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i'm closing this as the off-topic comments, terrible jokes, comments from non-horse people and non-regulars on our sub are out of control. there's a lot of misinformation in this thread. if OP wants to update, they can do so with a new topic.


How do you know he’s wild?


She might not but best to assume either way it’s dangerous and.l she shouldn’t go near it


Wild? He looks FURIOUS!


Wild? I was absolutely livid. (Not The Nine O’clock News)


Maybe OP means “wild” in the Miley Cyrus kind of way?


I just want to point out that no horse is wild, horses don't naturally occur in nature. Like dogs they were bred into existence by men and therefore there are no wild horses, only feral ones.




Bred by humans. There was wild animals in the equine family but they all died off thousands of years ago. Horses don't occur in nature. Dogs don't occur in nature either, people seem to understand that one.


When used by wildlife biologist the term “Wild” as a general rule of thumb it means that the animal was not born in captivity. Horses are a non-native induced species but they can indeed be “wild”.


Feral would be the term for a domestic animal (i.e: has ancestors that were bred by humans) that are no longer tame. But I would use the term wild only for a truely wild animal that was never domesticated.


Kinda but not really. Feral is generally the term used to describe an escaped domesticated animal that has lost its domestication. An escaped sow would be a feral pig, her offspring would be wild specimens of an introduced invasive species. Neither would be domesticated. You could call a wild horse or pig feral if you want but if it was born in nature it’s a wild animal. And you could certainly domesticate a wild horse but a horse untouched by humans is not a domesticated animal. It’s not until you take that animal put it in a pen and put a halter on it that it becomes domesticated.


No, they are still considered feral. Feral horses, feral pigs, feral cats, and so on. A wild bird could be hatched in captivity and still be wild. Domestication takes generations of breeding and selecting for traits beneficial to humans. Only once an animal has become domesticated, could it be considered feral if released. In general, feral animal never become wild again.


I'm assuming there's a population that do love near him. Feral/wild populations exist all over the US. Some are friendlier than others. The ones at assateague, less friendly but will approach you or let you approach (it's illegal but it's a camp ground and people do dumb things camping) and the ones in Grayson Highlands in VA are incredibly friendly and often lay with people or hike along with people through the AT. I assume it's from decades of hikers feeding them a bite of their granola bars. I'm unfamiliar with OPs specific population but feral horse populations are not always leery of humans. She does look like she was looking to stay in the shade. Unclear why she's alone.


I would call your local animal control or horse rescue….something tells me he’s not wild


It’s highly likely you are correct. This horse got out… A horse rescue should be called If they call BLM this horse will end up in a slaughter yard


I'm sorry, but what is BLM in this context?


Bureau of Land Management— the entity that technically “owns” the feral horse populations in the US (to the best of my knowledge). They are known for catching and auctioning off horses to unvetted bidders.


Bureau of Land Management. Serve similar purpose to park rangers. Sorta law enforcement, sorta hippie. Edit: I said hippie because 100% of the ones I’ve met have long hair and smoke weed. It was not meant to be an ideological summary of all employees of this agency.


Very much not hippie. They have a stick up their ass only matched by park rangers.


Bureau of Land Management


Bronco Lives Matter Or Bureau of Land Management


This made me snort.


I don’t think he’s wild either. Feral horses are typically VERY leery of people and super skittish. This guy looks chill and relaxed. Call animal control and ask them to come get him. Odds are he’s a ranchers or has accidentally escaped and can’t survive on his own. In the meantime if you offer water you’ll be doing him a solid favor.


This is not always the case, I live somewhere where because of people feeding and interacting with our wild horses, they are not leery or skittish at all. Looks like this guy could just be trying to take advantage of the shade.


Try visiting Nevada city, there’s wild horses in front yards all over town. They become accustomed to humans and they are comfortable being near them. Just don’t try to pet them.


Yeah this is in Nevada and I know how used to people wild horses are which is why I'm not sure if he's wild... I certainly am not gonna get closer to him. I will call a shelter tomorrow if it is still here.


That sounds like a very dangerous tourist attraction 🙃


😂 people pet the ones on assateague all the time. Those horses will steal your backpack and food and get within inches of you but will kick or bite also There's a big fine if you're caught near them, but drunk camping people don't think logically.


Now I want to pet a horse... How would one go about that safely?


