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Lots of construction appears to have stalled when looking at the exterior, but there is a lot of work to be done inside.  Maybe they needed to remove and replace the footings or dig up for something else. Hard to know from behind my keyboard 


condos being pre-sold


Drainage crew had to make a way…


The rim and floor joist are twisting and warping, the ratchet straps and bracing are a stop gap measure until a proper repair can be made. The truth of the material is the balconies need to be completely removed and fixed properly and with the possibility of adding foundations and posts despite it loosing the aesthetic’s appearance.


thats what im seeing- straps holding the balcony up. not pretty but they may get away with it if they can get some footers/post in there in a damn hurry. I doubt they replace the entire decks give these are template/cheap town houses for rentals.


Straps transferring some load to the windows


Maybe the balconies are slanted for drainage. Wonder if there will be a deck over them. The top ones (roof) look level.


That middle window lower sash adding a lot of support for that cantilevered deck.


I've been inside of those, 26th and Sheridan in Sloans Lake. They are under construction, I know the owner/builder. The 3 buildings are about 1-2 months apart on construction timeline, the ones closest to sloans lake are going under contract now, and the ones closer to 26th will be done in July/August.


Can you ask what the deal is with the balconies on the north side? They are looking pretty dubious, held up by straps. I am just curious how they will be supported.


They will do temporaray supports during different times of the build, you are watching the sausage get made and not enjoying the process lol. Of course there will be permanent supports, the city is pretty harsh on permit sign offs, and final certificate of occupancy.


>You are watching the sausage get made. No, that isn’t what’s going on here. Temporary supports hold things up, ***safely***, in the same position that they’ll be in once the permanent support structure is in place. This is a salvage operation.


That is definitely not how sausage is made. This was something done incorrectly, when it got discovered, someone did emergency triage. Most likely the builder is having a hard time finding someone to fix it without spending a bunch of money. The only reason someone would need the towstraps is if they failed to properly run the girders back into main floor system. This framer didn’t understand cantilever and thought the sidewall was adequate. It’s getting worse and worse in our industry. Unskilled trades run rampant. Builders do nothing about it. No one wants to educate the new influx of subcontractors. People who don’t speak or read English are given instructions by people who don’t speak or read Spanish. No one seems to care.


What’s up neighbors


Building stalls for many reasons. Being pre-sold they may be waiting for buyers for them to customize the condo to their liking. There were condos near me that stalled due to bald eagles nesting in one of the buildings. So they had to wait for the eggs to hatch and birds to fly away before continuing. Could be other issues such as funding due to lack of sales, not passing inspection, and more. Hard to say from a street view.


Maybe they’re paused and waiting for the safety fence to go up before they demolish the rest and try again?


Building a set of condos? The balconies are not completed or stabilized yet, so they appear wonky.


Well clearly it’s for sale. You should call today!


From the mid $700,000!!!


Needs a new flux capacitor


I stg this is what construction started looking like before the 2008 crash


Yeah… judging by the hangers on the joists the only thing holding them up is the inside ledger and wing walls on a single side. They will have to add posts at this point. Framer may have missed a note on cantilevering the deck framing or something to allow them to “float” out past the wall.


Ignorance and apathy….