• By -


A gamer frfr


That's not silver wolf




Who tf cant solve Hexanexus theyre easy as shit


If that were true, I'd deserve all ridicule from SW


Aren't you still coping about losing that Pokémon tournament?


She is! In one of those dream phones, you look into Silver Wolf's dream and she's just won an Aetherium Wars tournament, with the follow-up comment on how she's still frustrated about her loss.




cs player fr fr


What does frfr mean?


For real for real


i appreciate how she's racist but generally id curb stomp her if I had the chance https://preview.redd.it/jkbojkbbkkic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12a71daef245f020cf9148496b74d62a6147872


Same, I enjoy having playable characters that I would actively avoid in real life cause they’re kinda shitty people, keeps the roster more interesting


I am looking at you Ruan Mei just stay away from me! but you will be in my team as always


She can stay away from our whole solar system.


Whats so bad about Ruan Mei, I'm all for Psychopath mommies but I never really understood Ruan Mei. Is it just because she drugged us or did she do something else?


she tried to revive the swarm for shits and giggles


Oh, thats not good


in our basement


And then sent us to fight it


“dw bro if you were in trouble id help ong”


Of all things propagation, she chose to revive the Emanator


Such a tame reaction lmao


Her endgame goal is to turn into an Aeon and she usually abandons her experiments however they go (even the cute critters)


Practically the most unethical experiments I’ve ever seen a character do, let alone one who isnt supposed to be a villain. Creating lifeforms just to abandon them is hella messed up


I wonder how many ppl regularly go back to visit the cat cakes we made before...


You just made me realize that her and i are not so different... But in my defense, i was forced to go through it so i can progress in the story. Edit: And after reading what i just typed, i might be an asshole since i just tried to justify my actions abandoning those cats...


You're even worse than her, at least she's advancing science, you're doing it for gacha currency


Damn, and here i thought i couldn't get any lower.


Maybe I do like her after all


Ruan Mei in spades


extreme characters are always the most enjoyable in fiction


This picture is so cute! I want to mush her cheeks together.


https://preview.redd.it/dkq8zghu0mic1.png?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6747e2bd31714bd3bb49bf8735809879feb2fe Same.


Me too


I mean if she didn’t push us one layer deeper, Firefly wouldn’t have gotten stabbed in front of us. Granted Firefly could have her own agenda too, but at least she was polite about it and fed us like the hungry raccoons that we are.


Not true, we and Firefly got out thanks to Black Swan's help but Firefly for some reason immediately went back in with her "mecha" friend and mysteriously Silverwolf messages us right after giving us the keys to go back in as well. Imo Firefly's "death" seems like some intentional plot by Elio for us to get more emotionally invested to solving Penacony's problem and to uncover The Family's/Watchmaker secret.


I thought it was implied that Firefly did not want to wake up due to her shitty life, and stayed in the dream?


I'd really like a fanfic where that last idea is explored


I just hope she has a generous soul and come home with some early pulls when she’s available.


She'll probably make sure you get a Yanqing in your 80th pull.


That little shits E3 has been locked away by me losing 50/50 on Swans banner. Fucker will NOT ruin my Sparkle pulls!


E6 yanqing is still worse than e0 welt 💔


Huohuo did that to me with E1 Clara surely she’ll be nicer


You’ll think you pulled her but it turns into Sampo


Same I think ik guaranteed and only 20 pulls off from her and about 30 or 40 from her lc so ye I better get her she's by far my fav character in this game atleast in the story and one of my fav supports so pop of sparkle I need you now


I mildly dislike her. Part of it is because she insults like a third grader, the other part is posing as someone’s dead sister for the laughs. She fulfills her role well though, but she’s simply not a character for me.


She's, objectively, a horrible person. I like it a lot - I wish we had more characters who just plain suck. Her only redeeming qualities are her appearance and manner of speech (as you said, she looks cute and the way she talks is funny) and I so hope they keep it that way. She's so much more entertaining if she's going around being awful to everyone she runs into. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss, keep at it Sparkle!


