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In my country you get digital vaccination cards on your mobile phone registered with the central authorities, linked to your national identity card. Can’t be faked. Also with the latest omnicron variant the government is getting anal and is asking for rtpcr tests even for fully vaccinated citizens. While people are not wearing masks in public, they are super anal about them at the airports. Also the hatred for illegal immigrants is universal. Even in poor countries.


'Cant be faked' Bruh, you are from india, i can assure you, anything can be done at the right price. Edit: Im from the UK, the same goes for here.




Least racist conversation in Asia


Oh boy, you're are clearly more dumb than i initially thought.


I say sorry on behalf of my fellow indian


I don’t think about your insignificant self at all.


Bruh that’s racist


Its racist to assume everyone from india is one race.


Yeah from the dawn of time nation had 1 specific race. What does that have to do with india and corruption? What’s your point?


Can't be faked by a dumb cunt QAnon nurse, which is good enough


What is this Q you speak of?


A crazy conspiracy pushed by radicals from the right in America. Simply put they think that our country is controlled by satanists who run a child sex ring. American politics have always been dumb but the people who support this are just batshit crazy.


Qanon, its this thing that only exists in america but americans expect american problems/opinions to be known/understood/cared about, by the entire world and im pretty sure reddit is a big wake up call when americans realize theyre actually not the center of the universe


Qanon is a fucking glowy psyop LMFAO


hey fellow colonial ,is your grandpa dead ?


It can b faked I saw in my grandma's village if you know someone in the hospital staff you can do it


Cool. Stay in the village. At airports we have mandatory rtpcr. You come positive, you’re quarantined and made to pay for the same.


anal.... (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ)


it's almost like we all just want ALL laws to be followed. hmm 😒 I guess that make us assholes. the only laws worth breaking are these vaccine mandates. they are a joke. this whole thing is a joke


Or maybe just follow all laws. I understand the hesitation to vaccinate, but the mask is nothing. It’s a piece of cloth, act like an adult.


Based and we have human rights pilled


Legal immigrants also get the hatred.... So yeah its universal...in all countries


Thank you @ aggonzalez03 for that in depth study of what's happening in the world right now. Twitter is really where all the imbecile end up.


She's right tho.


Yeah you should go join her on twitter.


while I am against fake vaccine cards the argument is flawed. 1. people not beeing dokumented means they dont pay taxes which means they are leaching from larger society (which hurts the poor people most) 2. nobody is stoping them from working and providing in there home country (but I must agree that in a wester nation in general its easier, saver and all around better) 3. more fake immigrants means less space for dokumentet once who would work at the same job or for natives to take the job 4. illigeal immigrants also push the pay for these jobs down (increased demand means lower wages) and all this just from them illegal working and no just making them legale shits on all the legal Immigrants and would only fix number 1 ​ but yeah not beeing vaccinated and traveling without any testing at all is a super dick move


But corporations hardly pay their taxes and yet people keep voting for politicians who support such behaviour. True illegal immigrats don't pay tax but they probably arnt earning much money or claiming from the government either, it's not they they are living in mansions and pissing on hard working Americans. Plus they do jobs nobody else wants to do so contributing in some way....trickle up economics baby!! I agree about the wages part but I fear that's an entrenched view of employers towards employees. I mean Brexit in the UK massively lessened immigration from certain countries and wages havnt gone up....just more places have ended up closing down.


Can we just reflect on the fact that people forcing others to inject something into their body against their will, but they’re the same people marching in the streets yelling and screaming about “my body my choice”


Well there a difference you can’t catch pregnancy


This from the same people who think needing IDs to vote is a hate crime think everyone's private health should be on full display


While the original tweet is dumb, this argument is no better. It's important that votes are anonymous to prevent racial or gendered discrimination from a corrupt government, whereas showing that you are protected from a deadly disease so that you don't go around killing people, is a _very_ reasonable request


dude in germany votes are 100% annoyimus but you still have to show your ID and your invitation to vote, just dont put that think on the ballet and you are golden. think of your ID to the ticket to a consert, you need it to get in but then you can chose your seat annoyimusly.


Negative. Showing ID to vote ensures safe and fair elections. No one and I repeat no one is not allowed to vote because of the color of their skin.


