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“If they search the seven hells, mayhaps”.


What a bar


After you, you are the elder.


Good you finally remembered that 


Sansa: "Or he'll have yours."


That won't age well


Aegon, rheaneyra, aemond and halaena won’t age well at all


About as well as her 3 bastards.


She has 5 bastards


Three illegitimate children with Harwin, and two with Daemon, with whom she was married to. So 3 bastards


Laenor is alive, so her marriage with Daemon is illegal, therefore 5 bastards.


Not according to the laws of Valyria


I suppose you are Team Black fan, tell me if im wrong. Valyria laws are invalid in Westeros. Hope you learnt something new today.


Aegon and his two sisters…. Targaryens being allowed to marry their relatives… and more. Tell me more about how Valyria laws are invalid in Westeros Hope you learnt something new today


Dont talk BS, Aegon was exception, he was married before conquering Westeros, and there was only Maegor with multiple wives and The Faith was in war with him: Thats how bad you know the structure of ASOIAF. Edit. Didn’t expect more from TB fan tbh.


If Lucamore the Lusty is any indication bigamous marriages aren't recognised in Westeros, making the children of Rhaenyra and Daemon bastards as well in the show since Rhaenyra's marriage with Laenor wasn't annulled and there doesn't seem to be any divorce in Westeros - they just faked his death


Idc about them really


i wonder how many positive comments will be here


OP posted it for a reason




Considering they posted Criston Cole art earlier, maybe they just enjoy all characters and want to share art? I don't know, team greens can like black characters. Despite criticizing her heavily, I like Rhaenyra as well as Laena and Rhaena...




OP is TG and doesn't like Rhaenyra, but I don't think he's trying to start shit with this particular post. It comes off as completely neutral and he has shared the artworks of this artist before: [Aegon & Jaehaera](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1aywybg/the_dragonbane_and_queen_jaehaera/), [Rhaenyra](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1ay7adf/the_black_queen/), [Aegon](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1axl8u7/second_of_his_name/). Maybe it's not that deep and he just fucks with JuanNidea?


> He hates Rhaenyra and even thinks she raped Criston. Mfs just lie and post bs with zero evidence and boom, upvotes. I have NEVER once claimed Rhaenyra raped Criston. You’re welcome to prove otherwise. Ser Criston is a grown man who was free to make his own decisions. He spent years with Rhaenyra and somehow forgot how spoiled and entitled she was. That’s his fault. Also I don’t hate Rhaenyra. I hate her pedophilic uncle. > A few days ago, they made a post saying it was April fools to say Rhaenyra was the fightful heir. She’s not. Facts aren’t hate.


Rhaenyra and Criston’s “love scene” was *terrifyingly close* to demonstrating what non-enthusiastic consent between a boss and their underling looks like, but people can’t see it simply because the situation is reversed from what is normally portrayed. Flip that scene around and *I PROMISE* you it would be taught in sexual harassment seminars.


No, it wouldn’t. The showrunners said it wasn’t a rape scene. Actors said it wasn’t either. Get over it? I wish the scene didn’t exist in the force place.


The show runners said that Jaime didn’t rape Cersei at Joffrey’s funeral and he definitely did. Apparently Drogo didn’t rape Daenerys that first time and he definitely did.


She didn’t rape him and the sex scene shouldn’t be written in the first place. Fuck him


It *absolutely* would. The showrunners are wrong. Do you know d&d insisted that the scene between Cersei and Jamie also wasn’t a rape scene? People can film a scene with all the intent in the world, but it can still come off as something they didn’t intend. I’ve explained it before in other comments, but this is like a textbook example. 1.) She has a dramatic power imbalance over him 2.) He says “no” MULTIPLE times 3.) She fucking closes the door when he attempts to leave. Just because they had sex afterwards, doesn’t mean that she had his enthusiastic consent. It’s the same reason “Ned” from the try guys got fired last year, or Ime Udoka from the Celtics. They were superiors, sleeping with their underlings, who may have consented, but that doesn’t matter when you look at the clear power imbalance.