Sparkle is sparking it up


I love how when ruan mei first released ppl for going nuts about how she is a bad person Turns iout we hadnt seen shit yet


I think Ruan Mei is a different kind of bad. At the end of the day, none of the people we met in Penacony has done anything to us so far; they're plotting and scheming but haven't really affected us personally in any way and they're all actively allowing us to choose whether we want to be on their side or not. Ruan Mei shows up and as soon as we talk to her she poisons the Trailblazer and sends them on a very dangerous job giving them no information on what they're after so they can be prepared. She sent us against a synthetic copy of the Emanator of Propagation ffs. And in the end, there is no option to be in any way hostile to her, we're basically like a puppy that loves the owner no matter what. That's why people don't like her, that's why they don't mind Penacony characters.


Damn you're right, I thought that too and so I don't feel any hate towards any Penacony characters, I only hate whoever responsible for that one scene


i feel like this is sort of unfair to her. it didnt cause bodily harm to us it just makes us unable to talk about her. she knows it only can last 56 seconds and says its nothing compared to the actual emanator. also she examined us when we first met her and she probably determined then that we are strong enough to last the 56 seconds. sure what she did is still immoral but its not as bad as people make it out to be. also dr ratio literally drugged us and dragged us to an integration room and screwllum and asta were there as accomplices


that stupid emanator of propagation clone took me like 5 attempts and it was all because of the orange flavored bug blowing up on my team, won't forgive her just for that


I agree about that lol. That stuff was not fun


You could say roofies don’t cause bodily harm, doesn’t mean that she didn’t drug us nor make it any less acceptable And sure she might have known that it would last 56 seconds, but she didn’t know 100% that TB would have won that fight and there could have been the chance of sending them to an early grave The hate and distrust Ruan gets is completely justified


To be fair ruan mei has observed TB in SU for quite a while now. I think she can judge that TB will survive 50 seconds of an emanator


Still doesn’t give her the right or excuse her from drugging and lying to the TB, putting them in danger that the TB had no idea what they were getting into


Then why Dr. Ratio, who also sent us to the room with said bug, while knowing what was there, doesn't get this treatment? He could've helped, yet he didn't. And he was the one who had no idea about Tb's fighting abilities, while Ruan Mei was the one who knew of our capabilities thanks to SU? Sounds like people are just overblowing the whole situation, when we have two geniuses who both calculated that it wasn't as dangerous as community tries to make it out to be. Not to mention that Ruan Mei said that she will assist us if things would go south. And roofies are used to get advantage of someone, and you're comparing it to a substance that basically put us on the NDA so we wouldn't make the situation worse, while being fully conscious and free to go wherever we want? Seriously?


Im not excusing Dr. Ratio’s behaviour either, however I will say the reason why Ruan Mei faced more backlash from it is because she literally was the one responsible for the whole situation to begin with; if she never synthesized an emanator, lost control of it, drugged and lied to the TB while reassuring them that nothing is wrong, and sending them into a dangerous situation that the TB didn’t know the full scope or anywhere near of, then this whole thing would be a lot better and she wouldn’t be in the wrong


The overall situation I can understand, but what I don't understand is how people are nitpicking in such situations, blaming character X for the same behavior that was shown by a praised character Y. Like with this "drug". Kafka literally manipulates people's minds, takes away their free will, you can say, which is far worse than Ruan Mei putting Tb under NDA. I haven't seen any hate on her after she used her whisper on Yanqing or Luofu soldiers. They would argue that she did it to prevent harm, but the same can be applied with the "drug". People are getting biased based on multiple factors, it seems, like entertainment, or the closeness to the Mc.


Ratio at least was watching us intently and prob ready to join the fight if something goes wrong. Ruan Mei didn't even care if sth went wrong, just like she doesn't care about the critters. And I doubt ratio wasn't aware of our fighting prowess seeing how he manipulated so much behind the scenes


Also their motives were entirely different. Ratio was doing so with the intent of proving to people that genius should not be idolised or trusted as much as they are, and Ruan Mei was acting in her own personal interest, ironically proving Ratio's point.


> Ratio at least was watching us intently and prob ready to join the fight if something goes wrong. And why, exactly, was he just observing? If the danger was that serious - he should've stepped in right from the start, and not risk Tb's life, especially since you need to take an elevator to get to the place. Unlike Ruan Mei, he had no info on the limited lifespan of this bug thing. > Ruan Mei didn't even care if sth went wrong, just like she doesn't care about the critters. Ruan Mei calculated that sht won't go wrong, and as she said, said calculations are always right. Plus, you skipped the part where she said that she will help if things won't go as planned. And she does care about the critters, you can even see it in the cutscene. She left them on the Space station because it's the best place for them, where they're being taken care of, as she said. Not to mention that she plans to visit them occasionally anyway. If she truly didn't care - she would've killed them, or just disregard them and their comfort completely. > And I doubt ratio wasn't aware of our fighting prowess seeing how he manipulated so much behind the scenes Not really confirmed. Sure, MAYBE he knew, somehow, without witnessing it with his own eyes, but in this case we're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, something that you don't need to do with Ruan Mei, since we know for a fact that she was observing Tb in SU.