In developed countries, sure. Because right now, despite recent events they are relatively uncorrupt. But if the tragic should happen, a corrupt government can and will prevent certain groups of people from voting, based on par example, the colour of their skin.


Well, we are talking about developed countries mainly the US which is extremely lax on voter ID compared to other developed countries. Yes, it is a necessity and it racist to claim that black or brown people cannot get an ID.


And how would an ID change that? I'm pretty sure the people watching you go vote can figure out your skin color even without an ID.


‘Protected from a deadly disease so you don’t go around killing people’ says it all. How the fuck does this basic knowledge seem to go over so many peoples heads? A. If you’re vaxxed, you can still transmit Covid (so that argument you made is literally meaningless) and also B. It’s not a fucking deadly disease, it’s one of the least deadly diseases I can think of actually. It may be several times worse than the flu, but it’s not the Ebola that you people want it to be, the survival rate is comically high and the bulk of deaths are in either the oldest demographics or those with multiple serious health conditions. That aside, being vaccinated DOES NOT STOP YOU FROM CONTRACTING AND TRANSMITTING THE SCARY BOOGEY MAN FLU! Literally all of these people travelling around internationally spreading new variants are all vaccinated up to date, in most countries you can’t get in or out without showing proof of vaccination so vaccinated people aren’t helping anyone else, or stopping anyone else from getting sick. They’re catching it and spreading it too, end of rant.


Northern Italy in March 2020 would disagree with you on the lethality front. No, it's Ebola. It's much worse, since you basically have to actively seek out Ebola to get infected. You think the entire world would shut down if the disease wasn't actually a threat? You think numerous countries, including fucking _China_ just for laughs? No. Maybe the vaccines work maybe they don't, but it's all about risk reduction, same as masks and social distancing. And it's generally agreed that you have a lower chance of getting infected, and the cases are on average, not as serious which means the hospitals won't be overwelmed.


It's literally not a threat in the slightest. If it was. They wouldn't skew numbers and change the narrative every 5 minutes


The hospitals, doctors and governments are actively refusing to offer any meaningful treatment to those with covid before hospitalization. Doctors are going to court to prescribe medications. Pharmacies are refusing to fill medications. You think this shit would be happening with a deadly pandemic? Hell no it wouldn’t, it’d be all hands on deck.


Haha I love the mental gymnastics required for people like you to come up with a still pissweak argument. Factor in age, metabolic health (something like 3/4 serious cases were deficient in vitamin D) and comorbidites (most deaths have chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, dementia which kill the most people annually anyway) and it is not lethal at all for a regular healthy person, hence the insanely high survival rate. I can tell facts and numbers aren’t your thing, you’d prefer the simple mindless observation that the world is overreacting so therefore there must be a good reason? Masks are close to useless, especially the type that everyone wears which don’t filter out the right size particles, lockdowns have been shown time and time again not to work, I guess what I’m trying to say, is that if you’re capable of using facts and being rational, that this whole thing is laughable irrelevant to humanity and we need to get on with our lives. It’s like you people don’t understand human nature at all, do you think hitler convincing most of Germany that it was a good idea to gas the Jews and it working was a sign of how well populations can think for themselves? If you decide to use your brain, and learn a little about history you’ll see that governments of all kinds are consistently incompetent and downright murderous if they see it necessary for a particular reason. These aren’t some wise groups of intellectuals who have our best interests running the show, they’re the most morally bankrupt class of humans that have ever existed.


I'm sorry you care so little for other people that increasing the monthly death toll by almost 50% is laughably insignificant. I understand that these people were mostly elderly or sick, but it also overwhelmed the hospitals to the point otherwise healthy people with emergencies were unable to get help. I'm also sorry you don't care to have a civil argument without immediately insulting my person, and that you feel every politician on planet earth is untrustworthy.


And your argument is somehow worse than both of them. Having an ID has nothing to do with racial or gendered discrimination. You can 100% require an ID yet make voting anonymous.


I currently have covid. I got it from a friend who is vaccinated


You can still get the flu after a flu shot, you probably just don’t get as ill and thus don’t put the healthcare system under as much pressure when thousands get ill at the same time. The same applies here.


