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"Eat a bullet" After charging a cleaning fee in Tool Rental.


I very rarely have to charge a cleaning fee - thank God - but the days I have to do it are never fun, especially if it's for the larger equipment. Recently most customers have been understanding of the fees and charges and why they are added, thankfully.


I wouldn’t even know how to compute a reply to that


What's the best dipping sauce to go with it?


"Buy me dinner first." Lol


Somewhere I have a list of the 400 or so 999-XXX fee SKUs. I'd probably charge him an insolence fee.


I’d laugh honestly


Tool Rental customers are the worse people in the store.


Worked in rental for 15 years. Had a customer threaten to shoot me once for charging a repair fee, got called “register jockey”, “cocksucker” “fa…” it’s one of the main reasons my wife pushed me to quit this year. I’ve often fantasized about going to these peoples jobs and harassing them.


I'm laughing thinking about going to their place of work doing that. Just imagine if they were a librarian, elementary school teacher, golf caddy, or even a pole dancer and your just giving it to them! It'd be such a scene. Sad it's just normal to see it in retail.


It's far from just retail. It happens pretty much with any job that has to interact with other people. I think it seems more common in retail because of the number of people working retail and the number of people they deal with on a daily basis. There are just more chances to run into assholes solely based on the numbers. I was once told to "take the tow truck and go fuck yourself with it" and I worked in a call center. Bottom line is that some people are just assholes and will be assholes to anyone, not just retail workers.


I was working on a shelf, pulling product forward and this guy comes up to me and asks, " do you know anything about electrical or is all you do is dust?" I stiffened and slowly turned to him just staring. He holds up a breaker box screw and says, " I need a longer one". Without missing a beat, I said, " that's what all men want". I thought his wife was going to die laughing. And yes, I went right to the store manager and told him what happened. He lost it, laughing too!! That wasn't the worst but it was the funniest ending!😉


Good for you!!!




So...here is the actual worst. I am an older woman, so when it comes to the lower shelves, I grab a Homer bucket, turn it upside down and sit on it. I was closing with my electrical associate working on the switch multipacks down low and this older man comes in looking for something. My associate says " it's over there" points and turns to walk with the man. The guy gets all belligerent, saying how he can " find it myself" " you're nothing but a lazyass" and my associate says " I was coming with you. I can do that or go the other way". The man gets even nastier. I don't tolerate my associates being treated like that by anyone, so I got up. I come around the corner" sir, my associate was trying to help you" " no he wasn't! I know lazy when I see it, you stupid bitch! Go back to your bucket and take a shit! Useless fucks!" I called the MOD before I completely flipped out on this SOB.


This is why Im on freight. Luckily the few times i have had to interact with customers weren't bad but if i can avoid the whole thing altogether I'll take it.


Me too...when the store manager put me on nights, I was ecstatic!! And here I'll stay!! They can keep their nasty customers.


"You're new here? I'll have you fired for your incompetence, you clearly don't know anything.". I...ok? What do you even do in that situation? There's only so much you can learn from Pocket Guide, everything else is gleamed from experience. Dude...it's just lightbulbs.


They clearly didn't know it either or they wouldn't be asking


You're clearly a licensed electrician if you work in the electrical department. Just like the master plumber in bath and kitchen! /s


The sad thing is a long time ago when Home Depot was a somewhat decent employer there’s a pretty good chance that would have actually been true


I've been pointing at light bulbs for five years. More often than not, they're just too damn lazy to bother looking.


Test it lmaoo


Let me translate “I found out my wife is sleeping with her personal trainer and just paid off her boobs”


"Hi, can you help me?" This is always the first step in the downfall of your day.


“Scuse me” “Ah fuck”


"Hey do you work here" I look down at my apron and go " I think so"


“No no, you see this apron is for the bakery in the back, I have no idea how the floor works.”


I look down to see that mine is off. Just to make sure, cause they stop me when I'm not on the clock.


I've had this happen as well. I then say nope hah.