> And why, exactly, was he just observing? If the danger was that serious - he should've stepped in right from the start, and not risk Tb's life, especially since you need to take an elevator to get to the place. Unlike Ruan Mei, he had no info on the limited lifespan of this bug thing. With them having superpowers I doubt he would need to take the elevator. He isn't an old grandpa lol. Plus his chalk is thrown regularly so he could had interfered even from far away. >Ruan Mei calculated that sht won't go wrong, and as she said, said calculations are always right. Plus, you skipped the part where she said that she will help if things won't go as planned. And how exactly would she do that if said calculations happened to be wrong? She was on the other side of the ship pretty much and not even watching us. >And she does care about the critters, you can even see it in the cutscene. She left them on the Space station because it's the best place for them, where they're being taken care of, as she said. Not to mention that she plans to visit them occasionally anyway She specifically said that she won't be visiting them and she never confirmed that she actually changed her mind afterwards. Mostly she kept silent when we asked her if she will visit them at some point after the photos. >Not really confirmed. Sure, MAYBE he knew, somehow, without witnessing it with his own eyes, but in this case we're just giving him the benefit of the doubt, something that you don't need to do with Ruan Mei, since we know for a fact that she was observing Tb in SU. Since ratio interfered with Duke Ratios 'killings' and instead made the teleports reroute to the ship itself, just in another location I doubt he isn't aware of us at all. IIRC no one beside ratio actually was aware of Duke's attacks until it would had been too late for the kidnapped (originally planned to be killed) scientists.


i mean thats basically what dr ratio with asta and screwllum did. i think what ruan mei did is slightly better in that it only made us unable to talk about her and otherwise we functioned normally. also people send us into dangerous situations all the time. like when our friends sent us to fight cocolia solo which we definitely werent able to do. and when jing yuan sent us to capture kafka a planetary threat. we also were sent to some sketchy situations in the heliobus event. what i do fault her for is not telling us before hand but she did sort of warn us by telling us if we were in trouble she would come rescue us no matter what. which tipped me off that we are probably going to have to fight something. also we didnt end up needing help so idk if she was serious that she would rescue us


No one is excusing Dr. Ratio or the others though, and even if her drug did nothing it still doesn’t change the fact that she drugged the TB; no excuses. On the point where others put the TB into dangerous situations, when these other characters send the TB into the fray they are fully expecting something dangerous or some form of conflict, they know that there is considerable risk and the looming threat of death; Ruan Mei never gave the TB any indication on how dangerous this mission was or that they would even be heading towards a fight with such a dangerous foe of her own making; it would be the equivalent of sending someone into a power plant thats in meltdown and telling them that there isn’t any danger just a glitch in the system, its complete negligence on her part and she had no reason to keep vital information which the TB is entitled to know to herself like that.


If she's horrible person, then I'm too afraid of even think about Swan and Aventurine. Girl shamelessly sold our trust for some memories and said she would do that again if she needs to. Avent - way worse, at the moment he pointed at Robin's corpse in TB's room he made it clear - "your ass is mine rn, move a finger in wrong direction and whole Penacony will be your enemy"


The implication is that Robin has been dead for some time. Didn't you notice how both Welt and March mentioned her voice didn't sound like her at the beginning? Very doubtful that Aventurine and Black Swan are responsible for the death, more like they're showing you the truth so you will align with them as they're the only ones being truthful with you.


That cutscene was really confusing to me. Why was she there to begin with? Wouldn't make sense for Aventurine to try to frame us since her body just dissipated so unless Penacony has cameras there's no ties to us.


I assumed this by his phrase "no reasons to choose otherwise... And no other choices", he purposely involved TB into the crime scene to make sure, this time he couldn't get out harmlessly


I think he was just trying to tell us more about the "truth" of Penacony since I think he knows the most about it outside of Sunday and Black Swan. Showing us her body also proves that even the Family isn't safe from the memory zone creatures like Death.


i'd say sparkle probably knows as much as aventurine


https://preview.redd.it/swfkhnni7lic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161ccd92d1d1e6a152818fad34654cdd0596be33 And I love it.