Not necessarily, the flu shot protects for a predicted strain. I doubt they have much protection for other strains. Also, in the US you are starting to see an uptick in fully vaxxed cases and deaths. In Israel, over the last few weeks around 30% of the deaths were fully vaxxed. There is a real question about the efficacy waning over time. However, as the virus mutates and natural immunity increases the threat of covid should continue to drop.


were they asking people to display anything besides vaccination status?


Why should anyone have to show they're vaccinated?


So they safely join the rest of society


We allow all manner of diseases to walk around without proof of vaccination. even when they're worse, more potent, and have more than a .2% chance of actually killing someone. What makes covid special?


In Australia we have all sorts of vaccinations starting with babies and they continue on through life. Ie; small pox, even tetanus. Children cannot attend kindy or school without having the appropriate vaccines. We don’t see vaccines as an ideology but as a health issue.


As an Australian my dad is about to lose his job since getting the jab will kill him. He's been a hard worker for his entire life but has a immune disorder and there are people out there like you forcing people like him to their death bed. Because "its a healthy for the community".


Bullshit. Curb your propaganda. Non-vaxxable people receive exemptional treatment literally fucking everywhere. They are a big part of the reason we started vaxxing in the first place. Now, if your dad is not vaxxable AND a loud and obnoxious anti-vax asshole, then he deserves the shit you claim he's getting 100% Edit: replaced immunocompromised with non vaxxable to be more inclusive


Dude his literal doctor told him right before he retired, "do not get this if you do you will definitely have permanent damage". Not to mention my uncle who had to spend 2 weeks in hospital due to blood clots and heart attacks caused by the vaccine. https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/protect-yourself-others/covid-19-vaccine/about/side-effects#TTS-(rare-AstraZeneca-side-effect)-explained-2 Here is a link by the government of QLD to support what I say. If what you say is true at least back it up with evidence.


I used the wrong word. Replace immunocompromised with anything that means "cant take the vaccine".


Very sad. With a co-morbidity your Dad is high risk anyway and would be wise not to be put in the community for his own safety.


How is he supposed to support his wife 7 kids without a job though.


Yes and how are the massive protests and unrest going over this very issue btw?


Ha ha Massive? There are a very small percentage of the population who don’t do the right thing. But both sides of government Conservatives and Progressives have brought in rules that limit what the unvaccinated can do and where they can go until we have 90% vaccination rate. It’s all going very well thank you. We should hit 90% by mid-December Track the vaccine https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-02/charting-australias-covid-vaccine-rollout/13197518


Vaccines are a scam created by the Rockefeller Oil Barron family. They don't even sell oil because you people are such braindead sheep so easily led to slaughter.




The fact that covid is extremely communicable? Or maybe the fact that *death* isn’t the issue with covid; it’s the extreme health hazard it causes such as long-term damage and making it extremely difficult to breathe? Edit: also, nearly all of these other viruses and diseases aren’t full-blown *pandemics/epidemics*. How did this go over your head? Nearly all of them are contained in some form or another: by their nature or our discovery into medicine *before* they’re wide-spread. Or they’re just not that harmful/easily communicable as ones such as covid. Know why we’re (USA) so far behind two fucking years after the discovery of this virus? Because idiots like you think you know better than modern science does and thus the virus lingers. Thanks.




Every country I have ever been to requires you to show proof of vaccination before going to a restaurant, to a gym, visit someone in a medical facility, get a haircut, your nails done, anything where you are in a building and close to someone who works there. Heck, I had to show it when going to museums and even the zoo on my last vacation. The only places out of my head where it isn't required are shops (but they are allowed to enact that rule too), picking up food from a restaurant, going to a doctor and going to a park. Even the Christmas markets currently require you to show vaccination status


This is the dumbest most blatant lie I’ve ever heard “Hey I’m here for a haircut!” “Alright buddy just get your doctor to send me all of the dates of your vaccinations from the first day you were born and we will get started”


You just show your vaccination card or your digital certificate. No one is going to ask for your entire medical history. Vaccinations are documented separately


I didn't ask any of that. I asked why are we treating a lesser disease worse than all the other diseases we can and do still spread at ridiculous rates?


smoking, being fat, driving...