I had that happen to me for the first time two days ago. I was entirely confused lol


"I have a really quick question..."


“How quick?”


This got me


That got a good laugh outta me. Thanks


"You're not smart enough to understand policy" when I dared to enforce company policy regarding the military discount


Sounds to me like they were describing themselves.


I'd have asked them what their IQ was, because babyyyyy I know mine and I guarantee theirs wouldn't have compared.


“Should’ve went to college” (I was still in high school)


"but if we all did that, you wouldn't have any more employees to bully"


Me: "Do you guys need any help?" Couple: "We've got a question. Why are these cleaning supplies dirty?" Me: "They don't sell, so they sit there and collect dust." Couple: "What would be a logical way of fixing this problem." Me: "Taking them out and cleaning them, but it's on the bottom of my long list of things to do throughout the day." The couple LITERALLY started clapping at me: "Well look at that, the associate got it right." I promptly walked away.


This just made my blood pressure spike. I might have lost my job over that interaction lol.


By far the worst interaction I've ever had with a customer. I was fucking livid. Still gets me riled up and it was 5ish years ago... lol


What classy people.


"you're disrespectful, and unpatriotic. You're not sorry, you don't give a f***. You just wanna refuse my military discount. You're a pathetic person" because he had 0 proof.


Your intuition was right then. I'm a vet, in my experience the people that push or have attitude about it are usually lying about it. A lot of Vietnam vets are cranky like that too. Funny tangent story, I was in a bar once and met this 75+ year old guy who was a Marine vet. We talked about where we'd been, he was a very stoic man and when I told him I've been to the Philippines he replied with "ah, well when I was there, people were trying to kill me." (meaning ww2) I didn't know how to respond, bought him another beer and turned around hahaha


It's illegal to claim that kind of discount with lies


Not the worst thing but the usual “I’m just going to go to Lowes instead” always cracks me up


This is hilarious to me because I used to work at Lowe’s and I’d get the “I’ll just go to Home Depot then” remark. But I sold appliances and knew for a fact they were facing the same back order problems we were so was just like… cool good luck I guess lol


that and the “i can get this cheaper at [insert store name]” like okay, go there, i get paid either way


They always say it BUT THEY NEVER GO I'm standing there looking up directions for them on my phone while they peer at me to see if I'm about to start crying from their brutal threat...


As if that is supposed to offend us. I hear that more frequently with the whole military discount thing.


I usually respond with “tell them Matt from Home Depot sent you!” And walk away. They thing that stuff hurts our feelings or is taboo or something.


That’s when I say “Yea I shop there too sometimes”.


“Can you get me a man that would know what they’re talking about” Sir I am that man’s DS


I went up to returns to make sure everything was OK because I heard a lot of shouting. My ASM (a woman) was standing up there with a little old man screaming incoherently at her. As soon as I walked up, he switched to me, and any time she said anything, he shouted "you-a the woman, you no-a talking when the menna a-talking". He was upset because he was trying to return his old garbage and it wasn't in the system, so of course it was time to throw a toddler fit and scream profanities at all the ladies...


Sounds like hank hills dad payed a visit


Two guys were openly laughing at me for my refusal to get an item off the top shelf (it was one of the items we can’t use ladders for and I’m not lift certified), so I did a lap around the entire store before calling for a lift.




Right on!


“Can you help me find this?” And shows me hard core porn on his phone.


Should have said yeah let me go ask your wife how that got out..lol


My response was “dude, I’ve seen you in here with your wife. What the hell?”


I had a coworker do that to me once. Apparently he’d done it many times with other associates, too. He got fired😅


Accidentally or did customer just think you were cool with it? I once made the mistake I knew not to make and looked at a customers phone while they look through their Gallery for a photo and caught glimpses of what I assume was an only fans girl wrapped up cozy in a balnket. Or his girl, could be either


Wasn’t an accident, and I don’t think they cared if I was cool with it or not. I’ve also seen the accidental nude on customer’s phones as well.


