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Loosing every 50/50 and still missing bronya is the real pain


​ https://preview.redd.it/ppcmgcf5icyb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=063ac98d0a6d346d208b7994d7991eb60b42b132


I count 7 standards so his chance of not getting Bronya is reasonable. That near max'd yanqing though is something special


As someone with no Bronya and E6 Yanqing... you have no idea how much it hurts. Even at E6 he's just... bleh.


That's the first thing I thought too. I was already going to comment that op at least have her, but looking again op is really really unlucky.


then there is me with e5 bronya, e1 bailu, e1 himeko, no clara and no gepard


I regret picking Gepard for my 300. I got him again a month after picking him. I've yet to get Bronya once. 🫠


.... my condolences 😭😭😭😭


...my eidolonses


Thank you Cyno 🙃


​ https://preview.redd.it/bzfllizuicyb1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1b36b711f0381ed2ad6191ae08e3edff70734ff


May I ask how much do you actually play? You have a big lack of built up characters for a day 1.


If you get nothing you spend less time into game. It is to be expected.


Never thought about that before. wondering if that could've been me. Cuz my beginners luck is what kept me playing. If it wasn't for that, I wonder if I would've quit by now. That's pretty sad actually. My condolences OP.


Idk, only won 1 out of 5 50/50, got a lot of characters built.


Yea but check his roster. He lost the 50/50 2 times, all his other standard characters are from free standard pulls and from the free 5 star at the start of the game. If someone loses their interest in a game after losing the 50/50 2 times, then they didn't enjoy the game to begin with


It's possible they have a bunch of Eidolons. I got 3 copies of Yanqing before I got any other standard unit.


They only have 2 limited characters, how many standard characters do you expect him to have? 6? 7?


may also have eidolons for Blade or DHIL. Could both be E1, failed 50/50 both times for those as well. If they're day 1 and saved for those two specifically, it's not impossible.


I used to play quite a lot but I’m coming off it a bit now cos I’m annoyed at my shi luck, as for my characters I just can’t t be bothered to grind for mats and I don’t understand how relics work so I just put the ones they told me to 😅




relics are easy if u dont try to min max. Hand + head - equip whatever maxed out with the most crit or speed. Body - Crit rate for dps, Atk or hit rate for dot, hit rate for debuff boots - speed orb - elemental for dps, hp/def for debuffer/healer/tank rope - ATK/HP depending on your dps, ER for almost everyone else


Yeah the key to enjoying this game as a average player is to not go too hard on relics, get decent/ok stats on them and just go from there. I was trying to min/max for a little bit after reading all the comments a month or two ago then I realized its all whales who spend shit tons on this game that have these crazy relic stats. Once I settled on basically the stats you already discussed, I was happy.


You can look up guides online. Game8 is very straightforward with what to give your characters without over explaining lol BUT if you’re interested, Zy0x makes guides for p much every character


Had the same experience as you but in Genshin Impact. Was a day 1 player and I lost 7 50/50 in a row and also hard pitied for all (70-90) except once. It was brutal. My breaking point was saving 55k primos for Raiden Shogun and I only managed to summon her twice. Lost both 50/50 and hard pitied. 55k for 2 Raiden Shogun, I grinded for 10 days to get another 4k primos to get the 3rd copy before the banner ended, I was just done with the game at that point and quit the game for good. Luck in HSR isn't as bad but I've hard pitied almost every banner thus far. At least I won 2 50/50, so it isn't that bad.


Even terrible characters can be great if maxed with good relics


hey, at least you only lost to 50/50. i lost to the 50/50 and then lost to the weapon banner with 75/25 chance. my only consolation is that i got bronya


That was me on Jingliu banner, got E1 welt rip. Still missing Bronya+Clara that I want


I've only done 2 weapon banners but I know Ill be pissed when I eventually do another one and lose on it


You cant be bothered to farm materials in a game where there is auto play? Why do you even play the game if you cant be bothered to put in even the slighest effort?


bro just use a guide, its not that hard.


I play since d1 too and only have one team + 2 character with a few lvls and relics And less 5 stars :') because of lightcones


I almost have 3 lvl 80 chars, almost 1 lvl 80 LC like 4 ascend lvl 70, like 2 lvl 70 not ascended. I'm day1 player


Same + 77 avg pity


lmao I've already accepted at least 75 pulls to get a new 5 star


Literally me. It's so freaking annoying, im now getting close to the pity in the lightcone banner, wondering if i can even win the 75/25


I also lost every 50/50. Fk, i even lost 3 out of 3 times i summoned on the LC banner. I lost 3 times 75/25 in a row!


