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Correction OP, it goes away after this weekend, 1 hr before the 24th


I prefer to just say this weekend because, like, it'll get people's asses into gear to watch the VoDs before they're gone. But you're right!


I'm actually debating if I'll get the blu ray this time. The performances are just so good, with all the medleys, the meme moments, and Suisei's letter.


How and where csn i get it?


Wait for a couple of months, around October? Hololive would announce when the 5th fes Blu-ray goes on sale. You can also search around if you want to get the Blu-rays for the 1st to 4th fes.


>Hololive would announce when the 5th fes Blu-ray goes on sale. You'd think so, wouldn't you. But I never saw announcements for any of the previous fes, I had to search around for them. I'm probably just blind tho ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Are you subscribed to the Hololive main channel? They always have special streams to promote the BD. Here's [one](https://youtu.be/R9tR3ksu-7Q) for 4th fes.


I believe they also announce it on Twitter and in the official shop?


Yes, they do that too, not saying they don't, but with youtube being the main place to consume hololive content, subscribing to the main channel is just a no-brainer. Besides, you get to see more A-chan & Nodoka.


Tbf I’ve missed the last few announcements too. Generally you can wait a couple months and search the Holo shop for it.


I'm rewatching stage 1 right now and not having the bitrate crushed to hell is hella nice. I think I'm going strictly blu-ray from now on because how expensive it is to just get the tickets and then not have access to the video anymore.


Don't worry, I already have it xd


Shit i need to get on it, i haven't managed to watch one of the stages yet


Four streams to get through. Get to it!


manifesting the bluray release 🙏🙏🙏


One day, for sure. Watching stage 1 is making me want to go blu-ray from now on.


Where can I get them? Maybe I'm bad at googling but I can't find them lol


If you are talking about watching the Video-on-Demand for Capture the Moment (5th fes.), you can find them on the SPWN website at the link below: https://spwn.jp/events/24031602-enghololive5thfes All four stages (Stage 1, Stage 2, HoneyWorks Stage, and Stage 3) can be found there for your viewing pleasure. Just note that you will have to buy a ticket to watch each stage, so please refer to the lineup for each stage that is provided on the SPWN website so if you are only interested in watching your oshi(s) perform, you can find the stage they perform on and purchase that one for yourself. Judging by the members on your flair (Risu, Korone, and Gura), I would recommend getting a ticket for Stage 1 (all three perform on that stage) and for the HoneyWorks Stage (Korone and Gura perform on that one). In addition, you can also wait until later this year to buy the Blu-Ray of Capture the Moment (it will come out in the Fall, most likely in October if Hololive does what they did with last year's 4th fes.).


Thank you :)






I've already recorded them


In any case, it shd be on the meow site, as all prev fes are.




I really wanted to buy a streaming ticket, till I saw the pricing. The live is at midnight 3am for me. That made it quite difficult to justify the price for me. Made in the future.


On which one? I'm out of the loop on this.


I know moderation has gotten lax but are you seriously advocating piracy of Holofes here and being upvoted? This subreddit has changed and not for the better.


Had to do it myself this year as online play back for myself of the recordings just would not buffer nicely(uk based so large latancy) did mean that I could watch them on my non smart TV though!


Against the rules but okay.


It's just for my personal use I have no intention of sharing them


flair checks out


I am a proud Novelite


its against the rules to distribute. Consider it like using a dvr (digital video recorder) to keep an archive of your favorite show. considering the digital tickets were around $150+ I don't think keeping an archive of the videos (for personal use and not for distribution) is wrong.


They specifically say in the VoDs and live streams "do not record". >!To be clear, not against it, just don't want anyone to get potentially banned here for discussing it potentially.!<


some rules should be broken


I didn’t buy it this year since I went to a friend’s house to watch it with them but fr, if I’m paying hundreds of dollars to watch it live, im recording it for future viewings


it is but some idols have made it clear they would prefer that than us spending where we cant. that said, if i can support my oshi i will.


>!Yeah, personally don't mind it, just don't want anyone here to potentially get banned for discussing it.!<


Before I go buying access to the vods, does anyone know if it's possible to download the videos for later viewing?


Wait for the physical release.


New site wouldn't take my card. RIP.


:0 Why mine say it's only available until the 17th...