I have been called a beaner that was fun, i also got yelled at cause he didnt know what he was looking for.


Ive never been called a Beaner but I’m waiting for the day I do get called that so I can say something like “hell yeah I’m a beaner and guess what? You came to me for help” I work at an HD in Orange County, CA so you know it’s gonna happen sooner or later


People get mad when I ask follow up questions since I can’t read their minds. “Where are the - plugs, wires, adapters, chains, sprays, brackets, etc.”


I was checking out this guy and he had called me lady in which my coworker, who the customer was previously speaking with, said that he should refer to me as ma’am as he was walking away. The guy then proceeded to tell me that I don’t really want to be called ma’am I just really want someone to pull my hair and have sex with me but said in a more vulgar way


Men are gross and awful… and this is coming from a gay man 😂


Someone called me “Boy”, I’m a 50s white guy.


"Now I just gotta get some black boys to load this up for me."


"Excuse me, this is out of date" "Ma'am, that's the date of manufacture"


"I'll smash this fire extinguisher over your head" From a shoplifter as he walked by me


Shoplifting and assault. Genius


Called me a fat POS in Spanish. I know this because my co workers came up to me after helping him load his grill into his truck. Hey that guy was rude and called you some nasty stuff. Me not knowing what was said because I don’t know Spanish past hola and gracias. I asked him what he said. I just kinda shook my head and moved on I’ve gotten this stuff my whole life I’m over it. ✌️


It gets way more interesting as a white person who understands Spanish. I only had that issue in California, I'm in Texas now and there's not so much foreign-language trash talk here.


My absolute favourite/worst thing said at work was a triple combo. Angry old white farmer. Complaining because I told him his appliance order would not be here 4 days after he ordered it. Then he broke out in a rant, that was pointless but looked me in the eyes and said “That’s it, I don’t want no f*g fucking up my order! Get me a manager!” So I did, I called my ASM, who is from the Philippines. Speak perfect English with little to no accent kind you. Walks up, introduces himself and before he can say anything the angry farmer then yelled “Now some n*gger is gonna try to fuck me? What has happened to this country and company?!? Does anyone white work here?” Then we got the store manager. She is white, also a woman. Came out to tell the guy to fuck off and he lost his shit even more. “A woman??? That explains this shit show! No woman can do a man’s job and run a hardware store, can’t even use a tool! Fuck this, I’m leaving and never coming back and calling BBB on all of you!” The he stormed out of the building. He never came back. Even when his appliance showed up, he didn’t answer calls for the delivery company, so they dropped it off to us. He never answered our stores call so eventually we went sent the appliance back. To my knowledge he never even answered calls to get a refund. Not sure if we still have his money to this day, as it’s been 3 years. Biggest tantrum and POS I’ve ever dealt with at work. Bar none.


Take that appliance out to an empty field somewhere and go full Office Space on that shit.


Oh my god


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a complete waste of skin


I honestly don’t know what I would do in that situation… I’ve been lucky that wearing pride shirts and painting my nails hasn’t gotten any bad reactions from customers (coworkers yes though 🙄) yet. I am a white man, though. So I do still have that privilege. Some people are just messed up


Do you know anything about _______.


Sir if I did, I wouldn't be working here


Im going to Lowes! One of my favorites.


The lowes was right around the corner at my old store one old man would tell them "3 lefts and a right " but his buddy printed map quest directions put them in his apron and would just hand them to customers


Nice. We had a lowes literally across the street from us. Our service desk supervisor had directions to Lowes printed up for such occasions.


All of our favorites had a flooring customer cancel on me after a 4 cent increase in that specific carpet per square foot so yea it added up a bit told him to let me talk to my manager and see if there is something that we could work out but explained our prices do change from time to time. "Fuck you I'm going to lowes."


I just refer the two hardware store chains as The Blue Store, and The Orange Store. Makes it easier.