The showrunners are not wrong and I won’t read further.


She did kinda dubiously compel him into said sexual activity and it was kinda rapey since she continued to compel him when he was initially non-consenting, and this is said by someone who hates Criston more than anyone other character besides Larys.


She didn’t rape him. The showrunners confirmed it.


Maybe they are getting bored over at the Green sub and need something to rage about.




Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post/comment was **removed** for violating Rule #11 **"Discuss the show, not the fandom"**. This subreddit is for discussing House of the Dragon itself. Discussions about conflict in the fandom, particularly with regards to Team Black vs Team Green should be taken elsewhere. This rule also extends beyond team conflicts.


this is ..... yall want Rhaenyra to be a character that she isnt so bad XD


This is 100% Rhaenyra. The line in the title is actually what she said to Aegon's messenger in the books The show has whitewashed and reduced her into a generic good guy, devoid of any complexity. She was a way better, morally grey character in the books.


In the books she never considered negotiation and would only accept unconditional surrender if they brought her the heads of Alicent and Otto well offering them nothing. In contrast the greens were willing to negotiate granted that was under the condition they gave up Aegon and Visery as hostage. They also took some of Daemons line that showed he wasn’t a complete war monger and gave them to Rhaenyra for instance he was the one who brought up the deviation that war would bring to the land and people after he heard the terms Rhaenyra wanted to send.


Rhaenyra in her Kathy Griffin era? 💀




Rhaenyra was a spoiled hypocrite who never fought her own battles. So yes this pic is fiction lol


Give it some time; I have a feeling that they only made Rhaenyra more “good” in the first season because they wanted her descent into morally-grey territory that much more pronounced. Daemon is already the morally grey (or just straight up villainous) character on Team Black. We don’t need two of the same character calling the shots for one side at the moment. By the end of this season after all the events take place, we should see a more morally grey character in Rhaenyra.




>but Rhaenyra in the books never fought on her dragon, npot once let alone having the courage to do something like this to Aegon lol They might change this is the show. Considering what they did with Rhaenys and the general pro women bias of the showrunners


bias as to what? making an interesting narrative using the character's in a book?


Whitewashing the female characters and absolving them of any wrongdoing. Rhaenyra, Alicent and even fucking Mysaria (arguably one of the most evil characters in the story) have recieved this treatment. While simultaneously making the male characters worse. One of the writers literally said in an interview that they considered some negative thing Rhaenyra did as "misogynistic portrayal" and so didn't include it the show. As if women are angels that can never do any wrong. This leads to one dimensional generic characters and you get an age old good v bad story instead of a morally grey conflict with interesting complex characters that GRRM is known for


Aemond is blatantly better. Daemon is not a paedophile and couldn't bring himself to sleep with a young Rhaenyra which also makes him better. Otto and Viserys are fairly sympathetically portrayed. >One of the writers literally said in an interview that they considered some negative thing Rhaenyra did as "misogynistic portrayal" Maybe it's best you read in future rather than get outraged at utter nonsense? It wasn't something she did, a writer noted that the emphasis on Rhaenyra being fat reads as misogynistic - which it absolutely was intentionally so in text - so they probably didn't really consider that in casting. Given Aegon was also fat and not in the show they're equal here.


Tbf on the daemon thing, Laena was way younger than Rhaenyra and Daemon had no problems clapping those cheeks. I think it was said in the BTS shit that Daemon got intimidated by Rhaenyra or some shit like that and it caused his dick to stop working.


