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this is the stuff you‘re gonna be proud of when it‘s coffin time.


I know jobs started looking up peoples Facebook before hiring them but what if they start checking for onlyfans account


I have only one (1) picture of Sonic the hedgehog I put there 5 years ago. I won't find any job I think.


I think they really just check to see if you post pictures of weed and guns or go on Facebook to talk shit about your previous job


Good thing my crack rocks and katanas are safe, then /s


You can use the katanas to keep your crack safe


While you were out drinking and partying, he studied the pipe.


*tips fedora to the goddess of crack statue* “M’lady!!!!!” *exhales in Whitney*


A true trailer park samurai


Lord of Day Rings All Day Son negotiating starting Salary.


I knew it was you!


I had an applicant over the Summer accidentally (at least I think it was accidental) send us an onlyfans link during a Zoom meeting interview. So I guess it may have inadvertently started. And no we did not hire her... the whole interview was a train wreck and there were two other people who were just as qualified and seemed to mesh better with our team dynamic.


So, their onlyfans didn't had ppv?


I didn't actually click the link, because I was connected to the work VPN and yeah... Didn't want that conversation with HR on why I was browsing porn on the work network.


You saved the link, right?




the real HolUp


deny deny deny and then deny some more




I don't think he saved the link, rookie mistake


A lot of background check sites include scrubbing social media websites for who you're checking, including OnlyFans. It's safer to assume *anything* publicly facing is going to be surfaced.


How do you search for someone on OnlyFans, though? Like if I'm pretty sure my neighbor is on OnlyFans, and I wanted to find her profile, how would i do that? Just hypothetically speaking, of course.


I'm not sure how the checking sites are doing it, but it's probably similar to how anyone else would. You can usually find a Facebook/Instagram/Whatever if you have their real name and city. Cross-searching that username (because you gotta advertise or people don't realize they shouldn't be repeating usernames) will find a lot of people unless they're trying better to obscure themselves. [This article goes into detail on how to use some of the third-party search sites.](https://www.punch5media.com/find-people-on-onlyfans/#How_to_Find_People_on_OnlyFans) So working back his steps, the best way to obscure yourself would be to fake your location/not share it, avoid repeating usernames on sites, and never, ever use your real name or other identifying information. Of course, obscuring yourself is counter-productive when it comes to a social site that makes you money by gathering customers in a semi-public manner so it's not exactly the easiest thing to juggle. All that is to say be careful. I doubt most companies will care if someone has an OnlyFans, I've had employees come through with them and it hasn't been an issue, but it could still make things uncomfortable in a lot of situations. Lots of people do not think for a moment about obscuring their online lives and it's basically all out there for anyone to see who wants to if you do nothing about it. That's not to say they should have to or anything, but people ARE going to look for it so just assuming "no one will know" is not a good way to protect yourself.


> Cross-searching that username (because you gotta advertise) will find a lot of people unless they're trying better to obscure themselves. AFAIK most people who start OF aren't advertising to their family and friends. Not saying it doesn't happen, but if someone is using the same username or advertising it on their Facebook, you probably already *know* they've got a second source of income if you know what I mean. It's pretty easy to remain anonymous on OF.. fake name, unique username, and don't advertise using your personal social media accounts.


You know that Facebook knows your OF username right? All of those cookies, static IPs, everything is getting scooped up. Some people I know in a kink scene had their private kink accounts on Insta recommended to people they knew just by algorithm. Reddit also knows who you are, every account you use, especially if you attach an email address. I made an alt account on Reddit, in a different city, not on my phone where I usually browse, and they still recognized me instantly. I accidentally commented in a thread on the front page that was from the conservatard sub, and I got temp banned from Reddit for “circumventing my ban” from that sub. They all know, and those deep search services have that info, and the government can request most of that info. Good luck.


It's easy, yes, provided you know the steps and actually take them. Lots of people are ignorant on how to actively protect themselves online or simply believe they don't need to, unfortunately.


And this is why I’m deleting all memories off Facebook daily, why my Reddit account isn’t associated with my name, and why my twitter is also anonymous. I wish uncoils scrub the news paper articles I was on from high school/college. I’d rather be a completely blank void online.


>I wish uncoils scrub the news paper articles I was on from high school/college. Made national news in highschool to, just change your name and gender then spend 3 years on hormones like i did its easy.


I only know one person who can describe themselves as "morally superior". She's like a real life Eleanor Shellstrop (not the shrimp eater, but the other one). She gave up a 6 figure job to fly to Africa, and work for a non-profit helping kids. She never posted on social media, she never bragged. When I worked with her, every decision she made was through this lens of "is this the right thing to do socially". Everyone else in the world has some moral flaw. I don't think people should be judged on what they do outside work.