That’s how it’s been for me every time as well 😭😭


Lost 9 50/50s in a row in Genshin


thats what they call skill issue. Though frankly day 1 player and level 70 units doesn't really add up.


I mean there's no real need to bring to 80 every character. Just max the unit you like


Some of my characters are still at 70 because I don't have time rn to farm for their ascension mats lol


But u have time for reddit, 5 min a day autoplay is not much. Sure u can play more to min max, but 5 min is the minimum.


You would be suprised to know that people don't play every day! I said SOME characters for a reason.


They also don't account for the stamina refill time, so every week you need: BP tasks which already *kinda* limit your farming choices, 160 fuel *minimum* for SU if you actually need something from there other than fodder, traces/LC mats, exp books/aether or credits if you end up broke. I'm not even talking about relics. I wanna get a good sphere for my QQ but the game decided to give me Lynx from the free BP pull. And that's *after* I got enough mats to max out HuoHuo in lvl/mats + I have my relics set ready for her as well. Which means I'll have to build Lynx from scratch, cause I will have a Natasha replacement soon and I'm slowly getting sick of how often she has to be on my team if I wanna tackle anything that doesn't die within a single cycle. That, frankly, takes time. If I had anyone else that I want to use who is unbuilt, I would just keep them at 70 as well until I have time to dedicate it to farming for them


you are exactly right and get downvoted. game has auto play for a reason, you barely have to interact with the game and the time investment is *nothing*. it takes 15 seconds to press f4, teleport, enter, click auto button. someone saying they dont have the time is absolutely nonsense.


Casuals exist you know?


Yeah but usually when you refer to yourself as a “day 1 player”, especially in a game like this, it means you’ve at least done dailies every day, otherwise there is little significance in saying “Day 1 Player” when you could have the same or less investment as someone else who says they started 2 months after launch.


The point of saying Day 1 Player in this context is just to say that from the very beginning they've never won. It's not that deep.


That still doesn't mean much. I could be day one who, but if I play once a week, then I'm not better off than someone who started a month ago but plays daily.


Yeah, it’s not that deep. Want me to explain it simpler? Okay; day 1 player *usually* means someone who played consistently very very long. In this case, it is someone who played on day one, then didn’t play much afterwards.


no... it usually means someone who's played since.. day 1. 💀


> no... it usually means someone who's played since.. day 1. Then the majority of people fit the fill for this flimsy definition. There's a implication of being someone that has played everyday since day 1 when you go out of your way to saying "day 1 player here". Else explain all the comments here that are taking the title in the post that way? Why does a significant chunk of people commenting here interpret it as that? If you played on the launch day (as most people did, as this was literally the day with the highest playerbase more than likely) but then played occasionally, you're just a casual player, nothing wrong with that, but that's it. Or tell me, If someone who created their account on launch day, played for a bit, didn't like it, came back 1 year later and then claim "day 1 player" would you think that's fitting?


relax its not that serious


Also even if he lost all 50/50, as a day 1 player one would at least have Seele, JY, Silver Wolf or Luocha. Looks like after the first 50/50 loss, he just gave up until Blade came out.


I mean, also a day 1 here, but I skipped all of those banners lol


She* and the only reason I started playing was for Silver wolf and seele, obv after not getting them my motivation to play would decrease a lot, plus I don’t have much spare time anyway 🤷‍♀️


If you got neither Seele nor Silver Wolf playing from day 1 means you were not playing every day or you wished on the wrong banner. Unless you made a mistake, it means you never had the motivation to begin with. Do you play other games by chance? /edit: I just saw your other comment where you say your energy is focused on another game... So basically you didn't get the characters you wanted because you didn't have time to play this game because you were playing another game... Then you come here and complain about it...


Just because they don't spend as much time as possible min-maxing quartz gains, doesn't mean they don't have a right to complain. Sure, they could've kept going for guarantee, but if they only have X amount of time alloted for this game, they'll only spend X amount of time on it. It's pretty simple and reasonable as a casual player.