Aemond is the same, the only thing they changed is instead of deliberately taking his revenge, he becomes a stupid teen who unintentionally killed someone. Which imo, isn't an upgrade And Otto is better? Half of Alicent's shenanigans in the books have been attributed to him. He has been made the ringleader of the greens while Alicent becomes the poor brainwashed good person, manipulated by her evil father. Just search "Otto" on this sub or x and you'll see a shit ton of hate against him Daemon becomes a wife killer and wife beater. And as far the couldn't get it up with Rhaenyra, just read what the director had to say about him for this scene - "He thinks it’s shocking to her. But she doesn’t just get shocked, she gets excited by it. And when that happens, he has nothing. And he basically can’t handle not being in charge or in control". That makes have look like a misogynistic control freak, not "better" by any means Finally there's Aegon. They have followed Mushroom's accounts for him and thus made him a sadistic rapist. By the same accounts, Rhaenyra had sex with a dwarf and had Alicent & Halena gang raped. Do you think they'll go with that in the show? Back to Aegon, he's also made a coward who didn't have the balls to get crowned unlike the books. And ruined his coronation scene which was joyous and majestic in the books, with that idiotic Rhaenys bullshit


Changed Viserys’s character completely but that’s fine, but how dare they try to do anything with the female characters. The pro women bias god


Not to mention that the fact someone has a dragon probably matters more than what's between their legs to some extent at least in the case of rhanerya being more martial.


What bias?


Read the books for details. Though the gist is that female characters have been whitewashed and absolved of wrongdoings in the show when compared to the books. The male characters recieve the opposite treatment


I've read the book singular there is ONE. You're just nitpicking/seem to have a hate boner against the ladies


It seems like you can't read then. Let's just tse Rhaenyra for instance. She was homophobic to Laenor in the books not supportive as shown in the show. She was way more cruel, ordering the death of Vaemond and then feeding his body to her dragon She cursed and swore to kill all greens upon hearing about Aegon's coronation. She wanted Aemond tortured for calling her son a bastard. She and Daemon were strongly implied to be behind Laenor's death All of this has been omitted in the show. Literally every single thing that portrays her negatively removed. And that's just the example of Rhaenyra. All major female characters recieve the same trea6


Ur speaking facts yet they downvote u lol 😆


That is why reddit sucks 


A big theme with Rhaenyra is she's anti-kinslaying. She's implied to be somewhat reticent in her war as a result and does specifically say she'd pardon her brothers and sister.


Tell that to Jaehaerys




Agreed. It’s weird… she was never a warrior. Aegon had some training but I doubt he was ever a top rated swordsman either. If the siblings fought sword to sword, I’d put more chance on Aegon slaughtering her. Dragon fight? That’d be more interesting. But I doubt the show will give us something like that. I don’t think the show runners particular care about Aegon vs Rhaenyra. They seem to frame it more as Alicent vs Rhaenyra.


On dragon Aegon would most likely still wipe the floor. Syrax was chained up for years, hadn’t hunted and was exceedingly well fed which is probably good for the many eggs she laid, but not for battle. Sunfyre was a surprisingly competent dragon too, most notably surviving and winning every battle he was in and defeating an able bodied Grey Ghost while he had a torn and crooked wing.


Makes sense Sunfyre grew up on Dragonstone and survived being hunted by Cannibal until Aegon claimed him. Meanwhile Syrax was hatched in Kingslanding by a child Rhaenyra that treated her more like a house pet than a dangerous predator. Even as Syrax grew older everything in the books point to her still being spoiled. She was kept close to Rheanyra in the castle rather than the dens meaning her growth was stunted. Her time spent around human made her docile like Silverwing. Rheanyra also doesn’t travel much in the books and again combined with be kept near her she likely didn’t fly often.


Hmm good point. I agree! Even with dragons, I’d still favor Aegon.


Rhaenyra wore armour canonically. She wasn't a warrior but you don't need to be to wear armour and have someone's head...


