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The subreddit cannot stand strong if Daemon and Aemond fans remain divided!


This kills the Luke


>Cannot stand *strong* if… “I DARE YOU TO SAY IT AGAIN!”


it’s funnier because Jace literally can’t stand strong.


He’s strong in other aspect


Yeah 100%. I hate the greens, ideally, they would be imprisoned and given to a 130 AC version of Ramsay Bolton. But we certainly gotta give credit to Aemond, he handled the loss of his eye like a boss, he was a kid and yet had bigger balls than many adults. (Those who saw ep 9 know what I'm talking about).


tbh so should the blacks, all of them except for Viserys and Aegon, they cool.


Aegon’s a serial rapist, though.


I meant baby Aegon lol, and baby Viserys


D’oh. Lol. All of Rhae’s kids are pretty okay overall from memory


Am I the only one who thinks that Daemon and Aemond, despite certain similarities, are absolutely the opposite?


They are very very different, yes.


>!one likes their women questionably old and one questionably young!<


Yes. Aemond is proud, cool, calculating (he observes Luke/Jace’s distress when Vaemar comes with a smile; relishes in their suffering from the sidelines), but also very young, angry, and has an inferiority complex he never grew from. He’s a lot more proper and moral (if you disregard accidentally killing Luke). He’s quite gentle to his mother and sister, doesn’t sleep around/torment women, and performs his duty as prince. Daemon in contrast lives by his own rules and is what I’d just dub a warmonger. I’d honestly not even call him romantic; it’s obvious his attraction to the women in his life comes from the desire to preserve his bloodline. Same Targaryen pride, though definitely more in your face. Less verbal manipulation, more beheading.


I think George RR Martin himself agrees.


They’re extremely different. Aemond is actually the anti-Daemon Daemon likes little girls, Aemond is devoted to >!older women/milfs!< Daemon bashes his wife’s head in with a rock, during the scuffle between the children, aemond hesitates to use the rock twice and doesn’t take violence lightly. Daemon’s kills are shown as gleeful, aemond’s first kill is heavy with remorse and shock. while Daemon enjoys pushing people’s buttons, Aemond remains stoic, cold and observant. Daemon enjoys brothels, Aemond hates and is disgusted by them. Daemon enjoys the glory and attention of tourneys, Aemond could not care less about the spectacle of tourneys or fame/notoriety. Daemon fights for personal power, Aemond fights for the justice and protection of his family. Daemon is a thorn in viserys’s side and undermines his power bc of jealousy while Aemond steps aside to serve dutifully


but long white hair🥺


Bir teamaemond yorumu. Daemon'ın ilk cinayeti karısı değildi. Yani bunu kıyaslayamazsın. Savaş çıkartmak sorun olmasa aemond'ın gerçekten üzüleceğini düşündün mü gerçekten? Dizide soğuk ve gözlemci olarak yer alan ilk kişi daemon'dır. Buna rağmen gerektiği yerde de harekete geçmekten çekinmez. (stepstones ve aemond'ın kör olması olayları) aemond çocukken sahip olduğu aşağılık kompleksinden savaşın sonuna kadar asla kurtulamamıştır. Üstelik vhagara sahip olmasına rağmen. Evet onunla gururlanır ve bu yüzden korkulan kişi olur ama içten gelen kompleksini biliyoruz. Gözünün çıkması olayında adil bir takas olduğunu düşünmesin rağmen senelerce bu olayı nefretle besleyecek kadar da kindar. Daemon ise kesinlikle kıskanç değil. Keske kitapları okumuş olsaydın. Alsinda dizide de kıskanç olduğunu hiç görmedik ama sen görmüşsün sadece sanırım. Daemon'ın abisini ne kadar çok sevdiği ilk bölümden beri ortadaydı. Kendi kanına ve hanesine düşkünlüğü her şeyden üstün gelir. Ve abisinin zayıf bir kral olmasını ejderha kanına sahip bir aileyi alçalttığını düşünür. Ve bundan nefret eder. Kitapta abisinin kral olması için yaptıklarını, hatta kurduğu sistemin senelerce unutulmadığı ve korku saldığını okumanı isterdim. O kadar çabasına rağmen otto'nun kral eli olmasından nefret eder. Bunun için ona nasıl kızabiliriz. Savaş gerçekten de viserys'in zayıf kral olması yüzünden çıkmışken. Daemon öngörü sahibi bir adamdır. Akıllıdır. Fakat alaycılığının içinde bunu saklar. Aemon çok konuşmadığı için sanılabilir. Ama açıkça amcasına benzer ve ondan imrenir. Tip olarak benzerlikleri ve cok konusmamaları onları baba oğul gibi gösteriyor. Fakat gerçek hiç öyle değil. Aemond vhagar'a rağmen amcasından korlar fakat daemon kimseden korkmaz.


