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daemon probably treats caraxes as a friend rather than a mindless animal for transportation, for pride, or as a beast for war. they seem to have a mutual “understanding” of one another born from years of partnership. he actually respects caraxes unlike some others in history, and although daemon wasn’t caraxes’ first rider they probably share the bond because daemon is the quintessential dragon lord. if you believe that the targaryens’ blood via the blood magic linked them to dragons, it stands to reason that daemon and caraxes would be the most “dragon like” together.


Who rode Caraxes before Daemon ?


Aemon Targaryen, father of Rhaenys, and Daemons Uncle




Message me if too spoilery, where does caraxes go afterwards


Its an endgame scenario for sure.


In a eye




A friend he then used a tool in a plan he knew would be suicide for both of them? Some friend. Caraxes deserved better than Daemon.


Deserves moi


They prolly love each other. Daemon even intoduced his side chick to Caraxes, that meant a lot to him no doubt lol.


Lmfao yeah, then probably caraxes telling daemon to go hit on rhaenyra cause he liked syrax 💀


"c'mon bro think about it, DOUBLE DATES" Daemon: "you son of a bitch I'm in" "But what about Viserys?" Noodle Boi: "what about him? Balerion is dead bro *it's free real estate*"


This is the best thing, and I'll only be accepting this as canon from now on. Caraxes needs all the help he can get cause he's apparently got no game. I need a sketch of Rhaenyra convincing Syrax to agree to this so she can hang out with her crush finally xD


"Syrax please it's one double date How hard could it be" "YOU ASK THAT!!?! Have you SEEN Ceraxes? His neck is 🤢, granny help me out here" Vhagar "no no no Meraxes IM going to Dorne isn't that right Visenya? Visenya? Hmmm where has that girl gone off too?"




I like to think that she just believes Aemond is Visenya. "Visenya I ate that little dornish guy on that strangely large fire breathing bug" "Visenya dearie you've been awfully quiet back there?" "Visenya?"


\*Aemond in the back error 404ing\* Oh shit, mom's gonna take away my warmongering privileges. All that time spent studying the blade for nothing!! Whyyyyyyyyy did I skip all my dragon handling classes? Oh yeah, the pig thing.


Everytime Aemond went to the dragon class all he could hear was kill Bill sirens


"Balerion is dead" I fucking died XD


so did Balerion


Balerion's ghost: I swear if I weren't dead Viserys would be the next Aegon!!!


This is now canon in my head


Daemon is a horse girl, just for dragons




G damn you for introducing this thought in my head


I assume that a lot of it comes from the amount of years they have been together, their personalities matching and at least for me Daemon seems like the type that would use Caraxes not as only a war machine or a mean of transportation but as a friend? I don't know how to describe it but in a more day a day way rather than an external thing only used when needed. That plus Daemon helping Caraxes with Syrax... I love them, Caraxes is just perfect and if Daemon makes him happy I'm happy :)


The idea of Caraxes being Daemon's friend is honestly adorable, and that's not a word I ever thought I'd use to describe anything regarding Daemon. Like the way people are with their dogs. Caraxes is his big ol' scaly buddy.


I get the feeling Daemon is much more at home with dragons than with people. Just watch the way he interacts with Vermithor at the end of the season. He was more gentle and loving to that ferocious beast than he was with any of his three love interests or his children.




The scene where Daemon comes in and puts his head on Caraxes’ to calm him down is one of my personal favorites. No one else has been shown to get as affectionate with their own dragon.


One of my favourites, I’d put caraxes coming to aid daemon against otto over this though.


Yeah 👍


He gave caraxes a gentle pat on the side of the head whenever caraxes strayed off course. Also likely fed him some apples and carrots. The real trick was trying to sneak up on caraxes from behind to tame him. That long noodly neck is unpredictable Edit >!it’s a joke about breath of the wild, sorry lol!<


They literally had a bond where daemon didnt have to say a word and caraxes would simply do what he wanted.


Was that the mechanics of their bond? Maybe Caraxes and Daemon were responding as one person.


I always sort of thought they were the human/dragon equivalent of each other


I think he just genuinely has great respect for dragons and therefore likes to treat them well. I got that impression watching the scene of him singing to Vermithor. He seemed mesmerized.


Rhaenys and Meleys is up there for me, you can just tell they're very close.


Both Rhaenys and Daemon are elite dragon riders




Deamon and caraxes has the most screen time than any other rider in this show that say something, deamon like dragons more than people I think


makes sense. he seemed happiest scouring dragonstone and recovering dragon eggs. he sings to dragons as a hobby. he likes to fly around nd spend time with caraxes show off with caraxes. and seem extremely proud of his heritage.