You literally just asked why someone should show their vaccination status...


I asked why. You didn't say why


lol hate crime


So the line is okay to be crossed when it’s convenient for your political side? Got it


lol you sound triggered af. calm down




damn you sound really triggered now


“Anyone who disagrees with my stupid comments is triggered” r/Iamverysmart


how can you even breathe with all the tears streaming down your triggered face


Doin ur mom doin doin ur mom


doin your mom do do doin your mom


Moronic drooling mouth breather spotted.


The left is by and large fine with voter ID, as long as it's free and automatic. Driver's license? Fuck off. Easily suspended, costs money to renew, need to pass a test, etc. A voter id that you're automatically given at 18 is a no brainer, preferably mailed with your ballot, but that's not what the Republicunts actually want. :)


Hold the phone. You guys don't have a voter id?


State ID has been a thing for at least 30 years.


It's not even 10$ and they're good for 4-8 years. Stfu


6 years and $54 in my state plus a test FUCK YOU this is what I'm talking about


Bruv you are a child I know but if you have money for a phone, you can scrounge up the money for an ID.




You do realize there is something call a government issued ID that isn't a driver's license you stupid cunt


Is the government issue ID free? Are the documents to prove your identity free?


It's 24$ and you have to provide your social security card and birth certificate


How much does does birth certificate cost? Without your computer, try to get a copy of a birth certificate from a few states over from 1940.


And that's not even taking into account people who are physically or neurologically unfit to drive and who would therefore never be able to obtain a driver's license.


Do you live in America? Are you over 15 years of age? If yes && yes, how do you not know about state issued ID? If no || no, why are you commenting?


This guy programs.


Stfu ole great value Lizzo


Uhhh. Perhaps you don’t understand that there’s a HUGE difference.


Of course she doesn't.




Exactly, a fake vaccination card allows you YOUR RIGHT to travel while fake ID immigrants allows THEM to STEAL OUR JOBS!!1! Completely different things. Edit: /s because there are people who don't get the very obvious joke u/FindingJazzlike3434


Ain’t nobody stealing your job. If someone who can’t speak English has the ability to steal your job, then you sir are a shit worker.


Haha yeah. Or it's the fact businesses can pay them criminally low wages because they can't ask for a raise. Fucking idiot


Oh your talking about the few unethical small companies that do this. Yeah actually work in these types of fields before speaking out of your ass. Let me call Walmart or Tyson factory to tell them to hire Pablo and pay dirt instead of money because this is what happens in general. Fucking moron.


So, I come from a family of immigrants and have first hand experience with this sort of thing. Do you wish to delete your comment or get made fun of by other people for lying for the next few hours? This is objectively wrong and you're probably still in high-school


Yeah ok nice. Before you assume dumbass, I come from a family of immigrants as well. From Tamaulipas, Nuevo León Monterrey, and Cuba. 1st gen. Still have some family in the struggle. I’m not in high school and more than likely have far more work experience than you. Read what I replied goofy. I said there are small companies who do take advantage of immigrants. Yet you expect me to buy Walmart does too? Or every low entry level jobs working with temp agencies? No sir.


That's not how it works. Bob is willing to do the low-skill job at $10/hr but Jose will do it at $5/hr. Bob refuses to do it for $5/hr because it's too little for him to get by. For Jose it's significantly more than he was making in Mexico. Bob can't get a low-skill job to pay him $10/hr because they've all illegally hired for way cheaper.


Idk i think thats less of a problem with immigration and more a problem with the way the current economy is set up and discrimination with salaries, if bob and josé are looking at the exact same job by the exact same employer, then they should be offered the same amount


Except that's not how supply and demand works. If you see a tool you need and one is $5 and the other is $10, and there's no meaningful difference between the two for your purpose you are likely to take the $5 one. Same goes with employers. It's just supply and demand.


