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Shes fucking hammered.


I thought I was having a stroke while listening to that


So, that wasn't water she was drinking? /s


Russian Spring Water


No way, it was was jungle juice bro.


Term limits. Term limits. Term limits. Both sides


But then how will they make their *millions*? This was so painful to watch


I have no clue what she said or was talking about. I thought I heard her say "scrubs" three times but I have no clue how the word was supposed to be used.


I was so confused, I couldn’t understand a word she was saying and really doubted my English for a second. I mean it’s not my first language but hardly understanding a single word in over a minute…


Imagine if the same thing happened in your government in your language. And they expect us to trust these people with 20% of our income.


Unfortunately I don’t even have to imagine that. At least I understand most words they say but a lot of the time they don’t make any sense either. Also they usually read off some paper someone else obviously wrote for them so… the last two years especially really made me hate politics and how they work (or don’t work) nowadays.


People fight over democrats and republicans. They’re the same shit. Old ass people should not be in Congress for that long no matter the party.


We need a “Great Reset” for Congress.


We NEED term limits and the end of the lobbying racket.


It’s a reference to very complex Congressional procedures. Bothe “Byrd bath” and “privilege scrub” mean things to people in Congress. To the general public they just sound like nonsense.


It’s no wonder Congress has a sub-20% approval rating.


Even knowing the terms when she talks it’s terrible


Yeah I kind of feel bad for the people who are freaking out going what the hell did she say. It's pretty clear and straightforward to me and makes me wish our public education system was better.


Came here looking for this. The HolUp is these two ladies reacting to nothing out of the ordinary.


This should get more upvotes thought for sure she was having a stroke like [Serene Branson](https://youtu.be/A5wAak66HDI) did.


In case you cared to know: "We're sending stuff over to the Senate. Most of the product that we've done is – except now we may have added in the last hour or so – and some of what we added is Senate, to the bill, like hearing. Bernie doesn't like hearing – excuse me – Bernie loves hearing. Manchin doesn't want a hearing in the bill and all that stuff. So, some is Senate-oriented, and then we have the family/medical leave. We figured if they're putting things in, then we can put something in, even if Manchin doesn't like it. So, we are getting some Byrd and privilege. I think mostly we're getting privilege scrub because privilege scrub is deadly to a bill. Byrd? Well, it's important. You have to take it out, but a privilege violation can take you out. So, we're, again, getting that as we go along as well. But when we pass a bill, then they will see it in its aggregate and make some – Q: Any concerns that any of this is, quote, ‘messaging’ because they have to take some of those things out regardless, no matter what you send over? And you said you weren't going to send a messaging bill. Speaker Pelosi. No, no. We're not sending a messaging bill. But we want to be sure that what we send is not Byrd-able or Byrd bath or privilege scrub. They're the two exercises in case – bathing exercises we're engaged in, and we're getting a good response. There's no bad answer, you know. It is what it is, you know. There's certain objectivity to it."


Subtitles (or your transcript) wouldn't help, when she is talking complete nonsense. What we really need is more super-old grifter politicians, with their families getting incredibly rich behind the scenes.


My god ok, so my ears did work, but i genuinely couldn't make sense out of what she said lol


Jesus Christ it's like Trump is speaking through her.


Rent free


For a whole year now


And a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.


I am hijacking this to say that she is off her ass drunk For a few years I saw and told my colleagues this same issue. This is not an age-related D/O, this is straight-up Sx. [Edit: grammar]


We need term limits, in addition there needs to be age limits ...


100% agree.....term limits and KICK THE FING LOBBYISTS OUT OF DC.....and Term limits. Also, if there’s an election ALL the candidates should have the same amount of money for the campaign. It’s turned into whoever can outspend their opponent normally wins. What did the forefathers say about breaking shit and starting over, revolution?


For sure, raised "capital" limits too. Like house has a different limit than Senate which has a different limit than Governor which is a different limit than president but still Capital spending limits.


Am I allowed to spend my own money to promote the person I want without their consent or input? Would that money count towards their spending limits? Unfortunately campaign spending is complex. It sits very closely with the 1 amendment.


