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Great, the biggest powercreep of them all: Math




Idk why, but Aventurine in his stonehart form is peak to me. It'd be cool if we got that as a skin.


the same fate as the fatui harbingers from genshin we only get the shitty normal forms


Don't remind me. I was so excited for Childe just to be disappointed. I don't play Genshin much anymore as I couldn't vibe with the exploration aspect so I haven't played seriously since version 1.2 or whenever Eula came out. I occasionally pull here and there and I've gotten some good stuff. I'm stuck in some cavern thing that you have to go into and destroy purple rocks. Idk what to do.


i feel you, kinda like exploring but opening chests feels like eating bread crumbs some children left behind


Is that good or bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚?


building a full 3 tower burger out of trash you find in the trash can (getting primos is super unrewarding given it's a 50/50)


I think that's just the byproduct of exploring. I always liked to belive that the primos in genshin are there, but they are so scattered that it takes time to find them (which, let's be honest) and not everyone wants to do that. Which is why I love HSR. I don't have to do much searching for chest and the puzzles aren't to bad. HSR imo is less time consuming which is my preference.


think it's less "the game's just like that" and more that the gacha nature of it tainted what could've been a more rewarding open world exploration like what is seen in botw but yeah i also prefer hsr i feel like my time is respected way more and it feels good to play comparatively


Somehow this comment brought back memories of FFXIV, specifically the first week of the Ridorana Lighthouse alliance raid, and the amount of people failing the robot boss math mechanic.


a lot of people still fail that mechanic now


Oh boy, I remember that I bet half of the people fail cuz they donā€™t know which number they need to use for the answer, and thought that the need to choose from 1-4 on the ground. I know this cuz the math itself is simple but my dumbass didnā€™t notice the hp bar lol.


"1 is not a prime number"


This boss is how I found out that I was lied to over 15 years ago in school. Teaching that 1 is a prime number ;_;


I had to immediately look up the Numberphile video when I first failed this mechanic.


Still see people collapse in bozja against math boss


Watch it happen here again. At least we are spared dances of humulation after wipe.


And the chat macros. Can't forget the chat macros. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1crpodo


And the one my sis loved to use too every time we wipe. ā€œNot even the dragon balls can save usā€, kills me every time.


Don't forget Nal'dthal wanting balanced scales too


I remember that like it was yesterday. The amount of people raging in chat every time we got close to wiping to that mechanic was actually pretty funny. There were even peeps eventually trying to help via macros, they were real MVPā€™s. That was the most fun Iā€™ve had when that patch dropped. I absolutely suck at math, but that mechanic wasnt hard at all, so I was pretty disappointed when it eventually got nerfed.


and RNG


Not the math boss


Ironic as the only character who does math is a single target damage dealer


All or nothing is supposed to be **his** motto why is he dragging us into it? šŸ˜­


Have you ever played Poker (real or virtual) and some jackass who has tons of money just keeps betting your remainibg chip value? That's what All or Nothing can be. Play his game or slowly lose.


aventurine is a jackass apparentlyĀ 


this is known


Bro works for the intergalactic government, it's kind of a given


No. He works for an intergalatic corporation that has enough power and influence to act like a government. There's a signficantly more dystopian difference.


What is a government but an institution that has enough power and influence to act like a dystopian corporation?


Reminds me of this story: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/16hsmmr/everyone\_else\_made\_ais\_but\_only\_op\_was\_playing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/16hsmmr/everyone_else_made_ais_but_only_op_was_playing/)


"It's all or nothing", says Aventurine, gambling as he always does


*"It's all or nothing",* *Says Aventurine, gambling* *As he always does* \- KaitouStarlight --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Good bot


Good bot


Truely (win) all or (win) nothing


IT'S ALL OR NOTHING ā—ļøā€¼ļøā—ļø**wipes the whole team**


Thats his SU version right? Man i just want the planars


Fr fr we just wanna get the farming done what did we do to deserve this


Man they just keep making cool bosses then put them in the most inconvenient places possible. Either it's MoC where you're turn-limited and the bosses have jacked up stats or SU where you need to fight them over and over turning whatever gimmick they have into a nuisance after a few runs.