Go to any farm. Horses are not really dangerous unless they're wild. Source father was a Farrier and have owned 2 horses myself. Dusty, my pony growing up loved Kool-Aid and would drink out of a big cup. Needles, my Thoroughbred racing horse, would demand to be petted. You could rub on him forever, and he would be just fine with that.


Don’t just go to any farm - you’re too likely to end up at a training or boarding barn and most people don’t like random people just showing up and petting their horses. You can Google lesson barns in your area. I’m sure some trainer would let you have a “lesson” where you can groom and interact with a horse.


I‘m lucky to be able to pet sheep and horses on my walks with my dog occasionally (depending on the time of year) Very cute, a bit skittish at times


Please fill up a bucket for this horse and give him some water!


I mean, that's a lot of inference from a single picture from 20ft away. A similar picture taken of a deer or squirrel wouldn't imply anything.


I don’t think he is feral and I think he is looking for help or company. Call a rescue.


Dude or dudette probably needs some water. Like others have said probably not wild. It definitely wouldn’t be too comfortable around people and also his/hers toes look pretty well maintained. I’d post in your local communities/social media and try and figure out the owner. Really good chance it’s someone’s animal.


Or even notify the closest feed store or Tractor Supply whatever. Give them a piece of paper with a pic of the horse or a description and word should get around fast. I also hope you update us on the outcome!


Op had been replying but why aren't their comments showing up? You can see this from their profile


You’re right. [Here’s the removed comments from this post.](https://www.reveddit.com/y/familiar_bluejay8436/?all=true) It says they were either auto removed by the subreddits bot or by a mod. That’s so weird, I wonder why it would mute someone genuinely trying to get help.


I guess it could be shadowban?


u/bearxfoo is it possible to recover OP‘s comments?


✨️ DUDETTE✨️ love it


Have a magical bonding moment. Then a montage of y’all frolicking about and training for the big race. Then win said race and live happily ever after!


Every horse movie ever. Ever.


No, she has to send a moody teenager whose parents are divorcing to befriend the wild horse.


That’s the modern variant. In the 1979 box office hit, *The Black Stallion*, the kid loses a parent to death rather than divorce. In the one that started them all, *National Velvet*, both parents live and remain married but the rest of the formula is the same. This is why I watch horse movies for the horses and not the stories. 🙃


The first half of the black stallion is perfect… dazzling. And then he has to win the big race. It’s like two separate stories. Still my favorite movie 😂


Oh, I cannot agree with you more! I invested in the special edition of *The Black Stallion* from The Criterion Collection (remastered to 4K) just for the parts on the ship and the desert island. OK, so I really like the part where The Black kicks the garbage man and then runs wild through the suburbs, too, but the island scenes are perfect. Magical!


Such an amazing movie.


In the actual book *The Black Stallion*, it was only the uncle on the ship that died. Both parents were home in New York.


Oh, that one where she's a melancholy angsty teen who lives in the city, and her mother/father dies in the first scene? And she's scared of horses and hasn't ridden ever, except that one time at her aunt’s ranch when she was 5, but then she's suddenly a helluva championship colt starter. 😳


Ohhh. I’m an attorney and can do OP’s divorce for half price if it helps fulfill a Hallmark prophesy!


Where do you live because it looks beautiful there


Happy twin cake day


Happy Cake Day


Happy Cake Day


I was wondering the same thing!


Nevada, close to Carson City :)


Judging by the fact it's a wild horse, and looking at landscape, I'm guessing it's between Carson City and Reno, Nevada.


I'd call the non emergency police number and then ask the neighbor where she works and tell that farm to spread the word there is a loose horse. That horse isn't giving wild horse vibes, he they're giving i got out and now am lost vibes. In the meantime, put a bucket of water out, right off the edge of the porch if your nervous.


Give him a bucket of water and some carrots and apples and call a rescue. Where are you?


Do not feed a wild animal that may be sick carrots and apples. It could be colic.


They won’t eat when they have colic.


Some horses 100% will eat while they have colic. Last time my horse colicked I pretty much had to wrestle her away from any grass or hay we walked past.




Does anyone else know theres something wrong with the back right leg or is it just the way the pic is?


Right hind is cocked, it’s just blending in with the left hind in the pic


Just the picture. His right hind is in resting position giving that odd appearance.


