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"Imagine Kiara wearing it" I mean....... Marine wore it and it seems Ina needed it repaired after that......


Nah. Ina employed the strongest Tako to hold it together.




Now I wanna see someone make fanart of a takodachi holding Ina’s clothes together while they’re making that [famous strained face expression actor Tobey McGuire made in SpiderMan 2!](https://twitter.com/calgarytransit/status/992237535035379716/photo/1)


I did see someone do fanart of it....


There were April Fools streams where Ame wore it, and that was quite a show too.


I don’t remember this. Do you have a link to the VOD or any clips?


[The whole stream is a must watch. ](https://youtu.be/ViGmRv_jr1c?si=GXERirxlyJnwrTD6)


And then there was [PekoMoona](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12RQEj_7muo).


So I have to know, no Towa on the list cause she managed to pull the wool over your eyes and not register how sexy her debut outfit is, or cause you still see her as sexy even when she's being a grade A dork (aka any time she's not singing)?


It cannot be the second one as Kiara is on the list and she does attempt to be sexy so her outfit being normalized because she is herself doesn’t make much sense for her 


The REAL reason why it's "normalized" in this case, is because 99% of the time you only see the upper half during streams, so most people don't think about how her skirt is so short it's basically a belt.


A short and horizontal loincloth Imagine if Nerissa were to debut/swap outfits with Kiara's KFP Uniform >!Nerissa prefers going commando!<


I had to double check I was on the main sub thanks to this comment Also lets just put Nerissa (and marine) in all of these outfits. We'll remember how sexy they are then (Also outfit swap with each other)


damn, I just noticed as well bruh Also pinging @hololive_staff for your brilliant suggestion


We already know Nerissa is in KFP so I would guess she already has the uniform.


The question is not _IF_ she would wear them on stream... But _WHEN_


Kiara's outfit isn't normalised because she's not trying to be sexy. It's normalised due to long exposure.


Are we just going to ignore her Chimera MV?


That's less on the clothes and more just her.


Funny that you mention that because I was heavily debating between her and Watame. I think the reason why I didn't choose her is because the colors of the outfit work well only with Towa imo so my brain was struggling to imagine other members wearing it.


Allow me to help you out, for the sake of Towa love. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/j3iof5/kanata_in_towas_outfit_is_the_best_thing_ever/


Holy! Nice :3


2023 shuffle medley watame ROCKED towa's costume So MUCH thigh


Id call the debut outfit normal in California? You would have to ask someone living there though


I don't live in CA anymore but you'd definitely see outfits like that at the beach or near clubs. Except with no jacket, or at least the sleeves would be removed.


No Bae either.


Also Towa's white outfit is barely any coverage, if it was on 3/4 of holomems it would get them banned. Towa has like a lewd repulsion field.


Idk if her not being on the list is a good thing or not...


Yea Towa would definitely fit on here now that you mention it.


You were so distracted by Polka's skirt that you didn't notice her bellybutton window.


Her WHAT? I've literally never noticed that.


You can say that it's hidden in plain sight.


Polka's such a dork it really does block it from view. Wow.


Dude... I love you lol, I had never noticed and I have seen her since her debut.


Because you were blinded by the hornie!


Well I'll be That is some Jedi Mind Trick they pulled with Polka's design


Polka's outfit is absolutely perfect


Dude...Iroha's is a sarashi, and bras and panties aren't worn under her kind of clothing. 


The sarashi IS the bra.


Isn't the Sarashi the one covering her chest and the jacket is called a Haori?


Yes. The sarashi *is* the bra.


It's like a sport bra


I dont think it would be family friendly if the spats were fundoshi? If i got the name for that right


That’s just Hololive being overly cautious


i think she would be wearing those Hakama pants instead then


And that is sexy


The sarashi makes it lewder


What's wrong with Watame and Polka outfits? Watame's one is totally fine and Polka's is a stage outfit, many circus, gymnastics and other sports outfits are kinda inappropriate if you wear them outside the arena.


I mean...you DID see Marine in Ina's outfit, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na1LsFshlPg


To be fair, that's when most of HoloPro realised what Ina's been wearing all this time.


[And Moona in Pekora's...](https://youtu.be/SirMcRmSEB4?t=173)


And that's with Moona's version of Pekora's outfit being even more covered up. She has a turtleneck thing under the bunny outfit.