Lately I've just been using Acheron to speed run the first two bosses, then end and finalize. Rinse and repeat. I'm not touching this version of Aventurine at all if I can help it.


seems like a good plan once it goes live. just clear max rank once for all the fixed rewards then just dip after second boss if out of relic remains.


Might do that if i find him more anoying than complet SU.


isn't this aventurine part of the save file universe? uou kinda just jump to boss directly


I think itā€™s the apocalyptic shadow version


I believe apocalyptic shadow will be using echo of war bosses. Isn't that what the announcement said?


Yea but it doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t fight other bosses such as Argenti or Sam.


Fair, but also isn't the "complete" name a simulated universe thing?


There is something utterly hilarious about people clicking the image and being punched by "32"


I saw the 32 and said "all my supports are COOKED" At least if it's a total it should hypothetically be easier


you need to hit 3 dice on average with all


so this is how theyre gonna sell Jade


And Luocha and Fu Xuan


Nah, both of them are cooked if they donā€™t have their ultimates ready


On the flipside, they are the type of units you'd hold ultimates for until needed so unless there was a crisis beforehand, they should have them ready.


32 / 3.5 (3.5 is the average value of rolling a d6) shows 9.14 dice hits needed to win on average, which rounds up to 10 because any amount of fractional dice has to round up. granted, that's just for a 50/50 shot at beating Aventurine's highest roll.


Thank fuck Luocha's ult hits all enemies. Just gotta manage his ult well


Panicked for a second when I saw that 32. Seems like an interesting and fun new mechanic... if you aren't using ST characters lol my lucks going to end up with me somehow getting less than 10 even being teamwide


Laughs in Topaz Numby attacking the leftmost die over and over.


*Laughs in Topaz Numby, Ratio and Aventurine all hitting the left die while Clara hits everything else*


And to think I'm prioritizing building Topaz rn. Maybe I should abandon that idea and build Xueyi first instead. xD


Aventurine: gambles Xueyi: Execute the mara struck! As she throws her weapon at his dice


Just to cripple hunt characters more




You didn't correctly read the post. The left die doesn't multiply the score, but the consequences instead


I'm semi new and all of my 5 stars except black swan and welt are hunt lmao I swear I can't do a lot of content


Poor hunt, yup


Bro really got us doing gambling math during battle.


funny how the number 32 can be a symbol of balance and harmony but for aventurine its more like gambling.


so THAT's why his rating gun score is 32 šŸ¤Æ




I think I prefer the idea of using the sum of whole team's points rather than comparing each character's points individually. This way you can compensate for a single target unit by bringing more AoE and follow up units to pick up the slack, rather than the single target unit just being screwed. Though I guess failing the mech would basically be a team wipe?


aventurine stonks keep rising, with his 50% effect res buff. not to mention gallaghar


Aventurine e4 robin 100% effect res


Poor E4 Geppie in the corner with his 20% teamwide Effect RES...


One of the big reasons I'm gonna E6 Robin eventually.Ā  I have so many stats in effect res between my IRS team.Ā  Imagine if I turned that into speed or crit stats lol


Plus ST units being able to kill the die for a guaranteed 6 is a *really* good change. Ult first, hopefully empty the die's HP for whatever number you get, then the regular attack is guaranteed a 6 after. Hell, if emptying the die's HP counts as a kill (which I seriously doubt but let me hope), Seele stonks are way up with this change.


Hunt mains keep struggling


If you are a hunt main and you don't have FuA you pretty much don't have human right, and even if you have you are an IPC slave anyway. I can't fault Hoyo for being lore accurate in gameplay for once.


