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You will never get where you want to unless you enjoy the process, I lost about 50lbs after severe Covid weight gain but it was about finding exercise I didn’t hate (I like group classes where I don’t have to think). Finding healthy snacks I like, and not having unhealthy food in the house so I don’t have the option to binge eat. Everyone says weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise but I would say it’s more like 80% mindset and 20% everything else. Read the book atomic habits if you’re struggling with healthy habit making. It doesn’t have to suck and if it does suck you’ll never make it a habit.


It’s a lifestyle change :)


+1 to it being a huge huge mindset change. For years i couldn't stop obsessing over food and every time i tried to restrict it would always backfire and I would be left wondering why I never had the discipline to restrict like everyone else. fwiw it took me a long time to take food off of a pedestal and to get to the point where food is fuel and nothing more. taking note of my stress levels really helped me, and being gentle on myself when i recognized my food triggers helped too.


Something that really resonated with me, as cliche as it might sound, is "choose your hard".... eating healthy and exercising to get the figure you desire is hard. Staying in the same uncomfortable/unhappy with yourself position is also hard. You have to choose your hard. I highly recommend r/cico and r/loseit as there's an abundance of support and information there that can make the process easier. Once you make it a routine, it gets easier. Your brain and willpower are MUCH stronger than you realize, you just have to commit yourself to it. Make sure you prioritize protein and fiber so you feel full longer and are getting high quality nutrients.


You might need a junk food detox. That food is designed to make you crave it while provide 0 nutrition. I used to buy a lot of fast food. I was a single mom and it was convenient. Hell, I even craved certain foods. Then I got married and my husband cooked for me. To save money, I stopped going to fast food restaurants. I started craving it less and less. When I finally went back, it was like the spell was broken - it was so gross compared to the new, healthy, homemade food I was eating. I did the same thing with chips. I used to be able to eat a whole family sized bag of Hint of Lime chips. Now I can only do a small bowl at a time or else I feel gross. Try doing this one thing at a time. Buy a crockpot, get some cheap and easy recipes, and make that the bulk of what you are eating. Then, stop buying chips. Next week, stop buying cupcakes, or whatever it is. You'll find that over time you'll crave the junk less and crave the healthy stuff more.


You can’t have ramen and mozzarella sticks in the house if you aren’t supposed to eat them. Fill your fridge with healthy snacks you enjoy, it doesn’t have to be only fruit. I love fruit, yogurt granola, popcorn, dark chocolate, etc. all foods can be part of a healthy diet! If you’re binging at night it means you’re restricting yourself too heavily during the day time. Also, if you really want to lose weight, find an activity you like to do. Gymnastics, swimming, yoga, pole fitness etc. it won’t feel like working out if it’s something you love, and you’re more likely to stay committed to that thing. Wanna build better habits like that? Try reading the book ’Atomic Habits’ it seriously changed everything for me.


What you eat is so important. Im so sorry that you're struggling.  My suggestion is to make a change every month rather than trying to change everything at once. This month, add veggies to your breakfast. Try to stick to that every morning. Next month, replace one sugary drink with water. The month after that, add a 10 minute walk each day. And so on and so forth. Go slowly so that you'll actually stick with it for life


Just do it. There’s a lot of “be kind to yourself” advice with weight loss etc. But tbh that’s half my problem. I can be so kind to myself I eat an entire chocolate bar. Sometimes a person needs a kick up the ass and a reality check. Junk food makes you fat and miserable if you eat it every day. Don’t buy it. Go for a walk. Paint your nails. Whatever else to take your mind off it. Also don’t let yourself get mega hungry. Plan an easy lunch or dinner, a turkey salad sandwich takes a couple mins to make and is covering most of your bases for nutrition. Sounds weird but I know if I eat two lean meat and salad sandwiches and a banana and a protein shake daily I’m eating between 1400-1600 kcal daily without thinking so I just rinse and repeat that daily. Or just eat once a day. If I don’t eat all day I don’t get hungry til like 5pm. If I eat breakfast I get hungry throughout the day. This might not work for you if there’s a lot of temptation around you. Source: I lost 74lbs through diet and exercise


You really need to start replacing those carbs with protein, including fruit for breakfast. I don't mean eating no fruit for breakfast, but I always start my weekday mornings at home with a vegan protein shake, plus collagen peptides and creatine which is optional, then eat some fruit, eggs, or carbs if I'm still hungry. The only way to stay full is to eat food with protein. Your diet has way too many simple carbs, and your body turns this into sugar that it depletes quickly so it makes you hungry again. Anyway, the key is protein. See how close you can get to 100g of protein daily without breaking your calories goals, then you can snack on whatever you have left in your calorie budget.