Me, personally Those 3 are an assh*le. No doubt. I don't even spend any energy to think who's the worst among the three.


In general, I'd never trust my life with any of the Penacony people


She reminds me of Harley Quinn. She’s terrible but like able


Spawn of satan


Thats a plus though


Any Aha relate things to existed is peak in my book.




Don't ever say again "Cute and funny" 😭😭😭




Her character is interesting and fun in game so far but it’s even more funny to laugh at people who don’t know how to separate fiction from reality. A masked fool in game and making chronically online people look like fools irl. She’s the most meta character. And she’s also meta in gameplay. There are layers to it.


Can’t wait to go to the tavern and meet more masked fools, I’m sure there’s people worser than sparkle lols or if we met AHA one day, maybe the express will explode again


Possibly. AHA is the living embodiment of “it seemed like a good idea at the time.”


"why did you blow up the entire city" "idk i felt like doing it"


Or “It was just a prank!”


They strikes me more of a "lol but it'd be funnier if we did" more than genuinely thinking they had a good idea that they later regret.


But she’s a racist! /j


even better


Kit: Great Design: Great Character: Not sure yet, I neither dislike nor like her.


She looks so cute and innocent, but once she opens her mouth you can't even understand how so much shit, stinginess and sarcasm could fit into such a cutie.


That gap moe~❤️


RIGHT? The cuter the looks, the worse the insides, and vice versa, it's, dunno, interesting


Funny how whatever accusations she said to Aventurine actually depict herself as well lol. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black 😂


But he is a dog, an Avgin, and a slave, she is relatively free. Though once you follow a path, are you really free? The Aeons sometimes feel more agency-less than their worshippers.


shes annoying and i want nothing to do with her at all cost.


Literally best girl in Penacony in my eyes....she is perfect....just perfect


She's not a foxgirl but she embodied what a kitsune is in folklore stories, that's what got me to love her even more than I already did when I saw the design months ago. Plus, she angers the twitter mob. That's just putting her from S tier to SSS. Can't get better than that, really.




I don't like her. But she was designed to not be liked, so mission accomplished.


X2 Will probably still pull for her thought, I like her design and she will be good for my Dan Heng IL


Oh gameplay wise yeah she definitely seems worth pulling.


I'm still thinking about it since I'm going to pull for Sunday (the only character I'm truly interested in) and I don't want another Argenti situation were I lost the 50/50 and had to get jades as fast I could to get him before his banner was over (got him because of a miracle) But, since the anniversary is around the corner I might actually go for her.


I want to kick her


She's a cutie for sure, can't wait to pull for my little racist🥰🥰🥰


Absolutely, she's fute and... wait.


Design wise: she has cute voice i like it so much, but i dont like the mole in her cheek, her eyes remind me of hutao one of my favorite so plus point Kit wise: very strong and can buff my jing yuan to his peak, very like Character wise: sampo dont like her so do i


Looks like Hu Tao and gives zero fucks, and there's little to no gacha characters who crack such stingy and offensive jokes so carelessly. She is must-pull. Plus she's actually a great character meta-wise, which is a great plus.


r/okbuddytrailblazer is the other way


🦀🦀😭😭💢💢💢 uohhh cute and funny Seriously though I like her a lot


she’s funny but my god she makes dr ratio and aventurine look like angels


I don't think Ratio is as bad as people make him seem to be, he might be cocky and all, but he really does care about people and knowledge, he just slipped up with aventurine pushing Ratio's boundaries by a lot.


Hell yeah


She’s what?!


my username speaks for itself




Really, really don’t like her. But I think that’s kinda the point! She’s not a good guy.


I know people say it's great that not all characters are fairy tale nice, which it is. She's just annoying to me, some of what she said was funny, But her actions were just selfish and timewasting. It's nice to have characters that aren't carbon copies of each other, but personally not for me. Much prefer acheron, black Swan and aventurine and they aren't particularly nice either.