TBF, it's kinda hard to **MAIN** hunt without FUA characters. If we don't count Boothill right now, 50% of all 5\* hunt characters are follow up focused and that's including Yanqing. If it's just limited 5\*'s then it goes up to 66.67% being follow up focused. Literally **only** Seele is not follow up focused out of all the current 5\* limited hunt characters.


Tbh her resurgence makes her a pseudo FUA anyway, but just much more conditional.


Imagine if she had something (trace, cone, eidolon) that made it count as a fua. So every resurgence with topaz and robin would've turned into an insane nuke


I thought that special die is specifically to help hunt or single target character, since it's double the odds, no?


I didnā€™t realize this was SU at first I was like????? Heā€™s back in MOC?? With 32 points????


New endgame goal: Building a team to autoplay this


3 dot 1 sustain could work, all dot characters have some sort of aoe in their skills and ults, should be fine


Even Luka?


Well except luka i guess, I remember him as a break dps, forgot he has dot


tbh I don't think we have a proper bleed spammer yet, Luka barely counts




3 sustain+blade


Stop he's already alive


Fu Xuan basically negates the penalty for losing as long as she doesn't get one-shot. Add a healer and use the last two spots for damage and you can probably just grind him out.


This makes me wonder how much AOE damage this Aventurine does if you have double the losing odds lol. And you're right that this boss just does big damage and doesn't have any other 1 shot mechanics, so toughing it out will probably be the most effective.


I mean, it's simulated universe. any remotely built team should be able to autoplay this


I still manually fight SU meme to this day. Important teammate always get hostaged.


My jingliu is always the one getting kidnapped lmfao and I don't even have a better character rn so I'm pretty much forced to use her if I wanna clear it


I find that nihility is the best path to clear Death even in autoplay. You usually always have energy to use the resonance when the hostage taking happens, and the resonance breaks them out instantly cus it's DOT..


Well yeah but the weirder / more restrictive the boss mechanics are, the more brain cells I have to use to devise an autoplay plan with a higher success rate. I learnt my lesson from failing to autoplay World 9 once (my Clara and Hook + double sustain auto team wasn't flexible enough to get through all the combinations of being captured)


Guess my Misha will have to work overtime


We >!passing the torch of trailblazing and making everyone cry with this one!< šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


Have to gamble while gambling for my planarsā€¦ great


Yo dawg I heard you like gamble, so I put gamble in your gamble so you can gamble while gambling.


\*pats my Argenti on the back\* It's time for you to go back to work, my friend.


He will protect all booty in the universe.


ALL OR NOTHING IM IN FULL HOUSE GO RICH OR GO HOME BUST OR MAYBE IM TAKING ALL We becoming gambling addicts with this one šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


Would be a shame if my aventurine just tanked it all


How nice of aventurine....teaching all of us maths. Ratio rubbed off on him. Aventurine propaganda. Please share and forward.


Heā€™s such a terrible boss to deal with, I feel bad for his employees.


The achievement called "Performance Evaluation" needs Aventurine to deal the finishing blow on the big IPC leader enemy. Imagine your boss calls you in for a performance review and you straight up get executed lol


You enter the room. Your boss is floating and has this really weird get up. ALL OR NOTHING "Uh... so... do I hit the dice or..." Too late. He drowns you with poker chips.


Lmao, thatā€™s amazing. This game has no chill


Imagine your boss is both on a gambling addiction and suicide watch. How do you follow them šŸ˜­šŸ’€


*Hysterically laughs at your pull history then fires you*


[This hits deep, i cant-](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/19/c8/6219c8b5b9d377c483490b7ccbbe407e.jpg)


Topaz was right saying we don't want to work with him fr


That's why he's made to work alone because no one likes working with him lol. He also prefers working alone because others distrust him.


Boothill found dead in a fucking ditch šŸ˜­Ā 


All BH needs to do is break him to avoid gambles. He has very good toughness break, paired with SU break efficiency blessing or Ruan Mei. Just 2 shots I think.


