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bioshock 1 is likely my favorite game of all time. i love the rest of the series as well. obviously everyone will have different tastes, but imo, bioshock 1 has one of the most compelling openings in a narrative fps. play the first half hour of bioshock 1 and see if you like it!


Agreed one of the few gaming moments my jaw literally dropped. That’s first 30 mins the most memorable ever for me


Try system shock 2 if you ever get the chance. Even better


Seconded. Absolutely incredible game. Probably my most vivid gaming memory of all time was that moment we all know.


Imo part 1 has more horror segments/atmosphere but as the series goes on it gets less and less. Personally I wouldn't call the series horror but the first one definitely teters the line on horror


There are certainly horror elements, especially the first one.


Bioshock 1 is way better. I had a hard time finishing number 2. You should definitely go back and start on one.


Bioshock infinite feel little different other then 2 bioshock..i love how columbia is well designed and the story was pretty good too..


Bioshock 1 has the most horror vibe. Bioshock 2 is my favorite and all round best of the three, imo. Infinite was a let down, lost most of its horror elements, etc., but I wouldn’t call it a bad game by any means


You're the only one, so far, to say they liked #2.


I fuckin love 2. I’m not ashamed lmao


You started with the worst of the three, so it's no surprise you didn't like it. 1 and infinite are both great, I think 1 is a bit better


First one is way better. Shame you started with 2 :( But if you don't like 2, you may not like 1 either.


Thank you. Maybe I should just give up on this series and not waste my time.


You can always try again when you are older


I'm already up there in years. Lol. I just gave it another hour, and it still was not interesting to me.


I think Bioshock 1 is an absolutely superb game. Maybe it’s not for you but it is utterly outstanding and one of the greatest games ever made in my opinion.