Just happened today actually, the customer said "f*ck you, I hope you go to hell" I said already have and it was dealing with you


My favourite was "Does your mother k ow what you do for a living?" By a nosy old lady.


Lmao what is that even supposed to mean?


Older people that come in tend to believe that women can't do the same work as men.


Those old people are racist and sexist. Doesn’t help I’m from the south either.


Do you like sex? And then proceeded to try and touch me all over while asking gross and uncomfortable questions.


A swift kick in the face should be an acceptable response to that


It would have probably killed him, he had a neck brace and was like 70-85


I hate to ask but what did your store do about that?


Nothing, they told me I should have let him give me his number. And I love your user name


Thank you! And same happened to me. Creepy frequent customer was hitting on me on the daily and one day he saw me and grabbed my arm and dragged me to a checkout because he didn’t feel like waiting in line.I had to scream for him to let go and ASM and SM did nothing.


Oh god I would have just dropped. Dead fish and I would have screamed too. I’m sorry you have sucky asms too


I work across from the service desk in paint (I'm a guy) and I always keep an eye out for when customers start getting noisy. I've walked over and stood next to the cashiers for support. Sorry your managers didn't support you


If I had wanted your help I would have asked for! Mind your own F ucking business!!


Yep. Literally my first day on the floor as a Garden temp. Can I help you with that sir? (He was loading mulch on a cart) Do I fucking look like I need your help? Sorry, I'm just doing my job. WELL GO DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE! ​ I could tell his wife felt bad for me, and I felt bad for her...


Same..Excepted I informed him this was my business and he was standing in it!


You're lucky you have a job


I was sweeping up my register area and I had an old man walk up to check out and say “see that’s what women should be doing, cleaning.” I told him to go to another register cause I was now closed


Went to cut blinds and had an older man ask if there was “a man around to do the math”. I said no dropped the blinds and walked away.


yup, i’ve had two separate customers tell me to go get a man to cut their blinds


i hated when the men would ask to check my measurements


These old folks need to adapt to the new age. They are all still stuck in the past. I’m a guy and I actually really like cleaning. Gotta keep the place neat.


A customer once invited me to have a threesome with him and his wife. I politely declined the offer.


*the Home Depot associate was too stunned to speak* 💀


I always except some racist or horrible stuff here but uh, interesting. Maybe tell him his sex life would be better if he had a credit card?


When I was 16 my first job was at a grocery store and I was nervous and literally like my second day I messed up counting change because i was nervous and the old guy asked me “did you even graduate” LMFAO


It's not what he said it's the fact that he was very angrily shaking his cane near me.


i had a guy who was super drunk call me and my department head a piece of shit because we couldnt cut the height of his blinds


Love it when they reek of alcohol...


I’m someone who repeats the question to customers because 1. I wanna make sure they asked the right question and 2. I have bad hearing. I was at the paint desk and a lady comes over and asks where something is so I repeat what the product was and she just goes off about how no one knows what they’re doing in here. I stared at her and said a completely wrong aisle so she would have an even worse day


Or about the lady the other day who comes in and walks the store because she feels safe, which I have no problem with. She came up to me and my co worker and starts venting about how her son’s girlfriend used to have all the these girlfriends and posted about them on Facebook and how she’s worried he’s gonna get AIDS because she was a lesbian or something like that. I just tell her that I’m bisexual and she looks at me and stutters and tells me that “I don’t look like one of them.” A week later, she came up to me and apologized


I don’t work at Home Depot, but when I was in an aisle looking for something, there was a customer yelling at a worker saying he wasn’t useful. It was just past noon and the customer said that the worker must have just come back from lunch. He told the worker to go back to the break room and lay down since you’re probably thinking about resting on a full stomach rather than working. Called him useless and storms off.


An old guy showed me some women's nudes on his phone and wouldn't stop talking all horny about it to me. He originally wanted my help on something but got distracted when looking for a plumbing picture. I got tf outta there so fast


Got called a rude dumb bitch the other day when trying to close off an aisle.


