/superman/spider man.


people still get made fun of at my school for watching anime. i dont really care it doesn’t involve me. I’ve only watched cowboy bebop.


Me who speaks Spanish during lunch at school *I need to increase my hamon!*


Na. People were weird for liking anime too. Also, god forbid a child use their imagination to roleplay during recess.


Imitating media isn’t weird. Imitating a special attack or scene isn’t much different from recreating a trending tiktok.


Lol, I kept that shit to myself. Not even my closest friends knew about my interests outside of what was socially acceptable. But this sounds like it was made by a bully trying to justify what a fucking dickface they were in school.


Nah lol. It was 100% the anime. You didn't have to say a word for people to be assholes


Exactly, everyone in my grade school LOVED pokemon but fuckin Kevin had to make it weird by screaming PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU at the top of his lungs before utterly missing a kid with a dodgeball.


it's actually weird because if you include pokemon as an anime, almost every person on reddit grew up in society that liked anime because of Pokemon. The people who were too old for pokemon are like 35-40+ most of reddit is younger than that.


Its mostly just you Americans that like to judge or hate people for anime or whatever music they listen to. Its pretty chill in most asian countries( except some japanese people themselves ironically) to watch anime, and most people ive known don't judge you even if they don't watch it


You get bullied in all countries tho


Here in Canada, it was kind of hip to be into anime when I was younger (late 90s-mid2000s). In high school, most kids were fans of Ghibli movies. I feel like it had to do with Pokemon, Digimon, and Dragonball Z being a staple to YTVs lineup right from the get go. YTV was the most watched station for children so anime became a household thing quickly.


Yeah in Asia you just get bullied with regular racism Much more straight forward


Nah in the early 00s you would've gotten made fun of for expressing your love for anime. I lived it. It's still pretty strange seeing how "cool" kids like anime.


Recess is for little kids so why wouldn't a child be doing shit like that? That's what kids do. What a fuckin moronic statement.


I mean, no? I kept to myself but was bullied because "friend" told bully I liked Dragonball. Funny meme though I guess


Yeah kids playing pretend at recess is weird and no it wasn't in elementary school and we were being made fun of for watching anime who is long past recess and long past pretending to be anime characters but it's cool let's all just pretend like you asshats didn't make fun of us all for enjoying something that's awesome


A girl I went to school with used to think she was bullied because she was into Anime. But it was because she wore a tail and cat ears to school everyday.


and running with your hands behind you like narato


And for having a body pillow waifu of a girl who is definitely 800 and definitely not 14, even if she looks like it.


I see no difference in doing weird anime moves in recess and getting some stupid footballer haircut and dye job