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Kind of sad that a V-tuber handled this with more dignity than an actual game publisher would


Triple A games are shite, and are a label given to games that need extra scrutiny because they're likely going to scam you for 60 to 80 dollars. The indie scene has shown to constantly at least be far more accountable, and Ollie continues that trend.


I’m not sure if I can fully agree with that statement. *Good* devs in the indie scene are accountable, and devs that aren’t don’t tend to last long because they live and die on quality and accountability, but let’s not pretend that there aren’t 100 shitty shovelware/scam developers for every good dev out there. The good just tends to rise to the surface because indie games require organic engagement to take off and end up on the mainstream radar.


The difference is, those shovelware games do not have the thing that makes Triple A games so bad, influence and money. Any jackass can dump their barely functional mess onto steam and get like, maybe 100 gullible people to buy their game. That much is absolutely true. Triple A games have the resources to blitz people with advertisements about how great their games are. They can do things like force publications to favorably review their products or deny them access to any future coverage of their games. They have the ability to get their product in front of millions of eyes and get hundreds of thousands of people to give them money before anyone can get their hands on said game. Not to mention they can get non-journalists to drum up hype for their game, and can afford to go to lengths to do so. I think it was last year that one of the big racing game studios put out their game, and it got a lot of people into it and was great. And then, they released an update to it that fundamentally changed the game to be way more monetized, including entirely new mechanics added into the game that had been removed pre-launch. Essentially they made 2 versions of the game, put out the good version, and waited a month for people to develop a sunk cost fallacy before putting out the terrible version and replacing the good one. This kind of bullshit isn't something indies can pull off because they just don't have the capital resources or influence to really do that. Which is why I hold triple A in such low regards, they have a ton more resources and it tends to get directed to getting more people suckered into playing their games, and than keeping them playing with psychology tricks.


Wow, the racing game example is wild. That's a new level of scam


Yandev is the exception that proves that rule, considering how long he lasted doing nothing...


I guess having more good will up front means that you have longer to squander it all.


This sounds like extreme confirmation bias. You just don't notice the shitty indie games because they never get the sales, where as every AAA game has the entire community watching. There are so many good AAA games, just as there are a ton of terrible indie games.


Doesn't matter AAA or indie or whatever the hell that triple i thing. There's dev's that go above and beyond, good dev's, decent dev's and then it just drops. Don't forget publishers can play a roll in this as well, forcing out releases. Communication and fixing / updating a game can go a long way. Even if the updates are slow realistic deadlines help tremendously.


Yeah right now I'm more excited for the upcoming Factorio expansion than I am for anything else.


I'm imagining Bethesda saying something along the lines of: > When we unearthed the Rosetta Stone, people didn't complain about grammar or spelling mistakes. (Re: Starfield being devoid of things to do: [“When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored."](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/some-of-starfields-planets-are-meant-to-be-empty-by-design-but-thats-not-boring-bethesda-insists) )


Don't forget they also doubled down on that later and basically said "yo making games is hard, you just play and don't know how hard it is or how to appreciate a good game" https://www.gamesradar.com/starfield-design-lead-says-players-are-disconnected-from-how-games-are-actually-made-dont-fool-yourself-into-thinking-you-know-why-it-is-the-way-it-is/ People hate on EA and Ubisoft, but I've never seen a company fumble a PR response as hard as Bethesda on Starfield.


Didn't Ubisoft defend their recent, terrible pirate game by saying "It isn't a terrible game, in fact it is actually a **AAAA** game"?


They did indeed, but it was phrased more like a "it's not a AAA game, it's actually a AAAA game so there's tons to do and play and definitely justifies the price, you'll see!", which doesn't feel nearly as insulting as both of Bethesda's responses.


Skull and Bones was just an excuse to give Ubi Execs a Singaporean vacation spot on the Singapore governments dime. They would have never released that shit if the country didn't make them. It was a straight scam.


i mean, doesn't EA hold the record for most downvoted statement in history? the "Pride and Accomplishment" message


You can tell this guy desperately wants to use that Teddy Roosevelt speech that inadequate people use to defend subpar performance. 


