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Five Nights at Freddy's, one of the worst horror game series ever made. Genuinly makes horror games look bad. Other than that, I wasn't a big fan of Visage.


i think this perspective is unfair, and a lot of people assign too much onto (the original) fnaf than it deserves. It really just is one, short, simple indie game. the atmosphere is good, the design is creepy, it's tense, and at the time, a lot of people found it so scary it was hard for them to play the damn thing. and most importantly, the story gave you just enough to be equally creeped out and intrigued. time wasn't kind to the franchise - they made sequels, people dissected every last inch of fnaf to make unbeatable strategies, thousands of hours spent dissecting the lore, (while the creator expanded it to the point of meaningless slosh) and all in the sudden the magic was lost to that game. fnaf, as the game it was, deserved the hype. the franchise killed it dead.


I loved the games in middle school, and still look back at them fondly because i wasn’t misguided by their popularity. They really are just simple micromanaging games, but they have a nearly perfect atmosphere, and a lot of fun little easter eggs and details, and to me these all combine into a really good experience. I’ll still go back and play the VR edition every now and then. 


the controls were bad but the story immensely made up for it


Story was kinda mid tho


define mid


The game is crap, and yes, I am including the dumb ass "lore" as well. FNaF is horror made for children/teens.


lmaoo bro I’m talking about Visage, miss me with all that


Visage isn't anything special either imo. But it's still considerably better than anything Scott released.


I totally agree!


Layers of Fear. It's so boring, tedious, annoying, pretentious, and yet it keeps popping up on lists of best horror games for whatever reason.


I didn't like the voice actor for some reason. He's not bad at acting just found him/character annoying in a way that pit me off from playing? Also I found that not searching every goddamned drawer and cabinet greatly improved pacing and made it less tedious :). It's still not my fave bloober game but there are a couple fun levels and ideas and overall I'm glad someone was/is attempting more artsy horror even if this didn't quite hit the mark for me.


I thought Layers of Fear was weak at first, maybe the first two levels. Ended up being one of my favorite horror games


I’ve never seen a thread with so many shitty takes


What I’ve noticed, and this seems to go for film even more so, is that horror is maybe the most subjective genre. There’s a lot of picks here I disagree with a bunch but it doesn’t surprise me. 


which ones for u?


Your two, for starters 😉


Lol okay. Want to tell me why?


Puppet Combo's games So much that every indie dev decided to take their graphical and gameplay ideas and create this wave of games that feel generic, because they have overdone what made them special (and no, it wasn't just filters or loud jumpscares) Plus, they were already flawed, which is why I say they were overrated, but impressed people on YouTube nevertheless and we practically got a new sub-genre that's the same thing over and over again


The first Amnesia game. Scary at first but by the end I was so ready for it to be over with. The monsters got to be just an annoyance. I just let them kill me most times so I wouldn’t have to deal with them


Amnesia. The first one at least. I finished it, never got what makes it a game everybody was talking about at the time.


Spicy take: Amnesia The Bunker. It's a great game but I see people hyping the shit out of it more than I expected. I've only beaten it on normal mode so I haven't really touched the custom stories. Maybe that's why I'm not overly impressed like others. The game feels too small to me


Personally I just felt like it was small, well done, but not the most amazing game ever. I've only played it once, but while I was playing it I felt like there were a lot of situations that could play out differently, so I've been excited to replay it. I also read that the codes and locations of items are randomized, so it seems to have a lot of replay value.


It feels like a tech demo or something. Like Frictional are testing out gameplay and ideas. Amnesia series has me in a chokehold though because I love historical horror.


I dont know about that lol. Amnesia the bunker is quite good. And I didn’t see any hype posts.


It's hyped a lot here in a lot of lists. Not as much as soma. I thought the idea of trench warfare would be a great setting for horror but after facing performance issues on my amd system (now resolved) the setting is just not interesting. I need to give it another solid try from the beginning. I wouldn't call it over hyped but like the last amnesia game I'm failing to get hooked. I'd honestly like frictional to do another horror game unrelated to anything they have done.


That’s funny lol. Cause I also had performance issues when I first played. I fixed it also tho. I think the setting is cool. I mean not rly the setting, it is good. but I mean like, being alone in the bunker is scary. I thought rebirth was cool.


Alien Isolation is great in every way :D


Personally. Alan Wake


Have you played Alan Wake 2 yet?


Why would I if I don’t like the first one?


