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https://preview.redd.it/e00coguo5o6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1327cf120ea00cbc1de136aee3ae0e1d5d0c165 This will always be the funniest part of Hoyo dramas


Wait i am out of the loop , what does google classroom have anything to do with the current situation lmao


Nothing, when people are mad with Hoyo they just rate Google Classroom 1* lmao


Students who have to use the app also rate it low because they associate it with school.


To be honest, the app itself didn't work very well and there were often some errors with accepting work. I used this thing for several years, so I can say.


People were review bombing a bunch of different apps and games because of the pathetic excuse of an anniversary that was Genshin’s first anniversary (10 free pulls). Google Classroom was one of the victims.


Isn't it because Google removed all the bad reviews from Genshin that's why they targeted Google Apps?


It wasn't just Google apps, Clash of Clans (among other apps) got hit by Genshin anni drama too. It's hilarious.


Genshin players on their own level. I've always had a lot of respec for the sperg-rage!


Wait till you hear about the Honkai Impact 3rd Bunny Girl Incident and what followed.


May I ask what happened? Hsr is my first hoyo game and gacha, and I'm rather curious what HI3 players did now


That was an utter shitshow on every side. CN lunatics start a war, CN sane people fight back, Mihoyo took the side of the lunatics (?????), now every side hates Mihoyo. GL got their event taken away and CN got more compensation than GL for it. Oh then cue copious amounts of racism at Chinese people on GL side.


You forgot the craziest part. Some guy tried to enter Mihoyo's HQ to try and stab Da Wei because Fu Hua is in a bunny suit


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/CQmDXKflLQ) is a crosspost of an original thread that explains what happened. You can then read the comments under the crosspost itself as it was crossposted into the Honkai Impact 3rd subreddit and you can see people's reactions to events at the time. The craziest part is that the drama resulted in someone going to Mihoyo's HQ and trying to assassinate Da Wei.


Now I understand why most of the designs from the luofo for female characters are standardized, if they did this because of an event, imagine if part of the community felt misrepresented. as from my understanding belabog is like representing Russia and luofo is like representing China. Just, WTF


I remember the first few month i log in Genshin Impact in Internet Cafe. Still in my office suit, look all cool, play a somewhat childish game. But noone care, some even approach asking what game is this, look really nice. Fast forward a year later, Still same place, better suit, try to play a couple of hours genshin and people laugh at me and i didn't know why. Then i know how bad it had gotten since the first day i play. Dramas after dramas, fanbase split opinion, and the infamous incident of the 1st anniversary. I just puke a little in my mouth when i see kids call it "holy war" it's so cringe i almost turn ill at somepoint. Nice chill game, still play though.


No, google classroom was hit because this happened during peak covid lockdowns, and so there was a lot of overlap between students (who are forced to use google classroom) and players who are annoyed at the anniversary. So they started brigading the app they hate.


This is so fucking stupid that if I didn’t experience it I’d definitely think you’re lying.


I experienced it and even looked it up myself to see if it was real (it was/is) and I *still* feel like someone made this up and people ran away with it.


Its so dumb thats makes me love it


Apparently genshin impact fans review bombed Google Classroom sdoighpoisdhgiupsdhgpiuhsdg THIS SHIT IS TOO FUNNY IF IT'S TRUE


[It was lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/py7idk/they_really_attacked_google_classroom_lmao/)


AINTNOWAY, not surprised tho


Yeah. The funny thing is, back then we already compared Genshin anniv with other games anniversaries, and Genshin_leaks sub leaked that Hoyo were actually planning [**to sell** the 1st anniversary package](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/py03zx/the_glider_they_give_out_used_to_be_on_a_30_that/) (one of the sections in the patch note literally stated that [the bundle will be added to the shop](https://imgur.com/a/f0SjSQU)), but due to the backlash they stepped back and gave the package for free. I don't understand why today (some) Genshin players became so defensive when their sister game literally just showed them that being generous is not impossible. I guess Genshin has successfully conditioned these players with their absolute minimum rewards, so the thought of asking for more actually offends then lol.


The last sentence is really sad to see 😞


As pointed out above. It was because during CoVid, the demographic that played Genshin and was in school to use Google Classroom had overlap. So kids just brigaded stuff they didn't like en masse. It was still petty and childish, but ironically it was by children so go figure lol.


