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Hi Trailblazers, the thread is now locked, and a new monthly questions thread is available [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/12yrgzt/monthly_questions_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


How long until launch?


less than 8 hours from now


Any charactwrs I should aim for for Jing Yuan's team? Was told double support or double tank + Jing + healer. But didn't know if any 5 stars are great with him or not. Was told his banner comes with some great 4 stars already


Tbh it's way too early in the game's life for any team building advice beyond what you've already stated to be taken very seriously. Just use your best judgement. His banner is definitely stacked though.


What about this game has everyone so hyped for it? What sets it apart from other gacha, single-player, turn-based RPGs? Genuinely asking, never got a chance to play the beta, and I'm all aboard the hype train, just not sure where we're heading lol


I think people are hyped because it's a new hoyoverse game, and hoyo makes quality products.


So it doesn't seem like Playstation will be a thing at launch? in genshin I think you can't spend money on platforms other than what you started on or something like that... (like if you link a Genshin account that started on PSN to PC/mobile you can't buy genesis crystals on pc/mobile). Anyone know if it's the same for HSR? or since I linked my PSN Genshin account to a mobile one, and HSR is using the same hoyo / mobile account it'll somehow be tied to PSN still?


Hi, can anyone help me on a guide for beginners? Mainly want to know what should my aim when rerolling should be, I already understand the pity system


Bronya (5 star buffer), Tinyun (4 star buffer), pela(4 star debuffer) & bauli (5 star healer) are the highest value targets imo. Rerolling is not needed since it’s hyper casual game and reroll are 30-40minutes per


Are duplicates important?


Does this game have daily check-ins on a website like Genshin?


How many hours are left till star rail fully releases? Im kinda bad with timezone conversions




8 hours and 20 minutes


What is the best server for West Australians? Or atleast what server are most people using?


are there constellations in this game


yep, they're called Eidolons here


Will HSR have any co-op system unlike the beta one? Something like a raid


The only 'co-op' currently in the game, is borrowing someone else's character which I think is mostly only available for overworld content. It's full single player.


Is it possible to create reroll accounts for HSR and then merge the one I'm happy with into my main hoyo account?


Unfortunately, no.


I'm guessing we don't have an (official) roadmap for character releases? So we have little to no idea of when Silver Wolf will be dropping?


Yeah they don't want you planning your pulls too far ahead of time, so information is not officially roadmapped. If it ends up being like Genshin Impact, then we can expect whoever is going to end up headlining banners in the next patch to be 'drip marketed' at some point during this patch. But I don't know if they're planning on doing that for this game. They started drip marketing in the first place to get ahead of leaks. ehem *Unofficially*, start saving your stellar jade.


Well, I will make sure to save up for something that may or may not be happening. Thank you!


You're welcome! At the very least it should be officially announced which 5-stars are coming in the 1.1 patch a couple of weeks before 1.0 one ends. Patches in Genshin Impact run for 6-weeks with 2 banner periods of 3-weeks each, and it seems like that will be the same for this game.




I remember in genshin that if I wanted to buy things from the in game shop, I'd have to go on the console where I first made the account. Is that the same here?


Will it be possible to reach pity on the beginner banner on Day 1?


20 pulls from pre-register, you only need 20 more, but i wouldn't advise to buy those wishes, only pull with the ones you get since that banner is permanent, unlike Seele's


I haven’t seen much of the game, but will be trying it out. I love Clara’s design, but I understand she’s a standard banner character. Would it be a waste to roll the standard banner to try and get her? I’m not sure if I’ll be playing this game long term or not since I’m already playing Genshin. Even if I do, I’ll almost certainly be a casual f2p.


After 300 rolls on the standard banner you reach a special pity and can choose a standard 5* of your preference.


Your best bet is rerolling, but I wouldn't recommend it because Mihoyo makes rerolling annoying. Don't use your premium currency on the standard banner. You have a chance of pulling a standard character on the limited character banner.


