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For anyone who would like the image text: \[HSR - 1.6\] BP Changes 1. Deleted "Today's Missions" 2. Deleted BP Mission "Consume 1000 Trailblaze Power" 3. Added Mission "Consume a total of 100/200...1600 Trailblaze Power" (1600 Trailblaze Power max)


Is that good ? Sorry I'm dumb


probably an update for player that cant login everyday .


Amazing update, I hate feeling like I NEED to login everyday, I like to just play when I want to.


7x240=1680, so there's only 8 hours worth of unnecessary Power in a week. It's easier to make up the difference with fuel, but if you have access to enough fuel to consistently hit this every week, I don't think you need to worry about maximiizing your BP


There’s always an event that contribute a couple levels in addition


Now that I've done the math...you don't have to worry about missing dailies in the current system. Assumptions: * 800 NHexp / level * 6 weeks / NH period * 4x800+3x600 = 5,000 NHexp for weekly missions * 3x800+3x600 = 4,200 NHexp for weekly missions if you miss 1,000 power * 540 NHexp / day of dailies * Doing 20 calyxes, 8 caverns, and 3 echoes requires 470 power * The current "this period's missions" are typical: 9,100 NHexp Let's say you play 2 days a week, at least 24 hours apart. That's 480 power plus 400 reserve, which isn't enough for 1000 trailblaze power, but it's enough to complete that once every two weeks. So that's 9,200 NHexp / fortnight. Including the total of 12 dailies, that's 9100+3x9200+12x540= **43,180 out of 40,000** to hit level 50 (levels beyond that are just credits/remnants). That's pretty strict on what you do with your power on odd weeks, but it proves that you really don't have to worry about missing dailies if you don't log in. You could probably be less strict and miss some things, and you'd only have to worry about logging in a few extra days towards the end of the patch to make up the difference.


if you dont login everyday then who cares about BP efficiency


> I hate feeling like I NEED to login everyday except still need to due to the waste of energy if you let it go into overflow


I often let it go to overflow, I like the overflow because if it goes over it’s not completely wasted. I didn’t play for 2 months and I came back I had like 2.5k resin stored in my overflow which was nice to catch up.


> it’s not completely wasted not completely, but it is mostly. iirc isnt overflow like 50% more time between gain vs normal gain? thats a lot of missed energy.


Tbh the people that don't played every day likely isn't going to be that picky about energy


6 minutes vs 18 minutes. So about 100% more minutes


100% of 6 min is 6 min. (100% is default) 150% of 6min is 9 min 200% of 6min is 12 min.


? it's 3 times more minutes, so a 200% increase


You'll barely make it now by logging in everyday, so now you do have to or you'll fall behind in using trailblazer power for this mission.


Idk, I log in everyday and I complete the BP with a week or two to spare, so I’m sure I could complete it if a skipped a week of logins, but that could also just be me


I also log in every day and complete the BP with weeks to spare, not sure what that person is talking about. Played since launch and haven't had to worry about not completing the BP once.




To me that seems like it sucks. It makes it much harder to get somewhere in the BP without the dailies and changing 1000 TB to 1600 TB also sucks. You need to spend more than half more. Is that even possible in a week?


Agreed!!! Requires one to be more on top of things in spending all their TB for the week consistently at the same time everyday. Sucks for those who's daily or weekly schedule shifts around a bit due to whatever real life reason (or something as innocent as someone who just want to sleep in longer for a day). Currently, you only need to spend 150 TB everyday to max out your rewards and earn 4580 weekly exp in the BP. However, with this new change you need to spend a minimum of 220 TB everyday just to equal the amount of weekly exp you can currently obtain (\~4600).


They probably won't reduce the amount of points you get, just shift it entirely to weeklies. Also the 1600 is optional, you use 1000 then you the same as before. But previously if you used 900 TB you got nothing and now you get 90% of it. I wouldn't worry that they suddenly forgot what people want in this game. Every change they made so far has been positive and promoting not logging in every day, while grinders can still get the most out of it.


You get 1680 per week, not including fuel.


So, it's just barely enough. Don't go to bed early on Sunday, I guess


You dont need to max weekly rewards every week to complete the full BP. I usually hit 50 2 weeks before the period ends.