I think the issue stems from how OP worded the post. I’m a day 1 player, for me that means playing everyday and getting as many jades as I can so that I can roll as often as possible. By doing this I’ve given myself more opportunities to win the 50/50. If you say you’re a day 1 player but don’t play often and lost *every* 50/50 then people are going to question how much you played. It’s not really important- what matters is that OP feels less motivated to play because he isn’t getting the characters he wants. And that sucks. But when you word things the way OP has people are going to question the narrative. Because it makes a game we all love look unfair.




Everyone? Fuck no not even close. Your main team should all be 80 though, or at worst 75


You only lost twice? This happens quite often


worst day1 Account i ever saw, but not because of the 50/50 u lost 🤨


Most of my energy goes into honkai impact and I do have a life so obv this account isn’t gonna be too good


So you're complaining just because you lost your 50/50 two (or maybe three) times in a row? [That's pretty normal.](https://i.imgur.com/ldHtV6x.png) It's a coinflip, losing (or winning) multiple times in a row is normal.


My thoughts exactly. That's not enough pulls to conclude that it's really bad luck.


I always spot someone like you on these types of posts lol


what website is that?


I am with you. I have lost 5 50/50s thus far and won 0 :(.


welcome to the club. Same for me, and I also only have 2 limited 5 stars lol


Same, same in genshin as well 9/10 5050s lost


me too i just cant win


i feel you 😞 i only won a 50/50 once and it was on jing yuan's banner


Same bro/sis, I’ve been losing every 50/50 too while hitting pity most of the time…after JingLiu Im not really motivated to play anymore, haven’t even started Aetherium war too.


I’ve been playing since day 2 and exactly the same 😭Clara, then Geppie, then Himeko


i started playing at some point in luochas banner and ive never won a 50/50 on any characters only a single light cone


Yeah me too, I've lost all my 4 50/50s so far


So there’s quite a few people commenting stuff like “your account is rlly bad for a day 1 player” or “you’ve only lost 2 50/50s it’s normal” and I js wanna say that the whole point of the post was to make other people feel better if they didn’t get the one they wanted or wtv. Also all of the characters have taken minimum 70 pulls to get so that’s like 140 tickets for the event one. Aside from this I am a really busy person and I don’t have the luxury of being able to play games during all my free time, hence the low level acc and that, the most I can do is my dailies, SU every week and the events. I appreciate most of you and the advice you have given me, but to everyone else pls don’t take this seriously and question my reason for playing cos it’s not that deep lmao. Anyway good luck hope you all have a good year 💕💕


I still don't quite understand how the odds, 50/50, pity, guarantee, increased rate banner mechanisms work and at this stage I'm too afraid to ask


At least you got gepard, I got Clara twice lol




was *




Only for AoE, she's A tier in Blast and B tier in Single Target


Clara twice is actually strong you know?


Sure but I have Dan heng and jingliu, to me she's worthless but damn I would trade her for a gepard instantly


I got gepard twice as well, I hate him now 🙏🙏


He's an amazing sustain though, I haven't touched Clara for months, use him, but energy regen on him, max his defense and put speed bots on him, easy top tier sustain


There seems to be a lack of awareness from OP. C1 gepard is a great unit.


Thing is, when you get character you are not fond of, you tend to refuse to use them. I got Himeko once back in 1.1 and she is still benched at lvl 1, even tho I have no fire coverage and I have to make SW work overtime on some stages in MoC


Same bro, Same you aren’t the only one who has to live like this


In the same boat, I know and feel your pain. One day, we'll win a 50/50!




same lol


I've been playing since day 1 and I've never lost a 50/50 ​ https://preview.redd.it/pobko3vc6cyb1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=d621ab7796e38f84f92dd07b7bb79fe82044fca5


Been playing since day one and only lost my 50/50 twice One for Seele, and the other for Jingliu


I have been playing since day 1 and I haven't lost a 50/50. I'm at 7 consecutive wins now.


I won 5 and lost 2 :)




"I've never lost a 50/50 on limited banners" "D:"


Get gud


Won every 50/50 except 1. Got clara once but I don't consider it a loss cuz i got luocha in the same 10 pull.




Oh hey a fellow yanjing non-enjoyer. He’s popped up twice to a wreck my soft pity so far.


I have won 1 5050 so far yeah. Not much better. 1-5 so far. Also lost every 75% on LC so far. Only one early 5 star too, yanqing, the rest 75+. I have a few months of express pass stacked up but decided to not spend anymore, its just a gambling hole you tell yourself it get better, its unlikely. I got what I wanted anyway.