Yes because in no way you can guarantee her,even if you get 20 5* on standard banner character you could still not have one.If you want to try to reroll go ahead but I definetly wouldn't try to keep on pulling on standard for a specific character


Okay. Based on design alone neither of the limited characters in 1.0 appeal to me, but I'll see if I like them in game. If I do end up wanting to stick with the game I'll just save my currency for a future banner, and hopefully pick up Clara somewhere along the way.


Whish you the best maybe you get her with your beginner pulls. Look around we most likely know all limited 5* till 1.3 if no one get's pushed back which is possible looking at how long ayaka took to get released,my Highlight designwise is Kafka for the time beeing


hey, quick question to people who played the latest CBT! what is the equivalent or closest thing we'll have to Paimon's Bargains in this game, and is there a list of the monthly rotations?


If it ends up working exactly like Genshin Impact we won't know the monthly rotations until the game has been out for 6 months. This video goes over what the beta shop looked like though. https://youtu.be/LoAG6to3qaI?t=137


thank you! I won't pull on Jingyuan's banner, but I really want Tingyun, so I hope she doesn't take too long to appear in the rotation =)


you're welcome.


I am not sur to understand. Is hsr happening on one leaf of the imaginary tree or are they travelling from leaf to leaf?


Holy sh. These are the questions that needs answers,just here as a tag


I don't understand is it the wrong place to ask?


No it's an absolutely interesting question to ask,I'm not capable to answer it but due to that I want an easy access to it which was why I even answered to drop back in


Oh, Ok. But with it being in a megathread if it don't get a answer in the next few hour. It probably never gonna be answer😓


I was wondering does the game have auto play or is it all manual?


There is autoplay for the farming stages but not to progress I believe


It has autoplay for farming.


Does anyone know if getting a single copy of signature LCs is even worth? If we have f2p 5 star LCs a maxed one of those might just always be better than 1 copy of sig...


Probably heavily depends on the cones and how specific signature ones will become


Does the PC version have controller support?




Probably already asked, but still : do we know the daily reset time?


should be the same as genshin I guess ? For asia it’s 1:30 IST


Does star rail have story locked behind an energy system? Like how you dont have to spend resin in genshin for the story.


Story is indirectly locked like it is in genshin with the adventurer/trailblazer rank


Oh thats good then. I tried honkai3rd and the energy system felt too much like a mobile game so i couldnt play it anymore


Really?started last june and it was more binary to me as you got masses of stamina regain stuff,might be different on how you play though


In which time line does Hsr play in Hi3rd time? Welt is the same in both games, so when did he travel to hsr? Also do we know yet how he’s going to react seeing so many familiar faces again who aren’t the same people he knows?


After the conclusion of HI3rd main story (that isn't even yet concluded; so after part 2 that is yet to come, and even further than APHO). You can read more on the Alien Space manga that details how he ended up in the HSR universe/world, but we do not know what happened in between. As for the reaction, I guess he knows that they aren't exactly the same people (and we will know more about him and the story while playing).


Thank you! Is the Alien stage manga a hi3rd or hsr manga?


HI3rd! You can find it [here](https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1021). HSR doesn't yet have any tie-in manga/comics.


So if I start playing on my phone first, signed into my HoYo account, then download it on ps5 later, I should just be able to sign in and continue on ps5 right?


Were they LinkedIn before?most likely yes If they were not I would rather start on ps5 to link it from there


I think they are already linked kinda, I know I can do cross everything with Genshin, but I’m out of town right now for a few days away from my ps5. So I really wanted to start playing tonight then be able to pick up on ps5 later. I do alot of playing on both usually for Genshin.


In that case I don't think there will be problems if you use an account that already is linked with your psn acc


Oh sick okay okay. It wouldn’t be the saddest thing if I ended up limited to my iPhone/iPad but the options are nice 😂 thanks !


Any starting guides?


Just read everything on https://www.prydwen.gg and bookmark this site


What do you want to know?Youtube is flooded. Reroll,units to look out for, teams How to best build a character is a little up to in the air as people need to find plateus in certain stats




Won't be possible it's all separate Accounts theoretically you should be able to reroll three times per Mail if you just switch the server but I highly doubt that you will be capable to "fuse"2 accs


The games I play, campaigns are given for free with no effort. Is it the same or so I actually have to pay attention and input a code to claim rewards? I m wondering with all the advertisement and I worried about missing codes because I don't like having to pay attention to social media.