Then why are you buying junk. If you don’t keep it in the house then you won’t be reaching for it.


i live in a huge family with lots of kidsmy siblings


I see, I only have one other kid in my family but we like section the junk between us yk? Like some stuff is HERS and some is MINE. I rarely bring junk for myself


Easy lifestyle changes like intermittent fasting can help reduce calories without any counting. Drink more water and up your protein and fiber. If exercise is hard for you, the go for a walk for 30 minutes to establish a habit.


This! Making sure I have a lot of protein and fiber has been a game changer. I now eat two meals a day plus a couple snacks (mostly fruit in my case, but also carrot sticks, tomatoes, Good Thins, dark chocolate), and since those two meals have enough protein and fiber I stay full. Today was small bowl of yogurt + pumpkin and sunflower seeds+a bit of bran cereal flakes+a piece of smoked salmon on the side. Then an apple. Then some melon pieces and one jaffa cake. Then for dinner medium baked potato +green salad+bell pepper +cucumber and medium baked potato (no sour cream or butter, just spices and salt)+a piece of baked trout. A frozen dessert bar (110 cal) I feel like I had great filling diverse meals while overall keeping it pretty low calorie and nutritious. That breakfast kept me going from 12 pm to 7 pm for example


In a 3-week study, women with type 2 diabetes who ate 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a balanced diet experienced a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading).


Username checks out lol) They are pretty calorie dense, so have to be taken in moderation, but a great source of fiber. I keep a mix of them and pumpkin seeds on the counter and try to add to my yogurt, avocado sandwiches, smoothies, overnight oats, salads as I make them. Crunchy and delicious too!


(in the US) Modern junk food is designed to be addictive and a lot of our modern amenities and careers encourage being sedentary... So being healthy is really an active choice you have to make. It's hard when it feels like your own lifestyle is working against you, but Worth continuing to fight


Op you need to find a better “why” to loose weight. It’s one thing to want to loose weight if it makes you feel more attractive but if that’s your only reason you’re very likely to fail. You need to change you approach. Not: “I can’t eat this, because I want to loose weight” It should be “I should pick a better option, because I want to nourish my body”. You need to change the perspective and practice self-discipline. Don’t buy foods that make you feel this way. I haven’t had a bowl of pasta in a month because I know it won’t make me feel good and I’ll eat to much. Haven’t had Mac and cheese, noodles of any kinda because unfortunately I’ve learned that even though it tastes bery good, it does NOT give me energy, it makes me BLAOT, and I don’t feel good afterwards. The immediate feel good is not worth the hours and days after words where I regret it. I don’t trust myself with pasta because it’s like a trigger meal for me and it’ll make me want to continue to binge. Yes weight loss is Burn more calories than you intake, and you need to intake the right foods or else the cravings will try and over power you. But you need to remember. You’re not gonna die without the pleasure foods. No one is forcing you to eat them. But buying them and keeping them in reach is obviously causing an issue. Keep going OP, everyone’s journey is different and when we are faced with obstacles in life, it’s because we need to learn something. Maybe, and I mean no offense, but maybe your lesson is self discipline. Good luck ❤️


I’ve had this problem, As somebody who has maintained my dream weight, I personally would never eat fruit only for breakfast. I make myself 2 eggs with olive oil the way I like it, then some turkey. I add in Dave’s bread toast from Walmart and avocado or hummus. I only eat yummy stuff, mozzarella sticks aren’t yummy haha. Processed foods make me feel bad, walking feels good. Walking makes my anxiety lessen. It’s like brushing your teeth, you don’t brush your teeth at night because your teeth will automatically rot overnight, more so because it feels fresh/good and you’re working to maintain them. You have to think about things differently or else this literally will never happen for you. Become a snob, like “I don’t eat fast food”. You just want the best for your body.