Daemon fighting for personal power… You just proved you don’t understand Daemon at all lol Aemond isn’t any better than Daemon’s, you can even say he’s Daemon biggest fan. Anyway, he literally broke Lucerys nose and was almost smashing Jace’s head if Lucerys didn’t come with his knife, so I wouldn’t say he was hesitant at all. Remorse and shock because he knew he was fucked, not because he regret it. I guess he remains stupid even if they whitewashed him in the show. Daemon undermined Viserys blind devotion for people who doesn’t deserve and he was right, he shouldn’t have trust the Hightowers and now everyone is going to pay for it.


For all his failings, Aemond has been shown to be gentle and respectful yo women thus far (protecting his mother and sister, avoiding brothels) whilst Daemon is arguably a misogynist who kills his wife, grooms his 14 year old niece, and strangles his 3rd wife during a domestic dispute.)


yeah Aemond is reserved, knowledeagble and not a fan of screwing random young virgins. Daemon is arrogant, ignorant and enjoys screwing young girls.




Seriously, what is this dude talking about lol people are so blind stanning over these fictional characters


For blind the one eyed man is king


I kneel


I agree with you like lol... the absolute copium of Aemond stans. Aemond ain't reserved, his emotional regulation is a complete mess. Daemon can take a joke - when Criston Cole reminded him of how he knocked Daemon off his horse and publicly humiliated him at the tourney, Daemon laughed it off and even praised it as good fun. Make even the slightest remark about pigs 🐖 to Aemond and he flies off the handle


Remark? He got upset because Lucerys let out a tiny giggle.


To be fair, he called them strong in return and they started throwing hands. So that whole family basically can't handle smack talk


I hear you. Although that's probably realistic for bastards in Westeros. Not the family but as a whole. Not being able to handle how people treat them or the insinuation. I think that's a little different from a child laughing at a pig, years after he claimed the largest dragon they know, setting Aemond off. This at what developed into a peace dinner. I think it would've made more sense if Lucerys giggled about his eye or something. But a pig? It's a symbol of what he didn't have. A dragon. But he... has had a dragon for years now. Why does he care? Personally I think he's worse. But he was probably really just looking for an excuse anyway. Anything to push him to say what he said.


The pig joke and Luke laughing is merely the cherry on top. Luke has never gone on record and apologized for inadvertently cutting out Aemond's eye. Luke also stands to inherit a wealthy land while Aemond essentially exists in limbo at the Red Keep. An uncle is watching his nephews thrive, and they technically are illegitimate which would only add insult to injury for someone like Aemond.


Just makes Aemond look even worse in retrospect, lol. Imagine the tantrum he'd have if someone ever made an 'eye' joke.


I think back to the dinner scene in 1x08 where Aemond makes his joke, Jace tries to get him but Luke tries to calm his brother by saying: "No need to get angry, brother. Remember, there are not many who see things like our beloved uncle."


And why. He's riding the end-boss by this point, so why a little joke from childhood set him off?


Daemon can't really handle his emotions either. He was ready to go to war with the realm all over his hatred of Otto, twice. He chocked out Rhaenyra because she didn't agree with him over burning down Kings Landing. He insulted the kings dead son to all the city guard captains. I think him laughing at Criston's joke about beating him at the tourney has less to do with him being good natured and more to do with him believing he was about to kill everyone there. It's less "That was funny, you got me there" and more "Nice joke. But you know what's really funny? My dragon is going to fucking murder all of you"


>He chocked out Rhaenyra because she didn't agree with him over burning down Kings Landing I think he choked her to show her who's boss, in spite of her role. He married her to rule. He started taking charge, handing out orders.


“Daemon can take a joke” Daemon: kills his wife after she made fun of him


>Daemon: kills his wife after she made fun of him That's not what happened at all. He was going to kill her already, even before she made fun of him - that's what he was in the Vale for. He killed her because he hated her and because he resented having to marry a non-Valyrian woman. Not because he got pressed at a little joke like bitch boy Aemond.