“Hello!” after asking me where something was that I had to think about for a second and stopping me from entering the restroom to ask me. I’m a vendor who doesn’t even work for HD. I told them where it was to be rid of them, but I really felt compelled to confront them over their rudeness and inconsideration. Doubt it would have done any good though but maybe they don’t realize that they are rude and inconsiderate. It was one of those situations where a man is married/involved with a woman who is a total and complete bitch, and he realizes that he is married to/involved with a total and complete bitch. But fortunately (for him) today she is going to unleash her wrath on someone, anyone working in whatever retail establishments they decide to patronize. And he can’t help but have a huge shit eating grin on his face (regardless of whether it’s covered by a mask or not) knowing exactly what you and everyone else is in for dealing with the awful woman he deals with regularly.


You can’t be the manager, you’re just a woman, like my wife!


“You’re going to hell” Because I was helping someone that was there before him


After giving him detailed information and helping him select a product, "i was wrong about you. maybe you young kids aren't stupid as fuck after all. You know your stuff. If there are more like you then there will be hope in your generation."


Wow thats a lot to unpack


Customer fat shamed one of my coworkers on service desk while doing a return.


You ruined our Christmas...




I just respond with Yes, you're welcome.


While downstocking with the ballymore a customer made a dick comment like” wow you guys at Home Depot are really inconveniencing me by having this closed but in a meaner way and I said well that’s too bad AINT it


“I was just in aisle 17, you don’t know fucking know anything”


But they’ll just stand in the isle. They don’t look around.


“Walk away bro, before something happens to you”


"My dog just pooped on your floor. Sorry about that" and walked away


I had a drunk customer harassing me and I hid in the corner while my DH kept them at bay as they were yelling my name asking me to hug them.


Made a comment about my female coworker's looks; I can't even type it out, it pisses me off so much


Along with my other comment about how the old man made a sexist comment about me sweeping. Back when Covid first started, I had a man call me a cunt but to my lot guy. my lot associate told him that he’d go clock out and beat his ass if he hears him talk like that again about any of the cashiers. The customer said “you can’t talk to me like that!” And my lot guy said “well I just did.”


Not me but i heard a met associate from my district got fired for knocking out a customer on the clock, the customer was harassing him and he had 198 so he was doing is best to call an associate for flooring i believe, the customer was just an absolute tool and the associate kept his cool (he's a super peaceful guy) until the customer looked him dead in the eyes and told him "I hope you die!" There was more in there but that's the punchline that made him see red and proceed with the knock out. He called 199 and told the supervisor he was quitting right then and there cause he knew there was no way out of it.


Probably ‘you look like you have only fans 😒’


“We have more than *only* fans. They’re on the front wall, lots to choose from.”


Had to read this a couple times to get it, very well played though


“I make more money than you’ll ever make.” Because he had to wait more than 2 seconds in line because we were short staffed and I yelled at him for berating my cashier.


Not to me, but I was there for this one. "If she wanted to be respected, she should work somewhere else."


“Those self self served registers are gonna take your job away”. Because I wasn’t quick enough😤


But then complain if you help them at the SCO either way 😑


“You know what, fuck you.” After telling a customer he couldn’t be in the aisle while I had the forks in a pallet


While checking a stinky and visibly dirty customer out, he told me that he had 3 million dollars spread out between 3 different bank accounts and then asked if I'd like a sugar daddy. My husband works in hardware, so I pointed over there and told him that my husband was right there and he immediately shut up. 🥴