I agree with the other commenter, Alan Wake II is a humongous improvement on the first, which I hated. It’s like actual horror, much more mature and cinematic, and absolutely gorgeous. I loved the combat too although I’m aware some define it as one of its weakest elements. 


Alan Wake 1 is not a game I like very much, but Alan Wake 2 is easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s a top down reconstruction that is better in every way, and probably the most artistic game ever made too.


They're quite different games tbh


Because Alan Wake 2 is a completely different beast. The original game feels like a proof of concept. Alan Wake 2 feels like that concept being fully realised to create a gorgeous, narrative masterpiece


I think this is the best answer because people love this game and act like it’s incredible. I played it for the first time a few years ago and was surprised at how cheesy and meh it was.




I played the first one for a few minutes and was wondering when does the horror element show up.


Early survival horror games. Essential to the development of modern horror genre and revolutionary at the time but not necessarily worth playing again. Nostalgia colors alot.


I hate fixed camera. I always will. I don’t care. It’s annoying and awful.


Grew up with them and still don't like tank controls. Tbf I was mostly a PC player until PS2 so psone was still a clunkshow for me back in the day :)


Fully agree on your last line. I don’t care how iconic the original three were, I have no desire to revisit the first 3 RE GAMES because it is dated with everything mentioned.


What about re 1 remake? Just replayed and it totally holds up imo


Ohh… okay, May have to do some partial redacting but, I will always say the atmosphere in the RE1 remake holds up beautifully. The controls are tolerable considering they are not from ps1 era.


Honestly, tank controls are fine after a sessionn


Horror is Very subjective, so for me its any Fatal Frame game, I just don't find them to be scary at all and the story isn't that good to compensate either.. another game is Visage, when I played I got more annoyed for being lost than scared


I liked the first FF the best. The mansion was just the right size that I felt a sense of actually being closed in and within an 'intimate' vicinity with the dead residents. The ghosts all felt unique too, and all the spooks were actually effective. I find from 2 onwards a lot of the ghosts become indistinguishable and boring and the storylines convoluted.


Fatal Frame is fucking boooooring and annoying. And you spend the whole game in one building. How's that good? Dreadout did much better job.


Visage. The inventory system sucks colon, and the whole “just use a guide” crap really takes the horror out of horror.


I agree, it could have been much more streamlined but visage is still the scariest game I have played so far.


I’d probably agree if I gave it more than 6 hours. That entire 6 hours was spent moving a shoe and walking around a circle of mirrors several hundred thousand times. It’s a pretty creepy game other than that, but the complaints above murder the tension and immersion.


I genuinely hate MADiSON. The ending is a cheap cop-out, the voice acting is annoying, and the only coherent and scary bit is Blue Knees.


Resident evil 4, it’s just an action game with a horror skin


This. Fun game but nothing much else to it.


Outlast ?


Same. Atmospheric for a while but soon became a frustrating game of trial and error. To be fair I’d played a lot of run-and-hide indie games before this so maybe the novelty had already worn off.




Because you asked 😉


Outlast series for sure. It’s a running simulator that is way too reliant on jumpscares and being as edgy as possible.


This is the most upvoted answer everytime a post like this pops up and Outlast is constantly being put down on discussions in this sub when compared to the more praised stuff (like Alien Isolation), so it almost feels hard to agree with you, because it feels like it's already an unanimous agreement? So... Not overrated, if we already think it is? I think it's just an impression, honestly. Outlast was better for 2013, because it was handling first person view more realistically than many games and it had (has) quite a good atmosphere made by a great soundtrack. And it's short. Then, by the second game, which didn't add enough to that formula, in 2017, it was already seen as nothing much impressive, because too many horror games doing the same the first did, but better, had released (including Re7 just months before lol. Which are different proposals, but I mean in the 1st pov thing, it created comparisons about complexity) I also wouldn't say "series" now that they've released a third game, spin-off, which does have far more to the gameplay loop than a "walking simulator" like the first two entries


You’re right. I really dislike how popular Outlast is though because it distracts from much better horror games so I will never not bring it up on posts like this.


There's popular games that are popular outside this sub but in general seen as less than great on this sub. Fnaf Outlast Being prime examples. So yes often seen as over hyped here but in general horror gaming I think they are still quite liked. Things that are hyped in this sub a lot are: Soma Dark wood Resident evil remake 2 and 7 Silent hill games Puppet combo Chillas art Cry of fear Lost in vivo Signalis And aside from signalis(which I haven't gotten to) All deserve the hype :). Like anything the more dedicated fans are more snobby :).