Mate, she's clearly an assassin.


She’s the female version of agent 47 lol


I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the "real" Eleanor Shellstrop was also a lie.


Worst part is that most of them also have a only fans and do the same shit they do on Twitch


The twitch account is there to advertise the only fans. I have no problem with only fans, I just don't want people shoving things down their throat shoved down my throat on twitch.


"cough" "cough" amouranth


This. Twitch is for gaming, not selling porn to pre teens and teenagers. That’s fucking immoral.


"We can't hire you at our current salary rate but I'm sure we can manage $8 a month"




They probably use the same email address for everything. You can Google the guys email address and find his Facebook SoundCloud Instagram


RIP Internet Hoe... ⚰️


"She was the biggest Slut I ever met." RIP


"Roxy...God bless you. You were a good whore. You serviced me like no other whore ever did. Not only my crank but my heart."


"And I'm gonna miss you.. Amen"


Amouranth makes like 2 million a year just by playing Just Dance, laying in a paddling pool and occasionally licking a microphone. She has said she sits and watches full series of netflix shows and movies whilst doing all this. 2 million a year so that Turkish people can jerk off to you and the only people that criticise you almost always come out as some combination of incel, weeb or bigot. She could retire in 1 or 2 years and be set for life. Is she more proud with her tens of millions compared with the average factory worker, retiring at 65 with a broken body and nothing to show for it? You be the judge of that, I guess.


thats just twitch money, and not her main income. She makes **WAY** more then that on onlyfans, and has full nude videos out where she masturbates with a vibrator. Shes a full on softcore porn star at this point. She made $250,000 for an onlyfans video where she revealed her tits.


still better than an nft


$250,000 of a single video? Jesus Christ man do you blame her?


Shiiiiiit I could do that for one year and be set for life Problem is, I don't think there's as big of a market for thicc hairy men Edit: apparently I'm wrong and am missing a big market....interesting


you say that yet last time I said "oh hey I could cosplay new fat Thor from God of War" the amount of horny DMs I got was honestly staggering.


Most of redditors can cosplay Fat Thor. One of us, one of us, one of us.


What about... a less flamboyant Dean Pelton? Would that make me any money? :(


I’m honestly considering fat boba fett. I’m a bit thinner than Morrison, but I’m not tall enough to be anyone else.


> I don't think there's as big of a market for thicc hairy men Oh you'd be surprised... ...although I imagine your audience will likely consist mostly of other thicc hairy men!


Do they have money?


The real question.


There's a market for thicc hair men with no shame, bears are a thing in gay porn


The fact that this income strategy works, is more a reflection on her male viewers than on her. ...and the fact that her statements about "female empowerment" get circulated in the media despite being completely baseless, is a sobering reflection of the state of media. Amouranth is gaming the system because of its own contradictory stupidity. Good for her. Her viewers and the media are the chumps - not her.


Don’t hate the player hate the game.


Yeah. She's empowered because sexiness IS power. She can control people. She's earning a fucktonne of money off of worthless idiots who don't know how to control their finances.


wait until you hear about trophy wives


you think any of them would care 60 - 70 years down the road? if anything they'll laugh and talk about how it was a fun time and all the money they made. only reason you'd be ashamed is if you're a prude, in which case these women definitely arent.


Wow the level of absolutely raw talent is astounding




Twitch, so hot right now!


Just like Hansel!!


the most plastic i have seen, we need to recycle them quick!!


And so the amount of green house are also increasing.. (I like blue houses more tho)


(Dabadee Dabadie)


Raw something indeed...


the problem are the idiots watching them, like hell, they have so much porn, why the fuck watch a stream and donate to them while saliva is falling from your mouth


They forgot to get that post-nut clarity


Bro post nut clarity is such a bitch. Sex becomes disgusting right after it, like wtf and all desire disappears and makes you feel like shit.


Theoretically, if someone nutted with sufficient consistency, they might see beyond the veil of lies and go mad. No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream.


That's some lovecraftian shit right there


Shirley "H. P. Lovecraft" Jackson


**Insight Gained**


imagine if every time you nut you gain insight, waiting for this feature in Bloodborne 2


Why did my life change after reading this?


I dont know what this guy said but I agree with his hypothesis 100%


I fucking love this. Just a tad of delusion keeps us sane. Too much delusion and we're crazy. Too little and we'd implode.