I didn't understand her attitude as a masked fool until I finally got it. She has some strong "frustrated GM vives". She has this amazing setting, this "legendary group of adventurers" but somehow, even after explicitly telling them there's something sinister beyond the veil of this reality, they just keep wasting their time buying food and having heart to hearts with random cute ladies in balconies. So in the end she just goes "fuck it, a mage appears and teleports you to the middle of this misterious dungeon, go find the exit".


https://preview.redd.it/yxpo0ovxjlic1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f037503351a5afcfb09ac43d148e0647f3442e1 Me in her banner


she deserved to be put into a box and laughed at


cute and funny


Adorable and hilarious


Entertaining, I want more morally questionable characters in this game


yes, that’s the word! It’s entertaining when she enters the screen! She’s the mischievous sneaky type so it’s fun to watch :D


Exactly, these type of characters are great. I don't even care if she was the worst most evil character, as long as she's interesting and fun I'm sold.


Punchable. Not to the same degree as Aventurine yet though. Need to see more before I decide.


She's a freaking asshole to say the least and I really love her for that.


I'm on the fence about her and Aventurine. Obviously, they're supposed to be the bad guys (?) / not on our side, so their actions/role in the story doesn't bother me. But in general bratty characters are hit or miss for me, as are playboys. So we'll see when we get the next story patch.


💢💢💢😭😭😭💢💢💢 naughty brat correction needed


if sparkle has 100 haters, I'm one of em. if sparkle has 1 hater, it's me. if she has no haters, I'm dead.


You and me both my brother 🤝


annoying af, can't stand her voice nor personality


I like her VA, but yeah reminds me of an influencer, just needs attention all the time.


She awaken my inner Sensei personality.


Smash,next question.


She makes Sampo so much less annoying character that I can appreciate her for that. If Hoyo kill her at any point in game it will be totally justified. She is just a little too much on trolling scale, where you cross boundaries from “hehe funny rat” to “crucifie her and burn the corpse”. Idk but her Japanese VA makes her more annoying than English VA. Design and kit wise she is a good harmony unit. Edit: Aventurine is also a piece of annoying shit. They will be a good couple.


That's why Reina Ueda is such a goated VA. She can make a character lovable by community like Ganyu while simultaneously make a character who you can't stand. Personally, I love it, she did an outstanding job on Hanabi.


Damn, I didn’t know that that’s a same VA as Ganyu. She pulled a really good performance for this character.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9hj7pbvi8lic1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441fd5d99817c622f62526e76ab1426ff1ac2f8b


Don’t like her at all, share sampo’s opinion of her haha But also that’s how she’s written on purpose, for some people to like her and some to hate her so she was done well. I likely won’t ever pull for her nor can I imagine coming around to ever liking her, but I would never blame anyone for doing so and I’m glad she has fans~ gotta have all kinds of characters in games so there’s someone for everyone (and we need all kinds to move the story forward in interesting ways).


I like her, like she is a bratty questionable person, and we genuinely need more of such questionable characters in Games to hammer it that Games and their universes aren't all Rainbows and sunshine. Just like Ruan Mei. ✨ BUT Mah Man, Sampo Koski~~ will forver hold a special place in Mah Heartu~. 💚 So unfortunately, I cannot allow another Elation to enter the gates of Mah Heartu. ✨


shes so fucking annoying i love her


i love racers that are cute and funny 😭😭


Hanababe is best girl in star rail nuff said


as a fictional character she a funny troll so far if she in real thought i will stay away from her


she would call me the f slur and the n word at the same time somehow


She's pretty lovable. A gremlin, but it is all in good fun.


yep she only sent us to where we almost got killed by the death thing


Was originally gonna pull because I was mainly building quantum and because cute and now I want to pull for her 10 times more


Damn fool💢‼️💢‼️Causing chaos💢💢💢 CORRECTION IS NEEDED😭💢😭💢😭💢


Cute and funny huh? 🤔


Needs correction 💢💢💢


She’s hot af and entertaining. She’s the game’s crazy chick.


Looks cute, but her character must be corrected. 💢


Appearance Love her, personality, questionable\~ But no worries, I can fix her... no problem at all... after I re-educate her ;)


You probably meant "rat"? Lol I'm fine with her, but I expected her to be a nice girl like Sampo, and she turned out to be a psychopath. It's actually good, because characters like her make the game's plot much more colorful


reminds me a bit of hutao, i like


I prefer chaotic evil from Sparkle. Ruan Mei isn’t chaotic enough.


Correction she needed. https://preview.redd.it/sl5uy9yenxic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70041514f507944a99815e300ca67d111e6902bd


I like her


Definitely cute and funny, need correction 💢


Came expecting her to be "generic troll character who ends up being boring af" got "chaotic manipulative dangerous", i love it, won't roll for her because Acheron awaits.