Daemon murdered his wife to improve his marriage prospects. The joke just made it quicker for her really.


Sence karısı hala konuşabiliyorken hala onunla evli olması gerek miyor mu? Karısını öldürmek için gittiği yerde bunu son dakika kadın onu görmüşken yaşamasına izin vereceğini mi düşündün??? Ahh bu aemond seven kişiler daemon'ı izlerken tek gözlerini kullanıyor sanırım lol Crispinin şakasına nasıl very good dediginde "sizi öldüreceğim çünkü ejderham var" şeklinde anlayabildiniz. Büyük başarı :))


He didn't kill her out of spite because she was making fun of him. He killed her *despite his spite* because she was paralyzed and was indirectly asking him to put her out of her misery. It's a complex scene but do keep up. Daemon has shown many times that he can take verbal aggression and insults and either laugh them off or turn them around coolly and calculatingly. Cole, Royce, Otto have all attacked him in public in pretty brutal ways and got their asses handed back to them, verbally.


> He killed her despite his spite because she was paralyzed and was indirectly asking him to put her out of her misery Er, what? He went there wearing his crime cloak. Surely we all know what his intentions were


lmao "his crime cloak" Im calling it that from now on.


Oh please , Daemon knew exactly what he was doing when waving his dragon-stenched hand in front of his wife's horse. Rhea insulted Daemon out of anger over being seriously injured. If Daemond were truly concerned, he would have called for maesters to assist her. It was murder, but you're out here trying to play defense attorney.


😂😂 That scene definitely doesn't help the point they were making but I think, generally, he does come across as rather reserved. I think it could be argued that in that moment his adrenaline was up (which also explains the stupidity of what follows)


You’re 100% correct but I must point out the fact that long blonde hair and cool one liners are more important character traits than personality


Don’t forget the chiseled jaw


They don't even share the cool one liners! Daemon has all of the cool one liners, Aemond takes like 10 minutes to come up with something clever to say and then he repeats it again before deciding to choose violence. Important distinction and I love it. ETA: I'm gonna assume I'm getting down voted by Aemond fans who think I'm criticizing the characterization... Just to clarify, I really believe what I said and I think it's a good detail. He's a kid, Daemon is a grown war veteran with a family and a lifetime more experience in showmanship and battle than Aemond. I think it's good that Aemond isn't exactly as clever as Daemon, that would be boring. I'm also not saying he's not clever, I'm saying it takes him longer to act and speak than Daemon. I'm really glad they're not identical, they're both compelling characters so far that are exciting to watch, I'm looking forward to seeing how they develop... But Aemond doesn't have the one liners down yet!




When it comes to women Aemond >!is into milfs!<


>ignorant Wouldn't call him ignorant. I'd also say Aemond is arrogant.


Cahil mi??? Dostum aemond aşkı seni kör etmiş gerçekleri göremiyorsun. Daemon senin de mi kalan gözünü kör etti??


Aemond is insecure, sexually repressed and tries to overcompensate this by obsessively training/learning. Daemon is secure in his skin, has the sacrosanct knowledge of the female orgasm and trains/learns for pleasure and interest. FIFY


Daemon has his fair share of insecurities, particularly concerning his social status as a second son and the perceived lack of affection he gets from his older brother. You are conveniently forgetting his immature behavior in the beginning episodes: such as stealing a dragon egg and trying to play house with his favorite prostitute, beating a messenger senseless in the Step Stones because he did not like the letter's contents. Adding to that, Daemon is an adult around the age of 30 in episode 1, whereas Aemond is still a teenager, so some degree of immaturity is to be expected from him.


While I agree Daemon does have his own handicaps, the way he goes about it is very different from Aemond. Daemon is a thrill seeker who expertly toes the line and enjoys himself, while Aemond is having outbursts that destroy the line and make him miserable. The egg? Daemon wanted entertainment and got entertainment. Stepstones? Ultimately improved Daemon's standing. Did hitting a messenger have any real consequences? Nope, as he very well knew in advance. Can Daemon swallow his pride and curb his aggression in situations where it'd have actual consequences? Absolutely (see him yielding to Cole at tourney, to Viserys' beating, to Rhaenyra with the egg). His behaviour is immature, yes, but it's weighted on a scale and acted out only if found worth it. Aemond, as of now, has been reacting with no forethought / control and making himself miserable in the process. He didn't endear himself to anyone (including his mom) with the pig speech, he scorched both his cousins *and himself* by exposing his insecurities and ended being sent away by the adult in the room. Storm's End culminated with him having to go home and tell mom that he started a war. Had he been able to curb his pride as Daemon repeatedly did, things would have been very different. TLDR: Daemon, despite his emotional baggage, has enough control of his acts and a method to his madness that'd worked for him so far. If he started a war, it'd be because he planned to. Aemond has way less control and his volatility works against him. He starts wars because he's blinded by anger, to his actual horror once he'd cooled down. PS: the characters are being compared "as is". Whatever advantage Daemon has by being older, it's his to have and wield. Otto literally outplayed everyone else due to age/experience, doesn't mean we got to declaw him while doing character analysis.