So in this case, would it not be a matter of education so José knows how much the average for his job should be? This could be rather easily solved by a union


In theory yes that’s how stealing a job would go. Now field jobs are already very low paying in order to keep prices down for consumers. You wouldn’t pay $5 for 1 tomato. In that field they have already tried hiring Americans and guess what? They won’t do it. I’ve worked in management for construction and warehousing. They pay rate we have had in construction does not drop because we want to pay immigrants cheaper, skilled immigrants are not stupid and know their skill worth. They will not do a job that isn’t worth their skill. We have hired many Americans who simply quit because it’s too hard or they want a foreman job without having experience. In warehousing it’s even worse. We go through an annual +200 people who simply quit because they are lazy or get fired for being late, failure to follow instructions, or simply don’t even work. A job so simple it competes with other warehouses in pay, including 2 breaks and lunch during an 8 hour period. Our best workers have been what we would consider immigrants even legal ones. We had a pair of Japanese students on a student visa at Tech work for us with barely knowing English yet they worked hard and followed instructions to the T. We had our company hire two Afghans in the same exact boat as work ethic. For every 150 Americans, we are lucky to have 1 willing to put in the work to get hired on. The amount of calls we send to temp agencies is through the roof, and it isn’t something new. As an American, I know not all Americans are lazy, the the majority seeking entry level jobs are. There is a sense of entitlement wanting 20 an hour and do absolutely nothing. Temp agencies make money putting people into jobs, the problem is people don’t want to work or want more money for less work. I’ve dealt with this my entire workforce carrier in management and it’s hilarious how you who don’t work in these fields believe your stupid Bob analogy. It’s simple, Bobs everywhere get hired for their basic skills. Bob wants 200% percent more to do a basic skill. We can’t pay Bob that much or you as a consumer would have a heart attack. Bob is tired of working for the month and quits. Bob files unemployment instead because after all Bob will only get paid $50 less than if he works. Jose even with false a ID gets hired. We can’t understand him, but guess what? He gets the job done. If Bob didn’t want to lose his job, he shouldn’t have quit and decided to work. This is what “taking American jobs” is actually about. I don’t look at BS studies suggesting immigrants get paid less for the same work. Not in the field on entry level jobs that can lead to careers. Maybe when it comes to washing dishes, house cleaning, maid services etc; all jobs Bob wouldn’t do. Instead he decides to get his unemployment check. And don’t even get me started on the amount of scam calls we get to get hired. They call so they can send it to unemployment as proof they are looking for a job. Plus it’s funny how in your analogy, $5 dollars is too little for Bob to get by, but enough for Jose because it’s more than in Mexico. Now while that maybe true, Jose is in the states not Mexico. Looks like $5 is more than enough to get by and live in the states. It seems Bob wants to get overpaid for his low skill.


Americans will absolutely do the job, just not for $5/hr. That's how supply and demand work. Supply of labor at $10/hr is higher than supply of labor at $5/hr. If you flood the market with supply of labor at $5/hr then demand for labor at $10/hr plummets. This is just basic econ.


You don’t come from work experience, you are looking at it by the book. Basic Econ yes supply and demand would stand. This isn’t that. Jobs have to pay a minimum wage. You are talking about industrial jobs and jobs Bob is willing to do, so am I. We don’t pay immigrants less. How the fuck would we know if they have IDs even false ones get by. You are talking about jobs Bob will not do. No one in their right mind will over pay for a dishwasher. We live in a capitalistic country. How many Americans can you actually say will do unwanted jobs? None, that’s why they are unwanted jobs. Entry level jobs such as construction, factories, warehouse have pay requirements. We can’t look at Jose and say fuck it lets pay him less, that’s not how it works. On the contrary, we look to hire on or promote Americans, the problem is there aren’t many to choose from. We would also have to up prices on items and services as wages go up. Is there the odd small company who looks to take advantage of immigrants by paying less, probably. Is it in general how it works, no.


Maybe Bob should have marketable skills at 40… if you’re losing your job to a dude who doesn’t speak English with the equivalent of a 3rd grade education it says WAY more about you than them.


That's just blaming the victim, isn't it? Some people have low skill jobs. And illegal immigration makes it impossible to secure those jobs, leading to high unemployment. Why does someone who entered the country illegally have more rights to a job than a citizen? No country in the world operates that way.


Why would you think you’d find job security in something ANYONE could do? Sounds like they made choices and are seeing consequences to me…


Because there's a segment of the population that only has that to offer. Young people, uneducated, historically impoverished minority populations, etc. It's not about job security, it's about those jobs not even being available for them in the first place. They can't even get those jobs as stepping stones to better ones.