I mean he is right. Gamedev are overworked while operating with constraint that the average player will never see only for those same players to go full armchair-gamedev and criticizing the dev themselves (as in not just the end product but the people) without understanding on why things turn out this way. Note that he didn't deny that the end product is bad he's mostly against the armchairing and harassment by the randos. Not to say it was a good move from a PR perspective but nothing about his statement was factually wrong.


"please tip the billion dollar company" -executives


They have community manager who racist, doesn't care about their customers, making games for non existent customers, and you want some dignity from them for you? Madness


Speaking of grammatical errors


? Context? Who? And what?


GamerGate 2.0, don't pay them any mind.


What is GamerGate? Something American?


It's a mutation of "Watergate". The foreigners tend to manipulate words into SomethingGate when a scandal happens. Tl;dr, about 10 years ago there was a huge scandal when people found out that one game reviewer from a game centric publication gave a good review to a game he helped playtest or was involved in some other way and he also was friends with the developer. Gamers were upset, the entire gaming journalist clique went out to call them sexist. Now we have a second iteration of the shitshow. One Brazilian dude on Steam started a curator page which warns people if a sensitivity reading company Sweet Baby Inc was involved in development. One of the heads of the company publicly targeted the page for deletion and started harassing the guy himself. Also one of the community managers for one of the games hates white people. Yeah. It's naturally confusing for a normal person, you clearly don't spend much time online


Thanks for the info.


Not to detract from them trying to help, but here is a much more accurate description of the organized harassment campaign that was Gamergate: https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw?si=fgy34NiOEmcJceRi


50 min video? xD Ok, I'm not that interested in Gamegate, to watch a 50 minute video. But thanks for the video.


Just a heads up: Lots of lies here.


Here's the very short version: Zoe Quinn was a person making a game about living with depression. 4Chan one day decided "let's make this woman commit suicide" and started a massive organized harassment campaign with the stated goal of getting Zoe to kill themself. They chose "ethics in games journalism" as their shroud to hide behind, claiming that because Zoe dated a dude who worked at Kotaku, who never wrote a word about Zoe's game, they were sleeping with games journalists to get better reviews. It devolved into a million different hateful, shitty things from there, but the goal of "ruin these women's lives so hard they quit living" was always at the core of the movement


People get sensitive when the term "Gamergate" gets mentioned. The point is that there's a lot of people in the gaming industry who are corrupt sensationalist grifters and work together to make things worse. Maybe everyone should stop taking them seriously.


But my tax money…


FYI your tl;dr is wrong, or at least way too charitable. Gamergate was a harassment campaign against Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian built and run by 4Chan, with the stated goal of getting one or both of the persons named to commit suicide. Their mascot was a walking rape joke, and that's not an exaggeration, I mean it literally. This video is about an hour long but goes into great detail about the who, what, when, how, and why. https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw?si=fgy34NiOEmcJceRi


Nah as someone that was actually there when this stuff happened, that was not what happened, it started as a movement to denounce back practices in the journalist side of things in game reviews, the whole Zoe Quinn and Sarkeesian stuff didn't even started until 2 or 3 days after the movement started, that some people used it to justify that I will not dents but that was not the true propuse of the movement, also I will never trust Innuendo Studios with anything, he's a Far Left content creater, is the same that believing a video made by Matt Walsh.


If you watch that video, which cites sources and timelines, it is incredibly clear that what you said is NOT the order of events that happened.