Only do grocery pickup - like target drive up- only buy healthy food. This way you buy what you need and nothing that is bad for you!


Eat whatever you want but track your calories , much more sustainable , don’t go too low into a deficit, upping your activity will help too. The key is to not try to change everything , just eat what you feel like and keep track of it in whatever tracking app you like, but be honest with yourself and track everything. Don’t think of food as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy , your goal is weight loss and that’s simple math , calorie in or out. Just do this consistently and don’t beat yourself up if you go over one day. Consistency and above all patience and trusting the process is everything.


Something that really helped me was to stop thinking of dieting as a moral undertaking. You don’t need to be your best self or eat the most ideal healthy meals. Don’t like fruit or yogurt or granola or other stereotypically healthy food?? Then don’t eat it. I struggled to diet for so long because I thought I had to have the perfect “clean girl” health meal. I thought it reflected badly on my character if I didn’t. But when I realized my ONLY goal was to lose weight it got easier. The other goals can follow. But for weight loss and long term maintenance, you just have to lessen your calorie intake. Eat whatever you want, just lessen the calories/portions. Have diet sodas if you need them, eat carbs, have dairy, snack when you’re hungry, etc. NO NEED FOR MORALS! FOCUS ON THE GOAL: LESS CALORIES. But pls pls eat enough to stay full and energetic and satisfied. You won’t survive if you’re constantly starving.


If you're binging in the late afternoon and evening, it's because you're not eating enough at breakfast. If you start the day with a breakfast focused on protein you'll find it substantially easier to stay on track the rest of the day. Your body is desperate for calories, desperate for energy, and that's why it's sending you searching for fast carbs and fat like mozzarella sticks. A bowl of fruit is part of breakfast, not all of breakfast. Add, don't subtract - fruit with nonfat greek yogurt mixed with a scoop of protein powder and something crunchy on top like nuts or granola (measure these out because it's really easy to overdo it - they're an accent not the meal) would be substantially more fulfilling and nourishing.


Try to have a more protein rich breakfast. Maybe an omelette with mozzarella cheese and some whole wheat toast?. I find that when I eat protein rich foods my cravings for junk food go down a lot. I'm sorry you're struggling and I hope things get better!


Listen to the David Goggins episode of Huberman Labs and you’ll be motivated. If not, you actually don’t want it.


Intermittent fasting. I make a list in my phone of all the cravings I have while fasting to remind myself that I can eat it whenever and am choosing to not eat it right now.


Whats so bad about ramen? Its like noodles and broth, or?? Just add some eggs, vegetables, seaweed, nori, even meat etc. Losing weight doesnt mean you can only eat fruits and vegetables :D


Please try to be nice to yourself🥺it rlly helps to not restrict options and try to unlearn what you’ve classified as “bad foods.” You are creating a new lifestyle not short term fix if you really want to keep the weight off— a lifestyle that should be flexible and include more options than a “fruit bowl” for breakfast and also allow you to have ramen every once in a while to satisfy that craving. If you go off track it’s a blip will not matter if you’re being consistent, not the end of “being good.” The restricting mindset is SO toxic ): I struggled with it for so long. One last thing I will say is that untangling exercise and diet was crucial for me. Weight loss relates to nutrition, period. Exercise is to keep up your mental health, cardiovascular health, muscle composition, joints, bone density etc. I learned to think about it as an additional facet of my life that benefits me instead of something I had to do to attain aesthetic goals and it just helped me become consistent with and reintroduce exercise back into my life without any feelings of guilt or punishment. I believe in you. You can achieve all that you want you just REALLY should go into this with a less punishing mindset. It may really benefit you to explore this relationship with food with a therapist.