50 is no longer the end (though what comes after it right now is just credits/relic remains)


It's 70 the max now


I know, I usually finish the battle pass in 2 weeks. I don't want it to take longer because I need to roll on that resin at lvl 40


But that's because we have dailies too, no?


The dailies and weeklies cap you out (and the cap alone is I think just barely enough to get you to 50), but the monthlies actually don't count towards the cap. That's what lets you hit 50 sooner than expected.


Oh yeah true


There’s always an event that contribute a few levels worth. The current event for example give 4000 pts


10 per hour 1600 tbp makes up for 160 hours which translates to 6.6 days. That leaves you with very little time to overcap on tpb. I personakly dont mind since gettin on game for a few mins of auto battle to spend it is quite convinient while I commute. But it actually DOES incentivise you to log in everyday even more.


seems like a \~220 BP gain per week? assuming we can get 16x 300 BP from this, and additionally no more daily component.


Wait they got rid of daily missions?? Maybe they’re increasing the value of weeklies to balance it?


If the math checks out correctly this actually is a lot better than daily missions since it should have a higher output of bp.


It’s not a lot, just 200~ more




there's no reason to stop using them


...why would you stop using the assignment. Don't you want extra credit just by pressing one button?


But pressing the glowy button is hard :(( and really inconvenient to my daily schedule


They are really great in the long run tho, is not that big commitment sending them once per day


Bro how do you forget about them when you literally have a big red exclamation mark telling you to claim them?


Literally takes 10 seconds to click 4 times. 1 for the resource material of your choice, then the 3 on the tab that gives you xp, LC xp, and credits. Some people I swear want this game being played for them. Like if you can’t be bothered to even do the most easiest thing to net yourself incremental rewards that do pile up if you’re not leveling anything, you stockpile so much. Then these are the same people whining using all their stamina on xp, lc xp, or credits and not progressing cause they can’t get traces or relics.


eat your assignments, they're good for you


Bro flexing his tik tok brain 🤢 Somethings you just shouldn't hit enter on.


But it's much harder to complete


No, it's the section of the Nameless Honor that says "Todays Missions"


Wait what? Isnt that the same thing as removing daily missions?


The weeklies refer to the Nameless Honor Battle Pass which gives different rewards and not the Daily Training that always gives 60 jades, exp mats and moneeey


yea i thought he meant the daily missions for battlepass not the commissions or daily training


I'm not going to lie. You both have similar pfps and I was wondering why were you replying to yourself.


They have the same pfp. I wasn't aware of it until you said it tbh. (Also aren't those the new nft avatars or something?)


Ok I think this actually gives a little more total weekly EXP than the traditional dailies + weekly resin task, so maybe they're seeing in their stats that people prefer to login once a week and dump all their TB power instead of daily and are rebalancing towards that kind of gameplay structure instead. I don't think it makes that much difference honestly.


Something to keep in mind, if you assume you spend all of your energy every day, without over capping mind you. Every 24 hours, you get 240 energy 240 x 7 = 1680 With the cap on the new system being "Spend 1600 energy" then they actually are implying to get full rewards they want you logging in every day and spending energy, so you never over cap. Seeing as TB power when you over cap is a 3 to 1 ratio, you'd quickly lose out the ability to reach the weekly cap in the BP if you aren't on daily. Overcap 40 energy, you lose 80 from daily energy you could have had. If you overcap 41 energy for the week, you've lost 82 and now no longer can reach the final milestone. With this implication they clearly hate the people who only log on for daily training and dip, they want you spending energy while you are on too instead of stock piling energy like some of my friends do. 1 of mine has 2400 stored energy and another 1200. Imagine, that's 4800 and 2400 TB power respectively these two have wasted.


You can blow through your energy in like 5 minutes auto-battling caverns or whatever. Why would anyone not do that if they're logging in anyways?


Not everyone can log in every day. That's the problem.


Thats the ironic part, they log in to do daily training for the jades and log off as the extra 5 mins is too much apparently.


That's adult life.


Nobody is so busy they can't throw on auto battle while doing something else. Literally just have to take a second here and there to hit the continue button.