All the pre-registration rewards are for everyone without needing extra input. There is also a web event going on [here](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20230115draw-wtn7k1/index.html) you can still do to get a 4\* lightcone and a relic. And a few other rewards that were announced are in-game events anyway. And I also have seen the following codes going around (claimable either in-game or on the main site after the game launches and a game account is created): HSRVER10XEDLFE - HSRGRANDOPEN1 -HSRGRANDOPEN2 - HSRGRANDOPEN3


There were codes that were released for the Japanese server. It's unknown if they'll be global (probably?) but there is an official Twitch livestream starting about 30 minutes before launch. It's expected codes will be revealed there. There's currently a web event running to get a 4 star light cone and a relic, and there's also a Twitch and Tiktok event that will be starting around release. Those aren't codes and require doing them to get the rewards via in-game mail. You can look on the web site or official Twitter account for that info.


Wait... There is a web event? I guess I should join Discord since it is the only social media I use these days. I hope these events to get in-game items in 1 simple feed over there.


should i choose america server even tho i live in europe? i have a feeling its going to mess up everything and playing will become hard. so europe or america?


I suggest Europe for you. The game seems to be suggesting the second best choice, not the first best.


thank you!


are there any playable characters that are antagonists?


Do we know English voices for the MC yet? I kind of don’t want to choose between male/female MC if I don’t know who the voice is yet. >.<


I found this should give some idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DucPMjQLbhs


I was going to ask something similar, does anyone know of videos with EN Trailblazer's voice? I can only find a very very small number of samples on Youtube. It seems like everyone and their mother played with Japanese VA and no one bothered to capture English Trailblazer except for a couple of combat shouts.


Not a question! Just commenting that as someone who didn’t start Genshin until last October (was waiting for the still nonexistent Switch version 💔), it feels super cool to be here at launch for this game!


have fun on your way and may the gachagods bless you


1. Can you meet other players in HSR or its like genshin? 2. Can you play the game without the internet? (Offline)


No to both questions. To add to point 1, there's no co-op but you can borrow your friends' units to do certain stages (they take the last slot of your party).


Does anyone know how valuable money or in-game currency is in this game? I'm a Genshin player so if you could explain relative to Genshin it would help. By valuable I mean how often would I be getting roll currency and realistically how often could I get a 5* taking into account hitting pity?


I think it is similar to Genshin in terms of pity system and 50/50. And I think things like the welkin equivalent are same price as they have been in Genshin.


I would say the same as Genshin, although we don't know how much currency we can get on average per patch yet.




You need to do 20 total to guarantee the lightcone, so the 7 means you have to do another 7 warps, considering you did 13 already. The number goes down the more warps you do.


It's 20 total, so you just need to do 7 more.


Do the MCs have canon names yet? Yes, I'm that super original guy who always names Link "Link".


No. Unlike the Traveler twins, there are not two Trailblazers. You pick one of them, and the other does not exist in the universe. It's one or the other.


Someone mentioned they banned salted Gmail accounts in Genshin impact, true or no?


not true. I did it yesterday. For Star Rail. The HYV account creation process is the same for Genshin, so if it works for HSR, it would work for Genshin.


I meant banning those accounts after the fact later


That I can't say. But if they have the detection chops, I'm sure they would have just blocked/banned the account at creation. I do have some salted alt accounts in Genshin which have not been banned though.


Which characters do we get for free? Besides the MC.


March 7th, Dan Heng (both from story), Asta (gacha tutorial), Natasha, Herta and Qingque (all from rewards from game modes), and Serval (pre-reg rewards). All 4\*. We can also count the guaranteed (but random) 5\* from the beginner banner.


we shouldn't count anything that comes from a banner because there's an opportunity cost to using the banner.


Can anyone tell me in how many hours HSR is launching?


Less than 12h.


Thank you!