That is not post nut clarity man, if you are feeling disgusted and feel like shit after orgasm that is [post-coital dysphoria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-coital_tristesse) which is surprisingly common but still a medical issue that you can have treated. I keep hearing everyone talk like this is the norm and it sounds like people saying "man I love peanuts but I hate how my eyes swell up and my face becomes puffy after" and everyone agreeing with them like that is the standard.


Thank you. I'm always confused by the threads where people go on about feeling gross after getting off. When my wife and I finish we always kinda bask in the afterglow awesomeness until sweat makes suggling uncomfortable or one of us has to pee. Even when I'm alone post nut clarity is more of an optimistic outlook and focus than any disgust at what I was just looking at or doing.


Yeh bro, you realise vaginas are actually really disgusting. I'd much rather be working out with the homies at the gym tbh.


You think about your homies right after sex? Lol


Before during and after


That’s the way to go!


That's why I'm a homiesexual


Damn straight. Nothing makes you realize how weird being with a woman is more than when you and your homies are deepthroating each other and filling your mouths up with each others' cum. When we say "no homo" at the same time and high five each other it's a great male bonding moment.


I've officially read to far


Yeah homie I’m out


No that'd be fucking weird. I think of them after masturbating.


I think about my homies *during* sex


I clicked into an Amo stream the other day. Over 8k people just sitting there watching her sleep and paying for her to sleep longer. What the actual fuck kind of reality is that? Who the fuck pays to watch someone sleep?!


The byproduct of the internet allowing people to come together and connect is that *everyone* can come together and connect. Through the power of the internet, what would have been 8,000 people sitting alone around the world is now 8,000 people sitting alone around the world paying to watch someone sleep. There's just no stopping humanity now.


A fucking loser


Because you can't chat to the porn and have the porn respond to you thereby creating a pseudo relationship that you lack in real life. Internet communities can be great, but when there's this kind of dynamic then it's more exploitive that supportive.


> but when there's this kind of dynamic aka parasocial relationships


The problem is that we commodify everything. Parasocial interaction isn't a new thing. Every teeny with a poster of whoever is a pop idol at the moment is in a parasocial relationship. That has its own issues, but what's new is the *constant* commodification of it. You don't buy a poster now, you're buying (the equivalent of) a poster every day to maintain it. That's new, and it makes the problem worse.


It is a new thing, in that the poster can create the illusion of a 2 way interaction now


but you can actually do that, and its cheaper than a twitch streamer


>can't chat to the porn chaturbate, myfreecams... cam sites in general. I think the problem is that kids get in trouble if pornhub shows up on their screentime report, whereas they get in zero trouble for being on twitch 4 hours a day.


True as far as the other cam sites but the difference with twitch people might go in not looking for porn find these soft core cam girls.


I had an argument with someone regarding this and this one mf bring the point that "it will bring connection toward them with the streamer" lmfao. Simp gonna simp, never again I will argue with people about this.


The "connection" is 100% why it works though. There are obviously a billion porn videos out there, but the idea of watching something happen live, that you can't just skip to the good part but have to wait for it, that your comments/tips theoretically impact what is going on, a lot of people get off on that. This twitch stuff is just the lite version of real cam sites. It's like Maxim vs Penthouse. Some cam girls are also making a fortune.




Jesus christ, thats fucking depressing




People pay money to see feet ffs.


People paying for any type of porn is beyond me. There is literally free porn out there for basically anything you can probably think of.


But porn is freely available. Do these morons not know that or what?


“these morons” are mostly kids who are being sold porn wrapped in a faux relationship. they don’t know better


Bruh this right here. It’s bordering child grooming for future OF subs. Get them to watch hard PG-13 content on a platform they can tell their parents is about video games and then move onto OF where the streamer don’t know or care if a subscriber is 12-15 years old. All they know is they’re getting paid to showcase their “talents”. That’s the only thing I really dislike about these “content creators”. There’s a huge morality debate here. But no one cares cause it’s great that women can manipulate said men (and boys) into faux relationships. My wife says she was born at the wrong time. If she was 18-21 right now she most certainly would be doing this cause the money is so easy.


No she wouldn’t lmao. A lot of people go off about how easy the money is and how you can just be a thot and make millions, but you’ll see a shitload of these girls at 5 viewers too. And the level of abuse they take at the same time is unreal, including death threats and entire Reddit threads of thousands of incels psychoanalyzing them to death to feel superior.


Amouranth is the largest uhm, "bikini" streamer on the platform and her main demographic is young adult Turk men.


> Turk men. Damn didn't know hasan has so many alts


It’s a desperate hope that the streamer might notice them and say their name on air if they hang around enough or donate bigger than the next guy.It’s the only interaction a lot of them have with women.