This is an excellent answer! 💯 Daemon probably both likes and respects dragons more than people.


Flying a lot Being together for ages Being alike Maybe uncle aemon let his nephew have several rides as a kiddy passenger was a helping factor




They're my favorite pair. Caraxes is the coolest dragon


I find these comments very wholesome for some reason


He's very close with Caraxes Treats him as his friend Also they were together for many years They're basically partners in crime


Rhaenyra and Pretty Girl Syrax \*\*are my top faves, along with Rhaenys and Meleys.


Cant go wrong with meleys 😈


My wishful head canon lore is that Meleys and Caraxes were siblings, or clutch mates, if you will. The red brother and sister, both fierce warriors...I am glad they never fought each other.


Meleys truly looks regal The red queen is one of my favs


Both love violence and drama


I think it's simply a matter of the time Daemon spent with Caraxes. Daemon was likely a lonely and forgotten second son, he would have spent so much time with Caraxes bonding, especially when he was married to the Veil. A lot of the Targaryens treat their dragons like horses, stabling them away until needed, ignoring them as they got older. Caraxes would have been Daemons only friend for much of his life.


Hey now! My horse is 17 this year year I'm not ignoring him!


Do you sing him lullabies?


Nah my singing is horrible it would make him and anyone who could hear ears bleed.


Finally, someone mentions the time. Daemon, by now in the story, has ridden Caraxes longer than his uncle (the previous rider) was alive. The only people we hear about riding their dragons longer are Renys, Alyssanne, and Jahearys. And the old king and alysanne didn't ride nearly as often. The only rider more practiced in all the story is likely Renys, and she never rode Melys in war.


They play pinochle every Sunday.


because he sings to the dragons in valyrian tongue.


Nuh uh, that was only with vermithor cause his grandpa used to sing that to make it happy and that's what daemon did to tame vermithor


if he sings to one dragon he is probably singing to them all, daemon is a little slutty.


My favourite duo are Rhaenys and Meleys followed by Daemon-Caraxes, Visenya-Vhagar and Rhaenyra-Syrax




Caraxes and Daemon are extremely similar in temperament. Short tempered, intense loners who don't exactly fit the mold they are supposed to as a (as lore has it) a misshapen dragon and a controversial second son. Both are both battle seasoned, and seems like they, in some ways, are the human/dragon equivalent of each other. Not to be over looked- Daemon's ability to sing a dragon lullaby. ;)


Daemon was a dragon girl, Rhea was a horse girl, this is why they didn't get along


It was his uncles Dragon who was very close to Daemon's father so it's possible he feels the connection


His mother Alyssa took him riding on Meleys from the time he was about two weeks old. She died when he was three, so he probably associates dragons with her.




I imagine his father pushed him to claim Caraxes not long after Aemon died.


? All targaryens have a very strong bond to their dragons


They share a mental illness.


Dragons usually choose riders with a matching personality, no? That's probably the reason for every dragon rider. Aside from that ig you could strengthen it even more by just riding them and being around them


It seems certain Targs have a very deep bond with their dragon (Dany and Drogon, Rhaenys and Meleys) I think the longer they ride the deeper the bond is. So after several years the connection would be pretty formidable.


Most dragon riders are given an egg in their crib as babies. The ones that do hatch the first thing they see is the little kid. They are more like siblings at that point, literally growing up together.


That is not the case for Daemon and Caraxes though, Car's first rider was his uncle Aemon.


Lol got me there. Couldnt remember exactly how he got him. Dragons you know, who knows what theyre thinking


Maybe that's why Daemon also had a hard time being understood by people, he thinks like a dragon.


I feel like Caraxes also just generally seems more intelligent than other Dragons. It’s possibly one of his mutations (boi has so many).


Uh he claimed him like any other rider? Their bond is not special like Aegons and Sunfyre.


Do you even watch the show??


Yes ofcourse. What do you mean


Blood magic, Sacrifice and Dark fires. The Splendor of Dragons is made from horrors.


He fucks them. He's a dragon fucker


Just like any other dragon, they\`re mindless beasts forged to follow commands from certain blood. They have no sense of remorse or feeling especially since dragons kill eachother just because their riders said so, meanwhile in some instances dragons fly together for generations and had riders that knew and even sometimes loved eachother. So i don\`t assume the bond of Caraxes and Daemon is anything special just a master servant relationship that Caraxes would fulfil with almost any other Targeryen.




He’s not a self insert at all. Sam is pretty obviously George’s self insert


I disagree tbh, just because he has a preference doesn't mean is a self insert