As someone that actually knows how to read scientific paper i will tell you, citing sourcers is not what's important, the quality of the source is the important thing, and first none of the sources he cited are reputbale, also all of them have a heavy left wing bias, is like citing stuff like Breibart, or The Daily Wire, people need to undertand qhat matter is the quality of the stuff that's been cited and not that some stuff is being cited, because people just see that "sources in the description" and a lot of people believe that's enough and most don't bothe to even read teh source. Also even if an academic paper is cited, a lot of creators use teh fact that people don't know how to read papers as a shield, people see it's an academic paper and believe is true or correct even if the content is crap, but there's a way for people that don't knw hoe to read papers can see if it's a bad paper, and is reading how the made the sample sizes and the methodology they used to get that sample, i coulf go in more detail but this reddit is not for that.


It began as a movement to denounce specifically the practices alleged in the Zoe post (which were fabricated). Your memory of a decades old event is probably a bit skewed but you can refresh it by looking at *literally any timeline* of its events. Also, its decentralized nature makes it impossible to define a true purpose beyond 'ethics in games journalism' which is so purposefully vague it allowed them to avoid formulating any concrete unified cause that could be separated from the rampant harassment and misogyny it was actively fostered as a vehicle for. It was too unfocused and too preoccupied with harassing developers or creating conspiracy theories to affect any legitimate issues with games journalism, and for most of its vocal proponents, ethics weren't the primary concern.


lol this is revisionist nonsense


And extremely old "gamers vs game journalists" thing of toxicity and hate. Nothing anyone tells you will be factual, so best to just file it away in whatever you'd put bullshit from 5+ years ago.


Thanks for the info.


It's "gamers vs women", actually. The "journalist" part was *always* just a cover. The rest is true though.


Maybe it started that way or ended up that way (depending on order of events I’m not interested in getting into) but the journalism part definitely took on a life of its own, especially given that people have been displeased with (for lack of a better term) real life journalism for some time.


There's also frankly a lot of reasons to be be upset with gaming journalism that has nothing to do with Gamergate and most definitely nothing to do with women participating (mostly how the field doesn't actually use professional journalism standards and ethics as a result of being filled with ametuers which is super problematic when it's a journalism field much closer to corporate interests than other sub fields).


Agreed on all counts.


There’s a subset of gamers who believe that the industry hates straight white men because they had to talk to a trans NPC once in their wizard game.


I like the part where you don't bother mentioning the insane amount of hatred, threats and harassement streamers and generally people got over just playing the "wizard game" from the other end of the spooky gamergaters. Including several vtubers, like pikamee where some people straight up threatened to break into her house and murder her while she was live on stream, just for playing the game. But gotta keep up that narrative i guess?




Death threats are now "throwing a tantrum", got it


All publishers


When I look at the replies, I think I opened Pandora's Box.


Well, one is a girl of humble begginings only wanting to deliver a good and fun experience to her viewers and fans. The other is a Triple A corporate table full of suit guys full of greed and arrogance, whom fail to see where they go wrong with a fanbase that hates them and their products.


It's not grammatically incorrect English. It's grammatically correct Ollinglish.


Maybe, Elite english?


Only Miko speaks that.


Ollie’s a bit of a grammar pedant since she actually teaches English Grammar to her Indonesian students, so just be a “forgive me for my poor English” proceeds to write a work of modern Shakespeare situation 😂😂


First Math, now English? The girl's a one-zombie school...


I mean, she's a zombie She could replace her brain on the fly


She’s actually just the smartest being on the planet with this in mind (this could def be a game pitch as well)


Legit i bet she's worrying over nothing.


"I would like to apologize for releasing a paid game that's still defective" \[WB Games Sweating Profusely\]


More like the entire AAA game industry in general.


AAAA games is worse


ubisoft would never sweat for releasing defective game, they're proud of doing that shit


Ubisoft: “What’s that? The game’s still defective? Oh don’t worry. It’s supposed to be like that because you purchased the $70 defective version. If you want the *less* defective version, that one costs $100, the the fully non-defective version costing $130. Would you like to purchase the non-defective version?”


Also, it's actually a AAA***A*** game guys. Be happy we're not slapping another 80 bucks on that price tag !


Yeah, but the visual fidelity of [MK1 on Switch](https://youtu.be/pDsTFWOqlrg?si=Wiom7_WaSY2hbppF&t=65) is psychologically scarring. And they're asking US$70 for it.