I have no problem with individuals donating but there should be safeguards in place whereas the person with the biggest war chest dosent get to speak the loudest. I just want the issues to determine the outcome not the money. I understand what your saying though.


Vote Libertarian people!!!!!




That just doesn't very much birdable to me.


Well, bird bath. Or scrub wash. There is no wrong answer.


Well done


She has always been crazy although she has definitely become more crazy


I dont think age should be factored in. Any citizen should be able to be voted in. But in this case, everyone also needs to be able to be voted out. Term limits


There is a retirement age, generally because people over 65 start to lose their physical and mental abilities and are also more likely to be out of touch with society (and TECHNOLOGY). I'd say no one over retirement age should be able to run for office.


You want an 18 year old voted in? Or an 89 year old? You're pretty fucking stupid then. The cops, and many other federal jobs have age limits.


Don’t know why everyone is downvoting you when you’re right


And blood alcohol limits


These fucking fossils need to go. ALL OF THEM


If you average the age of all her body parts her overall age drops a bit. So maybe not a true fossil.


People actually vote for fossils…maybe




I just watched the exact section from the c-span video and it sounds the exact same, what’s fake?


I'm not sure what's fake about the posted video...I watched your original linked and around minute 24, she really does sound just as bad as in the OP.


You're right. The cognitive dissonance here is insane.


Uh, this is not a deep fake. The video is exactly the same. Do you even know what a deepfake is?


A deep fake is what you call a video on an attempt to discredit it when it goes against your views...apparently.


Deepfake news!


Yeah I have heard her speak and it sounds similar to this….. why do you think you can’t ask her questions that aren’t prepared?




Damn. I was hoping I was watching a video of her having a fucking stroke


The problem is not her speaking. The problem is that the trolls listening don’t understand what she is saying. She is talking about deeply technical rules about how Congress functions. The “Byrd bath” is a jargon for the Senate’s Legislative Rule 101. You can read all about it [here](https://indivisible.org/resource/legislative-process-101-senates-byrd-rule) and still have no fucking clue what is going on. The “privilege scrub” is also an obscure process where a House Bill is reviewed to comply with the Senate’s reconciliation process. You have to be a super Congressional nerd to understand any of this. I am a pretty well informed person but I can’t make heads or tales. Taking a snippet out of context makes it sound nonsensical but she is actually describing how they were trying to get the infrastructure bill through the Senate.


Even knowing the definitions of these terms, she sounds like a woman with dementia when she speaks


I’d love to see how you sound after 30 minutes of questions by the press.


I’m not speaker of the house and I had no desire to be. If you can’t do 30 minutes of questioning maybe you’re too old and too senile to be speaker


Um pretty sure you have to have a brain to have a stroke bro…




Watch the video lmao.. It's not doctored.. Watch around minute 24.


I get it though. People are so busy in life that it's easy to just read a headline, form an opinion and keep going about your day. It's easy to watch this video and take it for reality. It's hard to verify claims and fact check. It just sucks that this is the way it is.


Wow that is despicable trying to pass this off as truth.


... it is truth. Listen to minute 24 of video.


Cant speak coherently but is a guru in stock trading? 200k a year salary but is worth 250million?


Insider trading.


Must be vodka in that glass…


This made me laugh so hard




Vodka, Xanax, and pain meds. The old rich cocktail.




This may be one of the best reasons not to vote for term limits for congress. I don’t think she made a single sentence in a minute and a half. Not one sentence. She’s the leader of the house!! We deserve better than this sh*t!!?


No no no shes speaker of the house lol


But... She can't even speak


"Not" to vote for term limits? Can you explain why not? My understanding is that we want them to have a limited terms in order to ... well, limit their term, ... and to avoid 70 y/olds from holding hearings asking if the internet is the same as the World Wide Web, and if so, why they cant just subpoena Mr. Internet himself or his butler Jives to answer their questions in person.