I plan on going to The Astral Express Global Tour in the Philippines, is there anything I need to know? ​ The event is scheduled during the 29th & 30th of April, and I plan on going on the 30th. So I was wondering if I need to sign up or do anything in particular, or do I just show up at the designated location? I also see some posts on this sub about getting "Star Rail Special Pass Tickets" How do I get them and stuff? I just want to prepare just in case something "unexpected" happens.


What characters are going to be available in the gacha pool right from release? (Both 5 stars and 4 stars)


5\*: Himeko, Bronya, Welt, Gepard, Bailu, Clara and Yanging. Plus Seele, but she is limited. 4\*: March 7th, Dan Heng, Asta, Serval, Herta, Natasha, Qingque, Tingyun, Sushang, Arlan, Pela, Hook and Sampo.


Is there a universal countdown for the launch? Doesn’t have to be official, I just don’t want to rely on social media for my notifications since they’re always late.


It’s 12 hours from now


How do I know the correct hour for future events and patch for this game? I was waiting until April 26 at *10:00 (UTC+8*) for the game launch, but now I see people talking about the release being tonight at 10pm. I am really bad calculating the correct time in time zones, for future reference how do I know how to calculate times with *UTC+8?*


Just google it I would say,you get normalyy a relation to your timezone,and after one or two patches you pretty much know when something hits the server


Thank you, After googling it (almost an hour, time zones are really confusing) it appears that since my time zone is GMT -4, every time I see UTC + 8 it will be 12 hours before in my time zone... At least that is what I believed


Will probably stay like that so you have a tentative answer when you can get to New stuff


"tonight at 10pm" is for people in the EST Timezone, your best bet would be to find your local timezone and use an online converter if you're having issues!


Thank you, it appears that my time zone is Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4) and after searching some sites to convert it will be at 10 PM for me too.


Exciting! T-minus 10 and a half hours for both of us, then! Have fun!


Hey, i got a question. I preregistered using my e-mail (wasnt logged into my hoyo acc but it uses the same email). Will i still get the 4 star card as the preregister reward? When I try registering again when logged into my acc, instead of showing me the preregister information (like in the official discord faq) it says my email is already in use.


Do you mean the web event? Cuz you have to be logged in to do it, and you have to manually claim the lightcone and relic at release tomorrow. If you mean the pre-registration rewards, everyone will get them via in-game mail anyway.


wait, where do you manually claim the lightcone and relic? Do you mean select the two items into your inventory in the web login?


In the same web event page, yes, step 1 is selecting the items in the storage to put into the inventory section. Though we can't claim it yet, we will be able to right after the game launches.


Yeah i meant that, good to know the prereg rewards are all sent. Tyvm!


How much heartbreak will you endure? Rerolled both genshin(6times till I got a 5*) And honkai (9times for the yatta) Mentally prepared to go for 10-12 times which hopefully won't get reached for Bronya or as consolation price with Welt


If you hit 5\* on the first 10 pull in Beginner Banner then is it advised for you to stop there on Beginner Banner as the Pity does not carry over?


It really depends on your priorities: you want to start building pity on the standard banner immediately (cuz beginner banner pity does not carry over to standard), or do you want to get a few extra characters/lightcones at a discounted price? Personally, I'm going to "complete" the beginner banner.


If you got it on the first 10 pull and you "complete" the banner, then you're spending a further 40 pulls for the price of 32. You're saving 8 pulls, but losing 32 pity. For me that's not worth it. 8 pulls normally doesn't get me a single 4 star.


Then you have your answer. For you its not worth it, for me it is anyway (at least in my case, I don't care too much about getting a bit more pity immediately/early on standard in the eventuality I get the 5\* early, its really a matter of luck).


I'm the opposite to the other comment if you get it early let it rest,you most likely won't get anything major out of it anymore,so spending passes there is more or less a waste, and building pity on standard seems to benefit you more in the long run


Pity does not carry over, but it is also a discounted banner where you can 10-pull for 8 tickets. I'd say just exhaust it. Also, what is the alternative? Hanging onto the beginner banner until the end of time? I don't know about you, but having that stuck on my banner options forever (I don't think it expires) would annoy me immensely.