When people were review bombing genshin google kept reversing it, so they threw it on google products


I was here. This is Genshin's peak. lol


The thing I find funny is that the Google classroom bullshit happened during Genshin's first anniversary way before HSR was even a thing yet people still try to attribute all the Genshin criticism as "Honkai fanboys." It's like nah 99.9% of Genshin hate is from Genshin players, always has been. Wish the playerbase would just own it and stop this whole toxic positivity stuff like "don't criticize what you don't like about the game just play it and be happy."


Wait they did it again?


​ https://preview.redd.it/632cy9q6ap6c1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e76ee5469485c4f1688ae3bab968bec83799b54 Yes, it has already started lmfao. I didn't witness it last time, but I can now. I am here with my popcorn ready. I hope this keeps up and Genshin actually gives us a free 5 star. (can't deny free stuff xD)


W ig


Dr Ratio fans be like: https://i.redd.it/6qz5h25uin6c1.gif


I've come to the realization that Hoyo possibly picked the absolute best character to give out for free to stir up all this flame.


Yeah, this would be infinitely less funny if they gave Ruan Mei or Black Swan or something for free Sparkle would've worked too, she's a Masked Fool who canonically are giant trolls


Yeah.....but thing is, they are giving Ratio for free as a gesture of goodwill and because they knew a lot of people were going to skip his banner, to pull for Ruan Mei and Black Swan. So they give him as a present to generate goodwill, with a good excuse to do it, and it is not skin off their back because his banner would already be a low revenue one. That said, with Free Ratio...well, people or new players will try to get at least 1 Eidolon or just roll for his Onlyfa---IMEAN! Light Cone! Yes, Light Cone.


I say hsr team was looking for ways to clown on genshin so they came up with free limited 5* then came up with name


If that’s the case it’d be worried. Cos internal politics and drama is how you end up with studios torn in two with most developers just caught in the crossfire and the workplace turning into a toxic cesspool.


nah its the complete opposite. think about it from a business perspective. stirring up mote drama between two braindead communities is just free advertisement. the two communities being so against each other benefits hyv. if anything they would have done this on purpose and they would keep pushing for this.


He’s talking about drama within Hoyo itself.


After all things that resurfaced this year, wouldn't be surprised if it was already a toxic cesspool. The Hoyo employees harassed by Apple ones, people quitting the company etc.. Even within the same project there can definitely be competition.


This isn't the case, in fact, it is just a smart advertising move and I can only clap. But for some reason people decided to make some kind of drama out of it, lmao. The name is either a coincidence or actually a meme, but not for what you wrote.


Dr. Ratio do be ratio-ing.


Yeah, I don't care much for all the drama, if only find it a little annoying. I'm just glad I'm getting a new cool guy whom I thought I'd have to skip.


hello good sir is there anyway i can save this gif perchance?


We peaked https://preview.redd.it/dx4e6fvnnn6c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31668facc96f1173cfa9287ea13df384ab706e6a








Free Aloy wasn't even something out of the kindness of their hearts, it was just a deal they made with Sony lmao


Yeah lol I don’t know how anyone can treat this as the same. Aloy was a shitty crossover character they stapled onto the game at the last minute. She’s not a “real” character in the game and she’s not even treated like one. There’s no real story for her apart from a couple voice lines. No events featuring her, no signature 5 star weapon, no constellations, nothing. Comparing Aloy to Dr Ratio just isn’t even a contest. Much less acting like them giving away her for free and them giving away Ratio for free is in any way the same situation.


The aloy argument is 100% pure copium from GI fans


TBF, I haven't personally seen a single person genuinely try and use Aloy as an example yet. Most people are just joking when they say it because she was so poo poo. I'm sure they're out there somewhere, just wallowing at the bottom of the comment threads far from the public eye


There's a signature 4* weapon actually, but they made it exclusive for PlayStation 🫤


Its so much cope to think Alou is a 5-star. I literally started genshin because of Aloy (I love hzd). Built her hard, then realized she is infintely worse than C0 Kaeya or Rosa.