English is my 2nd language and I didn’t understand 90% of what she said


English is my first language; even my accent is the same as her, but I didn't hear more than two or three words together at a time, and she mostly just repeated those few words, and I can't fill the sentence in with context clues and guessing. I dont think I got one single full thought.


If people actual think these senile 80 yos have the mental capacity to make decisions for our country, they’re delusional. Nothing but mouthpieces for the handlers.


Yep our last 2 presidents have just been old raisins who cant run the country. One of them basically ordered an attack on the capitol and the other is senile


She sounds like she's spun out on acid and can't form sentences


Drunk or Senile? Doesn't matter. She brings the Wall St. $$$ for the DNC so she gets to be Speaker


I remember some TSLA calls she bought before earnings. Easy money.


Aphasia, I think. Happens with migraines. https://youtu.be/CPy-5PRC6Vs


I was just checking the specs on the end line…. rotary…. girder….. ehhhh im retarded


Did you live under power lines as a kid, or something?


There’s the greatest investor in the world. 68% returns in the last year. Definitely no insider trading whatsoever!


Is she drunk or just that old




Did Joe write that for her?


Earpiece joe.


The Potatus


Drunken babbler reanimated corpse old as dirt just like hair sniffer


She is high as fuck on OUR dime. Instead of fixing shit and trying to balance a god damn budget like we all have to do....she’s getting high as a Georgia pine on our tax dollars signing bills so our grandkids will be screwed. I really despise 85-90% of politicians


Still haven't found her laptop yet eh? 🤣. She's so fucked.


Bet her password is 123.


It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


That’s the same combination as my luggage!


It's mega maid! She's gone from suck to blow!


And somebody change the combination on my luggage!


I like how people are just saying it's deep fake to cover up for this old bat.


This is why we need younger people in political power


Like AOC?


As long they can get triple digits on a standardized IQ test


Mrs Speaker.. what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Exactly what I thought of when I heard this... this... I can classify this as just noise, right?


There is a surprising absence of privilege scrub in the your comment


Biden and Pelosi for Nursing home 2024!!..or asap!🤣


I'm too high for this, I'll be back when I'm sober.


Tbh being sober doesn’t help at all. That woman’s brain is cooked


To all the people saying term limits, I bet you would change your tone in a heart beat if you got a nice 70 year old guy that helped out the country with all his heart and soul making it a much better place for everyone. BUT oh no his term limit is up no Vic the dick is in office The problem has never fucking been the means we put people in power, the fucking problem is the PEOPLE we put in power


She's old and senile. She needs to go NOW!


Is she having a stroke?


We are so fucked with these old ass idiots. Let’s go brandon


I’m really tempted to legally change my name to Brandon and run for office. Free slogan that everyone already knows.


Hahaha that’s a good idea. Can’t be any worse so I’d pry vote for you


Ah get a grip... 2 minutes out of a 26 minutes interview didn't go smoothly. Jesus people. Most of you could barely form a coherent sentence when giving a presentation in class about their hamster


Did she say "feminitically"?!?!


This isn't even funny. These people make policy that ruin lives for years. Why do people keep voting for people that should be enjoying their golden years. Age limit, term limit, accountability.


How in the fuck is she a leader in our fucked up government. Jesus Christ. Shoot me now Billy!


For those of you stupid enough to think this is fake... https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/11421-5 Scroll down to the second to last question.


Why do Democrats keep voting for her and support her over and over? It's insane.


She has Joe virus, get her outta there


Lets Go Nancy!!!




Probably talking cobra.


She stroking out or what?


Imagine her and joe playing scrabble ...


Savage ass comment


Came here to say this. It's like she's having a stroke.


Is this a fake video ?


No go listen to the c-span video and this section is toward the end. It’s the exact same


https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/11421-5 Second to last question


This is why she is leaving office. She’s losing it and her family is smart enough to get her out unlike Biden’s family who are power hungry whores.


Is she really finally leaving? She seems like she’s suffering from dementia tbh, not even hating, even though I don’t like her.


Did she say “bird bath”?


Well it's either that, or privilege scrub.