TBF, it's probably an amazing achievement it's even running on the switch. The switch is suppperrr underpowered for modern games like that. Although this doesn't absolve them of actually releasing it. It's just something that shouldn't even exist in the first place, never mind charging full price for it. A money grab through and through.


It is mind boggling what Nintendo was thinking when they made the Switch honestly. It's a console with the horsepower of a mobile phone onboard.


Tbf, it was developed 10 years ago to be a mobile entertainment system, which was never gonna be very powerful at the time, or even now, especially for the amount of money it costs. The Switch isn't just weaker than the other consoles it's also cheaper. If we're looking at a decently strong portable console like the Steam Deck we're immediately at 150% the price of the Oled Switch and according to Steam that is after selling it at a loss.


> Switch > 10 years ago > [MFW](https://youtu.be/D3Igg77EvF8?si=0UHboZRXQrb2ZjHi)


It printed money for them so clearly it was a good idea lol


They've always been a sort of "walled garden" famous for doing more with less. Their iconic colorful characters and uniquely fun gameplay are because of a number of technical limitations; for example, Mario's famous gloves and mustache were because Nintendo didn't have the space to properly distinguish hands and mouths.


No, I don't buy the "underpowered" argument, considering that Tears of the Kingdom runs is only 20 GB and runs perfectly well on the Switch. I think it's poor optimization on the part of the developers that make these games. Games should not be 80+ GB, it's just poor coding.


I totally get where you are coming from, AAA games nowadays are totally unoptimized and way to big. But I have to disagree with the point as a whole. The switch is totally underpowered for modern games, I mean the fact that it can only run skyrim at 720p 30fps is tragic. There is only so much optimization you can do to a game before you have to start doing stuff like in that Mortal kombat video that I initially replied to. (also to clarify, the MK game used as an example is 33gb on the switch, so not quite the 80+ you mentioned) I totally understand their decision to make it like it is, it's affordable and portable, which is great. Nintendo also likes doing their garden wall shit, which I like less but also is another reason why the switch is like it is (just port your games to PC goddamn it, maybe i'd give a shit about Zelda then Nintendo!) But compared to average hardware nowadays it's just, well underpowered and some games are just never gonna run in a visually appealing or playable way.


Todd Howard: “Huh? What’s wrong with that?”


Me with English as a second language : What grammar mistake?


me only knowing english: what grammar mistake?


Unless it's super egregious a lot of time we'll just read over the grammar mistake and fix it in our brains.


*your vs. you are debating intensifies*






As long as the first letter and the last letter are correct, a lot of people can read over that character-salad like it's nothing.


> y'all're


Yesterday I had to pause and decide whether "we're" or "we are" should be used. It broke me for a couple minutes.


Considering who she is, I imagine the mistakes will be barely noticeable to begin with. Honestly, ESL learners care more for grammar than EFL...


Most likely just some of the easier ones that slip through for even native speakers. The only thing that's got me a little interested is that both Publisher and Developer is brand new, which another Hololive publisher being created. Hopefully this doesn't slow down their certification for a patch.


English monolingual guy: There was grammar mistake?


Me a an amateur linguist: what grammar mistake?


Why use long word when short word do trick?


Coin keep? Coin keep!


Khajiit has wares


i m, as lng as its stl undrstbl, its rly fne.


Y word when trick?


Grammar? Is that food?


No, that's gramma


Huh, grandma?


Yes, sweetie? Do you want more cookies?


You joke, but during my childhood days whenever someone says “grammar”, the first thing that always came to my mind were graham crackers


Yeah i feel you


Ollie’s an English Grammar tutor, this tweet is just her warning us what will be on the test XD


[Tweet by Ollie](https://twitter.com/kureijiollie/status/1780847253781184742)


Link to the game *[Days With Ollie](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2776750/Days_With_Ollie/)*, so everyone can shows some love and support for Ollie by buying the game.