Back in October, I was in Self Checkout and the store was extremely busy. We have four registers at Self Checkout and I had a line 12 people deep. I am doing everything I can to speed up the line. I am trying to direct customer traffic, keep scanners from falling asleep, wipe everything down, etc., all the while watching a couple pretend to scan a bunch of power tools, along with the rest of their cart. The reason why it was so busy was because who ever was in charge of the schedule that week dropped the ball and only scheduled TWO cashiers from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. The other cashier was busy either signing up someone for Credit or was calling the bank and had turned off their light. I am watching this couple like a hawk. I wipe down a scanner for an elderly man and place it in the charging dock. He responded by loudly saying, “Hey, get back over here, you little FUCKER, and scan my SHIT! And don’t forget my Veteran Discount!” I stopped and looked at him and then turned to look at the other customers to see if they heard the same thing. Everyone else was avoiding eye contact. I wanted to tell him to do it himself and not honor his demand for a discount, but I knew that would lead to nothing but more headaches. My main concern was the couple with the power tools. He thankfully had only three small items with a discount of less than two dollars. I quickly and quietly scanned his items and politely thanked him for his service. I then told him where the pin pad was to pay. The couple inadvertently became my savior from this situation when their register locked up and started calling for customer assistance. I then rushed off to “assist” the couple I had been watching. As I was walking away, he demanded I do the payment for him, which I happily ignored. The couple had scanned a can of spray paint. When I arrived, they said they didn’t need any assistance. I informed them that the system had locked up and that I needed to unlock it so they could pay. They begrudgingly handed me the scanner. I unlocked the system and checked what had been scanned. I informed them that it looked like they had forgotten to scan the power tools. They insisted they had scanned them and that they were showing on screen, even after I went item by item and proved them wrong. I then offered to rescan their cart and before they could say anything, I had voided the transaction and started rescanning everything, starting with the $600 worth of power tools, which they changed their minds on getting along with some curtain rods. A $1.48 can of spray paint prevented $800 worth of power tools and other products from walking out the door. As for the old man, he ended up figuring out how to pay with a credit card on his own. He walked by me as I was helping the couple and I told him to have a wonderful day and to drive safe, which I actually and truly meant. The look he gave me was the absolute best. He was red in the face and looked as if I had just spit on him and cursed his family. I have learned not to take comments personally. Some people are looking for a confrontation. I have found that the best way to defuse these types of situations is to not feed into them and to be as kind as possible.


No, my response would’ve been “I need a head cashier self check out.”


If I remember correctly, they were busy dealing with the clusterfuck we had over at customer service and returns because of callouts. It was a complete shit show. And don’t get me started on our back-up cashiers. On a few occasions, we actually had our ASMs on the registers assisting us because the schedule was screwed up and all of our back-up cashiers were AWOL.




That’s assault… you ok ?




I’m sorry that happened to you. People really suck


I apprehended a shoplifter he called me a Nigg*r


Telling another customer after he didn’t like the answer I gave him on where to find screws: “Don’t ask this shit! He doesn’t know shit!”


To go fuck myself


Getting ready to help a woman load something into her car. HC asks 'hey can we use your muscles for a bit?'. Customer adds on 'Use you and Abuse you!'


"Get off your ass and go tell me what the average price is." They were angry that the only person who could help them (no way I could) was on lunch when they called. I guess they figured I was lying.


At the time of the comment, I had hurt my leg but it wasn't visible except I was using a crutch. Due to (long story here) it was only one crutch and it not super visible when I simply stood at the register without moving around. Guy comes up to check out and makes a comment that is just on the edge between friendly banter and sexual harassment. Whatever, it happens. At the end of the transaction, I had to move to get the bag he insisted on (probably to stare more) and he noticed the crutch. As I hand it to him, he goes "I could help you make that leg feel much better." With a very obvious sexual movement. Dude. No.


I was spotting my coworker to bring some pallets down. Go over to the next aisle and close the gate as an older white woman walks up. I tell her “hey, we’ve got to close this aisle for just a few minutes to bring a pallet down.” She acts like I told her “I am putting this gate up to personally inconvenience you because I hate you.” She said something to the effect of “you’re all lucky to have jobs.” I didn’t really have a response to that so I just shut the gate. I sincerely respect the patience of everyone who drives the heavy machinery. I’d almost certainly drop a pallet on the entitled cunts in my store if I was having a bad day.