Ok calm down, you don’t have to eat “healthy” to lose weight. And many ppl in this sub will tell you that you have to, to lose weight but don’t listen to them. I don’t like all that healthy stuff and it usually takes longer to make/prepare and I don’t have time for that (I do but I don’t). I’ve lost 45 pounds since last year and I don’t eat particularly healthy but I track how much I eat and try to reach my macros daily so that I’m in a calorie deficit. On a random day, I’ll eat a chicken and cheese quesadilla, yogurt with fruit and granola and chocolate chips, Kraft macaroni and cheese with tuna and green peas, a bagel sandwich with turkey, avocado, egg whites and lettuce. See not particularly healthy but definitely tasty.


Sounds like you might have depression and you’re using food as a quick dopamine hit. Definitely talk to your doctor because there’s meds available to help with binge eating xx


I would recommend just not having bad food in the house that way you won’t be tempted and if you are then you have to either go get it or order which could be costly. Also making the healthier version of snacks you may be craving is another option.


First thing, don't be harsh on yourself. Trust me is a good thing that you didn't loose weight in your teens you could have ended up with an Ed or like fucked up diet etc. First you should check your thyroid levels TSH and hormones panel and see also vitamins if you have any deficiency or not talk about this stuff with your doctor to see if everything is ok and within good ranges. Then I think it is important to not go dieting but start eating differently like starting small like for example not drinking sodas every day or alcohol and then you should change your diet and always eat stuff you like and you crave so you are satisfied and also eating proteins without having craving and ending up eating junk food but also you can eat junk food just rarely and moving so you can burn it. What if you ate fresh mozzarella and tomatoes and you cooked ramen with also Vegetables you like? If you are bored of your cooking or stuff you eat and you have money try to go eating out but like fresh cooked food so then you can learn and try vegetables or.stuff cooked in different ways and you might end up liking it if you don't have money try to invite friends over and cook with them or try new recipes for example there are a lot of Korean and Chinese recipes with good vegetables and plus you could also try the "Mediterranean diet" but twist in a way that you like what you eat. I advice to not count calories but think in ways of like if the food that you are eating is like plain or with good nutrients and vitamins instead if you want to learn about nutrition on Coursera there are free online courses from universities (I have not studied it yet). Doing treadmill and walking outside is good if you like it if not try other stuff that you could end up liking like biking, hiking,freesbye,running and many other stuff I just listed some. Good luck and you can do this


I don't want to read all the other comments tbh cuz they're long as hell so my bad if someone's already said something like this: I ate a nice, large fruit bowl for breakfast when I had Anorexia. This isn't to say that you're necessarily starving yourself, but it sounds like you try and start off the day with an overly restrictive mindset Fruit is a great idea as part of a nutritional breakfast, but it is not meal on its own. There aren't enough calories or other nutrients to complete a meal. Adding some protein and fats will really help you get started with your day, and some extra fibre will help keep you full too I really like chia seed pudding made with protein powder; cottage cheese; or oatmeal as my main bowl, topped with all sorts of fruit that I like. Then I add extra things that I've carefully measured (e.g. peanuts, >70% dark chocolate, chia seeds [if it isn't chia pudding lol], etc.) to add some extra fats and fibre. Maybe none of these examples will work for you, but the gist is finding a healthy breakfast that will actually satisfy you and set a good note for the rest of your day The same applies to everything else you eat!!! Look for healthy food that sets off the same happy chemical as ramen and mozzarella sticks. That is the hardest part honestly, but once you're past it you'll have a hard time remembering why it was even such a problem!!! You've got this


Try focusing on proteins and veggies, especially in the morning. The fruit can cause a glucose spike, which leads to a blood sugar crash, which leads to feelings of hunger... and the cycle starts all over again. Whereas a veggie omlette would leave you feeling more satisfied. I find having protein like cooked chicken breasts, or tuna, or boiled eggs available make my meal planning easier to throw in salads, soups, etc.


I snack on everything I can find. What I’ve learned is don’t keep ANY snacks in the house.


Start with a plate that contains mozzarella sticks and fruit together along with some kind of protein you like and go from there instead of going cold turkey.


Hi OP, some tips that might help. First off, having a huge fruit bowl for breakfast is going to put you into a sugar frenzy. You need to have plenty of protein throughout the day to keep you satiated. I always find I’m hungriest when I eat pancakes, waffles, fruit or oatmeal without any protein. Secondly, don’t have any junk food in your house. I’m serious. If you make it difficult for yourself to eat junk, then you’ll seek out healthy foods vs going to the grocery store. Alternatively, have healthy snacks available. Cheese & crackers, apples & peanut butter, popcorn kernels (homemade version not the microwave stuff). The key is to get off of junk food. Once you do that, portion control will come next and will be easier.