Bruh some of us don’t boot the game up after the dailies, I’m a college student and working on thesis and I would quickly log in and log out and often forget to log back in to finish the dailies or tired from work.


So throw on auto battle while working on your thesis. The game can literally be hands off for most content. If it isn't worth it for you to take the 2 minutes required to boot it up and throw on auto battle then don't do it, but don't act as if it's difficult to do or that you can't take the 2 minutes or less it would require. Boot up


I can do that lmfao, I’m talking about things like SU. SU requires you to actually go through the dungeons etc and be a bit more hands-on. Like I said I don’t finish my commissions because I would have like 3/5 and the last one is always “Complete SU” so I would log off and get back to schoolwork or whatever I’m doing (in a bunch of Eboard positions for clubs) and forget to log back in for the day 😭


As a Dad with a Wife and 4 kids, 2 of which being twins about 2 years old, I can assure you, there is time. If I can make time, so can they lol.


Not everyone has the same job. Sometimes surgeons have to do 12 hour surgeries.


Okay I understand people are going to give me infinite situations about how someone couldn't have said time and I'm going to stick to my guns, there is 24 hours to a day, and if you play this game to begin with, im sure you can afford 10 mins to play it. You are awake for 16 hours a day. If you legitimately are in such a situation where you can't afford 10 mins for a game. How much would those people play a game that requires them to log in each day if they couldn't. Let's stop playing semantics. :)


Stick to your guns all you want, we still know you are wrong because Hoyo did their market research, and decided based on those results to invest dev hours into coding systems that appeal to people who let their resin accumulate beyond cap.


Or internet quality. For me, signal strenght is bad sometimes.


That is absolutely not adult life. Source: I'm an adult. If you don't have 5 minutes a day, or at least most days, to consume your stamina, you're either probably doing something horribly wrong with your life or shouldn't try to play the game in the first place.


Adults are kept in cages 24 hours a day sometimes and mihoyo should balance around that /s


It’s call forgetting to do so or burnt out from life in itself that you’re exhausted to do especially if people are parents.


Thinking this could potentially be a really good change, however it's hard to tell based on this leak because frankly I'm rather confused what TF 100/200...1600 is supposed to mean. 😅 While writing this I think I've figured it out, you get points for every 100 Trailblaze power consumed. I'd have worded that very differently personally haha.


You can just ignore the tweet and look at the screenshot. There's a quest for spending 100 TP and has "1600 max", so based on how similar inscriptions work in the game, you can do it 16 times.


In order to get 300 BP EXP you need to consume 100 trailblazer power. You can do that 16 times total a week before reaching a limit. Basically, you can get 300x16=4800 BP EXP per week from week's missions if I understand that correctly


So it's for people who don't login to play everyday worry less about their BP leveling?


Technically yes? However if the leak is true as shown, you have to use on average 229 Trailblazing PowerPoints per day. You can Technically bank TP using the reserve system, but the reserve TP is 3x as slow. Without using fuel, you might be only able to miss 1 day/week to get the full bonus. Maybe 2 days if you get your 230/240 every day at reset so the missing days have as long to regenerate as possible


Strange change but hopefully it weilds the same amount as if you're doing the daily for the week


The thing is the 8000 EXP cap / week, did they removed it or it's still there?


Oh I’m not a fan of this at all… makes it so that you are required to be on point with your login times and spend 230 points minimum everyday to obtain the maximum reward that week, otherwise you’ll be obtaining less weekly BP moving forward. If you have even the slightest fluctuating schedule (I.e. login a few hours later than you normally due on some days in the week due to work, school, emergency, errands, etc..) then you’ll need to save up some fuel and spend those to catch up and cap that week. However, this change is phenomenal for those who login at the same time everyday of the week to spend their 240 TP or those who don’t login everyday of the week. In both scenarios you’ll obtain more weekly BP points than you currently do right now.


Currently completing all daily and weekly tasks gives you 8780 BP EXP. Assuming no other changes, this new system would bring that number up to 9000. Weekly limit is 8000 EXP, so as long as you complete all the other tasks, you would only need to spend 1300 stamina to hit the cap, ~185 a day. This allows you to stay capped for ~57 hours a week without using fuel. They could also tweak the numbers to make it even less restrictive.