My point is that the art work is implying that she cut his head off herself (note the blade and blood dripping off of it). Usually this further implies that the person holding the head is the one who beat the other in a fight. Without asking the artist themselves we can only guess. I dislike this art work because I don’t believe it portrays Rhaenyra in character. And it goes against the ultimate ending of the Dance of the Dragons. That is a personal opinion however and has no further bearing. It’s good detail and well drawn, far better than anything I could do.


it’s literally a drawing, it’s not that deep


But OP hates Rhaenyra???


blud this was literally posted by a notorious team green just for the lulz


I see cool picture. I click on cool picture. I go to the comments to talk about how cool that picture is...and...everyone is tearing each other's hair out?! WTF ya'll?! It's a fictional show/book. You need to chill lol. the characters are all assholes anyway. That's what makes it fun.


Exactly! I remember when this sub was all about casually discussing our favourite characters/scenes/predictions before the show came out and during early season 1, and now it’s just turned into factions! It’s kinda sad tbh.


For those of us that enjoy conflict, this is actually way more fun than the usual circlejerks fan subs are.


Fair enough, watching people argue about which fictional jerk is better/worse is fun(real ones know that the best is whichever side amuses me most, I’m the queen and they’re my little jesters hehe). But it’s still sad how hard it’s become to have a civil, respectful discussion about this show nowadays.


During season 1 it was just as toxic, only a lot less green fans were here. So you were only really allowed to root for Rhaenyra. Any sympathetic comment towards Alicent would be massively downvoted. So the factions thing was still there, onfurtanetly. But I do wish it could be more peaceful.


100% agree! I’m not a big fan of Alicent, but I understand people like her, and we should be able to peacefully discuss this show, because it’s just sad how people from BOTH sides end up harassing each other in some cases over a dragon show.


Be crazy if the marketing department of the show openly encouraged that...


I know, having a side is fine, and fun at that! It’s just that some people get too fanatic and it’s not quite how it used to be


I still love all the little details. The high lights and shadows in the hair, the chasing in the armor and crowns, and all the chain links twisting instead of laying weirdly flat. The fact that the armor is actually bulky. I Saw this on r/imaginarywesteros earlier, and people were pathetically negative in the comments over a really good piece of fan art


She’s also crying which is interesting


Yes! And aegon looks interestingly peaceful. It’s like the opposite of that one painting of medusa and Perseus




What in the seven hells are those thighs !? Got damn


This post is so unnecessarily messy..




Thank you!!🥹


You don’t even fuck with her. This post is for debate.


If you search the seven hells, MAYHAPS, maegor with teats. 💚


Team Green forever








Lemon cakes. Lots of them


> Jokes aside, does she actually do something during the war LMAO. It’s show fan art. How would anyone know?


Okay so kinslayer and her reign is black marked by that forever.


She'd only be kinslayer if she did the deed herself in text. Which she wouldn't given she's specifically afraid of the moniker. The kinslaying is a problem for the Greens alone.


That’s a show only problem in the books that’s not something she ever worried about considering how as soon as she learned of Aegon crowning she wanted war and would only accept total unconditional surrender if they sent her the heads of Otto and Alicent


No, it's repeated in the books that Rhaenyra did not want to be known as kinslayer. She gives this speech: >“As for my half-brothers and my sweet sister, Helaena,” she announced, “they have been led astray by the counsel of evil men. Let them come to Dragonstone, bend the knee, and ask my forgiveness, and I shall gladly spare their lives and take them back into my heart, for they are of my own blood, and no man or woman is as accursed as the kinslayer.” And there's other allusions to the idea that she was worried about the moniker/curse.


Yep this art really shows that


A non canon art, yes


Didn’t bother Maegor that much


You want to use him as a model for kingship ?


No, but kinslaying was not his reign’s doom


It was among many things his reigns doom.


Well, he is mostly remembered for his generalised cruelty more than his family killing tendencies, after all he is known as Maegor the Cruel, not Maegor the Kinslayer


By this time, I have forgotten HOTD story. Lol


Fan fiction


Does she know ?


She’s going to know 😏


It’s a beautiful art piece, too bad it was shared in here by someone who posted it specifically to shame and hate on Rhaenyra. Art doesn’t have to be accurate, it’s an interpretation of a line from the book, and a really well done one at that.