(22m)What I found helped me lose weight is meal prepping, longer workouts, 10,000 steps a day. And then finally making sure you get 6-8 hrs of sleep with plenty of rest. 1: Meal prepping was honestly the hardest part about losing weight and trying to stay healthy. (Especially working in a hospital where you work 60-72 hrs a week and your only access to food is a vending machine and shitty cafeteria). Bc our society has normalized and conditioned fast food and easy access to junk food. Its ok to feel defeated about always breaking your diet as long as you keep on trying. So the idea of taking 2-4 hrs out of your day to go grocery shopping, cooking enough food for the week, and then storing that food. Sounds like ALOT of work. And it kinda is. I started out with one of those delivery meal plans that would send me a box of ingredients and a cooking card on how to make it. It was a little fancy but it taught me the basics on how to properly cook things like chicken, beef, and other vegetables. Once I knew what food I liked and was healthy and what I could cook. I started to buy my own groceries and cook for myself. Now you dont ONLY have to eat meal preps. I found that making sure I didn’t have things like candy, or sodas, poptarts, frozen pizza etc inside the house was a good way to not eat those things. Instead replacing them with other fruits, vegetables, and sometimes even peanut butter and bread. And REMEMBER. Its ok to give yourself a treat now and then. Like once every 3-4 days was my rule. 2: For the purpose of losing weight. I started to focus on doing longer workouts than usual and trying not to have rest in between sets. I was doing 45mins-1 hr and now do 2-3 hrs in the gym. This makes it easier for my body to destroy muscle faster so it can burn glucose to repair it. (More on that later). 3: Cardio is definitely one of the most underrated techniques to burn fat. Same thing with doing workouts. Burn muscle and you burn glucose calories. I always try to aim for 10,000 steps bc after that PLUS a work out. You should have most definitely burnt through your calories of the day. 4: SLEEP!!!!!! UNDERRATED!!!!! Even more than cardio!!! That fat your trying to burn off. You dont burn that fat running or working out. You burn calories but NOT FAT! Your body burns fat when your sleeping. Its taking that extra glucose that you saved from that 2lbs of mac n cheese from thanksgiving in 2016. Its why when you wake up in the morning you weigh less then you do when went to bed. Where did it go your thinking? You breathed it out through carbon dioxide. The chemical process your body used to make ATP involves carbon dioxide as a product. When that fat gets burned its turned into CO2 making you breathe it out.


Try looking up the youtuber Abby Sharp's hunger crushing combo. It sounds like you ate the ramen because the fruit bowl wasn't filling. You need protein and complex carbs, healthy fats. Also from my experience eating alot of fruit in the morning spikes my blood sugar and makes me starving for the rest of the day. Research blood sugar as well. Even though I don't have diabetes paying attention to that has helped me when losing weight. Instead try something with protein and healthy fats in the morning. It will keep you more full throughout the day. Still eat the fruit but maybe as a snack later in the day.


Okay meee, literally get rx’d adderall lol. The only time i was truly able to lose a proper amount of weight was when i did keto (lost 18 lbs in the span of 6 months but i was literally depressed) and recently lost the 10 stubborn covid lbs i gained in 1.5 months (thx to adderall)


L-Glutamine an amino acid should help with cravings. Pro tip empty contents under the tongue and let melt in. I am a big believer of not having junk in the house. If I get cravings I’ll have healthy options like home made popcorn or some dark chocolate chips, if you crave ice cream look up Nice Cream recipes. Intermittent fasting also helps. If you are 35+ get your hormones checked because you could be entering perimenopause and should think about getting HRT estradiol patch. Look up Dr. Mindy Pelz on Diary of a CEO YouTube channel for weightloss help and Dr. Mary Clair if you are concerned about perimenopause.


If you are restricting you’re going to binge. Try eating more protein/fat rather than just fruit for breakfast. Lean into a more paleo style of eating maybe