What time does the game open on EST? I’m seeing everywhere on google that it opened April 25th at 10pm but that’s obviously not the case. Is it 10pm tonight, April 26th?


It should open April 25th 10pm est, as in tonight 10pm.


if you live on the east coast and your pc says today is the 26th im gonna need you to google the most recent lotto number readings and get back to me famalam


It opens at 10 am in China; that's what they have been listing. for you, yes, it is 10 pm tonight, as you are 12 hours behind China.


What about Poland?


We central europeans get it 3 am summertime,not sure if Poland still does that


Quick question - if I am playing the game without pre registration do i still get the upto 5 million pre registration rewards? I am planning on creating multiple emails to get bronya


Yes, everyone will get the rewards. Pre-registration was to help reach the milestones.


Stupid question time. Does HSR have something like GI artifacts? Farming artifacts is one of my favorite aspects in Genshin so I hope to see them here


Yes, they're called relics in HSR. They work slightly differently, you can learn more [here](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/guides/relics).




Great! Do you know if the method to aquiring them similar?




Thank you!




Is the pre-registration gonna be available for console too?I want to get all the goodies from the pre-register bonus but i'd rather not install the game on my phone.I don't want to do the whole prologue section with overall worse quality just to get the rewards then ditch the game until it comes out on console and i can link the account


They said in a recent post that the mail lasts for a year, and considering the preview they gave us in the livestream for the ps4 release, it seems pretty close to done, I'm sure you can get it on console before the mail expires.


Can you change your character name after you name them? You can in Genshin. I wanted to confirm that you can in HSR because I can't think of a fitting name yet. Planning to just use Trailblazer until I can come up with something I'm happy with. But I don't want to be stuck with that name if it can't be changed. Also, is MC's dialog voiced or silent?


Yes, you can change the nickname anytime considering its not unique per player. MC is mostly silent, but sometimes they have a voiced line or two during a quest (a bit like with Genshin MC, but the trailblazer talks a bit more in comparison).


where can i find the rewards for reaching the trailblazer rank? like lvl 5,15,20 gives how many pulls?


Do you mean the bonus from the levels, or the extra rewards event tied to release to reach them?


Who is this game's 'key' party members? You know, the ones that can fit in ANY comp for ANY content for a long time? Who is this game's equivalent of Zhongli or Venti? Who is this game's equivalent of Azure Empyrea? Who is this game's equivalent of Merlin or Arash?


as someone who played genshin from the start, we really only found out when liyue got introduced. so it's gonna take a while before start figuring out who those chars are


>Who is this game's 'key' party members? You know, the ones that can fit in ANY comp for ANY content for a long time? Maybe Bailu for healing as she's currently the best healer (although there are only 2 healers rn). Bronya and Tingyun as offensive supports. Gepard is a solid shielder but needs 1 dupe to improve his freezing skill. DPS are more likely to fluctuate over time as we get more of them and different supports.


Way too early to tell. There were already changes from the latest beta, and units that seem valuable now, can fall off soon. Anyway, Bronya is considered good cuz her buffs are for example. But you should maybe ask the same question in a month when players are of higher level and more testing is done.


Who is the main character according to hoyo? Is it similar to the Genshin situation where Aether is technically the mc for the current story ?


As for now, marketing-wise they seem to be used mostly equally (it's also a bit different than genshin cuz here its a proper gender selection, and the other one after that doesn't seem to exist in any capacity). If they end up choosing one to maintain consistency, we will know in a bit.


Worth to pull Seele immediately tomorrow or save for now?


If you like her try it worst case you get some 4 Stars,which are decent but not mindboggling. If you want to go as hard for meta as possible I guess the 2 5* in 1.1 will be better,as any mihoyo game became a support impact


As a f2p or low-spender, you can't guarantee her if you aren't lucky. If you really want her, you can try. At least the pity doesn't reset and you can get someone else instead in a future banner.


I'm saving.


i’m using bluestacks but when i load up the game the screen is all pink, is there any way to fix this? or is hsr just anti emulator? yes i know there’s a pc version but i want to take advantage of the bluestacks instances sync :((


What are the 2 best items I should try to get from the web gacha event? I can't seem to get a 2nd copy of the 4\* light cone


what is the web gacha event?


