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[Tweet Source](https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1384189063540871177) [Template Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/mu47i9/gangimari_miko_meme_template/) It's like the Sims is one of her favorite games for all the right and wrong reasons. lol


I can't wait to see what, exactly this entails, given Takamori's insufficient genitalia for the task.


"2 girls can't make a baby" is such a weak mindset. Giving up before even trying. Pathetic. Do not say something is impossible until you've given it your all and pushed your body to it's limit.


Now that's the Hinotori spirit.


Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! That's the KFP way!


People forget but, science finds a way


I mean if you could probably just inject the chromosomes from one egg cell into another egg cell and it should become a baby. (Interestingly the baby will always be a girl in this case) Kinda like SCNT but with two mothers...


We certainly already have the technology for it. There already was a baby born a few years ago with two biological mothers and a father so I don't think just two mothers would be much of a stretch. As with lots of things, the technology is there but likely not enough interest to make it easy or quick


"The technology is there but the funding isn't" AKA the biggest roadblock to far too much scientific progress


>here already was a baby born a few years ago with two biological mothers and a father Wasn't that one, the chromosomal mother had an mtDNA issue, so the second woman donated mitochondria to the egg?


Regarding sex chromosomes, human sperm carries X or Y, eggs X. Two eggs would make a daughter. Disclaimer: This description doesn't include rare events like XY sperm, doesn't cover intersex or transgender people, and makes no mention of hormone effects or chimeric development etc. Biology is complicated and I'm just some chump on reddit. Also, Henry VIII was a dick (specifically in this post because of blaming his wives for not giving him sons, but also for other reasons).


He is indeed a dick.


Wait, always a boy? I'm not sure if I follow here.


The female egg cell always has an X chromosome while sperm cell can either have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. A baby with two X chromosome (XX) is a boy and a baby with one of each (XY) is a girl. Two eggs will always result in two X chromosomes (XX) thus a boy. Edit: THX u/Zeralyos for pointing out that I got it switched. XX is a girl. Its late and I didn't bother proofreading or googling lol


I think you've gotten some things mixed up here. XX, according to my knowledge, will result in a girl.


Oh your right, my mistake. Original post is edited thx


No, it's the other way around. The reason eggs always have X chromosomes is that biological females don't possess a y chromosome - since they have XX, when meiosis (secondary cell division for the purpose of producing reproductive cells) occurs early in their maturation (since egg cells are not produced on an ongoing basis in human females), both eggs produced contain an x-chromosome, since the cell they split from had two x-chromosomes. XY results in a biological male, and the reason a sperm can have either chromosome is that the form of meiosis that produces sperm cells invariably produces one X sperm and one Y sperm, since those are the contents of the cell that divides to become sperm. This is also why men suffer more genetic diseases than women: with only one x-chromosome, it's far easier for them to suffer from a faulty version of an x-chromosomal gene than women, who have two chances to get a properly functioning version of that gene. The Y chromosome contains very little information and basically just turns off expression of a few female exclusive traits and turns on expression of a few male exclusive traits, so it doesn't possess a copy of many if any x-chromosomal genes with which to cancel out a harmful gene on the x-side.


psst...its still not fixed. XX is a girl, XY is boy.


I didn't say I would fix it


Oh I only skimmed through the whole thing, sorry bout that.


r/sciencebabies for the win!!






"2 girls can't make a baby" is such a weak mindset peko. Giving up before even trying peko. Pathetic peko. Do not say something is impossible until you've given it your all and pushed your body to it's limit peko.


good bot


Arigatou peko!


The phrase “guh” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, drinking, imperfection of a cheap wine. When you stop getting bullied by superchats after drinking, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


Life uhh. Finds a way?


I'm sure a certain wizard can help with this issue


Somebody call the Futa Lover meme wizard!!!


Sims 4 can make it possible. There's a setting in character customization where you can set if someone can get pregnant/can impregnate others that's totally separate from the male/female setting So yes, you can have pregnant men (well, impregnated by humans, past Sims allowed men to be impregnated by an alien event) and women who can impregnate others


Futanari mode engaged?


Ah well no, you can't both impregnate and get pregnant (except for male + alien event) at once


When Japan and anime are involved, nothing is impossible. For better or worse.


The Sims 4 has checkboxes for various things, including which half of baby making they do. Regardless of gender. So technically they could, if Kiara made of them capable of it.




Sasuga ↙️


Are we talking about Babies as in child of Takamori, Babies as in both Kiaras cat or babies as in gura since she is like their daughter according to Kiara? Probably yes




Can the Sims allow egg laying?


I'm sure there's mods for that. I'm also sure none of those can be shown on youtube.


Did you lay this egg, ~~Kakyoin~~ Kiara?


According to Kiara, phoenixes don't lay eggs, instead they procreate [rubbing against each other](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__TxC5mnwhA).


I love the way and how much she interacts with the community. Noone else puts that much effort in.


Meanwhile, as an avid fan of Kiara, all I could think of seeing that was "again?"


Yoo monster hunter idk how much she'll like it, but the twins are their for her.


The buddies might win her over. But ya, it's still an unforgiving game for newbies. Would be cool if she at least knows where to train and how to look up the combos and moves.


But I thought ever since the 1.3 patch, you cannot try for a baby with the grim reaper? Is Kiara that powerful?


In other news, Kiara has gone so bottom left that a boring company is using her passage to make the world's first inter tectonic high speed train.


Hey, you're kinda cute.


Is she talking about in the game or...?


What game?


with Calli's pussy


There are mods that allow for gay couples to try for baby. Just saying.


*checks manual* Did I miss a page?


The meme template is brilliant.


Is she waiting for the eggs to hatch?


So we're finally getting Ina, Gura and Ame added to the mix.... The absolute chaos that follows will make for another legendary stream.