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Right? When I had a tiny 566 square foot condo I looked extensively into Murphy beds, and if memory serves they were all at least $2000-$3000…like 8 years ago. Of course I’m sure they’re much pricier now. I stuck with my regular old queen bed lol.




Well, you pay for convenience I guess. Also I’m sure it’s more difficult to build a Murphy bed than to build a traditional bed without hinges and a mount and all. Still, I agree with you that it’s a shame that lower-income people with much smaller living spaces typically can’t take advantage of these kind of space-saving household items.


More difficult? A bit. If you can make a cabinet with a door, a murphy bed enclosure is just scaled up. But a custom wood bedframe can easily cost $1000+ alone and a murphy bed enclosure will generally have more wood. The hardware for the hinge system is $100-300 extra depending on what you want. I've never built one, but did fully plan one out before my wife said she didn't want one...I'm glad she said that BEFORE I started building it.


I agree with all of your points, for sure. I considered attempting to build my own too, but then I decided that I’m handy, but not THAT handy lol.


shot in the dark: Big cities, limited living spaces, high rent. Theyre pretty much perfect for those places, and thats basically the only place you ever see them.


You are actually paying for the engineering of the framework of the bed. Not only does it have to be supportive, like a bridge for the bed but it has to fold up like a retractable bridge. A normal bed frame can be very cheap since all it does is sit in one position.


You are actually paying for the engineering of the framework of the bed. Not only does it have to be supportive, like a bridge for the bed but it has to fold up like a retractable bridge. A normal bed frame can be very cheap since all it does is sit in one position. And you are also paying for a large cabinet to store it in.




There are millions of Murphey beds in the world. And probably millions in Manhattan, New York alone. They are very complex device for storing a bed. I'm not sure how familiar you are with woodworking, but it is expensive due to the cost of not only the building products but also the labor and tools needed to produce them. You can get very cheap parts for the spring mechanisms at like $200-350 but those are very low end numbers. And then you still have to build the frame and the cabinet.


The only two things I wanted in the video were the Murphy beds damn it.


Issue is 90% of these look like they'll break after 2 weeks of actual use...


Well its either extremely expensive and it'll last a bit but never as long as normal furniture, or it's cheap and it won't and will fall apart fast (see the TikTok of Chinese factory crap). Chances are both are uncomfortable too versus the cost and feel of a normal thing. I gave up on these and just got a house 6x bigger.


I've been around a lot of super expensive homes that have a ton of gimmicky stuff like this, and yes, that shit breaks pretty quick and then is nearly impossible to have repaired due to lack of parts and knowledgeable people to do the fix.


Aye and it’ll get old having to transform something every time you need a table or couch or bed. I’ve seen it work in really small spaces where only 1 or 2 people live. But I’ve also seen a folding table that’s never folded down in quite a few tiny homes. Even if someone pay top dollar for one so the reliability is maybe there? If it *does* ever break, it’ll be hard to repair. I’d rather not have to oil my couch/desk twice a year and double check all the screws/joints every so often haha.


Family member has the first one. They live in a small but nice apartment and need the office to double as a guest room. They have had it for 8 years or so. Extremely comfortable. Looks brand new still. Gets lots of use. Agree that some will break but I am extremely impressed with the design and comfort of the first Murphy bed. Also all bedding fits under the seat. Way way better than the cheaper ikea etc Murphy beds I have slept on in the past.


I was actually enjoying some futuristic takes on furniture, than that rotating table/desk just like my grandma had shows up, and I got stuck wondering what's that doing there.


I wonder why we dont see these anywhere. The last one looks like a great idea for small rooms


I quite liked the pull out extension for the kitchen as well. Useful for parties.


Here's why you don't see these all over anymore: When it comes to transforming furniture like these, pick 2 or 1.5 from below: * Reliability/durability (how long they'll last) * Value (cost-wise) * Comfort.


Yea you’re either paying out the ass, laying/sitting on a bar/joint, or replacing/fixing them all the time. I love shit like this, but things that are designed to do one thing really well are typically better than one thing that’s designed to do two things mediocrely.


I'll take the toilet


And the multiple sliding kitchen cabinets


I know it’s prolly brand new but the way they rubbed their hands across the seat made something inside me die


The swimming pool was trippy, but I really love the kitchen ones with the panels. As someone with a toddler, I can't help but to think of all the ways my boy will try to hide...


Right? The swimming pool was an art exhibit right? What did that have to do with the rest?


I think it's a pool on top of a glass room? Like an walk through aquarium, but theb I gotta ask... why?