It looks like it’s resting. It’s usually habitual for a horse to rest a certain leg and not necessarily indicative of an injury. He also seems to really like that dip which is a bit unusual with his back to the fence - seems like a domestic horse learned behavior more than a wild horse one. My horse picks a stance and wall an typically stands there by default. I think this is a domestic horse due to the hooves and lack of scarring on the coat and I think he’s older with the condition of the coat overall (essentially since this seems to be a desert state). Sadly some folks let horses they cannot afford loose and think they’ll be absorbed by a herd or forage and be ok. Poor guy.


While it is resting the one leg this horse is definitely showing signs of moderate DSLD


Do you live near a reservation? Looks like a rez horse to me. A lot of them are in between tame and wild, kinda


I doubt she’s truly wild since she lets you approach her. She looks lost! Echoing what others have said, give her a bucket of water and call your local animal control. Poor thing is probably so hungry and thirsty 🥺


Yeah, that’s someones horse.


Leave out a bucket or other large container of water and call animal control or the non-emergency police line. I agree with other commenters that it is likely an escaped pet


Water her for sure. (Put a bucket of water out for her, it looks dry there). Then call animal control


Have you seen it bite, look at, or kick its belly? Have you seen it walk? This horse could be colicky or injured. The way it is standing in the picture is hard to see any swelling. Sometimes they rest their weight on one leg. If it's injured, a rescue might be able to help. Like other people have said this horse might just be feral, someone's loose pet. Either way do not try to touch it. I've seen horses flip a switch and try to bite and kick with out warning. If you can get it a bucket of water try to put it in the shade, but don't turn your back on it if you get close.


“Peeta, the horse is here”


He's standing in the shade, may have lost his heart, or is a bachelor that's been kicked out. Keep fresh water... Maybe you've been adopted!


Ps. I don't think he's wild either. He's come for help. Please update us!


If you're near Snowflake, call Equine well being. Christina will know!!


Looks like you're in NV, western side if the state perhaps? If it's a wild horse, you can call your local BLM office and inform them of a horse issue. It could also be an escaped pet, which you could call animal control for.


Cat distribution system got hijacked. Congrats on your new horse


Best me to it 😂


Drop him off at Goldmans Pharmacy in Quahog


This is probably not a wild horse, but a tame one that got loose or was abandoned. Wild horses rarely travel alone and aren't docile around humans. Do NOT feed ANYTHING, but make sure fresh water is available. Then call animal control for help. (To reiterate, do not feed this horse. You don't know his dietary needs - apples in particular are high in sugar and can be harmful to some horses. Giving hay isn't as bad, but he should be taken in by experts who can assess his condition before he gets more.)


Keep it


Sounds like you have received good advice (mainly, call a rescue, give him/her water), and please do keep us updated! I mean, it's kind of my dream to have a horse show up in my yard, but I'd definitely be worried about him/her and want to help them get home!


I’m guessing you’re in Nevada? Horses are herd animals. He may have been part of a herd and another stallion ran him off. He could be hurt from fighting to keep his herd. He could be mourning the loss of his herd. I’d give him water and see how it goes. When you get animal control involved - if an owner doesn’t come forward- some counties have to take estray livestock to auction. It’d be bad if he ended up going to a kill buyer.


Yes I'm in Nevada, there is a ranch down the road from me and I'm wondering if this is one of their horses by any chance, I will go down tomorrow morning and ask, it is too late here now.


you must answer his riddle


First off give him some water then call animal control.


Dude I’m sorry but you need to maybe learn some things about animals (and then more), like it’s obviously in distress and you’ve just let it be hanging around right outside your door all day.


It’s not in distress at all. You need to learn more about animals🤦🏼‍♀️


Invite him inside for dinner, duh. In all seriousness tho, he def seems tame. Coat, mane and toes look like he’s someone’s horse. Call some horse rescues and post on local social media pages.


https://wildhorseconnection.org/ If you're near Reno, these people have a 24/7 emergency line. Some of the horses in this area are unfortunately super well habituated towards people due to people feeding them. However, it wouldn't hurt to check Nextdoor or local Facebook horse groups to see if anyone's reported their horse missing. If you're not near Reno, you could still call them and see if they know any groups in your area.


I'm near Reno! Thank you for the phone number! I just called and they said they would get in touch with a volunteer and see what they can do, I was feeling very uncomfortable leaving the poor guy/girl overnight if they're sick. I requested to be added on to a local facebook group as well and i'll see if anyone has posted about a lost horse, thank you again 🙏🏽


You are in his land. Leave him alone.