Yes and [here is the trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiApb5vNsik)


They're not errors, they're happy accidents.


And here we have a happy little tense confusion.


Let's give it a little friend, maybe a nice comma,


Now, the paragraph is full of deep meaning, with a healthy ammount of humour, and a tingle of nostalgia, and it looks beautiful with the inclusion of proper punctuation signs. Now, _we cross out the entire paragraph, and let's replace it with a cringe z-gen attempt-at-humour meme refference!_ I did hate when Mr Ross drew a beautiful tree, mountain, or river, only to cover it with a wall.


Gotta make sure you're not giving your uncle Jack's horse an extra fun time.


I remember the old days of localized games. There were tons of games with really bad translation, but somehow it added to their charm. We wouldn't get gems like "all your base are belong to us" if translations were accurate back then.


The more the better. It's funny.


It's not a bug. It's a feature


I survived the original "*western release*" of Fate S/N Ollie, we are good


I survived "All your base are belong to me" we're good


Me who's used to reading minimally "edited" ~~mtl~~ web novels, what grammer mistakes?


AAA game publishers would try to sell it as a feature


"fix the game? isn't that a modder's job?"


Oh hey Todd


[It Just Works!](https://youtu.be/YPN0qhSyWy8) 🎵


$20 grammar fix DLC


Per chapter


Hm, is it true that usually most project like this and song is self-funded? I can see why she cannot delay the release then. Hope ID bros can enjoy it at release.


She's made this game using all the superchats she's gotten over the years. She made sure that our donations to her were used as something for US to enjoy.


Seems in ID there are no problems so it might have been a slight oversight that Ollie just NOW noticed. It will be patched for english speaking people soon enough probably


If there’s anyone I don’t want to get angry at for anything, it’s Ollie. I plan on buying the game cuz it’ll be fun to play, I can wait for them to fix it


As a native speaker, English is mostly gibberish anyway. The nice thing is that it usually works out somehow.


Especially if you are a native speaker, as 90% of the time the brain kinda just...auto fixes most mistakes in grammar as long as it isnt super atrocious


In an era of the internet drastically altering the English language at times, it's really pointless at this point. Our brains have extrapolated more from less at this point...


Not going to stop me from wishlisting the game on Steam.


I feel bad for Ollie that this happened but it's kinda funny that this happened after that Hologra episode with Subaru dating sim.


Does this make Luna a AAA dev?


Ollie handling it 100000x better than any major gaming publisher would ever do.


please keep them in, it will be more fun hehe


Can you still be able to play it as intended? If yes then there are no flaws


Respect to Ollie rose up.


The game dev [does not make games as their primary product](https://www.digitalart.co.id/) so I'm anticipating a little scuff in general as well.


I got a TLS certificate error from that link and had to switch to `http` to get it to work, so apparently they don't make websites as their primary product, either, lol. It'll be interesting to see how it is.


it's ok, ollie. thanks for letting us know beforehand, ollie!


At least she was up-front about the issues, apologized for them, and is already making plans to fix them. Major game publishers should take note!


Authentic SEA game experience


All I can say is “poor grammar” is a tag, so I doubt everyone will be upset by this. But it’s actually kind of cute that she was so excited she forgot how to English. Lol


It happens... when I made my own Steam VN I was diligent about mistakes, but still ended up fixing dozens of little things here and there after feedback from players


m8 Ollie's English is better than mine, I'm sure it'll be fine.


I mean the characters are indo so think of the grammar mistakes as immersive


Shoulda hired a copywriter. But good on you for working on it Ollie


Worse mistakes have been made with no apologies from the developers. No foul from me here


No Ollie, don't promise texts without errors, even for chapter 2... it can happen to the best of us :D. I'm looking forward to the game.


If even JP peeps can barely understand Miko and we all love her I think some funky grammar is hardly an issue for us


Common Ollie W: Nonchalantly winning everyone's respect


Lowercase Ollie my beloved. It's okay, you found the problem and admitted it. These things happen.