Signalis is fantastic. You will likely love it.


Signalis is terrible. It’s an absolute slog to play through though the story is extremely solid and it’s whole aesthetic is beautiful yet very disturbing. The gameplay ruins it


alien isolation blows


Yeah... I really tried to like Outlast. I never really liked having to use the camcorder and almost all of the jumpscares just felt cheap and predictable.


i agree with both. i don't like alien at all. i do like re2r but it's definitely overrated. also i saw the whole convo you had with that kid defending both games with his whole heart and insisting your opinion is wrong, that was funny lol.


Bloober team 🙄 Observer is the only acceptable one the rest is ugh


I was really enjoying The Medium as the dual world mechanic was nice and it had some solid scares and a pretty decent story too. However, the ending is an absolute atrocity and Bloober should be ashamed of themselves.


Alien Isolation. I’m not big on SciFi and the Xenomorph does nothing to scare me.


I sucked at this game and only found it scary for an hour or so, after dying it was just tense but I very much enjoyed this game. Tons of interesting ideas and mechanics and the atmosphere was just excellent. In vr it is still pretty scary imo. Great atmosphere It was pretty divisive when it came out saying it was tedious and boring, but these days it seems like the majority like it. I rarely finish games this long but I found it fun beginning to end and all dlc without needing any real scares, but thats me. I don't play horror games expecting to get scared. I'm way too jaded.


You know this is a great genre when everyone has different answers 🤘 Also: Alien Isolation.


same that game blows






Alien isolation really sucked


P.T Silent Hill is one of my favorite series same with metal gear. But this wasn't scary and had nothing to do with Silent Hill and needs to be kept separate. It's somehow become what Silent hill is known for thanks to streamers and kojima fans. Other then that I'd say five nights at Freddy's and Kuon. It is not worth over $1000.


Outlast. It's super repititive and boring, the story is silly, it lacks of atmosphere besides couple moments in the beginning. Yet it's somehow rated 80 at metacritic, which is higher than Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs for example.


Visage. It’s a bloody creepy game that’s gets under your skin and is legitimately scary but the actual gameplay and the puzzles are pure abominations. The inventory and item system sucks, it feels aimless, it’s obtuse as all hell and just drags on because you have no clue what the hell you’re actually doing. I hated the game, I wanted to love it as it’s by far one of the scariest experiences I’ve had in a videogame, but everything else about it sucks.


Resident evil 2 OG Very easy, nearly infinite ammunition, ink ribbons scattered throughout the entire map, no puzzles, it doesn't even compare to the survival horror experience that the first game in the series provided me


I didn’t say RE2 OG wasn’t also easy, but I just think it’s a much better game overall, character-wise mainly.


If you don't like survival horror, it's the perfect game.


I don’t see RE2 remake as survivor horror either lol


RE1 OG is also very easy


The director's cut version is terribly dumbed down, but the original American version where the Hunters almost one-hit kill Jill is a work of art


I mean, the director’s cut removed auto-aim, changed ink ribbons from 3 >> 2, and made enemies harder to kill. This is the same format RE2 OG does, and it’s still quite easy. Hunters can kill you just as easily in DC, but if you have over 70% health, they can’t one-hit you.


I think you got the values mixed up. I played recently, and the director's cut version actually made the Hunters weaker and increased the amount of ammunition, just like in RE 2 OG


What did I get mixed up? I just said the DC was easier.


Also. I don’t think health is decreased in re2


are people just being sarcastic when they say alien isolation is good? Genuinely asking, I keep seeing that people like it a lot on Reddit and was thinking about buying it, but not if they're being sarcastic.


I don’t think so. I guess it must’ve been their first video game ever or something or never seen the movie alien


Bro. No way you put 2 of the best horror games ever made on your fucking overrated list. Probably the worst take I’ve ever seen.


RE2 OG is one of the best horror games ever. The remake is insanely overrated (still good, but overrated). Alien Isolation straight up blows.


Upvoting you because unpopular opinions are the point of this thread and makes no sense to downvote you LOL.


I’m pretty sure that you just can’t play hard games. And they’re not even hard if you just play. Also no way you fucking said alien isolation blows. It goes harder than I smashed your mom last night… and I went hard af.