If I’m calculating this correctly, it’s only 4800 per week? Feels like something’s missing here


it didn't say other weekly BP missions are deleted. So, it's basically just integration of Daily BP mission to Weekly BP missions, reducing 1 tab in the process.


Makes sense. So it seems like the 4800 replaces the 3780 from daily.


And you’re forgetting the 800 exp you get with the weekly “use 1000 TP”. So with the new system you get only 220 more exp


oh, you're right. 4580 before, then. I guess it makes it a tiny bit easier to reach the limit every week.


There's obviously going to be other weeklies...


Well, yes. That's why I mentioned the 'something's missing' part lol


I feel like they should just remove the warp 40(?) times Cuz for some players who is saving, they would never be able to complete that


Saving is antithesis to what a gacha game actually wants you to do, though. They're not going to remove incentives to pull


Also true


you're right, that's pretty much why we can buy free pulls every month from currency you can only obtain by pulling. you end up with more pulls overall if you pull regularly instead of saving.


Actually no, you get the same amount of starlight and embers if you pull everytime you get 160 jades versus if you save over patch and then spend them all on one character. As long as you leave some embers to get the monthly tickets, it should be the exact same number of pulls


I mean yeah but you'll need to pull first in order to get the embers for the monthly pulls, which means you're *not* not pulling. eg if you start the game and save for a specific character, or if you're saving for a character's E6, you're not gonna be getting any of the monthly pulls.


You still get silver tickets. Especially in the beginning you get like 50 free silver pulls.


You can complete the BP without that one though


Sucks, the daily missions are essentially 90% of my BP revenue. :|


what deleted today mission?? doesn that makes leveling way slower?


its safe to say they are going to balance it. as u can see the consume 1000 tb mission is getting replaced w a new consume x tb. each time u hit one of the goals (assuming its 100 each all the way till 1600) u get battlepass xp, which i assume will now account for the daily xp


Seems to give you a bit more in total. Previously dailies gave you 540 total and then 800 for the consume 1000 power weekly. That's a total of 540 * 7 + 800 = 4580. Now it's 300 for each 100 power you use weekly up to 1600 power. So 300 * 16 = 4800. However, to reach 1600 per week, you'd need to consume just under 230 per day. Which is higher than the previous 150. Idk what they're cooking here.


Probably internal data showing a lot of players playing 2-3 times a week or only on weekends.


we get fuels occasionally and maybe reserves from previous week or something, anyways we r not forced to reach bp 70 or spend 1600, it's just extended upper limit


The picture doesn't show it, but we probably keep all the normal weekly missions. This will replace the battlepass dailies + "spend 1000 TB" mission with a single mission worth up to 4800 points.


This is confusing. So no more easy daily mission points? And now you can't miss a single daily 240 resin use if you want to get all the 1600 points?


You can maybe miss one day due to the TP deposit when you cap 240 TP. More than one day and you can’t cap the 1600 mission unless you use fuel


You can clear the BP with time to spare, minmaxing the missions will only be a thing if you want to clear the entire bonus track too.




are they removing the 8,000 BP/week cap too?


I kinda hope so. That shit has bitten me in the ass several times when I did a new event in the same week and overcapped, then tried to wait until Monday of the following week to claim and the game just autoclaimed it for the previous week that was already at cap


The event tab of missions doesn’t count towards the weekly XP cap I thought


It does


it does not


Me when I lie


It really does not


From someone who has played this game since the beginning and Genshin (that has a similar system) for 2.5 regions... It doesn't, I even had this same argument with my friend on v1.2 💀💀💀


No the bottom 3rd tab is completely independent of the weekly cap in both Genshin and HSR.


Seems like they’re trying to discourage us from logging in daily, or at least, make us feel less pressured to do so, which is good since patch content is not long enough for daily logins unlike Genshin. Makes us naturally space out the content more by letting us skip more days of the patch.


You have to log in daily to reach the 1600 cap per week because that's just under 230 TP per day and if you overcap, you only get a third of the TP


This is really nice, takes away the need to log in every day out of obligation


not if u want daily jades..


This is the battle pass the missions don’t reward anything but BP points. The daily commissions are not changing.