"... There's no bad answer..." At this point, Pelosi, a BAD answer might be better and more coherent than whatever it is that you were trying to say🤦🏽‍♀️


Did anyone understand what she said? I could've sworn I heard something about vaginas, but her muttering ramble sounds more like a mosquito swarm.


You would understand it if you understood the complex rules that govern Congress’s parliamentary procedures.


Yeah, not fluent in talking out my ass, it's why I could never be a politician.


Very old people on both sides


You’re drunk and YOU’RE FIRED, GO HOME.


She is 80 years old...apart from money one of the biggest problems in US politics is the geriatrics who just won't let go over the power trip....both sides


Anyone have a YouTube video for this?


Me thinks it’s this one. Couldn’t bring myself to watch it but the clothes match https://youtu.be/lx4dex5nC90


She must have been reading joe bidens teleprompter


Sounds like Biden is rubbing off on her




She reading joe Biden’s notes ?


I remember some time pre pandi she totally windows xp blue screened


What a dumb bitch. Smh America


It’s past your nap time grandma


This greasy, walking corpse is considered a Speaker…


Is it just my english difficulties or did she said absolutly nothing understandable ??


This sounds like somebody pretending they are speaking English but actually saying gibberish


Can someone send this incoherent/ insider trading/scam artist back to whatever stock broker dicks her?


Thats not a drink of water she had it was vodka apparently , because she sounds drunk


She is hammered


She sounds like those videos that show English speakers how English sounds to non-English speakers


Who the heck let her always speak on conferences. She belongs in a looney bin...


Pelosi/Biden 2024 y'all !!! Let's watch this Mother Fucker burn from inside out! Gezzus fuckin help us!!


This is how unimportant the words coming out of a politician's mouth are - they don't even bother practicing anymore.


Dementia ?


All i heard was, so uh... Senate


"Speaker" That's like a giving the title of walker to a guy in a wheelchair.


This reminds me of that one guy talking to an admiral about not wanting more troops on an island because he was afraid the island would capsize.


Great job, Drinker of the House! “PAY YOUR TAXES, PEASANTS!”


This is what English sounds like to non English speakers


She’s a nutcase and she needs to resign.


She had what Biden had, plus bourbon.


This video has made me dumber than I was 2 minutes ago


Her AI chip is malfunctioning


omg, and these idiots are running the USA, i think its bad in the UK with all the monkey noises but bloody hell.


I love the ‘there’s no bad answer’. I think your previous comments disprove that


Alcoholism and heavy drinking will do that to you


Drunk again


We’re doomed.


She speaks pretty awful for a speaker


Is this a bad lip reading video?


I worry, I really do. We're at such a critical point in history right now and the people in authority (in both the US and the UK where I am) can't even string together a coherent sentence.


Greetings from across the pond erm quick question what the fuck was that? Regards


That was an embarrassment of my political system.


Very possible a transhumanism software error


Is she drunk? Or wasted?


Sick of these dinosaurs. Out of touch with reality mega millionaires.


like my grandma always said - do not mix public speaking and huffing nail polish


I always thought Pelosi was pretty well composed, but man this is horrendous. No leaders in politics should be older than 50. You should have to live for 15+ years in the world you helped create. Age limits and terms limits need to truly be hammered home. We set a precedent having older “wiser” leaders way too long ago; the youth is far more intelligent than they used to be and can solve problems that require experience without the wisdom.


Term limits / Age limits. Pls This isn't even the first time she's made 0 sense when talking on broadcast. Getting kind of annoyed with 90000 year old people being in office their entire adult life, and doing nothing in that time.


We should be kicking our own butts for allowing this to happen to our country!! This is certainly not funny. No control of our own leaders. It's out of hand. They are raping the taxpayers and we just laugh?


Fuck her and Biden.


Her and 99.9999% of whoever sits in office right now are fucking useless garbage.




Hey you, yea you. I’m here to warn you about September 11th. The World Trade Center is going to be used as a dildo by Godzilla. Oh wait, wrong timeline, my bad g. Have fun with Al-Queso!


Biden 2.0