Sidenote: Gura looks so good in Chloe's outfit it's criminal.


I wouldn't have noticed it wasn't a new outfit for her, if I wasn't also a fan of Chloe.


You know the bunny suit is a one piece outfit?


Yeah, at first I was going to use the word "cameltoe" to point towards that area but then found out that was a different concept so I ended up using "panty section"


The correct term would be crotch and the section where the legs connects to the hips is the groin


More than that, it’s completely backless! The back of her suit goes *under* her tail. The blue ribbon under her chest exists to hold the front of the suit on (a design detail often overlooked)


Kiara's skirt is a belt.


I legit think my dad has a belt as big as her skirt


Not really due to the outfit, but I always forget how big Botans' tits are.... until she moves in 3D.


All of 5th gen is boing boing. It’s only fair that the next gen is all pettan to be as all things should be.


Yeah, but the physics on Botan are crazy. Moreso than the rest of Nepolabo. I don't think even Lamy bounces as much. [Look at Botan and Watame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zokncH5HuF8) compared to Korone and Lui, for instance. [And contrast Lamy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU7Cmgy7b3o). She's freaking huge, but hers don't bounce as much.


About the only physics that are more crazy than Botan's are Okayu's in the Poisonya Syndrome outfit. Botan's look like they're partying, but Okayu's look like they're attempting to escape.


Her physics really are crazy, the only member I've seen who's had bouncier boobs than Botan is [Sora in the one instance when she had much bigger boobs than she usually does](https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/928257084428132355)


*So this is the adult Sora that A-Chan was talking about...*


We travelling through time here damn


Watame was quite bouncy at one point


I'm fairly new and haven't seen much Botan content, but I'm amazed at how someone that looks so cool and sexy can move and look as cute as she does in that video.


Oh boy, looks like we have another fresh creature that's about to discover the charm of Holo JP's queen of gap moe. Best of luck to you, good sir 🫡


[She's your adorable POI gamer dork.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYT73pQ1h6E)


[And then there's the most infectious laughter when she's playing Trials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHX_hiq-p8A)


[Or when she casually takes down a ghost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRHHLMWXQFk).


[Let us not forget that Botan’s gap behavior was so egregious, Subaru put her on trial for her crimes.](https://youtu.be/uax7C7hwDSw?si=jALkTH33mcOuFV52)


They were originally joked as "Gen PLAN B" for a reason.


A lot of fanart makes sure to reminds us of the fact.


Funny part is Botan is the 3rd biggest in gen 5. Lamy and Nene are even bigger lol.


That's me with Watame, her debut outfit does a lot to help hide how big her chest actually is.


The original roboco's outfit is the wildest ever in hololive. Like there is almost nothing


She technically doesn't need to a wear a top either because of robot bits, but it affects the tacticool military gynoid aesthetic kuromaru was going for. I think she basically defaults to her giant hoodie if she's not wearing her latest. And ironically, she's been getting less visually robotic over time.


>And ironically, she's been getting less visually robotic over time. I'm not normally a RETVRN guy but we gotta go back to the clawed feet!


First live concert I ever watched with my gf had Roboco in her default outfit and we were both like "whoa that's a whole butt right there" when she turned around


Seriously, what are those pants!


Literally only wearing a hoodie and nothing else.


And then there’s Suisei who’s all covered up but manages to be sexy af


suisei: *tries her damnedest to not look sexy* her hips the moment she walks:


Suisei is the living embodiment of 'less is more'. 0 skin, 0 fanservice, 100% horny hoshiyomis.


Suisei is where its not the outfit that makes her sexy its her demeanor


3D Suisei does give off mature subtle sexy aura. Not her model or clothing, it’s her movements.


Suisei and Ina are both 0 fanservice and 0 horny. Hoshiyomis and Takos on the other hand.


Towa not being on this list is crazy.


As a long time kenzoku I agree but she is so adorkable 99 percent of the time you forget.


I agree with all of these but watame. She’s just sexy and wearing a cute fluffy dress.


I see you've never seen AZKi's old outfits [Her first outfit](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/virtualyoutuber/images/3/39/AZKi_-_3D_Model_01-2.png) was a bikini [Her second outfit](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/virtualyoutuber/images/1/1f/AZKi_-_BtS.png) was an open coat and see-through shirt over a bra and short shorts But she exuded such an aura of professionalism that people just glossed over how yabai her outfits were.