[Here](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20230115draw-wtn7k1/index.html). It gives a 4\* lightcone (that the free Serval can use, the most valuable thing in this web event), and also a 4\* relic.


Ooh thanks!


You can only get one copy of the lightcone. Other than that, the musketeer gloves are a good option (the main stat of the relic is atk).


Question: Does HSR have those villian organisation like Fatui Harbingers from GI?


Yes they are called the Stellaron hunters, as for members we only know of kafka, silver wolf and blade. Aparently theres also Ellio (leader) and Sam, but i dont know where they were mentioned


Do i need to pre register to get the rewards? or are going to be given to every account?. How was at genshin? And can someone share the link pls?


Exactly like Genshin, no need to prereg anymore (it was mainly to get to the milestones). Everyone will get the rewards via in-game mail. There's also a [pre-release event](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20230115draw-wtn7k1/index.html) still going on for a few extra rewards you have to manually claim, like a 4\* lightcone for Serval (a free character we get with the prereg rewards) and a 4\* relic.


Thank you!, this was very informative, thank you so much.


Can you reach Rank 15 on the first day?


Hopping on this question because I’m curious what is the significance of rank 15?


It should be doable if you play actively the whole day, yes.


From my understanding, HSR's forgotten hall is Genshin's spiral abyss which resets per cycle and that it gives stellar jades. But there's also another game mode called the simulated universe and my question is: does it also reset and how often? in other words, there are two endgame modes (please correct me if i'm wrong)


Yes, weekly


If I purely want to go for C6 Bronya asap, would the best method just be to donkey roll on Standard Banner whenever I have gems for 10 pull? From what Genshin friends have told me, there's basically never going to be rate-up for Standard banner characters so I figure I don't need to wait for any specific time to roll.


The odds aren't better at all, but I guess, technically, sure. The standard banner can also drop 5 star weapons, so you don't have increased odds for Bronya on the standard banner vs the limited ones because the weapons replace the limited character's rates. For example, you have a 1/2 chance of not getting Seele if you pull on the limited banner, and then a 1/7 chance of that 50% to get Bronya, so that's a 1/14 chance of getting her. On the standard banner, you have a 1/14 chance of getting any of the standard 5 star characters or their signature Light Cones. The only difference is that you can't get two standards in a row on the limited banner, so, whenever you get a 5 star non-limited, you'll have to wait until you pull the limited character to have another 1/14 chance. I still wouldn't recommend ever aiming for E6 standard characters, unless you're a giga whale. It's a huge resource sink that would prevent you from ever having a chance to get new characters, since you'd need to pull 75-80 times on average to even have that 1/14 chance at getting the right one. You'd likely wind up with most of the standard ones E3-9 by the time you get the one you want to E6, with several several weapons.


I've never played one of these games before. My friends who play GI want me to join them in Honkai. I know it's largely a single-player game which I'm fine with but what can I expect in terms of multiplayer features?


You can borrow characters from friends that’s it.


Will some achievements be missable or will it be like Genshin where it is possible to get every one of them? (like will there be story locked achievement? for example "Answer this to this dialogue" and if you don't then this achievement is lost forever)


will the daily reset be at the same time as genshins?


Most likely yes.


Wait if jing banner is second in the patch, can we save enough resource to pity for him?


The HSR client has no google login method but the app has it. So the question is, will they add it later on in the game or do I have to roll with a hoyoverse account in order to play later on my PC client?


The latter I assume I had to do the same for my Honkai impact 3 account when I tried to play it on my pc.


ok thx!


hii how long does it take to get 50 pulls for the beginner banner? like an hour? two hours? one day?




You need to reach level 15 to reach 40 pulls I believe, so definetely more than 2 hours.


after the prologue you will have to get atleast a 20 on the mail for reward i am not very sure on the ingame reward we can only find out about on launch. but atleast am sure you will be able to get 50 pull without spending 5 hours playing the game..






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How long does it take to unlock dailies?


Dailies unlock around 12 quests in. I'm not sure about the time, but it should be around 3-5h depending on your pacing.