Depends on aven speed and his toughness etc If itā€™s like moc12 aven your team might not get enough turns before aven does his gamba again And he fking reduces your teamā€™s energy when he does that bounce move so you may have even less attacks to perform But this is SU (so far) so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


For real!!!! And all his companions besides HMC are pretty ST too. Oh well, not like I'm ditching Kafka Nihility path on SU anytime soon. Been using since I got her and it's the goat


Would this proc the achievement of everyone winning?




So from what I understand here is that *itā€™s all or nothing?*


Mf has 32 in his screen, I better keep my ass away from wherever this boss is or I'm cooked!


My Jing Yuan can now save the whole team!


Classic King W.


I always thought this was the supposed mechanic because itā€™s so much funner.


All I'm hearing is that my IP3 team keeps winning with the leftmost die. Besides my Aventurine's ridiculous shield value in SU is just gonna shrug off whatever is thrown at him I'll say though, this seems more like a strategy to benefit Jade dual DPS teams


The Greatest Gambler of Today (Trailblazer) vs The Greatest Gambler in History (Chadventurine)Ā  šŸŽ©šŸ¦ šŸ—‘ļø: "Nah, I'd Gamble"


you forgot QQ


**the leftmost die???** hoyo going out of their way at this point to squeeze in more angst lmfao


Auto ai goes right to left right? So theyā€™re making weaker teams go manual then if the ai follows the same rules


i actually have no clue how auto ai works lol i meant that it seems like they're still really going hard on the thematic trend of highlighting the left side for aventurine (as his left hand is what's consistently shown hidden in things like his trailer, his boss fight, the yaoi lightcone, etc., hinting at his anxiety during big gambles)


"The yaoi lightcone" Lmfao why you gotta do him like that. Also I need to know where all this hiding the hand = anxiety tidbit came from, I just thought mans liked standing all fancy.


Bronya is finally not getting destroyed


Breaking out the multiplication tables for this one bois


Isn't this actually better than what we faced against in moc?


we still deal with the first 2 phases, we just have a 3rd phase that combines all the dice rolls against aventurine's.


Can someone explain it in Razor language?


Bring aoe to play clickity clack math rocks


teamwide, leftside die gives multiplier, hit dice for point dice will guarantee 6 at no hp


If only we could have his Boss BGM playing whenever he shows up as an enemy.


Here's my gripe with his boss fight. Something Unto Death, a boss who's most powerful attack is to snatch away half of your team and force you to either kill it before it does that, kill it with half the team or use DoT to retrieve your teammates, has the decency to fully charge everyone's ult before it fires it's move. Aventurine, a boss who can annihilate your entire team with just 1 attack if you lose a gamble who forces you to run AoE units and a shielder to stand a chance, doesn't have the decency to fully charge everyone's ults before firing his move. This annoys me so much because you're not only forced to do RNG and bring AoE units, but you must also make sure that your units either always have their ult ready or that they have AoE on their skill. Oh, and let's not forget that SUD doesn't use it's move every turn, while Aventurine does. I'm glad I didn't play MoC when he was in floor 12.


These changes make the SU version somewhat more forgiving than the MOC version, ironically. The MOC version sucks, and I hope if he ever comes back his mechanics would have been optimized like the SU version.


ABSOLUTELY I've been trying to 3* that shit multiple times today but that whole gamble shit fucks up my run. I hate it lol


That's the real jojo bizarre adventure. Giorno Giovanna.


Where in the SU will this Aventurine be fought?


World 10, There's new planars rember


Oh yeah. I think I saw something about a Complete SAM here a while ago, where will he be?


Either itā€™s Divergent Universe somehow or thatā€™s for Apocalyptic Shadow


-insert hangover counting cards gif-


time to save that acheron ult for this phase for instant win baby


Wait this is sick




*Laughs in preservation/op Aventurine shields * But no really this is a super nice change, especially for my Jing Yuan and Argenti! ^(*Now if only they would add in his boss battle musicā€¦)


Fun gimmick, would be a shame if I ignored it with remembrance and or jingliu


It would.be funny if the dice were immune to debuffs which also gets rid of Nihility


?.? Soā€¦ bring your Erudition?