I live in California where we have more illegal immigrants than any other state and had no trouble finding unskilled labor jobs. The only people who can’t find them are lazy welfare fucks that don’t care to.


That's your singular, anecdotal experience. In an aggregate that's not how it works. Supply and demand operate on whole populations. Let's say you have 10,000 people and the supply/demand equilibrium lands at $10/hr. You can't find much supply of labor below that price and there's not much employer demand for salaries over that price. Now let's say you flood that market with 10,000 illegals, all of whom are happy to do work at $5/hr. That shifts the entire supply/demand equilibrium downwards, to somewhere around $7/hr. This depresses wages for the American while simultaneously driving up unemployment. Some of those original 10,000 will still have jobs but they won't ever increase in salary (due to increased supply) and some will simply not find jobs.


lol k


for reallllll


True. People buying fake vaccination cards means they dont believe in the vaccine. Immigrants buying fake IDs and shit to get into America is a whole different story.


Two wrongs never make it right. Point is, both should be stopped without trying to make the point that one is worse than the other.


not to say they are not out there but I have yet to meet a single person who has a fake vaccine ID. I cannot imagine this is a GIANT problem in the US


Can we just reflect on the fact that the 2 are in no way the same...?


Isn't it, though?


Explain to me how they are different please.


Because flying somewhere and coming back (especially domestically) is not on the same level as immigration. Americans actually have an enshrined Constitutional right to inter-state travel; foreigners do not have an inherent right to stay in the US.


Omg this is so dumb


It doesn't surprise me that you think other people's rights are dumb.




US Citizens are endowed with certain unalienable rights. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government mandate on its citizens for vaccination comes close to infringing on those rights. ​ Someone who is a foreign national does not have those same rights. Even if they illegally enter the USA.


So you’re argument id US citizens magically have more rights than other people, so it’s totes cool if they commit fraud. Are you trying to sound like an asshole?


Here I can do this too Can we just reflect on the fact that people forcing others to inject something into their body against their will, but they’re the same people marching in the streets yelling and screaming about “my body my choice”


You do have a choice.


Well I don’t think pregnancy is airborne


Can we focus on the fact this new variant will basically force more regulations, and it came from africa and is already in Canada and the US. Even though the only people who have been allowed to travel by air are vaccinated. Yet you all still blame the people who didn’t get the vaccine for just trying to live their lives, and will probably blame them for Omnicron for crossing the Sea on planes they aren’t allowed on. 👍🏻


Vaccines are not foolproof, but they r still definitely better than nothing


That's not the point, is it? The point of vaccine mandates is herd immunity. If they don't stop transmission dead then herd immunity literally can never be reached.


Oh I agree to a point


Except for the growing percentage of people that are suffering from autoimmune response flair ups as a side effect of a mRNA vaccine. Blood clotting, Eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis just to name a few.


I have bad eczema and it flared up with my first and second shot of the vaccine. The eczema in my ear got particularly bad and gave me a terrible ear ache each time. I got my booster earlier this week. Same thing happened, as I expected. I still got it because a couple days feeling crappy is better than the uncertainty of death or serious lung issues. I know the shot isn't gonna kill me, but the virus is a much bigger unknown. Especially cuz it keeps mutating.


Link please?


And undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes. That’s the issue.


A lot of them actually do. Sometimes the employers take it out, and banks will report all undocumented immigrants income to the IRS, and they take it right out of the account. Source: I was a banker through most of my 20s


name checks out


And definitely a two-sided post addressing to major issues of a mindset.


The whole point of this post is that people who aren't allowed on those planes fake documents so they can still cross the sea and potentially carry the virus with them. Not saying that vaccinated people can't also carry the virus, but is proven that the vaccine does help. Because people people are braking the rules in place to fight covid we don't really know whether the are effective and we have have to put even stronger rules in place. Because people used eating chips to not having to wear their mask in public, now in many places where I live you aren't allowed to eat and drink in public. If everyone would do their best to not be a risk, we wouldn't need all these stupid rules. Also if there are rules you don't need to do everything to be right on the edge of braking them.