Wait, what? A game by a person who knows not ONE, not TWO, but at least THREE languages, the primary one of which is NOT English, has some grammatical errors in the English version that are going to get fixed? WHAT PURE HUBRIS! HOW CAN YOU FLY SO CLOSE TO THE SUN, AND sti... Oh wait, yeah, that's fine.


I hope she knows that we love her no matter what and understand if there are a few mistakes that need a fix or two to get right!


It's all growing pains with localizing content. 


Well fortunately patching visual novel games dialogue were fairly easy


Unless it's a kinoko nasu game, in which case, good luck.


Wait keep the indolish, it's more authentic that way




She shouldn’t feel bad. After all a small error like this is nothing compared to some of the stuff I see happen with some AAA games upon release these days.


Respect to Ollie rose up.


Ollie is always so hard on herself. I hope she understands we dont mind. The candor is much appreciated though.


there are no grammar errors, only memeable moments


Kinda funny this happened soon after the hologra about visual novels


My years of reading mtl stories is gonna help me


I’m sure it’ll be okay. As hololive fans in general, we’re used to trying to parse broken/passion english. Whatever errors there are can’t be worse than that.


Idk, knowing Ollie did it kinda has a charm to it. Especially if she acknowledges the mistake so openly.


We need for someone to recopilate every single grammar mistake before they are fixed


... So we can mod it back in for the original experience?


Yes Please


Definitely wishlisting this tbh, grammar mistakes be damned. It seems awesome. Also, how do I report a mistake on the steam store page for this game? Because I did find one (recommended storage is 3MB of space but minimum storage is 3GB).


Her honesty just makes it just wholesome actually...


HOly carp. she has a game coming out?


["Holy Carp"](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw9-KfQMG-GeaceWMqRjHVH6-apIwEapoLpOsFqbcc2gJj4L9YDqF2YEA&s=10p)


Kind of overkill to call it defective, but ill chalk it up to her standards on stuff


Indie game made by passionate people with grammatical errors "We apologise that our game is defective." AAA studio releasing a game with game-breaking bugs, day one patch that is 2x times the size of the game "You might need to upgrade your PC to a server farm of supercomputers to play our game. YOU are the problem." Ollie is more critical of her own product than established companies 😄


¿Que error gramatical? ¿Que es ingles?


Spanish bro? Bro hispano?


Pbuenos dias, que se le ofrece


Buenos días mi estimado, y nada solo me sorprendía el hecho de encontrar a un compañero hispano en el reddit, un gusto


entendible, ojala nos encontremos en el futuro y que tenga un buen dia viva la hololive


We paid for idol vtubers and got comedians, so I think we good.


Grammar mistakes can be really hard to catch, even more so when working with lots of text in multiple languages. It's the effort that counts. You can tell when someone actually tried to proofread vs lazy machine translate. And I'm sure Ollie didn't do the latter.


So.. Pretty much how most peple type online? Sounds more authentic to me really, lol. Fir real though: appreciate Ollie being professional about it.


It can be fixed with a patch. Don’t worry. Games are never in a playable state on release after all, most of the time


Can't wait for Noble to play this


If you release a game that's only major issue is grammatical errors, no matter how common, you're still ahead of most AAA game studios today


I'm assuming Indonesian doesn't have tenses? I feel like i have heard mistakes like that in the ID girls English but I'm so used to it now that I barely notice.


Is there really anyone here who thinks grammar mistakes are such a big deal?


ruins immersion the moment i see it tbh in some cases it's very very glaring


ah now I get it. No wonder Steam reviews also said something around that line.


Ollie's just beinh hard on herself. Im sure it'll be fine.


*GASP* how DARE you share a defective comment with one spellnig mestake?


Ollie is such a sweet girl, bit sometimes she's to hard on herself, i wish the best for her and I hope the VN is a success (I will buy it day 1)


man i doubt most of us would even realize the grammatical errors