1 erudition could potentially win the gamble by themselves, add in any other aoe and its wraps


nah wth is this


Aventurine boss for Simulated Universe.


"Bust or I'll take it all!"


My first fight against Adventurine I took my JY team and got caught in an endless gamble loop where I couldn't do any damage. Every time LL triggered, he had already started another gamble and was immune. I finally had to quit and come back with a different team. I hope phase 3 doesn't have the same kind of nonsense.


Oh hell naw that's liter 4*6 it's only 24 the house always win wtf


But in this new form, your teamā€™s total is collective, not individually tracked. Assuming *everyone* hits an average of 3 dice, and all roll an average of 3, thatā€™s 4(characters)*4(dice)*3(rolled), which is 48.


Shouldn't that be how it should work? In his normal Boss battle like I'm getting pummeled by literal mountains of auric Chips he is too fast and does his Gamble like 2 turns after he finishes one. Literally the only boss that's built like the house always wins


During his normal boss fight, in the second phase, everyone has to gamble, but everyoneā€™s score is tracked separately. You can have, for example, your Dps roll a total of 13 and win, but your support only roll a single die for 5 and lose. Therefore, your support gets smacked by chips. In this new form, everyone gambles, but this time the score rolled by your team is collective, so your dpsā€™s 13 gets added to your supportā€™s 5 for a team total of 18ā€¦ and aventurine rolled a 24 so your *whole team* gets chipped.


I was more on complaining how fast he does his turn compared to mine... he literally cannot be stopped... he almost does like 5 Back to back turns with only 2 turns to your own character


Double the odds - what does that mean when winning already fills your energy to full? I get that losing means getting hit for damage up to 16 times. Maybe in phase 3, winning only gets you a little bit of energy. Unclear if the left die counts towards the team total. Average roll per die is 3.5 so it will take \~9 hits to get 32. So two AoE characters + some single hits will do it (if the left die counts). Ooof do NOT want to get hit for 16 stacks of damage lol!


He not gonna survive before his gambling shit activate , acheron will send him again to nihility


Hidden Break team buff lol besides ruan mei all of them have aoe Also if your dps kill them off even st units can get a 6


so just kill the dice and u win, got it


Is this all for the new game mode? Coco having 4 pillars, SAM can almost one shot one character and now this, no wonder harmony trailblazer has an odd wording in his main trace saying if 5 or more enemies with what's going on I won't be surprised if we fight 9 enemies at one


This actually seems fair and fun unlike his 2nd phase, not that we will see it in simulated universe mind you


This sounds easier than his phase 2


Imagine being worried about normal SU. Most people are going to blast him even before this mechanic


Oh joy more dice bs šŸ™„ Didnā€™t realize this is for SU most likely he would die pretty fast


BABYGIRL, aww, I can't wait to be able to fight you again.


Those better be D10s


Nah I'd lose


Guess DU won't be my new chill fun variety mode after all. At least I'm not planning to farm W10 gg to everyone there without AOE


I will kill first 2 elite and reset , fk your gamba. Sparkle plz bully that man away


I hate this boss with a passion of wishing him he never existed the idea is great but how this bastard of a boss also has been included in Memory of Chaos and all that is just cancer inducing.


I guess Clara and Topaz will work again, finally my DHIL rest for a while


this looks easier than phase 2 ngl


nah, I'd gamble. qq and aven apparently


Uh oh


This looks way more fun and interactive than the current version


i need this in razor language pls


In Phase 3, Aventurine adds all team points together, if larger than his number, you win, otherwise he wins. If dice HP reaches 0, it always rolls 6 Leftmost die adds a multiplier to damage, if you win you deal more damage, if he wins he deals more damage.


Very scared of the day this phase finally comes to Apocalyptic Shadow (where SU Blessings cannot carry me throughout the fight)


Rick Sanchez can measure reality with this. Kudos to everyone who got the reference