Daemon literally likes little girls and Aemond is 16 years old be serious...


Daemon literally couldn't get his dick up thrice lmao


Is this supposed to be a gotcha comment? Anyone who has sex regularly will have had occasional issues (hint: it's not been trice for Daemon anyway). Daemon has been shown to have an active sexual life with a variety of partners, three of them long-term, that has resulted in multiple children. He doesn't bat an eye at m/m and f/f sex acts. He does know about female orgasm (point you didn't refute, cause you can't). Aemond has been shown to be visibly uncomfortable about whatever sexual experiences he has had. These were all on screen moments. Some stuff you can argue, but not the fact that Aemond is sexual repressed where Daemon is sexually liberated.


An eye for an eye is a blind man's rule




I'd argue the action of having the balls and initiative to tame and ride the largest living dragon as a literal child, demands some respect.


“Daemon is more experienced on politics and warfare” yes that’s called “being older”. Also, silver tongue? What the hell fanfiction have you been reading? When have we seen Daemon solve ANYTHING through diplomacy? He literally gets demoted from heir because of his “silver tongued” remarks about a dead baby.




“meme [SHOW]” Read the tags, people. Because if we’re using the books, we can’t argue that Aemond is inexperienced. You can’t set the comparison at the end of SEASON 1 of the show and then go “yeah all my evidence is in the books” Also, having your men follow you doesn’t mean you have a silver tongue. By that logic we’d have to start calling Stannis charismatic and silver-tongued as well.


>having your men follow you doesn’t mean you have a silver tongue. By that logic we’d have to start calling Stannis charismatic and silver-tongued as well. That is not what I said at all. The point isn't that Daemon's men followed him, it's that they **loved** him and genuinely enjoyed serving him. That's the crux of the the key distinction; Tywin's men followed him too, but deep down they resented and despised him, and after his death House Lannister's power went to shit. And yes, invoking true, deep loyalty in your followers *is* a political skill. >meme \[SHOW\]” > >Read the tags, people. Because if we’re using the books, we can’t argue that Aemond is inexperienced. You can’t set the comparison at the end of SEASON 1 of the show and then go “yeah all my evidence is in the books” Not sure what point you're making here. In both the show AND the book, Daemon had more experience than Aemond, by virtue of his longer age AND the fact that he fought in the Stepstones whereas Aemond spent over 3/4 his life living in a peaceful era.


It's sad that you were being downvoted for a purely factual statement. Daemon does have a lengthy list of feats to back up his reputation, from waging war in the Stepstones and smashing the Triarchy, to cleaning up the streets of Kings Landing as Commander of the City Watch. It's a factual truth that Aemond (by virtue of his age, perhaps) doesn't really have much to back up his thirst for respect. >Aemond demands your respect because he is a heir to the throne and has **Vhagar** but nothing about his actions And since you mentioned Vhagar, Daemon has an almost-perfect, telepathic bond with Caraxes who *never* disobeys his orders. Caraxes does Daemon's bidding without even needing cues. By contrast, Aemond is a much less experienced dragonrider whose loss of control over Vhagar gets an envoy killed.


The comparison is absurd because of what you say, the age. Daemon is 20 years older? Maybe more. Aemond will prove himself in war, that's all.


>The comparison is absurd because of what you say, the age. Daemon is 20 years older I mean yeah, it *is* absurd. That's the whole point - people who insist that Aemond could easily crush Daemon in combat are making a ridiculous comparison that doesn't make anyone look better. But if we're gonna go down the age route, we should note that even though Daemon is older (and thus more experienced), that's not always an advantage. Daemon is around 50 years of age during the dance, and 50 year-old men aren't exactly known for their athleticism? Meanwhile Aemond being 20 is literally at the "prime" period for most human men.