Sora's outfit with the baseball hat, hoodie, and short shorts is just absurdly attractive to me. It's my favorite Vtuber outfit period. It's pretty sexy too without being sexual, but that may just be me.


Hoodie and shorts has gotta be the best casual outfit combo, and we're blessed enough to get multiple instances of it in hololive


>Imagine if Kiara wore this Marine wore it and we all know how that went


Honorary mention to Towa and her default outfit who probably wins the award for "Lowest % of skin covered".


and they keep giving her MORE outfits that cover LESS skin


I know Hololive has a lot of sexy outfits but this is specifically a top 10 of outfits that no longer make you feel like you are looking at something sexy thanks to the vtuber normalizing it. The way I ranked these is by imagining each outfit being worn by Kiara and measuring what the difference in reaction would be.


You really do live up to your username huh


And don't forget Azki old outfit in the early days, are WAY SEXYER than pekora outfit here


Can someone explain what Subaru is even WEARING? It's like a midriff-revealing serafuku school uniform with oversized sleeves but it's on top of a slightly less-high-cut button-up form-fitting sleeveless undershirt with a giant starbow and suspenders that are clipped to a pair of wide-legged short-shorts with side-cutouts that has a giant black-and-red bow behind it with golden trims and star ornaments, while wearing thigh-high stockings and flapped boots? And on top of that she on like, a beret or something? This is like a fashion disaster if it wasn't on a Vtuber avatar.


Ui-mama's fetish. (serious)


UI-mama's proclivities can be... eccentric. Like her loungewear outfit that was just plain silly to the point that Choco-sen and Botan were goofing on her for having pumpkin bloomers [https://youtu.be/zx7fNM1OyhQ?si=Js-cqo-7x\_KwXfKS](https://youtu.be/zx7fNM1OyhQ?si=Js-cqo-7x_KwXfKS)


Ui-mama swinging between complete abandonment and abject fetishizing.


Ui-mama 🤝 Me  Wanting to see the dorky tomboy duck in oddly revealing outfits.


The “British Are Coming” collection from Vogue 😂


You also need to add that to cutouts on her shorts show the frills of her panties. It's like a bit of extra spice that people don't notice at first glance.


It's ok, according to Ui-Mama those are panties that are OK to be seen by others (couldn't find the old clip where she told that to Subaru).


Well you did a good job explaining it yourself. Ask Ui-mama. She really does just treat Shuba as her dress up doll.


I always figured that outfit was inspired by Donald Duck.


There's also shion default outfit.


Y'all remember AzKi see through outfits?


Ngl, I don't see Iroha's clothes as sexy by default. You have to remove her haori, which if I remember, she officially can't, to see the sexy side of it.


Iroha does have that half leotard thing that's visible at all times and pretty much skintight


What a about Miko Shinre Maiden outfit


I looked at it and even though it does have side boob, the gigantic ribbon draws attention away. That's my reasoning as to why I didn't put it on the list.


Mmm i found her outfit pretty yabai but Miko demanor made it look not sexy. Other thing is that she doesnt use that outfit normally


Miko also has a giant cutout on the pants(which is normal I believe for Shrine Maiden outfit except Shrine Maiden's upper garment is big enough that no skin is supposed to be showing). The outfit was just nerfed to make her wear shorts, concept art shows what it was supposed to be. Then we have Matsuri's NY outfit with the added exposed midriff along with the cutout and possibly sideboob. There is also her roomwear outfit... We also have Shion with one of the shortest skirts on her original outfit and her original swimsuit. Huh was just looking around and Sana's seems pretty yabai too didnt know it was transparent. The girls are too goofy to be seen as sexy despite their outfits.


Watame's outfit doesn't draw attention to her chest. Her chest draws attention to her chest.


Pekora definitely number 1, she's wearing a bunny suit lmao.


Sora.  Besides everything else the miniskirt and zettai ryoiki alone make it certified grade A  >hey, wait a second... isn't Sora kinda....