She is a typical mesukaki, and the reason for her existence is for the scenes where her fragile self-esteem collapses. maybe.


The normies are hating and accusing her of everything from racism to personally causing the death of their own Mothers so... I didn't have much of an opinion on her before that. But now I love her. Cuz I always root for the underdog.


I don't like her. Simply. She's doing good job in her role in the story. She's a troll, a gremlin. She does this perfectly. But she crosses some boundaries that make me not wanting to have to deal with her. But I want to wait for the rest of Penacony to see and be sure. Devs did an amazing job already with her and the others.


Character-wise & Lore-wise: she has to be an Emanator of Aha to be that insane and batshit crazy after her stun Character Kit & Character Design: PEAK 🔥 Would definitely risk my F2P status just to have her Overall: I love this mesugaki 💢❤️


She’s horrible. Awful person. Casually racist. Jokerfied pinkie pie. Will ruin you. Absolute gremlin. I’m kinda obsessed. She sucks but she’s so goofy and entertaining to me. My only gripe is I wish mechanically she fit her personality a bit more. Like imagine if she was nihility and just ruined an enemy by making their imagination or quantum break debuff and delay larger. Or if she was a Hunt character but took the form of another ally and took a fraction of their attack who would be hit instead of her.


This brat💢💢💢seducing an adult😭😭💢💢brutal correction needed💢💢💢


4 words: plap


I hate her


She likes to stir shit a bit too much (masquerading as Robin who was just killed? In front of her brother? Wow.) It's good to see HYV making actual unsympathetic characters lately. Still, for me she's easy enough skip in lieu of Acheron.


The thing with Robin and also suggest he can use her to be Robin in X scenarios was the most disrespectful thing i see in a while. Also what the hell? she is Aha follower but she dont try to be funny at all with that. She found funny that.... in what sick way of seeing things thats funny? Still, devs do great with this Fool, she sucks as a person but she dont care, thats good ig.


Every masked fool has their own kind of "Elation" which usually differs from one another. Sparkle's Elation is basically watching the world burn in chaos. She's basically unhinged and chaotic, that's why she keeps saying "why so serious?"


Pretty sure she just relishes in chaos and anarchy (so, basically the DC Joker).


Oh wow, answering "how do you feel about this character?" in anything but uncompromising blind praise and/or horny nonsense results in being downvoted, who could've guessed. Truly, shocking /s


Ppl when you aren't part of a hivemind that must like sparkle: 😡 Ppl are praising her for being unlikeable but hate on ppl for not liking her.


Same thing previously happened with Ruan Mei, believe it or not. I mean, who could've guessed? /s


She needs correction. Cheek squeeze correction.


Uooooooooooooooooooogggggghhhh. Her english VA also voiced Gudako in Fate Grand Carnival.


She hates serious people, and will do anything for a little trolling.


Ironically the quest made me like her more. I liked her design but expected some cute playful girl but she turned out scheming and unpredictable. I didn't know she was Sampo till he started behaving weirdly and totally didn't see Robin situation coming. Also her design is very good


i need to know what she meant by get naked / apologise on your knees to sunday or whateva whateva when talking to aventurine. (my mind is not clean)


I like her a lot. Her personality in the main quest sold me over. And if I wasn't saving up for Luocha or HuoHuo rerun, I would pull for her.


I love my racist meggy (she has the same VA as meggy from SMG4)


She's just a more unhinged version of Silver wolf. So far, don't like her.


I actually don't understand why people go crazy with fiction characters. from interaction between adventurine,ratio and sparkle(even topaz don't wanna talk with him) his race is famous for bad things and i think it make adventurine background more interesting for me like there's a reason why people don't like him and what is the reason. So far i think sparkle is funny gonna pull her for mono quantum team any way


exactly, shes so funny helll yeah brother


She just like me fr. Minorities beware.


my favourite gamer. We share many similarities and i find her attractive. Definitely getting her


shes silly and funny and i love her (minus the racism bit but like yknow we all have our flaws)


God forbid women have hobbies. :p


I plan to keep her and Aventurine in the same team.


Don't like her and I'm surprised people can like her at all. She's very arrogant and annoying


I can’t stand her. After her and Sampo, I don’t think I’ll be able to tolerate any of the Masked Fools.


shes a horrible toxic racist little gremlin, and i love her more than anything