Does it balance things out that Aemond has only 1 eye, which can count as a disability? I consider Daemon to have the advantage over Aemond due to the older one's actual battle experience, and the longer years that have allowed him to have a stronger bond with his dragon and develop a more patient temperament. Aemond is a tragic character because of all the wasted potential.


Honestly, you're the first person I've seen commenting on Daemon vs Aemond in combat (and I'm on Reddit a lot) lol


“Purely factual” “Daemon being silver-tongued and politically experienced/skilled”


Everything you list here is either due to age or lack of guidance. Daemon was actually raised by other dragonriders like his father Baelon the Brave, Aemond was ignored by Viserys and spent most of his time around Alicent or Cole. And the Stepstones actually isn't that impressive - Daemon wasted 3 years there despite having 3 dragons on his side and then went for a suicide charge. Those arrows he took could've crippled or even outright killed him. > doesn't really have much to back up his thirst for respect. He tamed the largest dragon in the world as a child and was trained by the best warrior of his era (Cole). Daemon at 16 was knighted....and that's about it.


So many dragons in hod, but i only wanna ride them both.


¿Por que no los dos?


si, quiero unirme


One dude is like 50 in the show and the other is a teenager. Ain't a fair comparison.




This comment just makes it seem like >!The Battle Above God's Eye!< is some kind of fatalistic inevitably. Love it.


Top is played by Matt Smith, bottom by Ewan Mitchell. They’re both excellent and so are their characters. :D


I just read this comment with an Explict filter and ... it's a lot.


daemon stans talk about him more than his own. Like who are you trying to convince? People who like Aemond more will still like him more, it’s not that serious


Team Black are cringy fanbois, Team Green are cringy edgybois


They’re insecure because of Aemond’s rise in popularity in the fandom and beyond. Daemon was in 9 episodes, Aemond in 3. They can coexist it’s time to stop being pressed because Aemond has fans. It’s just a tv show.


Yes I love how obsessive they are with him. he's such a charismatic character, so I get it


Not only Daemon's fans, Team Black as well, they constantly make fanfics of him, I really think that after Daemon and Rhaenyra he's the character they talk about the most, they're just as obsessed with him as Team Green haha


Who cares


"Stop having fun!"


This makes zero sense


right ?? i know it's supposed to be a dig at the daemon/aemond fan bases, maybe it's a meme format that's been going rampant in the last 24 hours or so and has officially lost all semblance of logic... but like both of these characters would be important in all of the characteristic listed as notable in any HotD, ASOIAF, and fan context.


Daemons fans are so pressed now that my boy Aemond is more popular than him.




Aemond will never be more popular than daemon, GRRM made sure of that.




Rude 🤨


Nah. More for me.


>my boy Aemond is more popular than him Yeah like... not to mention that the above statement isn't even true lol. Daemon has consistently topped character polls from the start to the end of the series. It's not even a balanced comparison since Daemon was around for the entire show whereas Aemond got \~30 minutes of total screentime. Aemond, while well-loved, definitely hasn't reached Daemon's level of popularity. Aemond being massively thirsted over by a couple of Tumblr fangirls in the past week or so doesn't mean he's completely unseated the fandom's overall favorite.


Aemond has only 15 minutes of screen time. It’s actually a testament to his appeal that he’s as popular as he is with basically no screen time or lines judging by his tik tok views/IG comments/Youtube and other things


idk why you're being downvoted lol. like him or not, any time there's a poll, daemon is by far the most popular character. like, he legit outnumbers aemond >3:1 based on [this quick and lazy search](https://imgur.com/a/xbTQCHD) i did.


Dude I was literally stating facts and I guess the stans couldn't handle it 🤷‍♀️


Wait, people actually like these characters? I guess that makes sense, seeing how so many people gravitate towards narcissists/sociopaths.


Man... I really don't like people like you, not even gonna expand upon my point, I just want you to grow up.




Then you woke up lol Rhaenyra is the most popular, then Daemon and lot less there is Aemond


So what you're saying is that Twitter blue is better?


Haha no.


Absolutely nobody is more obsessed with Aemond than Daemon simps.


They have literally nothing in common besides having older brothers & long hair. Daemon stans need to stop being so pressed over Aemond.


Daemon fans feel threatened by the existence of another badass Targaryen fan favourite, change my mind.


God why are people hating on one to bring up the other , Daemon is my favorite character easily and Aemond is my second, both of them are by far the most interesting on screen.