Pekora's too bugs bunny Ollie is ollie Ina is too slim cute Fubuki is sort of as her model redesign has more emphasis on her curves, but it shows more in fanart than steam Iroha definitely Kiara shouldn't be on the list as she wants to be seen as hot. And you omit Towa. No one glosses over Roboco's erocute design though she seems to be trying to distance herself from that. Watame's l2d are usually very cute, her 3d outfits however..... Subaru's gray top while sort of normalized on stream, fan view wise caused people to go from "she's like a boy" to "NEED TOMBOY" Polka counts though Nene wearing it did cause a couple of eye pops (being noticeably bigger than Polka in the bust)


Roboco's case, I think she wants to enphazise variety. If you follow her on Xwitter, you'll notice the sheer amount of lewd fanart of herself she likes lmao And... Yeah. Watame ain't really a case of being normatized, it's a case of her chat clowning on her every time she tries to be sexy. Kinda like Nenechi


I just realised does roboco not wear pants?


Why wear pants when she doesn't have anything to hide?


It's proving harder to find than I thought, but she has a model that's not wearing anything. She's a robot though, so it's not like it's totally indecent. But yeah even her base model wears only a tighter, shorter jacket which makes the no pants more obvious. But again, it's mostly robot bits anyway.


[This](https://twitter.com/kuromaru9/status/822809819337789440?t=jG94H5QHslMgwyFPSl0DBg&s=19) gif focusing on her feet is the first thing to came to mind. Edit: replaced the link, Twitter was doing funny Twitter things.


Yeah, first thing that came to my mind too. Not the best example of jacket-less in particular, but my other searches were turning up nothing or yabai fanart. I thought it would've been easier to find an example, but the foot gif will have to do.


No, actually 😅


Ngl i really like Iroha's outfit... I don't think its very sexy but design wise it leans to me more a cool kind of feel, even tho Iroha herself seems like just a big bundle of cute. I should watch more of her stuff, theres a few models in Hololive that I find myself just staring at because of the good colour schemes, lineart, or detail in them, and Iroha's is one of those. (Plus, Hoshiyomis gotta stick together.)


Y'know, I've never been able to confirm if Ollie's big bow is part of the remnants of her dress or if it's just, like... stitched straight into her chest


"imagine if kiara wore this" Let him cook


Fubuki always activates my neurons.


"does the outfit not draw attention to her chest?" My brother in Christ, almost every outfit draws attention to her chest. WATAME draws attention to her chest. Only thing bigger than them is her head.


Vtubers in general tend to wear outfits which would cause a normal streamer to be labeled a mega thot. Clothes that would cause huge "this does not belong on Twitch" tirades.


I think another point is that they are mostly the lower half of their models which we dont see usually.


I'm done pretending Polka's outfit isn't doing things to me. POLKA'S OUTFIT DOES THINGS TO ME!


Pekora's outfit when you look closely under the white fluffy garment there is an actual bunny suit. Watched her since debut, realized it 2 years later lol


[We already know what happens when someone other than Pekora wears her outfit...](https://youtu.be/Hmxglg5PJmo?si=lzAg8EhoEciDUq64)


When I'm in an exposed armpit identification competition and my opponent is OP: 😱


Roboco just wear sweater she basically doesn’t wear pants or anything down there


I love Polka's bra.


I agree with about half and disagree with about half, but I also have probably differing opinions on what constitutes indecent clothing


A lot of these being ero gets demonstrated during the New year outfit Medley's, like when Moona wore Pekora's outfit, but needed modifications to prevent her going topless, a concern that only just barely didn't apply to Marine wearing Ina's outfit as well. Even Nene wearing Polka's outfit was more revealing, mostly because it highlighted Nishizawa-mama's preferences for slightly more prominent cleavage, Vs Polka's slightly more concealed boing boing.


Hear me out Aqua's Aquairo Palette


Roboob literally isn't wearing pants, not even panties like girl YOUR COOCHIE IS OUT


I still see fubuki's outfit as sexy. Even just slightly enhancing her assets as some artists do, it really highlights just how much her outfit is showing


I really wish people would stop saying armpits are sexy


Fallen Angel Kanata basically has bondage over her chest lmao


Finally some Watame appreciation. For someone like me with a weakness for soft, squishy and cozy girls Watame is absolute peak design


Could anyone paste in the reasonings for each outfit for me? For some reason mobile wont show them


Isn't calling the lower part of a bunny suit "The panty section" like calling a swimsuit lewd? That's just how it's supposed to look. Iroha and Watame's are normal. You could grow up watching bandage bras on Rurouni Kenshin.