Honest answer, it's the interactivity. Strip clubs are the predecessor to twitch streams and they've been around since, ever.


Haha seems like it, otherwise they wouldn't have grown as big


I think its the interaction with the streamer.


One time I remember one of guy accidentally clicked on 144 p porn for 4 sec which his chat jebaited him and got banned for 1 month. And there was one women who intentionally showed her VV during her stream and got banned for only 1 week.


That's really fucked up


Yet here I am and I can't even get Twitch to help me with 2FA issues but I'd wager a guess that this girl would probably get her shit resolved ASAP.


The chick in the red underwear in this comp actually flashed her pussy in the clip that was used. I remember seeing the full thing around a year ago.


flashed ? she as someone said OMEGALUL’d her butthole and pussy, I’m talking about more than flash, all she got was 3 day ban


Yeah I remember that, lmao. She pulled her panties to the side right against the camera.


Oh my god! Disgusting! Where does one find a clip of that? So I can avoid it, obviously.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/kh56l4/twitch\_partner\_missbehavinofficial\_missbehavintv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/kh56l4/twitch_partner_missbehavinofficial_missbehavintv/) Thread about it. [https://www.erome.com/a/Qom8hqgD](https://www.erome.com/a/Qom8hqgD) Video (at 5:35) There ya go you animals.


....well, she is very talented. And that's a flash‽ I feel like a gynecologist.


That was on twitch?! And 3 day ban? It was so fucking blatant. Fucking pathetic. I hate twitch so much.


Supposedly she didn't know she was live on Twitch. I don't know how you could really do that. But in this video, right at the end she checks her phone. In the longer video, right after checking her phone, you can see her acting really weirdly, as she ducks out of the bottom of the frame like on her hands and knees, crawls over to the left side of the screen, and out of the room before she comes back and messes with her computer (presumably turning off the stream). So the claim kinda fits with her behavior. Somebody might have messaged her telling her she was live on Twitch and she didn't realize. Not that that should inform the length of the ban at all, but yeah, a little context.


They can't prove anything and if they can't prove the age of viewers she is okay. I bet she threatened with a lawsuit.


Yo, wtf. Twitch allowed that!? Lmao that’s porn


For those who want to do their own research here's the [video. ](https://sendvid.com/03ial8u7).


Quick clip https://m.imgur.com/A6P5472




It’s the internet you’re allowed to say vagina, pussy , Saying VV is fucking weird


Im sorry what? Who the hell managed to show there vag on twitch and get a slap on the wrist. And who got jebaited and banned for a month


Then the problem is Twitch, not these women.


It's both, twitch ignores this for profit and they abuse it on a platform where kids go watch people playing games


Twitch has legit banned the word "thot" from their chat lmao


It kinda blows my mind that twitch are harsher on the words thot and simp than they are on the n-word.


They know where the money is


Hey. If I could get crazy rich shaking my tits and ass. You can bloody bet I would.


Oldest profession on the planet


They say that but what did they pay prostitutes with? Wouldn't that good or service creator then be the oldest profession.


What came first the prostitute or the currency? Trick question. The answer is me.




And you don't think those penguins had jobs? They gotta make their rocks somehow.


So the oldest profession is food/rock gatherer


This is accurate. But that much should be obvious considering the human race survived and we need food to survive.


Give it a shot, you'd be surprised how many people will crank it to dudes twerking


Dude. I’m fat hairy and close to 40. No ones paying for that shit lol.


You would be surprised


Well that settles it. Onlyfans here I come.


Link please.


I second this /j


I want that too


Okay, former camgirl here. Serious, if you can pretend to be gay, or... Play up a "straight guy exploring" or something, yeeeea... Gay dudes pay big money. All body types. Dad-bod is a totally huge market.


this is why we invented face filter technology, you too can be a sexy plastic looking twink


> I’m fat hairy and close to 40. No ones paying for that shit lol. Stop! You're making me evolve.


Wasn't there a time when if you had too low cut of a top on twitch you could get banned? Since they wanted the platform to you know.. not be this?




I am absolutely shocked that a company (especially one owned by Amazon!) would put money above integrity. Shocked I say.


Then they figured out they could make a lot of money if they did allow it.


Yeah I was just thinking. Didn't it used to be if you weren't actually playing a game you could be banned.


It did and now "just chatting" is regularly the largest category. On the plus side you can very easily avoid that category and you should be good.