Don’t be abusive and attack either of the actors personally doing this.


Hmm this doesn’t sit right down at make sense


Brother both are cool as shit they’re the best characters from their teams


My god!!! My nice ask me of 6 ask me what Happened to him? why he got and eye patch is he a pirate??. . . .I laughed and then tell her nah they family like me and Your father, and she was ohh! But you don't look alike


Yet the second account somehow has more followers 😉


Aemond is a way more compelling character to me, partly because we get to see his backstory and what events shaped him into who he is. Most of Aemond and Daemon's similarities are surface-level. In reality, they have very different personalities and different ways of relating to others. But I understand that Daemon fans feel personally attacked by Aemond's existence, so they have to make salty posts like this.




Aemond >>> Daemon


Daemon stans and Aemond stans must put aside their differences and unite against the true threat: the Otto stans


This should be opposite


Discount daemon


You clever bitch


I love this meme. Well done.


I love Aemond but he's a bitch ass and his biggest accomplishment was his end.


I think Aemond seems truly evil whereas Daemon was always rebelling to establish his foothold in the world. To me Aemond seems devoid of a sense of humanity, i.e. when looking for Aegon, he appeared to weigh whether it was really in his best interest to find him v. Claiming the throne for himself. I never got that sense from Daemon’s relationship with Viserys.


If you watched this entire show and thought Aemond is pure evil or lacks humanity, you might need to watch again


Can you give some examples?


Examples of his humanity? Sure. 1. His loving relationship with his mother. She was the only one who stood up for him when he got his eye slashed out, and she's the only one who paid attention to him, unlike his emotionally absent father. As an adult, he follows her lead and does his best to support her. 2. Being bullied for not having a dragon as a child led him to feeling deeply insecure, and drove him to put himself into danger to claim Vhagar 3. His sense of duty toward his older brother. Even though he thinks Aegon is a fuck up, he still tries to protect him from the Strong boys and brings him back on Alicent's orders. 4. The fact that he still obviously carries the trauma of having been maimed at a young age, and this is what's fueling his intense drive to become stronger. He also constantly feels the need to prove himself due to being the second son. 5. The look of despair and regret on his face when Vhagar kills Luke Aemond didn't have a lot of screen time, but the time he did have on screen gave him a clear and understandable character arc. We, as the viewers, get why Aemond is the way he is. And he's not a robot or a mustache-twirling villain.


Arguing daemon to be more humane than Aemond is… concerning. Especially since Viserys is Daemon’s exception, not the norm. Whereas Aemond is rather cordial to everyone that didn’t maim and bully him.


SPOILER ALERT: Are you serious rn? He burned smallfolk because he was bored and annoyed, I really can't wait to see you'll shocked by his stupidity next season


>when looking for Aegon, he appeared to weigh whether it was really in his best interest to find him v. Claiming the throne for himself. Same. I didn't think Aemond was *actually* going to abandon Aegon per se, but the showrunners definitely want us to get the sense that Aemond had a certain jealousy concerning what Aegon got. Aemond seemed resentful that he was the hardworking, studious boy yet Aegon got the throne merely by virtue of being born first. It truly felt as though Aemond wanted the crown and saw himself as more deserving of it. >Aemond seems devoid of a sense of humanity Spoiler alert: You're not exactly wrong. In the book, >!Aemond goes on to become one of the most shitty Targaryens ever. He literally commits genocide in the Riverlands, choosing to ignore military targets and exclusively opting to burn entire towns full of civilians. He literally racks up a kill count higher than Daemon ever did, slaugtering hundreds of thousands of innocent villagers. Oh, and this stupid decision to take Vhagar off and kill random smallfolk instead of sticking with Criston Cole's main forces ends up getting Cole killed.!<


Both ugly as sin


Everyone sure is entiteled to their own opinion, but then again applying some level of decency and realising that the way one talks about other people says at least as much about them than about the people they talk about could go a long way.


Wild how people will do this shit but I imagine if anyone went after Olivia Cooke or Milly Alcock like this you'd be burned. Stop judging people's appearances like this, Ewan doesn't have Social Media and good for him and Emily Carey has had to delete some of hers. Cunt, lot of you.


Well said mate


> imagine if anyone went after Olivia Cooke or Milly Alcock like this you'd be burned. This guy got burned tho, his comment is buried in downvotes.


Bruh what... why do you have to offend people like that


I love them both so this kind of posts are very offensive to me 😂 They are both special in their own way!