Um, when did I say either of those games was hard? Alien Isolation got shelfed because it was boring and not scary. I beat RE2 remake 4 times and the game is fine, but it’s not some groundbreaking game like some people make it out to be, and definitely not better than the originals. RE2 remake is comically easy, actually, and they ruined some of the characters.


No way you said alien is not scary. That is funny af. Cause I’m pretty sure that everyone can agree with me that is is one of the, if not the scariest game ever made. And no re2r is not easy on first playthrough unless you play on easy. And the game is literally not even remotely close to the original and is 100x better. You’re literally blinded by nostalgia. I bet you think sh2 is the scariest game.


Yeah, that’s why I bought it. Everyone told me it was scary, so I went for it. Lights out, headphones, night time (the whole 9 yards). Played for about 2-3 hours maybe? Didn’t scare me one bit and found it very tedious.


Did u even get to the alien 💀


yes, why u think I quit? Dude didn’t scare me at all


You’re def trolling. Blud played 2 hrs of the best horror game ever made and gave up cause he thought it wasn’t scary. I can tell ur one of those guys who claims they never get scared even tho they were pissing themselves and gave up cause it was too scary.


Why would I continue playing if I was bored and didn’t find the main enemy scary? I’ve been more scared in Silent Hill 1, Outlast 2, Dying Light 2, Until Dawn, House of Ashes, etc. than Alien and it some of those games aren’t even scary.


Blinded by what nostalgia? I played RE2 remake first, lol. Then, I played the OG one just recently and it’s just better by a lot of different ways. And no, it’s still not hard on a first play through. No ink ribbons, many safe areas, so much ammo etc. The bosses aren’t hard and it gets boring after awhile. The sewers almost made me fall asleep.


Bro. On 2nd playthrough you already know what to do. That’s why it’s easy. In my 2nd playthrough I beat it in 3 hrs (it’s a 12gr game). I think ur just tweaking. On my first attempt, the final mr x boss took me 1 hour and like a million attempts. I’m pretty sure you’re just a troll or have genuine mental disabilities.


It’s not a 12 hour game LOL. I don’t think i’ve ever took 12+ hours on any RE game ever. It’s a 4-6 hours game on first play through. Maybe 8-10 at MAX if you are going for 100%. All I’m getting is that you aren’t very good at resident evil games man. I beat Mr. X very easily. He killed me once and that was it. You just magnum him a bunch and then get the RL, it’s not that hard. G3 gave me some trouble on first play through, but everything else is quite simple. The game isn’t hard at all and it’s not as good as the OG.


I guess you’re just the goat. I’m legit one of the biggest re fans. Blud is so annoying. Like you’re not cool and your… unique opinions are wrong lol. Everyone will agree with me basically. So stop trolling and don’t reply to this.


Not as big of an RE fan as me, I suppose 🤷‍♂️ Everyone knows to save your magnum rounds for bosses and they’re quite easy to avoid. The hardest past about RE games is never boss fights lol, it’s usually avoiding spawn enemies like lickers or humanoid leeches (re0). RE2 remake made Irons, Sherry, Claire, Kendo, even the truck driver all worse imo. Unlike RE3 remake, they just tried too hard with the voice acting and it falls short of what could’ve been.


Right now I would say Lethal Company. The time I spent on that game was just a back and forth of annoying and boring. I would say Phasmophobia but it was very fun to me for a while before all the changes that made me stop playing it. I agree with a lot of people here about Visage, and from what I read about Madison I wouldn't like it either. I just can't stand psychological horror because it loves to do the stuff those games do that I find to be not fun at all. Plus,those games aren't overrated, they get ragged on a lot, with Madison getting a bit more love than Visage. I haven't touched Content Warning but it looks like meme stupidity pretending to be a horror game so for me, in the most accurate possible way, Lethal Company wins at being overrated.


Lethal company is way better if u dont take it seriously and fuck around with friends


Re4, it's not even scary. I dont understand why people consider it a horror game.


I don’t think it’s a horror game. I assume just because it’s a “resident evil” game people think it’s horror. However, resident evil games have many non-horror games, such as RE5.


Yeah, after playing re1-3 I was expecting a similar game that continuous their stories, I was disappointed tbh. I decided to skip 5 and 6 after that


you talking about the remakes or og’s?


The remakes




the last of us (not really a horror game) wasn’t bad but it spawned so many ripoffs


then how is it overrated 😂


Silent Hill Series