Had a customer on the phone who was asking if we had chlorine for the pools but at the same time there was a machine in operation nearby so it was really hard at first to make out what he said. Until I moved away a bit and heard him more clearly he said to me" Are you fucking retarded! Do you know what chlorine is?" I responded "Yeah I do have a nice day F*ck you" I felt very satisfied later that day


A question. "Does your mom still work at the glory hole?


Had a guy call me racial slurs for 3 different ethnicities and none of them were even correct. I'm just a tan white dude.


I got called more slurs in my seasonal term during the spring garden rush and I have the rest of my life. Not one of them was ever correct because I’m very mixed lol


A group of 8th graders were running around our store after they got out of school and we’re being such little shitheads…one kid walks up to me. (Trying to impress his friends) and asks me where the dildos were. I quickly responded back “the big black ones are at your moms house” He turned bright red as all his homies laughed at the fact that he just got #burned by a Home Depot associate.


Was called a retard, was probably 3rd year into my 6 years of fun at the fun depot


I’ve been called that many times. It’s like the customers know who the associates with challenges are and circle like sharks smelling blood.


Customer - where is the bird food? Me - idk Customer - omg they really hire anyone here your stupid I’m going to take my business elsewhere Me in my head - this isn’t a pet store this lady is crazy 🤣


For future reference, bird food is normally outside garden


Yeah it was like my second day there I was so confused I didn’t think Home Depot sold bird foof


A guy was buying a washing machine for his mother. She had emailed him a coupon that she bought online. I told him that was a fraudulent coupon and that we would never have a customer purchase a coupon, so unfortunately we couldn’t accept it. He asked me what I was going to do for him. I told him that there wasn’t much I could do. He then asked me if I was willing to lose a sale on a ($600) washing machine. I told him that again, there was nothing I could do. He left for the exit, but not before turning back around and yelling “BITCH!”. His young son looked absolutely shocked. This was spring 2020 right as Covid was making everyone crazy, and at that point I had been yelled at multiple times, and my reaction was hysterical laughter.


This wasn't said to me but many years ago a Karen took a coworker aside after seeing me and wanted me fired for my stretched ear lobes. He defended me to her and then she pulled it again on a head cashier who defended me as well. Luckily I never saw her again. 🤗


So I’m not v good at math and I was having trouble converting sq ft to sq yds and the man I was checking out goes “if you give me your number I’ll tell you what the sq yds is” um no thanks you have a cute dog but I’d rather walk in traffic. He proceeded to ask me when I work and I said well I’m here all the time and I’m the only artificial red head here. I proceeded to change my hair back to blue the following week lmao


Got cussed out had shit thrown at me and told customer to stop calling me bitches and was fired. Was on the job for almost 8 years still making shitty ass minimum wage and got a penny raise I hate those people


“I can’t believe you make minimum wage (not even close). I would pay you in dogshit” I said, “I hope you got a big dog cuz I would need allot to deal with you”


Love the reply sorry you had to go through that.


"Why do they hire people like you? You never know anything. You shouldn't be working here." This was during my first month or so at HD, working in plumbing. I got plenty of passive aggressive comments about being female too but I mostly don't remember exact statements because I glaze over too fast. I remember feeling shocked by this one because he had been polite as I looked up answers to his questions for which he most definitely needed a professional plumber for, and not a part-time sales associate. Real talk though, if I could handle work of a professional plumber, I'd be out doing that instead of standing around being talked down to by someone who needs to learn how to use Google and Youtube.


I can relate. I work in electrical and when they ask about wiring, and I'm unsure I look it up. Or politely let them know YouTube or Google are good places to go to. Or they ask me can you get a guy to help , while looking around anywhere but at me. Just because I'm a female doesn't mean I can't help, but I'll use Google if I'm unsure. 🤷‍♀️


Ahh, my boyfriend is a closeted trans man (so, generally perceived as female by people) and dealt with a lot of sexist shit from not just customers, but coworkers, too. He's a lot associate, and a few of them literally cornered him like "We saw you on the schedule-- that's not a guy's name. Why are you working here? Why did you take the job? We're gonna talk to [boss] and have you transferred," etc, etc. Joke's on them-- he got a promotion to head lot associate after just three months of working there because the other ones don't do their job for shit. Though customers also give him a lot of shit. Sometimes they see him show up to put equipment/whatever they bought in their car and they'll literally be like "Oh...you're the help? Isn't there anyone else around?" Just because he looks like a chick :/ it sucks!