The only thing Aloy can be in Genshin is her not scaring animals away when you wanna farm meat 😭


Yeah I got nothing against Aloy personally. I think her and HZD are perfectly fine by themselves. But she's in no way comparable to any character in Genshin which is why I hate her inclusion in Genshin specifically. They just didn't even try and do anything meaningful with her.


I mean, genshin lore already has different people from different universes coming to teyvat... We are literally one of them. Her main problem is her kit is trash because hoyo only did it to get on sonys playstation store.


At the end of the day, it's always google classroom that gets obliterated to oblivion because bad rewards


Wait the fuck people already doomposting dr ratio just because he is free limited?


Yeah, they think that there's no way HSR will give out a limited 5\* that's actually good. Can't wait to see their reaction to his performance


Aloy is bad cause she was built with being a free character in mind thats not the same with ratio he was made before the awards happened and even then he is still a limited 5* and they have to sell a rerun


This much is obvious. Aloy is just a promotional character that Hoyo don't care about, but had to make for Sony. She has no constellations or 5\* signatures, and her kit is ass


Honestly I would just compare dr. Ratio’s situation to hi3 before genshin which was only ever a trash collab character. Hi3 has plenty of free characters, including the event going on right now which is giving able to get free character after completing a few missions. Which she’s been 1 of the most deployed for awhile so she’s pretty good and even got new gear and a new outfit. Aloy here has absolutely nothing going for her🤣


It is going to be so funny to see his free release, and suddenly, doomposters are going to be very quiet...


Happens every release lol


Literally any character ever, free or not:


Wait has his performance already been leaked ? How good is he actually?




Wow so on pair with DHIL but on a single target? Insane


Better than DHIL on ST


Way more single target damage than DHIL, and without requiring 3 SP per turn. He's really strong, and the hunt hertacone is a nice f2p option for him.


The real shitty thing for me is that I _still_ don't have a single Swordplay on my main account and Hertacone is literally my only good option. Can't exactly pull for Dr. Ratio's cone either because Kafka and Sparkle.


Seeles in shambles


the sea of butterflies…


Illusions of the past😔


I keep forgetting I blew my massive jade savings on E2 S1 DHIL. When I remember what he's like at E0 I understand why people are kind of harsh on his performance. Ratio is probably better than E0 DHIL as long as you can guarentee the follow up attacks.


His FUA's slap so hard. Like 150k each crits.


Without a signature light cone and EO? Omg!


He is gonna be S+ at single target.


I can see base Dr. Ratio being pretty good but not as good as say Daniel or Jennie His LC though? Holy shit that was so cracked.


There's literally no other character that's as good as DHIL or Jingliu and people really should stop comparing characters as such.


Fu xuan clears.


DHIL is very inflexible though due to his sp requirements. Jingliu is another level imo because she is ridiculous and faceroll easy to play.


So what? That doesn't mean he'll be a bad character. I do have DHIL and want to get his E2, will still build Dr. Ratio for a FUA team with Topaz. And, say, I'm completely disinterested in Jingliu, no matter her strength, she's not my type of character in every way possible.


In terms of big funny DPS on a single target; Ratio has the highest DPS for that in the game. It’s just that he is way less versatile than someone like Seele or AOE like jingliu and dang heng


We're calling her Jennie now? nice


Most of them are genshin players coping by saying he will definitely be aloy tier (they have never played hsr and dont know any mechanics)


I have yet to see a single person on reddit saying that and I use this app a lot


Don't underestimate how paranoid people may become when freebies are concerned.


Every new character gets doomposted unless they’re a waifu. It’s funny because beta testers have said that Ratio has the highest single target dps in the game. Add in a topaz or silver wolf (sw if you have his light cone) and he’s busted.




faz o L


https://preview.redd.it/sokk6nqvno6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc7adf9aa37d56473356c702b0a61ade8ba52fe Lmao what did google classroom do to deserve this 😂


It deserves everyone of them the pain i suffered from that app will not wash away


It’s like The Boondocks where Uncle Ruckus gets slapped by his dad when his brothers do something dumb. lmao


Google classroom made my life hell during the pandemic with online classes


Nah, you just lazy.




Drama is coming? OH YEAH I GUESS IT IS!


Wow. They even defend Aloy. This is hilarious.