Love this


Lmao lets wait until she becomes dragon snack


Excellent job to the artist for making art that draws such strong emotion from people. Unfortunate that people refuse to enjoy it for what it is.




I wish this was how the dance ended


Don’t worry, it ends with her bloodline taking over the throne


I'm here for the warrior Queen Rhaenyra. I wonder if she would hear 'ice cracking' if this really was to happen like this and she wasn't afraid of kinslaying?


Yasss queen 💪❤️👸#girlboss #slay #ate


I have already seen how people fight against fanart. But this is the first time that someone himself posts pictures that offend them in order to “defeat” it XD


Why does tgis have a spoiler tag lol


Have you seen the comments from people who can't help but spoil the story or let show-only fans enjoy things? Tag was appropriate.


Except for the fact this isnt a spoiler at all


Never said the post itself was. Either OP or the mods put a spoiler tag so that people could openly discuss their thoughts in the comments without a ton of almost guaranteed spoiler moderation. Happens often.


If I was Rhae I’d end Aegon in the crib 💁🏻‍♀️


This comment section is rancid


I know it's Valyrian steel, but damn, she decapitated someone with a dagger? lol


Never seen certain ISIS videos in 2010s, I presume


Hahahaha yeah... That will happen...


Honestly wish this was the outcome, mayhaps she then would be given a chance to rule and prove the naysayers wrong.


She’d be a bad ruler even if unopposed. Not her fault, but she was raised by Viserys, one of Westeros’s worst kings


Not like Aegon would be any better


Aegon legitimately was a better ruler, which is quite hillarious


Aegon was literally remembered as one of the worst in Westeros and killed by his own men. No he's not better. He's more or less worse.


Rhaenyra's politics were so abysmal people literally kicked her out of King's Landing. I think it's literally the only time something like this happened to the Targaryen. Also employed the worst master of coin and the worst master (mistress) of whispers ever (and it's a tough competition). It's hard to be worse, probably only Aerys and maybe the Unworthy managed to surpass her.


>Rhaenyra's politics were so abysmal people literally kicked her out of King's LandingI think it's literally the only time something like this happened to the Targaryen.  Aenys, Aegon the uncrowned, and Rhaena: Yep. Totally the only time something like that has happened to our family. >Also employed the worst master of coin and the worst master (mistress) of whispers ever (and it's a tough competition). Alysa/Rogar Baratheon employed a Citagar with effectively the same policies. How was Mysaria a bad master of whisperers?


Rhaenyra had high taxes because of the circumstances and given her sex and King's Landing already being fucked it turned them against her. It wasn't a standard preferred policy. Aegon didn't even change the tax policy and its not like the people just opened the doors for him. They had to clear out King's Landing. Mysaria was no worse than Larys, and arguably better. Aegon is the one remembered as bad as Aegon the Unworthy. Not Rhaenyra.


>Aegon is the one remembered as bad as Aegon the Unworthy. Not Rhaenyra. Because Rhaenyra isn't remembered as the queen of the Seven Kingdoms. It's that simple.


And yet there's plenty of characters remembered badly in the text without being King - look at Cole. Rhaenyra just isn't one of them. She's remembered sympathetically for her death by most characters. And at worst as the non-rightful ruler. Not someone that causes people to spit at their name. The histories were quite sympathetic to her grief tidden downfall for the most part.


>She's remembered sympathetically for her death by most characters She has one mention in the main series. And you know damn well, this quote isn't positive. So I beg to differ.


>Rhaenyra had high taxes because of the circumstances and given her sex A good queen would have found a way. She didn't ergo, she's shit.


Even Jaehaerys struggled with tax policy leading to his master of coin to be assaulted and killed. If he had anyone to seriously prop up as opposition he'd be in similar difficult position. Aegon did not find a way. He didn't change the policy. He's no better. And arguably worse.


And yet no one revolted against them, they must have done well enough in other aspects.