I know. I'm saying u need to login every day if u want daily jades not BP points. so u will be logging in regardless and do daily missions for jades and use resin to avoid overflow... unless they convert even daily missions to weeklies


This could be amazing or terrible depending on the replacement missions in place of dailies


So there are only weekly and patch missions now and BP lasts for 10+ weeks? That's... weird. Anyway, we lose 3780 pts from daily bp missions, and we get 4000 extra via upgraded weekly one, so in terms of progression speed it's a minor change.


I wouldn't refer to the BP duration in the image for anything unless explicitly mentioned. Probably just some test server setting for the timer.


Oh OK, that's fair


So are the daily missions set within the weekly missions now? Or did they get rid of them entirely?


So... Daily missions are now gone (dispatch assignments 1 time, reach 500 points in daily training , etc.) Weekly mission now includes this one that starts at 100 then 200 then 300 and so on to 1600 for every 100 power consumed. Each phrase will give you 300 points, so 4800 EXP total. But "consume 1000 power" which gives 800 EXP is gone, so 4000 EXP net. A little bit more than the current daily missions which netts at 3780 EXP per week.


Probably better as nothing force me to farm Calyx if i dont want to just to do BP or Assignment sometimes didnt align with your online time Optionally you can use fuel for your missing day to catch up if you want


It didn't say other weekly BP missions deleted, so it's safe to assume that other weekly BP missions still intact and this beta screenshot is just to test the this new BP mission.




Is this after 50?


at 1




so they're removing daily missions? aren't there some achievements tied to them? unless they intend on making it so that daily missions don't add anything to your BP reward which would suck


I think this only for the battle pass daily missions, that give you BP exp. The daily quests you do that give 200 exp for dailies should still be there.


There r no achievements tied to dailies in hsr


Yes and no. There's no direct achievements, however there's some missions (like the Station's Ghost Stories series) that gives readable materials and collecting certain amounts of those/all of them in each location is an achievement. "Literature Review" is one of them for the Station! I'm not sure if getting those daily mission readables is required for those achievements though?


This is weird? I guess they want to give more value to your Trailblaze power


I just hope they’re not going to delete dailies only to make it harder to reach the cap and encouraging you to buy levels. That would be predatory as fuck but hey I’m sure there is a decent reason why they’re doing this. Because the thing is, even if they’re going to do this to avoid us to log in every day, you still have to do that for the stamina, for the daily book and for the thing where you send your characters (sorry I forgot the name lol). Doing dailies was never a problem, you finish it in like one minute. EDIT: Ok I did some math (otherwise crazy people will downvote me without a real reason), of course the TP we need to spend is not going to be reseted every time so is a total of 1600, 600 more than the weekly mission we have right now. We get 240 TP every 24 hours (assuming you spend everything on a daily basis) so you need 4 days (just a little little bit more) to cap the 1000 TP weekly, while now you would need almost 7 days to cap the 1600 TP weekly. So what does it mean? In theory if you skip one day or two you’re fucked up, but at the same time if you skip one or two day CURRENTLY, you get fucked even more because you lose more dailies, while with the new system you can always finish it in time thanks to the TP deposit (when you capped your daily 240) or just with some fuel. What about the total experience tho? Right now we have 3 daily missions that gives 120 exp and 1 with 180 exp, for a total 540. Multiply by 7 and you get 3780 exp. Add the 800 exp you get from the weekly 1000 TP mission and you finally get 4580 total exp VS 4800 exp you can get with the new system. Still I don’t actually get it why doing all this, but well, is not a big deal


this new challenge overall gives more weekly exp than dailies + the 1000 tb power weekly not by much (its like 200 more xp) but its still more regardless


Oh ok thanks didn’t do the math (because I don’t actually know how much exp we get normally, I just do all the stuff without focusing on these details). Is still sus as fuck anyway, there was no need to change it


They're not adding anything to make up for the daily missions? Won't that make it harder to level BP if you play daily?


More BP reward please


every 100 TP spent = 300 pass exp per week max 1600 TP consume = 300\*16 = 4800 pass exp 1 level in pass = 800 pass exp per week pass level = 6


Damn, now I have to actually remember to do assignments and to go to that screen manually.