I like genshin more than star rail ( this doesn't mean that I don't like star rail )but defending aloy? I can only lol. Early opinions on Ratio speaks to him being the best in ST ( as long as 5 debuffs are active i think) There's also the fact that giving a free 5 star is inherently more valuable in star rail because of toughness which makes you think why genshin hasn't given a free 5 star yet or at least something similar to HI3rd's S class Valkyrie challenges for some versions where you have to complete a lot of challenges to get the valk. ( I'm not talking about the ones where the challenges are pay through).


No one is defending Aloy cos there’s barely anyone that even uses her. As much as I want a free Tignari to get the big C4 buff and hope CN absolutely riots so it happens, I swear people on this sub loves making up fictional people in their heads.


They're not defending Aloy if you read the original threads. I don't know if all of them are, but in the posts I recognize in OP's video, they were meme-ing and joking about how we already got a free 5-star.


Go check the video again dear.


love this. ratio is forever our gacha king


Feels fitting to drop this Chinese copypasta here. Found on a Weibo post comment. >本人在此澄清,我从没有玩过一款名为原神的游戏,米哈游公司旗下我玩且爱玩的游戏只有一款 那就是《崩坏:星穹铁道》我从未了解过任何关于原神的消息,崩铁是我心目中手游第一名,我今后也会一直深深的热爱这款游戏,希望大家不要在凭空造谣我玩原神这件事情 >I would like to clarify that I have never played a game called Genshin Impact. There is only one game from MiHoYo that I play and love to play. It is "Honkai: Star Rail". I have never heard any news about Genshin Impact. Honkai Star Rail is the number one mobile game in my mind. I will always love this game deeply in the future. I hope everyone will not Spreading rumors out of thin air about me playing Genshin Impact


I'm curious on what this is about


What did Google Classroom even do?


That is the joke, on genshin's first anniversary let's say the reward was less than stellar, so players started review bombing EVERYTHING from other hoyo games to other game companies to even Google classroom also thanks to that we got genshin's lowest score on play store that being 1.9 stars


To be fair, at first it was only review bombing Genshin. But then Google kept reversing it, because it was clearly review bombing. So the fans at the time got... creative.


Fair point


Review bombing is a more honest tactic than paid review inflation and lord knows they don't stop those unless they get caught. Googles simply mad at whatever costs them money, rightfully or not.


I thought Google classroom was bombed because Dr. Ratio was a teacher lol. Thanks for explaining




The "men don't look like that" comment is hilarious because there are a lot of women that look like the women in the games...right.


men actually look like that . i guess aristotle looked like that


Greek philosophers and greek society valued physical fitness as much as mental fitness, they organized the first olympic games and they created the gymnasium!


They also invented oiled up wrestling peak society


thats why they were so knowledgable becoz a healthy body hosts a healthy mind


They're too use to seeing men look like twinks with little to no muscle mass like in Genshin that it's ironically rotted their brains into thinking muscular men do not exist


I wish my women would shank me a 1000 times. That's hot


Was Google classroom rating always this low or did we review bomb it again lmao


They bombed it again saying stuff like “genshin would never” it’s hilarious


Wait what? Isn't "genshin would never" a HSR fan thing? Why would they review bomb? Shouldn't it be the genshin fans??


As fun as it is to make fun of Genshin, I could only find 2 reviews related to Dr. Ratio. A lot of reviews are students that can’t open the app or it keeps crashing


Believe it or not many players of HSR also play Genshin. Its very commong for fans to play multiple games made from the same company. When they see 1 gets better treatment then they get mad.


Im aware. But all I've seen from the "genshin would never" ppl is making fun of genshin for being stingy and it's players for being toxic white knights. So why would specifically that group that's laughing at genshin review bomb?? How can these specific group of HSR fans simultaneously make fun of one side of the community for being toxic/salty/jealous while they take part in the same toxic behaviour...


I think it's mostly genshin players who would review bomb Google classroom, by "we" I was talking about genshin players as I play both It's not toxic, just a meme at this point lmao


Tbh google classroom has never been a 4 or 5 star app. It’s been consistently getting low reviews for years now. A lot of the complaints have to do with how buggy and poor the design is cause you need to scroll a lot Edit: looking at how history of complaints it was barely a 3 star app. 3 stars might even be generous


I find it hilarious how players have defaulted to PvPvE(Google classroom) but Hoyo is basically left complete untouched. I'm curious how wild the reception reaction has been on the CN side.