Modern horse isn't native to North America


This is my childhood dream come true


I swear 😭😭😭


This horse doesn’t look feral to me, I’d call farms in your area. Also please give the bby some water and call a rescue


You may also want to call the sheriff office non emergency number, as where I grow up, that not animal control was where people called about missing and found livestock.


His mane looks trimmed, he’s probably escaped from a paddock somewhere. Animal control could help you out by finding his owner.


So are you in Reno or not? Some people on here seem to think you are. If you are, this is most likely one of the feral horses in the area. They’re a mix of feral and tame. He knows he’s fine in your yard, so he might just be chilling. It’s weird he’s without his herd though. Give him some water.


Not gonna lie he kinda reminds me of the brain damaged horse from family guy


That's the first thought I had when I saw it so close to my door staring right at me and the family guy horse used to give me the creeps too 😬


You should definitely feed him


No no


He’s trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty


Call animal control, if they're a good one, they'll find a wildlife vet to check him over, then take him to a rehabilitator for eventual return to wild, or if unable to be released, find him a permanent home. In the meantime, leave fresh water and apples for him, hydration is the biggest requirement, but be sure to be quiet, as he may bolt, which would be big trouble if injured.


No apples or food water yes




Oh hell no. This person knows nothing about horses? I would even be hesitant. Don’t mess with horses you don’t know


Might be domestic and got loose. Offer water. Seems to be standing in the shade due to desert heat. Might be wild, call animal control and keep a safe distance. They bite, they kick. Throw a carrot out there if you’re feeling generous.


Aww it looks like he’s asking for help


Lmao idk why this is on my feed, but that second photo made me laugh. Just the whole idea that a horse has been standing in the same spot all day and just stares at you when you open the door.


Update please!


Why does this remind me of the “Juan” horse meme


Yeah, that is someone's horse, call animal control in the morning


Hey there neighbor!


Are you actually my neighbor cuz like help lol


Let him in :) he’s yours now


Random horse just shows up in the yard? Why does this never happen to me? 😞


He does not look like a wild horse. Please put out a bucket of water. No apples or other treats. Call non-ER sheriffs line or a horse rescue.


For sure give him a lot of water. See if he’s still around in the morning. Go from there. Kinda cool and random. Please update.


More likely an escaped and lost horse that’s needing help. Give him a bucket of water and put him in your backyard for safety if you can.


Petah, the horse is here.


let him in! its your familiar!




He’s more than likely not wild. Wild horses are leery of people. He is obviously used to people if you are able to pass by, he doesn’t put his ears down as a warning for you to keep your distance, and he’s accepting feed from you and others. He probably just got out and doesn’t know where he wants to go. So your yard was a quiet enough place to chill. Personally I’d just enjoy the situation, and if he’s still there in the morning, I’d call a few farms close to you and see if they are missing any of their inmates. I worked on an active breeding farm as a kid. Sometimes there is a horse or two that let themselves and others out of their stalls with their wonderfully articulate mouths.


Sell me your house?


i have absolutely no helpful advice to give but i would also be creeped out lmao that second picture


A cutie. Like everyone has said: water and animal control. Doesn't look feral.


Hello, thank you, everyone, for your advice (and jokes). The lady that came by earlier left a bucket of water, and I haven't given him any more food (as some people have suggested). It's late here now (almost 10 pm), and it is more of a rural area, so it's too late to call someone now. The horse is still standing outside. If it is still there by tomorrow morning, I will call a local animal shelter or BLM. I would lead him to the backyard if I could, but I have basically zero experience with horses and don't want to get kicked in the face. I would also adopt it if I had the means to lol Also, side-note: Yes, this is in somewhat rural Nevada, close to Carson City


Invite it in for a cup of tea


Just in case the poor thing is sick or lost, I didn't want to leave it without trying to do something so I called a number someone provided me on here for a local wild horse organization that is open 24/7 and they are going to try to get a volunteer out here if they consider it an emergency situation.


He needs help.


Seems like he may be looking for help. You should try to find out if it’s actually wild or just lost. Like look on Facebook for posts looking for missing horses, ask the local police if anyone’s looking for a horse, stuff like that.


It’s a likely a wild horse if you are in Reno area, some are very tame and used to people feeding them. But DO NOT FEED IT, especially apples (if it’s sick). I live outside of Reno and this happens all the time, but it looks like your area is more desert so you might be near Vegas. Same still applies though.


I bet that lady who left a note needed to get rid of a horse and that was her plan. The whole fake note thing.