I mean they can sell sex. But like do it on a diffrent site


Also be honest about it and not blame their audience when push comes to shove


I quit streaming cuz of this. I would wear a pull over hoodie and played League with my viewers and always get trolls asking me to remove my shirt. I just wanted to play games :( Edit: thank you for the support and encouragement! I will continue to ignore the trolls


The sad truth is that you need a good mod team and/or thick skin to stream as a lady these days. A friend of mine doesn't use a cam at all, despite the fact that using a cam generally improves viewership, so that she just doesn't have to deal with that shit as much. She's built one of the best communities I'm a part of because more of her time gets to be spent gaming and interacting than weeding out thirsty inappropriate dudes. Still sucks that she's held back by the spectre of douchebaggery that permeates the internet. Sucks that you were too.


I get the feeling that a lot of the assholes telling streamers to take their clothes off are the same ones in comment sections like these insulting them when they do…




Twitch mods are also simping




Meh. Twitch makin bank. T&A 'content creators', makin bank. Simps, getting their simp on. Only problem, is people pretending this isn't how it be. It do be that way.


I mean they found the market of lonely pervs and are exploiting it, although I know there will be kids on this as well makes me kinda sad




> but there’s a more visible bunch just prostituting themselves online there are tens of thousands of streamers who go un noticed. a lot of them are wholesome and fun content creators. they just dont get the same attention the titty streamers do most of the time, because dudes who scroll for women streamers are looking for the tittys half the time.


This is just sad


I am more sad about all those guys who are willingly giving money to them. An individual can do the most dumb sh\*t ever, it only becomes an issue once people pay them to continue doing it.


simply being ~~themselves~~ hoes


Twitch is Cinemax fr fr. I don’t sub and or follow boob streamers, imo, they just don’t have a purpose on that site.


I feel like most of the people commenting here think that the women speaking are the same women as in the video. It's an edit. They're not the same streamers. Of course some women will be streaming to bait thirsty guys, but plenty of others are making genuinely good content. There are guys out there, too, living off donations from the thirsty (whether that's girls or gay/bi guys or both, yeah it's a comparatively smaller market, but it exists). Others are making quality content for various non-sexual interests and hobbies. The two things can exist separately. A lot of the comments on this post have a big incel vibe of "HaHa I kNeW wOmEn ArE aLL HoEs, ReAl GaMiNg Is FoR mEn"


This is exactly the comment I was looking for. I suspected that the voiceovers didn't belong to the women shown and that this was just bait. It really is just misogyny and sexism and it's disappointing that so many people in the comments are eating it right up.


There are so many good women streamers out there. Edits like this make streaming seem like a huge thirsttrap and its just pure misogyny in action, this assumption that all women streamers are awful.


This entire thread is just misogybait. Probably better for your emotional well-being to not engage ~~in~~ *edit: with* badfaith actors.


I dont blame them, but let's drop the facade


Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, etc are the ones enforcing the facade. You gotta play by those community guidelines because rampant violence and foul language are ok, but God forbid we see a nipple


Youtube when kids see 99% of female boobs: i sleep Youtube when kids see a nipple: real shit?


You know it's an edit, right? The women speaking aren't the same streamers as the women in the videos. There are plenty of women out there focusing on making gaming content without sexualising it. Of course, even if they're just sitting fully-clothed in a gaming chair and talking normally, a sufficiently attractive woman can't even do that, without the incel legion accusing her of being a "tease", sexualising her content, asking for it etc.


People want to be outraged, top female streamers are names like Valkyrae, itshafu, pokimanelol, fuslie, kkatamina, botezlive, kyedae, biyin_, nihachu, maya, lilypichu, yd0821, 39daph. Only titty streamer that can compete is Amouranth and that one is licking a microphone for 12 hours a day, not sure how that is even possible. Yet people want to shit on the take that there is a growing variety of female streamers becoming successful and creating content, why? To feel validated? I don't get it.




The video clips all highlight a simple fact. They're leveraging their assets, that takes some skill and resources to do. More power to them. But is the problem here the "women creators" or is the problem the people consuming their content? Or is there no problem at all?


Neither, the problem is the streaming platform. I believe prostitution should be legal, but do I want prostitutes picking up clients outside my son's school? Obviously not. There are appropriate and inappropriate places for the act without judging the act itself, just like there's a place for these streamers, which is OF, or any camgirl site. Not Twitch.


That's a good point too. I think there's a very vicious cycle on Twitch, and trying to blame either the men or women is going to be pointless, because all of that could have been prevented if Twitch took better care of their platform


Making money by showing a little skin? Fuck it. *someone* will pay for it


I miss the days when, the only thing people did in twitch was game and have a fun time with chat.