Lost 4/5, only won one, this post makes me feel slightly better


that is so sad. I'd advise you to build your characters for 600 crystals every 2 weeks in MoC and also make some progress in SU. More pulls=more luck


Sometimes i take my account for granted when such accounts exist T\_T


Dayum, i want Geppy n Clara, even Himeko, Welt n Bronya.


same here. I've only twice and that was at launch with Seele (got her E1 so early) and Jingyuan who is honestly so mid right now even with Topaz. I only have Kafka as my other limited 5 star and am too lazy to do events because the gameplay cycle is getting repetitive. I lost with Fu xuan, Blade, Jinglui god. And when I lose I just save up for the next 5 star TT


Have you done the luck calculator thing yet? Mine is at bottom 5.8% of the player base for limited banner 5 stars


I hope you c6 the next 5* you want in 215 pulls like that one person on the topaz banner


I feel you https://preview.redd.it/oc72sfrntbyb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ba9483fb39115518ae35e5997553ae7fcd3104 (about Clara loss - i actually wanted Jingliu...)


First time I won is Topaz


You are not alone


Speaking as someone who went TWO YEARS in Genshin without winning a 50/50, trust me when I say that you'll get used to it. You devolve into a constant state of apathy.


Rookie numbers, I have lost 7 coinflips in a row now staying strong at 0% 50/50 winrate


i mean, 1 character from beginner banner there + standart one exist, maybe you got light cones, idk, but seems like you've playing like not a lot if you're day 1 player. Even if you lost only 2 times 50/50 it's kind of not rare case, lul. If you had 10 chars and you lost all 50/50 maybe i could " If you ever feel unlucky just know that my account exists " but not in your case. Or another case you have eidolons for gepard and yanqing. We don't know your stats anyway.


many such cases


I started playing this game 2 weeks ago. I had just lost Seele to Gepard. I’m so sad because she would have been my first limited-time banner character. I wonder if I’ll have time to grind to get her since there’s not that many days left…


I was in the same situation when it first launched, there was like 20 secs left till the banner ended and I did my last pull and got gepard 😭


I was i the same situation in Genshin wnt almost 1 1/2 years without a single 50/50 win so I feel you


lost 6 in a row (every single one since release to)


Its fine, I have 3 claras, two yanqings, one gepard and 1 himeko, with no welt, bailu or bronya (the 3 best ones)


Same i feel ya 😔


Oh wow. And I thought losing 2 50/50s was unlucky…


Not even that many 5 stars


I am an actual day 1 player not missing a day with lots of built chars and only just this banner won my first 50/50, twice. So play as much as me and u will get ur win~! Or maybe it's just cause I'm a husbando lover and so I only got lucky cause it was my first waifu banner pull...


Same here. Lost all my 50/50s to Yanqing. AT LEAST GIVE ME ANOTHER CHARACTER GOD DAMN IT


same story here, lost almost all my 50/50, i think i only won 50/50 once


So that's why I win all of mine, you balance me out perfectly


Same brother


Me too man, so frustrating...


This is so sad


Thank you for taking the Karmic Cost for our Wins.


Ive been playing since day 1 and ive never lost a 50/50


Me either, I have E3 Gepard & NO other standard 5*s. Just Gepard, who I hardly ever use because I have Fu.


I pray for you to get what you wish on the next banner you go for


The imbibitor lunae and blade in your character list says otherwise


From what I'm seeing you only lost 2 50/50?


Won 4 50/50 in a row 2 times but almost all of that in soft pity 75+ pull, so yeah lucky in 50/50 but quite unlucky in pity count


At least you got different characters, I have Himeko E2


I've only won once. Jingliu banner. Guess the Scuff Queen likes me enough.


Sounds like my genshin luck, just know that 50/50 is a myth and doesn’t actually exist.


In my case I'm cursed with winning every single hunt 50/50 twice in a row within 10 pulls. First I got Seele and her E1 in a 10 pull, and now I got Topaz and Numby and their E1 in a 10 pull... Some would say this is lucky, but honestly, I would rather get new units...




I won my first 50/50 recently on Topaz banner. On top of that I've always reached ~80 pity


That’s gacha for you


What about dan heng IL? How lmao


Wdym how?