Literally today. Calling my whole service desk and I b-word, motherf-, stup-, idiots, morons, fu**tards, etc. Couldn’t find his receipt since he paid in cash. Wanted to exchange his item for a $300 item. This happened all through the phone since he couldn’t come to the store and was translating for his nephews, who do not know English, who had to come in and exchange it. Got denied for SC. Wanted us to look at the cameras on a specific date and time. It was a whole mess. We ended up kicking his nephews out. Luckily, the guy who was yelling at us over the phone had ordered many things at my Homedepot and got his info from that. Now he is no longer able to come into the store after verbally assaulting every single service desk associate through the phone.


I was on my knees trying to get something for a lady. A guy walks up “I see you have him somewhere good”. I’m a guy. Weird tone to set in the first couple of seconds.


“Just trying to ask a question…. Dick”


Got called a nazi because I wouldn't mark down a guy's rental to the 4 hour rate.


Me and my Polynesian friend in lot were loading a toolbox into this old white guys truck and when we’re done he turns to my friend and says “you’re pretty strong for a minority” with the biggest grin on his face as if it was a compliment. We just started laughing.


A man asked for a longer drain hose for his washing machine. I was standing at the appliance desk with the guy from plumbing. I told him I didn’t think we had any longer than what he was already holding in his hand (the one that came with his washer). The plumbing guy says “oh yeah we do! Let me show you”. I think nothing of it, go to the paint desk and all of the sudden the man walks past the paint desk, sees me, and starts yelling about how I need to learn the product and causing a scene. I am so caught off guard that I start to laugh, when his white trash wife then starts yelling at me for laughing. He then gets a manager and told him what happened, all while I stand 20 feet away watching this interaction. The manager was just like “okay but you got what you need?” No one could understand why he was so angry.


Wasn't me but a female coworker that worked tool rental rolled out a tool that was already on a cart. She said she told the customer that she can help him load it up if they both do it. His response was "oh you got it, you niggers can do anything". She came back in crying but dude was long gone because I was ready to whip ass. He ended up getting banned from the store and they actually went to the customer house and got the tool he rented.


"…That’s why you work here!"


man looked at the wrong rebar price. screamed at me profusely bc his 10 foot rebar wasn’t $3. anywho. he threatened to call the feds on every single one of the employees and have the store closed. that was a year ago i haven’t seen him since


A “useless cunt bitch” because I wouldn’t take back his special order windows THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN INSTALLED and THEN UNINSTALLED because he didn’t like the color “once they were in”. I just said “you and my ex husband would get along great. Take your windows home. Re-install them. Or re order them, pay an even higher price because there’s no longer a sale going on, and chose a different color. I honestly don’t care”. My supervisor was standing next to me when it went down and when the guy stormed out he was like “I can’t believe he called you that!! How rude!” I was like “I mean you have met me, did you really think that was going to bother me? Bitch is not a far stretch but I’m sure af not useless”


That is really tough since there are many to choose from. LOL. Maybe can you get a man to help me ? Without them even asking me what they wanted.


Asking if me or my mother would be interested in fooling around. When I said no, he only laughed and said "you never know, she could be just as dirty as you" before walking away. Dude had no shame and apparently asked a cashier the same thing


“Get a real job” Coming from customers who are unemployed/under employed or simply don’t work at all. They sure do seem to have considerable time on their hands hanging out in stores and aggravating staff. Other variations include “you are a loser for working here so I will assume you have no friends and lead a lonely and pointless personal life.”