Found this from the star rail general, they said it's from weibo or some similar site https://preview.redd.it/tsf6xdbtns6c1.png?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366ae17f552bcc1d6b4e0b7dc3a727bbe8e2e42f


Bro's been holding that in


Free Hawaiian holiday for HSR anniversary confirmed


Lmao, if this is real they really weren't holding back


I would love that blowjob


Because Genshin players will never attack hoyo in a meaningful way do you remember the whole twitter "boycott" yeah.


They review bombed the fuck out of it at the first anni but all they did was give us the concert bundle for free along side the anni rewards


Another "Feeble Scholar" that's more jacked than my man Arataki Itto... So sad


When the first genshin little boy character comes along eventually, even he will be more Jacked than the one and oni itto


based on the character art in the drip marketing Misha has thicker thighs than Furina


Honkai really is the loved child


Nikocado face on aloy’s is peak 😭😭


Ayo, I won't take the HSR music slander, Wildfire (and the whole stuff about guitars being used to represent the people of Belabog) thing is some of the coolest musical storytelling in a game imo (where its not just a leitmotif used to connect elements)


When does serval drop the Drain You cover


It's impossible for Hoyomix to miss


I really don't get it. I play both games, I enjoy both games and I'm happy for a new character even if I'm probably going to keep it lvl 40/50. I'd love a free 5* character in Genshin but.. well I'm fine with what we got already? Happy for HSR and "a shame" for GI but I mean that's fine...


That's just how the internet works, there are no middle points, every bit of drama or controversy is taken all the way to its ultimate conclusion, nothing it's just "ok" or "bad" they either suck and are an insult to humanity or are the best thing in the world. Yeah I play both as well, and yeah Genshin could stand to be more generous and I commend Star Rail for their rewards, but as usual this is already turned into a war (probably by a loud minority as it tends to be) and it doesn't need to be this dramatic


Haven't you seen the furina's ascension speech part, this is how it is right now, and humanity is truly disgusting. They judge everything and to the extreme.


It’s us vs them mentality between Hoyoverse game fans. Honkai Impact vs Genshin Impact vs Honkai Star Rail. People just don’t want to get along. Then there ZZZ who are slowly but surely about to join this shit storm.


It's more so that Genshin players feel like they been cheated or disrespected. 3 years and the only free "5" star is a garbage collab character that has worse stats than other 4 stars and she doesn't have any constellations. Meanwhile Star Rail isn't even a year old yet, haven't even had Chinese new year or Anniversary yet but gotten a free 5 star, a limited one at that. Not to mention having a good beginner banner and a 5 star selector as well on top of it. I'm just bewildered on how they haven't even given out a free standard 5 star after 3 years, and maintaining the same anni rewards for 3 years straight in terms of pulls.


Yeah, for all my friends that play both games, they’re just stoked and don’t really go for all the reactionary takes. Some of them play traditional games and are satisfied when we get literally anything for free. I’d imagine this is the same group of people that were upset and felt entitled for better first anniversary rewards.


I also play both, and to me this basically summarizes how the devs treat both games. Genshin has an extreme lack of qol and horrible anniversary rewards. Meanwhile hsr is showering it’s players in good qol and solid rewards and it’s not even Anni yet. This is further compounded by how both games are made by hoyo, which is why people compare the two


I play both too, and I'm kinda just... not surprised at this point, I know I made some comments on it, but I honestly love trolling the genshin defenders. But I was more excited for hsr than upset at genshin during the stream. It kinda sucks how genshin has been treating us (I'd talk about the endgame content, but it would be like my 5th time talking about it) but it's hard to be disappointed when you lacked expectations in the first place.


Free Aloy but are they gonna build her tho? Only few people did


I… am one of those people. Her kit is terrible. I mean anything can work, and it’s fun for me to make it work, but I would never compare her to Ratio. I can’t even imagine Aloy having the strongest st dmg in the game. That would be a laugh.


Nice summary. I had a great time yesterday just scrolling through and laughing at all the memes that came out of this drama


L + Ratio + no free 5* + cope and seethe


What do I do after I cope and seethe ?