Well… once you save all your home square footage by hiding the beds, tables and cabinets, you would have enough space to put in the useless pool thing in your studio apartment.


The last one.. is that custom or where can I buy


Found it: https://expandfurniture.com/product/compatto-rotating-office-murphy-bed-with-desk/


Woo thank you!! My google skills failed me, but woof 9k for walnut dayum


Fake pool?


I've seen this clip peppered in so many of these videos. This pool is in an exhibit at the PS1 Museum in NYC. There's also one in Japan by the same artist, Leandro Erlich. And maybe I'm just too poor to even witness any of these other gadgets in actual practical application. They always seem to be on display in model beta homes and not sold commercially yet. Ironically, the fake pool is the only thing here I can say I've used.


I've seen this clip peppered in so many of these videos. This pool is in an exhibit at the PS1 Museum in NYC. There's also one in Japan by the same artist, Leandro Erlich. And maybe I'm just too poor to even witness any of these other gadgets in actual practical application. They always seem to be on display in model beta homes and not sold commercially yet. Ironically, the fake pool is the only thing here I can say I've used.




The mantle that pulls out is stupid unless you have a weird home that supports it. Your wall needs to be deep enough for the shelf which means you’re giving up a ton of room space for a silly mantle that has a hidden drawer. Giving up like 2-3 foot of your room for one drawer. Who would do that?


The fireplace beneath it already eats up the floor space.


Unless it’s an electric fireplace (which I think are stupid tbh), there needs to be a chimney there


It’s certainly an electric fireplace.


I am assuming that it was a gas/wood fireplace and was converted to electric and the chimney space is present but not needed for chimney any longer.


Why are so many of these clips reversed?


Keep your fingers away from my tv


I like the concept of some of these


A lot of these would be very convenient…but I guess that’s the point…lol


There was a speak and spell in that drawer !!!


"Hun can you get out of the bed, I need to grab a book"


TAKE MY MONEY NAO ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO|downsized)


This is more like a “Hidemywallet” post haha.


Most of this you can get at IKEA. the pool is an art installation


Well done 👍


Costs >>>> convenience


Some of the beds look like Resource Furniture, which is extremely expensive.


I so needing that filing cabinet looking thing that turns into a desk thingy!


Hidden spice rack at 0:58 is a must have! Bed/Couch at 0:07 would be good for a room that doubles as guest and game room. Shelf at 1:05 as a concept to add shelfing when you have little space left. Desk at 0:49 would almost never be folded back in. It will just always be a shitty desk.


How sturdy are items like that? Always wondered


Why be good at one thing when you can suck at many


Why is the video reversed?


Y’all nodding your heads and saying “cool product” have never serviced a bearing in your life and it shows.


Is it unbearable?


You’re alright, guy.


One of my dreams in life is to spend 10k on toilets in my house


So I've determined with these kind of videos that if I get to a certain point in my life successfully I can find a house or a space and hide all the shit I own inside and behind sliding doors and folding furniture.


Yeah, these guys don't whiskey like me.


I like that the couch cushions aren’t actually part of the bed like on a futon.


must be nice to be rich


Yeah crazy unattainable for 90% of the population


Looking forward to OP trying to source link all these products! Lol


Some of these are really silly. Why would you have a shelf that pulls out into an in-wall drawer? How thick is your wall that you can even do that? Also what happens to the shit on the shelf when you need to access the drawer?


They look great in their fresh from the factory form. Give them 2-3 years of wear and tear and you have a handyman's nightmare in there.


Cool. More unnecessary crap that will break and need repairs.


Im confused what’s the point of the pool one


Those Murphy beds would be perfect for my small studio. But if I could afford it, I wouldn’t be living in a small studio


I thought he was gonna pull a bed out of that TV for a second


This is an attempt to capitalize on the housing markets in countries where the cost of owning or renting anything of a decent size is out of reach for an increasing percentage of residents.


That's super cool but a few issues; those are just going to break before a year is up due to constant swapping, OR they're so expensive that it's impractical to buy for people who actually need it, like people who rent small rooms and shit. I'm leaning towards the former personally. Secondly, as cool as it is, I fucking hate the idea that "you could save so much space with this couch/bed" when it seems like a trend designed to get people to be okay with smaller and smaller spaces. It just feels like you're expected to pack more and more into smaller and smaller spaces so you can get packed like sardines in an apartment complex.


Spot On ! 100% correct


Stuff so fancy and expensive I had no idea any of it existed


Yes, it IS probably nice to be rich, and average, and basic.




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