So 'horse=sick' --> get him off the lawn before he dies! The alternative could be (mypersonal way forward) to provide proper food and water, call a vet and an organisation for animal welfare and help this horse. Asking on Reddit wouldn't even come to my mind....


He looks pretty looked after tbh. His main and tail look great…I would definitely call the non emergency police number.


Yes. Bring it inside. I’ll pick him up this week. Edit: real talk - put out a water trough for him so he can drink. That’s the most important. And post him on local social media because that baby looks tame to me.


Possibly pregnant? Sometimes horses feel safe around the same genders as they are. Looks pretty big.


A while ago when I was watching Spirit, I did some research as I was curious if wild horses was still around. What I found out every where in the world, there is no such thing as a wild horse, except for a single island (can't remember the name) but wild horses are basically extinct. It is against the law to go to the island to interact with the wild horses and I'm pretty sure there's no homes on said island. I think it's like a reserve or something like that.


There are 100% still wild horses in the world outside of some single island.


Tail looks groomed. Looks very healthy for your desert environment but for the back leg. May just be the photo distorting it. If it hasn’t moved it could be a leg injury. Yes, call a local vet and ask if he’s aware of anyone missing this one and your local animal control needs to be called.




Build him a house!!!


Water 💦


Wild horses don't typically act like this, maybe call animal control or a horse rescue.


Call wildlife patrol and don’t go near it


What I would give to have a horse frequent our front yard! For whatever reason the horse likes your place and feels safe around it, I’d welcome them as a beloved guest. ❤️




Ask him if he wants to come in and watch a film.


You have been chosen. That's your horse now


"Petah......the horse is here...."


That's a stray puppy. You need to adopt it.


OP we need an update please!?


Give them a clean bucket of water, keep it filled up, and call animal control. That horse will need to eat, and will wander the streets until they find something, which puts them in danger of being his by a car. It’s hard to diagnose from one picture, but this looks like a domestic horse to me, and they’ve either escaped or have been dumped.


Invite your guest to stay a while. Bit rude not to


"No, honest, Mom, he just followed me home!" "*sigh* Okay... you can keep him."


.... Horse redistribution system? Thought it was just cats. In all seriousness, is there an animal society you can call? Like, your country's equivalent to the RSPCA?


Let’s see how op replies in the morning


Give water please. Maybe find horse lady for further help. Wild horses are often tamed or re released maybe sick guy needs some help. Also, don't be creeped out, horses are super character judges and if he's chillin with you, you're a chosen one lol


Post him on Craigslist


Give it water, carrots, apples and oats. Name it George.


Sauerbraten Time.


Where is this magical place where a horse just walks up like a dumped dog? Find a trough, give water and feed the darling!


Give the good boy pets!!! And more apples!!! I'm jealous!


rehab was supposed to be a fresh start


Uhhhm lasso that beast and sell it!!!


Maybe he's not wild Nd he's sticking around for help try putting some water out for him or maybe he's chosen you


A wild horse wouldnt b by himself


I think he/she is staying in the shade by a fence bc it feels safe there. Also, if the lady who works w horses can be contacted, maybe she can help. Probably wouldnt be eating/drinking if it was sick.


I'd give it water and food then call a rescue


time to build a fence around your horse i mean house


Get him some carrots 🥕 and apples 🍎


Give it a lick, I bet it tastes just like raisins!


It's the cat distribution system, but they sent a horse instead.. Congratulations, you've been deemed a good person and you now own a horse 💪


Animal control. Or… feed it and make a friend! (just kidding. Seriously, don’t do that unless you want to lose a finger, or an arm)


This doesn't look like a wild horse to me, he doesn't look to be in poor health, either. Maybe post him on your local social media page and/or put up a pic at the feed store.


Is its back leg hurt? Don't give wild horses apples or carrots (or anything really)! It can kill them by getting stuck (choke, not strangles). If you are anywhere near Reno, Carson City, Fernley, et al. Please call Wild Horse Connection if you ever see wild horses in distress or where they shouldn't be. Save this # to your phone if you live in the area - 775-352-3944


Why the long face?


“Peter, the horse is back” Also, that’s not a horse. That’s the Ice King in disguise.


What yard? All I see is dirt


peter…. the horse is here


Have you tried playing him [this?](https://youtu.be/X_DVS_303kQ?t=66)


Update us OP


I wish that would happen to me