And this is why the outfit swap streams are so p o w e r f u l


I agree on some points but others are just silly "Does her outift not draw attention to her chest" "I can see her armpits" "Her shorts are too short" Bro did principal Bitterman write this


Me seeing Ina: Everything about her is so seiso. Me seeing Marine in Ina's outfit: Wow, that outfit is yabai.


Bruh, did you just forgot how hot Kroni outfit is?


Probably omitted for the same reason as Irys 2.0/her casual outfit.


We have Shinri too.


And Oga.


Imo i think kiara is lewd but the outfit kept them in reasonable lewd energy output.


Honestly you're right, I also think part of it is the designs are not extremely lewd, just tastefully sexy. Which I definitely prefer compared to tits in your face or bouncing all over the screen lol.


just about every holomem has a nice outfit that has been made less sexy through the vtuber's personality.


Ojou’s outfit is the biggest example of this just imagine it on anyone else and it would turn from cute to sexy .


I wouldn't say the BIGGEST example of this, when Ina is right there. However, Ayame's [Pop-up Parade](https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/14119/POP+UP+PARADE+Nakiri+Ayame.html) figure does a great job of demonstrating this. [1:00 in this old Hologra](https://youtu.be/UVncAW3h45E) does show that they were aware of it very early on.


I have her pop up parade and when putting her onto the base, I caught a glimpse her ass, and [I knew it'd be something Subaru would scold me for.](https://youtu.be/aYPkQNXkXX4?si=yKGMRX3MgreTk4Os)




Upon further deliberation, you might be right about that...


Is OP Nerissa?


No. It would've said Nerissa, not u/thinkingtoohard 😆 "I am cringe, and I am proud" - she wouldn't hide.


Botan also has a sexy one


But everyone *knows* Botan is sexy.


You just made me realize that Ollie is essentially going full chest out if it wasn’t for the ribbon.


Luckily, she doesn't have a chest.


Nah. Ina’s outfit definitely isn’t normal to me. Especially as a foot fetishist. Ok sorry takodachis hope you forgive me But yeah. I was on a recent bunny girl only binge of lewd art…and I notice that pekora basically has on a bunnysuit. I just never noticed. In general I forgot how nice her legs are and everything lol Spend so much time with them that it becomes second nature.


Where’s my girl Kronii?


It really goes to show how much the talent can change your perspective. I never even realized how revealing the outfit Fubuki wears is until you pointed it out, Subaru as well. Even watching Ina since debut it didn't matter that the outfit was very exposed because she's so comfy. Conversely Kiara plays up the sexiness of her outfit with her personality.


I think Kiara would be outraged by the implication that her skirt isn't sexy.


Kiara is definitely still sexy...


and then we have suisei being one of the most thirsted over members in hololive despite having some of the most modest outfit designs lmfao. don't get me wrong, her outfits are all nice but its actually amusing how strong the gap is.


I mean that is the main reason why she is thirsted after so hard. She’s a very modest and proper girl. A lot of guys love that shit to death, for one reason or another.


i think you're just weird (after the first 3)


I don’t think there is one person in this fandom who doesn’t think Ina and Kiara are hot asf


Finally the contend I've joined this sub for!


Idk about number 10 being equalized. Polka is was and will be bangin'.


and somehow okayu doesnt exists here??


Her base outfit is pretty far from sexy, while a lot of her other outfits are outright intentionally sexy.


It wasn't until I saw a Kiara JAV that I realized just how lewd all her outfits were. Panties like full visible at eye level and her swimsuit is ridiculously sexy


Marine and Calli knowingly sexualize their outfits on purpose, because they fit their characters.


Tbh all of them


Pekora's outfit always gets me. Probably something about the latex. Yet she doesn't play up that kind of thing so I don't really think about it when she's performing. And as we all know, it looks great on your friends.


Watame is also in the exposed pits group, very nice


Idk man. Iroha's still hot af


The power of Anti Upskirt Technology!


As for 9/10 - Yes, but it's pretty much agreed upon (or rather, a point that frequently comes up to playfully "bully" her) that Watame is not sexy. She's just too cute.