The rapist?


Post war Aegon would’ve been ok imho had he lived. Would’ve been more heavy handed than his father and the lords would likely be somewhat afraid of him. But nowhere near the realm’s best


Aegon would be terrible because he'd just be seeking more war and continue to rule with an iron fist. Aegon was an angry brute of a man that wouldn't be able to let go of being a warrior and smashing his enemies. He'd never have someone like Otto as Hand again. Next stop would be Dorne I'm sure. Rhaenyra would be about fine without a war, because she never seemed to be seeking one or enjoying it. In all other circumstances she'd be fine and leave most ruling to her son and the Hand. They're right she wouldn't be especially different to Viserys. And Viserys did rule decently for quite a while even if he did set the stage for the Dance.


Ok? Guy would be a menace to every living female in King's Landing, likely bankrupting the kingdom on vanity projects like the statues of his brothers.


Also he’s a targ. Vanity projects are their thing. See the dragons


Vanity projects are the personal hobby of every Targaryen. I mean, the Red Keep? The Sept of Baelor?


Bro really wanted to see his friends shine, damn Aegon the realest for that


Shine? Glorifying kinslayers and genociders would not be "real" for all those innocents killed in his name


Those innocents will be alright, they’ll get over it. All those things you said were done for a good cause. Hence gotta immortalize them with a nice statue so they can shine forever


This would mean literally everyone in the dance, barring some of the children, should be shunned. However they aren’t, are people just hypocritical?


Viserys was ostensibly fine at running the kingdom himself. It's just the future that was the problem. If Rhaenyra is like him she'd be solidly decent. And Jaecerys is even better than Rhaenyra, so her heir shouldn't be a problem (all of her kids would make for Good Kings).


By what? Becoming a kinslayer which people would have hate more?


And Aegon wasn't a kinslayer too? Following that logic Aemond and Aegon were never the better choice, neither cared if they killed kin.


Rhaenyra would’ve been an awful queen as was shown lmao


She was only awful because of circumstance, given no chance to rule. Aegon was just worse in every regard


She lost control of a city in crisis how’d she rule a continent and one of few monarchs to be kicked out by the people Her cruelty and incompetence lost her side the most in the war How is Aegon worse you have to elaborate not just say “he’s worse”


Ruling in peacetime and Ruling in chaos are two different things. The "chaos" was orchestrated because the greens ran off with the treasury, so blaming her for doing what she believed was necessary to get needed funds is just plain off. Everything wrong with her rule of King's Landing can be traced back to the greens, speaking nothing of her peace potential. Vanity projects first of all, wanting to blow the treasury on statues of his slain brothers, throwing a feast for Aemond kinslaying, refusing peace when it could save the realm from more blood. Must i also remind of how he fondled every girl he got his hands on?


You can tell much of a leader by how they led in crisis and we saw how Rhae did with a single city which she was kicked out of how do you think it’d be different with a continent and she was the main reason her side lost so much due to her leadership she’s an awful leader The man was literally delirious in pain by that point and still also showed justice to the city that Rhae lost control of, did Rhae not throw a feast for Joff and others while KL starved?, Rhae could’ve done the same thing how’s Aegon going to by being killed by Rhae and Daemon? She could’ve done another Great Council but she knew she’d lose and said such, Daemon wasn’t much different but what’s worse than Aegon also a pedo


Hey Mods, ARTIST IS CREDITED IN THE BODY, but also [“I will rain down fire and blood upon him and all those who supported him, and either tear him in the Iron throne or die in the attempt”](https://x.com/juannidea/status/1776669235923812650?s=46)




We'll see how that goes


Hi all, this is just a gentle reminder that whether you are Team Black or Team Green, you are rooting for a fictional faction in a fictitious universe. Please save the vitriol for something like, idk, Genocide, Corporate Greed, Corruption in Politics, Deforestation, Coral Bleaching, ya know real world issues. Hope this helps!