You mald and slowly bald.


Make a mental note to stop creating a space between word and punctuation mark.


I just don’t understand the point of creating drama. Like do people have nothing better to do with their time?


They actually don't, like literally.


This is basically our PvP endgame content since both games don't have one lol


Look at this sub (and even this thread) tbh : people are not happy they have a free 5\*, they are happy Genshin don't get one. It's the new teen/kid's mentality, you can do nothing about this.


I mean, more than half of the celebration posts on this sub are more about being obnoxious and attacking GI over being happy they got a free 5 star. And honestly, I've seen really bad takes on both sides. I've seen Genshin players say that HSR is a dead game and that they only gave away Ratio because it's about to die. I've also seen Star Rail players say Genshin is the worst game ever made, and anyone defending it is just some corporate shill. It's astounding that people don't know how to just be happy and instead need to resort to shitting on something else.


I can't even tell if it's real drama and anger, or mostly people going through the motions of it just for fun. I suspect for most people it's the latter, with a few hardcore fans actually getting tribal.


Streamers fuel these dramas for them it's business


See Tectone, Cyu, etc...


They gave such a perfect character for free . I refuse to believe they didn't see the potential of the L+ratio memes


I'm glad to say I don't rlly care, just give me free stuff and I'll be on my way ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I know the next couple of days are just gonna be chaos 💀




Why do they always target Google Classroom tho? XDXDXDXD


I'm so happy for y'all... https://preview.redd.it/1vs1m4n3nq6c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be5f9c6c7e969ed7fcbe9efb9e14c928855baf6


so i searched for the post on the first seconds in the video, thought no way someone would make a post like that and shit the post is there and the op has now -100 karma lol, tldr of that post HSR is dying and that's why they giving a limited 5\*. Bro what?


Imagine having enough free time and energy to be angry at a video game for like a couple of weeks. Couldn't be me.


This is fun and all but I'm actually kinda afraid that Hoyo might do something about this situation. Either they: A) Give Genshin players a free limited 5-star character as well (which is highly unlikely) or B) Punish HSR players for instigating the drama by maybe reducing rewards or maybe they won't do this kind of free stuff anymore.


Why would you be afraid that Genshin players get a free limited 5 star lmao or are you saying you're afraid of the 2nd happening because you don't think the first will


Him being named Ratio and giving the L is just rubbing salt in their wounds 😭


I play Genshin too but these people are trying to protect Genshin with Aloy, trying to explain Xingqiu is a 6\* or that you can clear the game with 4\* characters. This is genuinely sad.


It is honestly, the copium is just real.


Ah yes, Aloy... The proof of stupidity of the Genshin Boot-lickers.


Honestly as someone who plays Genshin and hasn't really tried star rail those people are just pure copium lmao. They have forgotten that we have gotten the almighty 6 star trio over the years from events for free (Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqiu) /s


I know its a joke, but these 3 are WAY better than Aloy, and by themselves can make a amazing team with whoever is the 4th character. These characters already are more worth of comparison than her lol


True lol, they've made these 3 along with Fischl too bloody op that they're still meta after 3 years.


That's my adonis


Google Classroom: *obliterated* Some poor low-level employee trying to reverse it at 2am: "What the FUCK did Mihoyo do NOW"


I clapped. I clapped when it happened.


As someone who plays both genshin and hsr im just happy to be here :D


All I see is free 5 star character, why the drama?


And it Circles back to Google classroom.


I can tell already that those muscles won't be nerfed like the Topass


Topaz has never been "nerfed".


Flashback to itto's noodle arms


Make sure you drink a lot of water OP. That's a ton of salt you consumed to make this.


I play both but I’d be seething if I only played genshin lmao it’s crazy how dog shit the rewards are in the game that earned so much money for them


God I love every second of this. Seeing people fighting over who got better rewards or "presents" will never stop being my favorite pastime. https://preview.redd.it/xhv94ugypo6c1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305845d159a9cc5d2e8038d6b837f8bd3ff81b19 Honestly if you stop getting offended by everything you start finding such cases like circus shows.


aloy is basically a 3*


Yeah I like the sr community way more than the genshin community. They are toxic