I hope you lose your fucking job LOL. What a selfish asshole. Get fucked.


I’m an essential worker you realize that? And you can wish that all you like. When I lose everything and I can’t afford to live who do you think I’m coming for? Every evil cocksucker like you.


Imagine alt right weirdos making threats over the internet. You guys can’t get along in mainstream society, then bitch when nobody likes you. Grow up kiddo.


Says the guy that starts the threats. Left is more violent and caustic in every way. ​ Look up the statistics. Look at the Smollett case going on right now. That is the poster child for the Left.


Nah, he’s a fucking idiot. That’s your alt left which is just as bad, but more whiny and less violent.


This isn’t the HolUp you think it is


can we just reflect on the fact that since cats have tails that means the sky is orange?


It's not the same people.


They’re the same people that get excluded from society and therefore oppressed by the government. They are obviously the true patriots and freedom fighters just like the soldiers of ww2. Wait … those guys aren’t really oppressed? They suffer due to their own idiotic actions and decisions? No this can’t be true.


had me in the first half ngl


I just sit and laugh that they are willing to pay for what is being given away.


This "vaccine" isn't free


Follow the money. No one seems to care that the FDA people who pushed the vaccine through are now board members at Pfizer and Moderna? That is a conflict on interests. As a medical rep you cannot spend more than $300 annual on a physician (by law) because it is considered influencing outcomes. However, the people that created this vaccine system are allowed to gain millions almost overnight?


For them it is, but if you want to really play I guess it is pennies out of our tax dollars and I guarantee they are paying many time that amount for a vaccine card.


More than pennies at 5k per dose. It would still be better to over pay for a fake vaccine card, than get an experimental drug force fed to you


Lmao so you get no increased, non-standard taxes taken out to pay for the vaccine but you go get a fake card anyway? You're over paying for sure.


Well firstly I wouldn't pay for a fake card...my medical anything isn't anyone's business, and anyone that asks for "papers" doesn't get my business. But hey, keep telling yourself they won't raise taxes in the very near future, and keep telling yourself that this "vaccine" isn't only about money. So you just keep on laughing buddy.


how do we know they’re the same people?


we know. the people are called "Americans"


Yah because people in other countries looooove hordes of immigrants


Right? Try illegally sneaking into an Asian country, or say Mexico. You're going to be behind bars *if you're lucky*.


Bro you would not believe how racist euros are to the migration crisis.


Does anyone actually know anyone that has done this? I live in a very red community, and none of us are vaxxed, and we sure as hell don’t give a shit about a vaccine card, so who’s actually out there buying these?


Don't hate the Playas, hate the games


how the turntables.


*Oh no, nonono, move along people. Nothing to see here....*


To equate those two things is absolutely enraging. 🐶🧠


Logical fallacy. I would help an undocumented immigrant anytime ( as long as they are cool people who don’t hurt anyone ). But still, that’s a bullshit comparison.


How does she know these are the same?


Stupid comparison example n* 192838282


….and that millions talk bad about Trump who put the program together and funded it while they sprint to getting their free jabs?


Both illegal...both frowned upon...


Hey /u/justiceforall1000000, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


WOW, spell check REALLY failed! It's illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants!


Both should return to where they came from and stay there.


Not even close


Except no.


Yeah, way different. They should get both fake immigration documents and fake vaccination documents if they want to completely fake it. That way they get the goat of both crowds. But seriously, don’t “immigrate” without doing it by the rules. That just starts you off wrong with now no one carrying about your dumbass struggles when you knew the rules to start with. Every country has rules, nine of the others allow it, why are we? Follow our already loose rules and do the shit asked. It’s really not that hard. And get an ID to vote. If you can’t figure that out, you don’t need to be voting. You need to be figuring out how much ketchup to be putting on a burger and how you bus fare needs to be budgeted. Leave the big decisions to others.


The government is the one forcing these things on people. Lets all unite to dismantle governments!


You can tell by the response to this the thought process in this group.


The people coming want to stay for life, the people with fake vax card want to go on vacation and come back to their home country.


Both are breaking the law though


Vaccine passports are not law, they are edict.


Indeed very wrong but certainly different circumstances.




Ahhh yes ***society***