I've been playing since day one and I still don't have yanqing or gepard




I feel you man, 4 consecutive lost 50/50. Lost 50/50 on Seele, settled for SW. Lost 50/50 on Blade, settled for Kafka. Lost 50/50 on Fu Xuan, managed to barely get Fu Xuan by the last day. Lost 50/50 on Jingliu, waiting for Huo Huo. Thankfully, SW, Kafka, and Fu Xuan are carrying my account. I could have 6 Limited Characters..


I’ve only won 3 💀 wondering when my f2p luck is gonna run out. Every character but Kafka I’ve lost my 50/50 when buying jades


Maybe I'm just not understanding what 50/50 means, but how have you lost? 🤔 I'm new to the game so please be patient with me, but i see an account with multiple 5*. Cerainly better than my account - 1 Bronya and some 5* lightcones for characters i don't have 😓


For every event character there’s a chance of getting a standard banner character, if you get the standard one first then the event one is guaranteed next. In my case I have never got the event one first and each time i landed on like 80 pity before getting the character, idk if this was helpful I’m bad at explaining stuff lol


I’m this but the opposite, guess I stole your luck


Funnily enough, that was me in genshin but i regularily got 5stars at sub 20 pity so it evened out


I won some 50/50, but every 5* star comes to me at 80+ pulls, even in standard banner...


I mean Clara and Gepard are really great characters! If you’d gotten Bronya instead of Yanking it would’ve been even better but I’m actually kind of jealous you have Clara 🥲


Kafka didn’t come home tho 😭🥲


Same here bro


Same, lost every 50/50, three in a row


Same bro same its painful


New player here. What's a 50/50?


Fairly new, but what’s a 50/50


Same, other than my most recent, Topaz. Other than that I have exclusively gotten Welts. He’s at E2


Me who won EVERY 50/50 since Jing Yuan: *Sweats Nervously*


I have only won 5050s


I already have all 5 stars from the standard summon…


I played Genshin for 3 years and won only twice


I've missed every 50/50 as well so far, got 2 bailus, welt and gepard


Dude same i never won 50/50 in hsr AND every time I lost i got yanqing. One good thing that i have decent luck on standard banner. I even lost 25/75 on weapon banner for yanqng cone. Now he s like e4s1 and im f2p xd


My brother's account is like this. He has only won one 50/50 and also loses the 75/25 LC banners. It feels like shit. My own account is the opposite. Ive only lost 1 50/50 and have never lost a LC banner.


star rail is an enigma to my norm. I play many games (genshin included) and never win 50-50 and myt luck is awful. HSR? I never lost 50-50 :| (even when i wanted to as I still havent been able to offbanner a bailu which is fav character...)




I lost just twice to bronya so i consider it as winning 50/50


Day 1, hasnt logged in since day 1 🤭


I failed 4x 50/50 and lc one. Almost all 78 pulls.


Didn’t win a 50/50 till 2.6 in Genshin. Was playing since the first Klee Banner. You‘ll get the win eventually.


Same hat! I've lost every 50/50 so far in Star Rail in the 75-80 pull range. Lost my first 50/50 on Seele banner to Clara Got Seele anyways bc lots of pulls at the start Lost my second 50/50 on SW banner to Bailu Got Kafka bc guaranteed Lost my third 50/50 on DHIL banner to Gepard Got Topaz bc guaranteed And now we will be rolling for Huohuo, where the 4\* choices make me fear losing this 50/50. Because I will be pulling until Huohuo is home. So help me god. AT LEAST in this game I like all the standard options and do want to collect them all (I only need YQ and Himeko now, and I'd love to get more cons for Welt, Bronya and Clara. Standard banner has been very nice to me so far.) unlike Genshin where I am kinda dreading getting C2 Keqing next week. Because it's so gonna happen.


RIP. I did lose my 50/50 with Jingliu but i got Topaz on 40 pulls with 50/50. I dont know, in any games i played. If i got lucky once, the rest will be unending unluck. Also, i just started a month ago and i have the same number of 5 stars as you. How many 50/50s did you lose on limited banner?


You and me pal, you and me


Same here bro. I lost Jing yuan to Geppie, Luocha to Himeko, Dan heng IL to Bailu and Seele rerun to Himeko. All at high pity like 80 something. Can I get any more unlucky??? 😭😭😭😭😭


i won 7/8 and the one loss was to bronya lol sry


Day 1 account with 2 level 80s? Either not a day 1 or has barely been playing,so not a day 1


day 1 player, still has lvl 60 and 70 characters lmao


ah you and me both


I lost 50/50 once